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New World Order


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Was in Chalong the other night and drove past a well known English watering 'hole' the name of which I now realise represents an ancient Pagan Deity. Being a Saturday night I was surprised to see that the car park was empty? I have to admit that I am a lapsed Christian but a Pagan I am certainly not. But could it be that I am the last to know that this establishment is a meeting place for the Freemasons to act out their depraved Pagan rituals, beliefs and desires for a New World Order. I checked the pubs web site and yes they advertise it being a meeting place for Freemasons. So moderator no need to exclude this posting. I would ask those who hold Christian beliefs and ideology to check the Alex Jones infowars.com website which will give you a true and accurate understanding of what Freemasonary is all about. But be prepared to be shocked if you are of a nervous persuasion!

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Was in Chalong the other night and drove past a well known English watering 'hole' the name of which I now realise represents an ancient Pagan Deity. Being a Saturday night I was surprised to see that the car park was empty? I have to admit that I am a lapsed Christian but a Pagan I am certainly not. But could it be that I am the last to know that this establishment is a meeting place for the Freemasons to act out their depraved Pagan rituals, beliefs and desires for a New World Order. I checked the pubs web site and yes they advertise it being a meeting place for Freemasons. So moderator no need to exclude this posting. I would ask those who hold Christian beliefs and ideology to check the Alex Jones infowars.com website which will give you a true and accurate understanding of what Freemasonary is all about. But be prepared to be shocked if you are of a nervous persuasion!

Pagan is by no means clearly defined. But the most common definition is one who does not hold the mytholigical beliefs of christianity. Try watching Zeitgeist for an insite into Christianity - you may find yourself feeling somewhat less critical of paganism!

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place for the Freemasons to act out their depraved Pagan rituals

Quite ironic really, considering the reputation of Phuket. :o

Should be quite a show if you can get a ticket. :D

T’is said that there is also ‘The Ancient Order of Mongers’ who have been holding their own dark rituals in and around Patong and its environs for many a long year now. More I cannot say for I’m bound by the supreme Mamasan to secrecy and my life. 500 Baht could sort that out though. :D

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Be careful your dogma getting in the way of the truth. Try educating yourself on both sides of the story before you get into bed with a populist belief..... someone wrote a web page on it, it must be true right....

The origins of modern freemasonry are relatively recent. Its roots go back to the stonemasons of the middle ages who worked on our great cathedrals. They formed themselves into guilds to preserve and protect the skills of their trade - some of the Masonic symbols of the apron, the square, the compass etc. are the leftovers of this. The old trade guilds fell apart after the reformation, with no further major building projects, so the guilds were thrown open to non Masons. The rituals used today are largely the product of the freemasons of the late 17th. and 18th. centuries, although many of the actual esoteric secrets go back to ancient Egyptian times or earlier, and have been passed down through the mystery schools of Egypt, Babylon, ancient Greece, and then down through the middle ages by such orders as the Knights Templar, Cathars and Rosicrucians, and from there to modern freemasonry.



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Was in Chalong the other night and drove past a well known English watering 'hole' the name of which I now realise represents an ancient Pagan Deity. Being a Saturday night I was surprised to see that the car park was empty? I have to admit that I am a lapsed Christian but a Pagan I am certainly not. But could it be that I am the last to know that this establishment is a meeting place for the Freemasons to act out their depraved Pagan rituals, beliefs and desires for a New World Order. I checked the pubs web site and yes they advertise it being a meeting place for Freemasons. So moderator no need to exclude this posting. I would ask those who hold Christian beliefs and ideology to check the Alex Jones infowars.com website which will give you a true and accurate understanding of what Freemasonary is all about. But be prepared to be shocked if you are of a nervous persuasion!

Interesting, I will be in Phuket in May-June. Would you mind giving me the name of this establishment? I would be interested to pay a visit. Thank you!

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Be careful your dogma getting in the way of the truth. Try educating yourself on both sides of the story before you get into bed with a populist belief..... someone wrote a web page on it, it must be true right....

