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Can Foot Massage Be Dangerous?

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I have very weak ankles and when I go to Thailand I love getting foot massages nearly every day. A couple of weeks after my last trip to Thailand, I starting having odd pains in my ankle. It's as though it was sprained, but without a cause. Usually, I'd just be sitting at my desk and I'll move my ankle in just the right way and it hurts. It will continue to hurt for anywhere between a ten minutes to about 30 hours. The pain typically ends quite suddenly. I don't think foot massages are the cause of my problems, but I do wonder if getting foot massages so often could exacerbate any old injuries I have in my ankles.

Has anyone had problems with their feet after getting foot massages? Are there any known dangers to getting a foot massage?

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The only danger of foot massage that I have personally experienced is getting addicted to them ! :o In all seriousness however, although extremely unlikely, I am sure it would be possible for someone to sustain an injury in the hands of a poor masseuse.


I dont know about dangerous but its bl**dy painful!...some of those old women have amazing strength in their fingers and its even worse when they use that old animal bone or whatever it is to push into your soul!....the very last thing I would describe a foot massage as is relaxing.

Best avoided.


The way that Thai massage is performed with knuckles/elbows etc and the sometimes extreme pressures used , with an unskilled masseaus it can cause injury , they are , after all , putting that pressure on joints . I had massage at the temple school in Saraburi by one of the instructors , it was far from a soothing Swedish massage , but after about an hour I felt the results were benificial . Just be sure you are getting trained personel to perform the work . :o

I dont know about dangerous but its bl**dy painful!...some of those old women have amazing strength in their fingers and its even worse when they use that old animal bone or whatever it is to push into your soul!....the very last thing I would describe a foot massage as is relaxing.

Best avoided.

Foot massages I've had are not typically painful. Occasionally they will jam the wooden stick on the bottom of my foot and that can hurt, but it goes away as soon as they release pressure. I'm more concerned about longer-term damage resulting from stretching and bending the feet poorly.


12 years ago an acquaintance (American guy) I knew had a foot massage somewhere in Chiang Mai.

It caused a blood clot, which travelled through his body to the brain. He died the next day.

12 years ago an acquaintance (American guy) I knew had a foot massage somewhere in Chiang Mai.

It caused a blood clot, which travelled through his body to the brain. He died the next day.

So, that's a ''yes'' then.


They can be if you use a foot massage machine the wrong way it seems:

Three people killed by foot massage machines

December 17th, 2008 by James

A company that manufactures foot massage machines has issued a warning to customers after three people accidentally killed themselves while attempting to use the machine on their neck/shoulders:

In the most recent case, a woman removed the cloth cover of the machine and ended up strangling herself when her shirt collar was caught in its massage rollers. The other two deaths also seem to have occurred in a similar manner. No recall of the product has been issued, but the manufacturer thought it would be a good idea to issue a public warning.

Japan Probe/



The only really dangerous part of a foot massage it when they pull your toes and make the 'crack'. There are some many tiny bones in your toes, especially the big toe.... they can get broken!! Same applies with the fingers.

Another danger in Thai massage is when they stop the blood flow to your legs by applying pressure to your groin. The release of blood when they remove their hands can, and has, released minor blood clots in your legs causing the clots to enter the lungs and even the brain.

So ask them to avoid these practises.


Really? Is there somebody die because of Thai foot massage?

I never try foot massage, but i like body massage so much!

I hope it's not causing any damage to do many times body massage.


A highly trained foot masseuse can temporarily stop the heart with pressure applied to the correct part of the foot. This is actually where Mr. Spock's Vulcan grip originates - in the very early episodes of Star Trek it was planned that Mr. Spock would be Thai and not Vulcan (his original name was to be Mr. Sapok), and his special move involved the deft massage of his evil foes (or out of control crewmembers) feet. It was only when Shatner pointed out that it may be somewhat impractical to have to remove the wrongdoers boots in order to administer the debilitating move that the now famous Vulcan grip came into being. Nimoy agreed and the rest, as they say, is history...

They can be if you use a foot massage machine the wrong way it seems:

Three people killed by foot massage machines

December 17th, 2008 by James

A company that manufactures foot massage machines has issued a warning to customers after three people accidentally killed themselves while attempting to use the machine on their neck/shoulders:

In the most recent case, a woman removed the cloth cover of the machine and ended up strangling herself when her shirt collar was caught in its massage rollers. The other two deaths also seem to have occurred in a similar manner. No recall of the product has been issued, but the manufacturer thought it would be a good idea to issue a public warning.

Japan Probe/


I wonder if the same people use their garbage disposal to cut their finger nails.

I have very weak ankles and when I go to Thailand I love getting foot massages nearly every day. A couple of weeks after my last trip to Thailand, I starting having odd pains in my ankle. It's as though it was sprained, but without a cause. Usually, I'd just be sitting at my desk and I'll move my ankle in just the right way and it hurts. It will continue to hurt for anywhere between a ten minutes to about 30 hours. The pain typically ends quite suddenly. I don't think foot massages are the cause of my problems, but I do wonder if getting foot massages so often could exacerbate any old injuries I have in my ankles.

