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Planting Fruit Trees In Khon Kaen


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Hi, I am trying to find some lemon trees, so I can plant in Khon kaen area. I am refering to the proper yellow lemons and not the little green Thai ones. Can anyone, please help me, as to where can I buy these trees, from and also if you would know, if I bring them from England, will they grow in Thailand (isaan)? Thank you very much. Costas

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Hi, I am trying to find some lemon trees, so I can plant in Khon kaen area. I am refering to the proper yellow lemons and not the little green Thai ones. Can anyone, please help me, as to where can I buy these trees, from and also if you would know, if I bring them from England, will they grow in Thailand (isaan)? Thank you very much. Costas

I never saw this kind of lemons around here.

I tried the green lemons in my garden and they are difficult: insect larval eat their leaves. They are not dying - but they never have any fruits because they are always fight to survive the insect larval attacks.

Before, I tried several flowers from Europe here. I imported seeds: they started well and then died without any visible reason. Never had any success with seeds from Switzerland.

Last August I brought 'Rosmarin' a spice from south EU as a little plant in a small pot from Switzerland. It grows now well here in Isaan. I enjoy its taste with sauces. Wonder how it will do in the hot season.

All I can suggest is: try it!



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Try this link to another TV thread on lemons.

Particular point to note. ??

I would expect pests and disease to be the greatest problem - so close care would be advised, not plant all in the same place on your plot of land and maybe try planting out/sowing the seeds at different times of the year. Best to avoid exposing a young plant to either a very harsh hot season or a heavy raining season.

Further reading. HTH

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Thedi, thank you very much, Yes, I had similar problems with seeds from England, but even with seeds I bought from tesco khon Kaen. either they don't grow or they are eaten after 2 or 3 days after they come up.

Cuban, real help. many thanks. I couldn't imagine there is a topic on yellow lemons on TV!

Wish you all the best. Costas

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Hi, I am trying to find some lemon trees, so I can plant in Khon kaen area. I am refering to the proper yellow lemons and not the little green Thai ones. Can anyone, please help me, as to where can I buy these trees, from and also if you would know, if I bring them from England, will they grow in Thailand (isaan)? Thank you very much. Costas


I'm sorry I can't tell you where you can buy them but I do know they will grow in Thailand. My mother in law who lives near Mae Sai had some on her farm that she got years ago through some government promotion. The lemons were big and yellow, in fact they were bigger then the ones that I buy in the states, unfortunately they never caught on with the local folks who prefer the small green lime. So the orchard was turned into a pasture for wild boar which destryed all the lemon trees. Just keep checking around and you should be able to find a source, or bring some seeds the next time you go home. Good luck

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That sucks that they weren't popular. I totally would buy them as they are hard to find in Pattaya.

I want to use them for making lemonade, drinking hefeweizen, chocolate cake shots, etc. I don't really like the small green ones. Are those actually limes or are they just a small green variant of lemons?


Hi, I am trying to find some lemon trees, so I can plant in Khon kaen area. I am refering to the proper yellow lemons and not the little green Thai ones. Can anyone, please help me, as to where can I buy these trees, from and also if you would know, if I bring them from England, will they grow in Thailand (isaan)? Thank you very much. Costas


I'm sorry I can't tell you where you can buy them but I do know they will grow in Thailand. My mother in law who lives near Mae Sai had some on her farm that she got years ago through some government promotion. The lemons were big and yellow, in fact they were bigger then the ones that I buy in the states, unfortunately they never caught on with the local folks who prefer the small green lime. So the orchard was turned into a pasture for wild boar which destryed all the lemon trees. Just keep checking around and you should be able to find a source, or bring some seeds the next time you go home. Good luck

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Since you guys talking about growing lemmons here in Thailand what are the chanches of an orange tree to survive over here( not the thai style mandarins I am talking about navel oranges.)

I did bring one small plant over from Australia ( 3 weeks in a container with not much light or water )

But it survived the trip and I nursed it back with some fertiliser I brought over also. Now it is nearly

1m give or take a few cm. But will it ever bear any fruits? I know it will take some years 4-5.

Has anybody over here ever grown them because I never see them in the markets apart from

the imported ones in the supermarkets.

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That sucks that they weren't popular. I totally would buy them as they are hard to find in Pattaya.

I want to use them for making lemonade, drinking hefeweizen, chocolate cake shots, etc. I don't really like the small green ones. Are those actually limes or are they just a small green variant of lemons?


Hi Jeff

I'm quite sure that they are limes, they taste like limes to me, and they are great with tequila.


Hi, I am trying to find some lemon trees, so I can plant in Khon kaen area. I am refering to the proper yellow lemons and not the little green Thai ones. Can anyone, please help me, as to where can I buy these trees, from and also if you would know, if I bring them from England, will they grow in Thailand (isaan)? Thank you very much. Costas


I'm sorry I can't tell you where you can buy them but I do know they will grow in Thailand. My mother in law who lives near Mae Sai had some on her farm that she got years ago through some government promotion. The lemons were big and yellow, in fact they were bigger then the ones that I buy in the states, unfortunately they never caught on with the local folks who prefer the small green lime. So the orchard was turned into a pasture for wild boar which destryed all the lemon trees. Just keep checking around and you should be able to find a source, or bring some seeds the next time you go home. Good luck

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