The origins of modern freemasonry are relatively recent. Its roots go back to the stonemasons of the middle ages who worked on our great cathedrals. They formed themselves into guilds to preserve and protect the skills of their trade - some of the Masonic symbols of the apron, the square, the compass etc. are the leftovers of this. The old trade guilds fell apart after the reformation, with no further major building projects, so the guilds were thrown open to non Masons. The rituals used today are largely the product of the freemasons of the late 17th. and 18th. centuries, although many of the actual esoteric secrets go back to ancient Egyptian times or earlier, and have been passed down through the mystery schools of Egypt, Babylon, ancient Greece, and then down through the middle ages by such orders as the Knights Templar, Cathars and Rosicrucians, and from there to modern freemasonry.



well it must be true then..............is the order open to bricklayers! :o

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Was in Chalong the other night and drove past a well known English watering 'hole' the name of which I now realise represents an ancient Pagan Deity. Being a Saturday night I was surprised to see that the car park was empty? I have to admit that I am a lapsed Christian but a Pagan I am certainly not. But could it be that I am the last to know that this establishment is a meeting place for the Freemasons to act out their depraved Pagan rituals, beliefs and desires for a New World Order. I checked the pubs web site and yes they advertise it being a meeting place for Freemasons. So moderator no need to exclude this posting. I would ask those who hold Christian beliefs and ideology to check the Alex Jones infowars.com website which will give you a true and accurate understanding of what Freemasonary is all about. But be prepared to be shocked if you are of a nervous persuasion!

Interesting, I will be in Phuket in May-June. Would you mind giving me the name of this establishment? I would be interested to pay a visit. Thank you!

you'll probably find them in bangla with a plumb line.

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Was in Chalong the other night and drove past a well known English watering 'hole' the name of which I now realise represents an ancient Pagan Deity. Being a Saturday night I was surprised to see that the car park was empty? I have to admit that I am a lapsed Christian but a Pagan I am certainly not. But could it be that I am the last to know that this establishment is a meeting place for the Freemasons to act out their depraved Pagan rituals, beliefs and desires for a New World Order. I checked the pubs web site and yes they advertise it being a meeting place for Freemasons. So moderator no need to exclude this posting. I would ask those who hold Christian beliefs and ideology to check the Alex Jones infowars.com website which will give you a true and accurate understanding of what Freemasonary is all about. But be prepared to be shocked if you are of a nervous persuasion!

Interesting, I will be in Phuket in May-June. Would you mind giving me the name of this establishment? I would be interested to pay a visit. Thank you!

You will find it with the the information already supplied, however I have been there many times (not in the dark mnd) and I found it empty and boreing :o

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Some interesting stuff here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Man

Seems it's not always associated with Paganism.

it's just a very popular name for a pub in England.

i agree with an earlier post. The place is often dead. It's a shame really because it's unique in this area and it should be a great pub. i.e. not a bar. A proper pub. I m not sure why its always dead. Maybe it's just too expensive. Maybe people dont want a pub and actually do want loud muzak and girlies all the time.

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I have the impression that TV now serves as both an outlet for those with mental health issues and proponents of shared conspiracy beliefs. Alex Jones? What's next, Lyndon Larouche citations? How about a Ouija board or a seance while they are at it? Then, a tell all expose of all those alien anal probings that always seem to take place in rural Kentucky trailer parks?

If someone doesn't like Freemasons, so be it, but there is no need to spread falsehoods. Freemasons are not pagans. At least not any more than Christians that put up a Christmas tree, or use the fish symbol (borrowed from Pagan's Earth Mother Goddess Icthys) and use a whole list of icons and symbols that border on idolatry.

One of the requirements to be a Freemason is to believe in one infinite creator. The approach to religion is the concept of "Believe as your conscience dictates". This means that Freemasons are a fairly open group. A position like that doesn't sit well with some people that claim to know what's best for the rest of us.

And no I'm not a Freemason and I have no use for that silliness. I do however loathe crackpots that try to push conspiracy fantasies on the world and spew misleading hateful nonsense.

Edited by geriatrickid
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The Masons are a force for good in the world and Western civilisation owes much to them and movements like them for it's existence.

They are not a pagan movement. The are non-denominational. The only religious requirement is to vow that you believe in a creator.

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The Masons are a force for good in the world and Western civilisation owes much to them and movements like them for it's existence.

They are not a pagan movement. The are non-denominational. The only religious requirement is to vow that you believe in a creator.

my friends uncle was one and yes am sure they do good things. however they are very secretive,you can only become a member by recommendation, and he described to me their very weird rituals that originate back in the dark ages.as i said before very mumbo jumbo stuff.if any one gets a chance you should take a look at their books that describe these rituals.