Has anyone had problems with their feet after getting foot massages? Are there any known dangers to getting a foot massage?

i would think the ankle problem is related to something else.however to have a foot massage every day is probably over doing it.once a week is more than enough.the foot massage is particularly good as it stimulates all parts of your body via the body's nervous system.there are good and bad practitioners as there are good and bad doctors,dentist,hairdressers etc.have to find a good one,and if they are pressing/massaging too hard,tell them to not press too hard,as everybody is different to what pressure they can take.i have a massage once a week and always feel so good afterwards,and consider the massage as body maintenance,just as i do when i swim every other day and do my usual 500 metre swim.


Have your doctor give you a referral to a properly trained podiatrist. You'll get a much more informed diagnosis than from strangers on an anonymous internet forum.

I have very weak ankles and when I go to Thailand I love getting foot massages nearly every day. A couple of weeks after my last trip to Thailand, I starting having odd pains in my ankle. It's as though it was sprained, but without a cause. Usually, I'd just be sitting at my desk and I'll move my ankle in just the right way and it hurts. It will continue to hurt for anywhere between a ten minutes to about 30 hours. The pain typically ends quite suddenly. I don't think foot massages are the cause of my problems, but I do wonder if getting foot massages so often could exacerbate any old injuries I have in my ankles.

Has anyone had problems with their feet after getting foot massages? Are there any known dangers to getting a foot massage?

Only if "Freddie Kruger" is doing it :o:D:D:D:D count your feet when he's finsihed!!

A highly trained foot masseuse can temporarily stop the heart with pressure applied to the correct part of the foot. This is actually where Mr. Spock's Vulcan grip originates - in the very early episodes of Star Trek it was planned that Mr. Spock would be Thai and not Vulcan (his original name was to be Mr. Sapok), and his special move involved the deft massage of his evil foes (or out of control crewmembers) feet. It was only when Shatner pointed out that it may be somewhat impractical to have to remove the wrongdoers boots in order to administer the debilitating move that the now famous Vulcan grip came into being. Nimoy agreed and the rest, as they say, is history...

Better keep this quiet , dont tell Naam


There are huge differences depending on who does the massage. My discomfort was only temporasry and sometimes I feel like weighing 30 kg less when walking... But after a neck massage, some vene was maltreated and I was in pain for days. Very unpleasant, it went along with swollen lymph knots.

How long have you had this pain?


A decent array of answers here. You might find a tendon in your foot is easily pushed into a joint or the like. This would more than likely hurt as soon as you got up. Ask a physio or ciropractor, laymens here probably cant help on this one.


Is there such a thing as a foot-massage with a happy ending?

I prefer to not have strangers touch me in any way, so...never had any form of massage here. :o


I've already gone to a podiatrist. He says my weak ankles are the result of ancient sprains that now result in "mechanical instability". Sucks, but if I want it repaired it will require surgery with a long and painful recovery. :o

12 years ago an acquaintance (American guy) I knew had a foot massage somewhere in Chiang Mai.

It caused a blood clot, which travelled through his body to the brain. He died the next day.

So, that's a ''yes'' then.

Now come on how was that proven to have caused it???

Have your doctor give you a referral to a properly trained podiatrist. You'll get a much more informed diagnosis than from strangers on an anonymous internet forum.

exactly go to a qualified doctor and have the problem properly diagnosed. a foot massage every day is too much, once per week is more than enough


Addicted to foot massage as I am, I learned not all are beneficial when I had one 2 years back, in Taipei.

It lasted an hour (I got the impression he was practising his martial arts pressure points), not wanting to give the guy the pleasure of seeing me squirm, I didn't flinch. I sat quietly, stony-faced, wanting to see how long I could last. And last I did, until the final moments, when all else had failed, this sadist touched my knee via the bottom of my foot. I leaned forward and calmly said, "that f'king hurt"! He smiled, noded and said "yes". (My feet didn't come good for a week) :D

If any blokes here have had a Kazakhstan massage in the Arisan baths you'll know the type of pain I speak of. :o:D


Massage should NOT hurt!

Some like to over do and make a "knot" in the muscle tissue go away at once, which is wrong, repeated visits are recommended.

I had once a massage where the masseuse might have been a masochist, it did hurt a lot, on telling her, she insisted it was me who hurt and laughed, not her doing, I told her again, she didn't stop, in fact she bruised me on several spots... I got up and told her "fun is over... see ya next life" and left, leaving a 50 Baht tip, should have seen her face, maybe until today she hasn't managed to close her mouth!

But better her then me!

Don't let 'em hurt you, tell 'em and if it doesn't stop, get out 'a there!

Before you hurt, quite some damage can be done, doing the wrong thing!

For me best example is the massage in Wat Po, once one has been there, one knows, what it is all about in Thai-Massage!

The rest is crap!

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