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How Much A Day Would You Spend For 20 More Years


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There is an interesting medical ethics issue coming fast down the pike, most probably.

Research is showing that very high doses of red wine skin resveratrol may have promise of giving us humans 20 years longer to live of healthy life. This may be revolutionary for those who can afford it. But the effective doses needed will likely be equal to 1000 glasses of wine per day. Now grapes in their raw state aren't that expensive in grape growing regions but how many grapes will they need to harvest to make a pill with 1000 glasses of the active ingredient. A lot. So assuming we get to the point that the pill is shown beneficial, this is going to be an expensive pill. There is no way most national health care systems or private insurance companies are going to PAY for this pill for everybody. It is not a cure of any disease.

So assuming this pill gets to market while you personally still desire 20 more years, how much would you be willing to pay per day for such a pill? Lets say is costs 500 baht. Most people in Thailand could not afford 500 baht a day for such a pill.

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LOL just admit it is not Thailand related instead of making some nonsense justification.

Check the topic titles in this section, Mr. Pesky and tell me if you don't see other topics that are just about health in general. They are clearly allowable in the health section. Unless you are mod, this is none of your business.

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500 baht a day would be a real burden for me. It is interesting from a medical ethics point of view. For example, in my case if I had a serious disease and was told you must pay 500 baht a day for the rest of your life for medicine to fight the disease, I would always pay it if I could. But the idea of an optional 500 baht a day for no specific diseases (except the human condition) but only this abstract idea that the pill would give me 20 more years of life (only a chance of payoff far into the future), well, that would be a harder pill to swallow. Of course this will be a huge market. But it will be Darwinian, survival of the richest and the not so rich who highly value a longer life at the expense of their current quality of life.

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it is the oldest trick in the book - a magic pill that gives immortality, backed by scientific sounding claims.

i suppose some people will be suckered into such a purchase. just going on what was written in the OP it certainly sounds like a con job. unfortunatly there is no link to the so called 'research'.

nevertheless, placebos can give results, but exploiting peoples gullibility doesn't justify it IMO.

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it is the oldest trick in the book - a magic pill that gives immortality, backed by scientific sounding claims.

i suppose some people will be suckered into such a purchase. just going on what was written in the OP it certainly sounds like a con job. unfortunatly there is no link to the so called 'research'.

nevertheless, placebos can give results, but exploiting peoples gullibility doesn't justify it IMO.

The pill doesn't exist yet. The research is on mice and convincing for mice. This pill is definitely coming within a few years I think. They will not be able to prove the 20 years claim until there is a major study over many decades. For many of us, that will be too late. The hypothetical question I suppose is more that if you were convinced that the pill worked, what would it be worth to you? However, we won't really know whether it works or not for decades from now. Many of will be dead by then. So this is one of those "fierce urgency of now" situations.

BTW, if the pill actually did make you live 20 years longer the PLACEBO effect would have nothing to do with it! You don't live 20 years you wouldn't normally have lived with a placebo. You are confused about the limitations of placebos.

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LOL just admit it is not Thailand related instead of making some nonsense justification.

Check the topic titles in this section, Mr. Pesky and tell me if you don't see other topics that are just about health in general. They are clearly allowable in the health section. Unless you are mod, this is none of your business.

'george is just being pedantic" tell him to take a hike!

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it is the oldest trick in the book - a magic pill that gives immortality, backed by scientific sounding claims.

i suppose some people will be suckered into such a purchase. just going on what was written in the OP it certainly sounds like a con job. unfortunatly there is no link to the so called 'research'.

nevertheless, placebos can give results, but exploiting peoples gullibility doesn't justify it IMO.

The pill doesn't exist yet. The research is on mice and convincing for mice. This pill is definitely coming within a few years I think. They will not be able to prove the 20 years claim until there is a major study over many decades. For many of us, that will be too late. The hypothetical question I suppose is more that if you were convinced that the pill worked, what would it be worth to you? However, we won't really know whether it works or not for decades from now. Many of will be dead by then. So this is one of those "fierce urgency of now" situations.

BTW, if the pill actually did make you live 20 years longer the PLACEBO effect would have nothing to do with it! You don't live 20 years you wouldn't normally have lived with a placebo. You are confused about the limitations of placebos.

instead of living an extra 20 years,many would die broke before that..............more fun to drink the wine!

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adding 20 years of quality life would be worth 500 baht a day for enough people to make it a viable vitamin supplement.

Yes it is health related so does not have to be thailand related to be in the health section.

well i could find 500 baht a day for another 20 years,but i know it would be a waste of money cos the pill would end up synthestised and lose its original value.

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No I would not pay 500 baht a day. The reason being I don't think how long a mouse lives has a lot to do with how long I will live. Also there are so many con artist out there I take most everything with a very large grain of salt. I'm sure Bernie Madoff could have sold the long life pill. If it was shown to prevent some diseases it would make more sense.

But it is nice to dream about. And I feel it is just as much Thailand related as anywhere, unless of course you feel Thais have no desire to live longer.

I'd be more inclined to have a few glasses of wine a day like the French do. But then in Thailand wine gets very expensive.

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recipies for a long life in thailand.

(1)have plenty of sex.

(2)eliminate stress from your life

(3)eat everything you like but in moderation

(4)dont smoke

(5)drink 2 glasses of good quality wine a day with meal

(6)only use extra virgin olive oil to cook with

(7)stay calm dont get angry

(8)keep having plenty of sex

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The link provided was just a commercial press release.

We will find more later if the 1000 glasses per day is helpful or not. I still think some kind of super powered red wine pill is coming that will represent a megadose. The question I posed is based on the assumption that the scientific evidence for its benefits will be solid. That may or may not happen anytime soon, but I bet you the super pill is coming.

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recipies for a long life in thailand.

(1)have plenty of sex.

(2)eliminate stress from your life

(3)eat everything you like but in moderation

(4)dont smoke

(5)drink 2 glasses of good quality wine a day with meal

(6)only use extra virgin olive oil to cook with

(7)stay calm dont get angry

(8)keep having plenty of sex

(9) make sure you never run out of blue and yellow pills :o

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Mankind's holy grail; the quest for eternal life and the modern twist, a one stop solution; the Ultimate pill..

Like the man said: "..it ain't gonna happen..". Too many variables in the human condition we can't control and have no knowledge of yet..

This has been with us since time immemorial. From snake oils to genuine breakthroughs in modern medicine but, despite all of this, we still have a relatively naive view of the whole lot. There is still a looong way to go...

Let's just stick to the easy stuff; the lifestyles we can change, excesses we can limit.. Its really not that difficult and will go a long way already to ensure a reasonable lifespan and is free, for most and may actually save you some money at best!

Three glasses of red wine a day is still better (today) than 1000...

Just to make it relevant to Thailand (to satisfy the purists): Think of all the extra visa runs!!

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Three glasses of red wine a day is still better (today) than 1000...

How do you know? You don't. The jury is out. Yes of course you can't drink 1000 glasses, we are talking about a pill. Also note, the modern advise is do not drink more than TWO drinks a day for men, or ONE for women. Drink three and you do harm rather than benefit, that is the CURRENT scientific consensus.

You say this is all the same snake oil? Perhaps. But we are now very scientifically advanced. We are approaching the point where most body parts will be replaceable for people can afford it. Life extension is here now and going to get even more radical, again for those who can afford it. Just because things were a certain way 100 years ago, doesn't mean they are the same way now or 20 years from now. Life extension science is a legitimate field.

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Of course, it may be worth asking, do we really WANT 20 extra years at the BACK end?


would it be better to be born old and die young,in other words life in reverse order,each day would look better cos you know you'd be getting younger! :o plus you could drink straight away and not have to wait.

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"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out a glass of red in hand and proclaiming, 'WOW, WHAT A RIDE!!!'"

Twenty more at the back end; Thanks, but no thanks!

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500bht a day??? I take a resveratrol once or twice a day ( 100mg a pill ). And it cost me $20 US for 120 capsules. I personally like the stuff. But if you can afford 500bht a day go with 1 iu of rHGH. Don't know about the extra 20 years. But definitly a better quality of life!

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I have no idea what this pill will eventually cost if it does get developed, but you have to figure to get 1000 glasses of the desired active ingredient, that's can't possibly be cheap. In case you didn't get the message, this pill does not yet exist (with these massive doses in it).

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I have found the 'fountain of youth' that works for me--it consists of a lot of the right types of exercise, proper diet, and a young, beautiful, loving woman at my side. It would be even more perfect now if I could find the 'fountain of aging' and add twenty years to my life so that I has more time to enjoy the benefits of my fountain of youth. I have followed the research on resveratol for several years and if the new high potency pills they a developing prove to work effectively and safely, I would gladly spend many times more than 500 Baht a day to add it to my daily intake. Currently the more proven methods of living a long life are a highly restrictive caloric intake and having parents that lived to be over 100 years old. :o

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Currently the more proven methods of living a long life are a highly restrictive caloric intake and having parents that lived to be over 100 years old.

Agreed, most are not willing or able to do the former and most are not lucky enough to have the latter. If this super pill comes, most people in the world will not benefit as most of the world's people are on current survival level. I don't think there would be a huge social impact from a rather small segment gaining 20 years, but imagine if there was something to add another 100 years and most of the world could afford it, now that impact would be mind boggling. Certainly, the age governments pay out old age pensions would have to be radically reexamined.

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