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my friends uncle was one and yes am sure they do good things. however they are very secretive,you can only become a member by recommendation, and he described to me their very weird rituals that originate back in the dark ages.as i said before very mumbo jumbo stuff.if any one gets a chance you should take a look at their books that describe these rituals.

Yeah i know. I knew one. The initiation was that he had to kneel before a bearded man wearing robes and a funny hat. The bearded man was holding a metal orb that was filled with burning incense. My friend had to kneel and chant texts from their book of rules, in a strange tongue. After he was finished, the bearded man poured water on my friends head.

Of course.........my friend is a Russian orthodox Christian !

The point being..........Christianity is also full of funny rituals. It's just the Christianity is 'accepted' and many other things are seen as dark and devious cults.

Christianity's top fella turns water into a refreshing alcoholic drink and can walk on water..........which apparantly is neither dark nor sinister.

I say let 'em be. Masons seem pretty harmless to me. Certainly more so than many of the more mainstream religions.

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I have the impression that TV now serves as both an outlet for those with mental health issues and proponents of shared conspiracy beliefs. Alex Jones? What's next, Lyndon Larouche citations? How about a Ouija board or a seance while they are at it? Then, a tell all expose of all those alien anal probings that always seem to take place in rural Kentucky trailer parks?

If someone doesn't like Freemasons, so be it, but there is no need to spread falsehoods. Freemasons are not pagans. At least not any more than Christians that put up a Christmas tree, or use the fish symbol (borrowed from Pagan's Earth Mother Goddess Icthys) and use a whole list of icons and symbols that border on idolatry.

One of the requirements to be a Freemason is to believe in one infinite creator. The approach to religion is the concept of "Believe as your conscience dictates". This means that Freemasons are a fairly open group. A position like that doesn't sit well with some people that claim to know what's best for the rest of us.

And no I'm not a Freemason and I have no use for that silliness. I do however loathe crackpots that try to push conspiracy fantasies on the world and spew misleading hateful nonsense.

Ofcourse governments never conspire - so we can all take off our tinfoil hats! Geriatrickid has confirmed that every expert and researcher whom should stray from any given official version of events is a nut :o

"Conceit is Gods gift to little men"

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I have the impression that TV now serves as both an outlet for those with mental health issues and proponents of shared conspiracy beliefs. Alex Jones? What's next, Lyndon Larouche citations? How about a Ouija board or a seance while they are at it? Then, a tell all expose of all those alien anal probings that always seem to take place in rural Kentucky trailer parks?

If someone doesn't like Freemasons, so be it, but there is no need to spread falsehoods. Freemasons are not pagans. At least not any more than Christians that put up a Christmas tree, or use the fish symbol (borrowed from Pagan's Earth Mother Goddess Icthys) and use a whole list of icons and symbols that border on idolatry.

One of the requirements to be a Freemason is to believe in one infinite creator. The approach to religion is the concept of "Believe as your conscience dictates". This means that Freemasons are a fairly open group. A position like that doesn't sit well with some people that claim to know what's best for the rest of us.

And no I'm not a Freemason and I have no use for that silliness. I do however loathe crackpots that try to push conspiracy fantasies on the world and spew misleading hateful

The one infinite creator the Freemasons believe in is Satan. Fact! Not a conspiracy theory! I dont think there is an educated person in the world that does not realise that the mainstream media is controlled. Look no further than Thailand! No further than Phuket in fact. The world media is controlled by Freemasons... CNN BBC FOX are all owned by Freemasons. They own the US Federal Reserve who created the world 'Depression'. And they dont operate from a trailer park. The USA has just lost one Freemason George Bush and he has been replaced by another Obama... Look how Obama has been exposed as a puppet in less than 10 days. This is nothing to do with conspiracies. Just my observations. Despite his promises for change and compromise Obama has with the support of the Freemasons.

1) Ratified the United Americas ie the Bush's administrations unification of Mexico - Canada & USA No borders one currency!

2) Bombed Pakistan

3) Has instigated an order for compulsory Army service for I think is it all 18-24 year olds in USA

4) On the basis of openness and truth has appointed 3 men guilty of tax evasion / fraud. One of which is a known Nazi another a Zionist.

5) Transfered 20,000 US troops to Afghanistan.

6) Failed to take the oath of allegiance

Not a bad weeks work eh?

And today we learn that now they have Gaddafi working for them to unite Africa... Thats right Gaddafi! Was he not a terrorist a year ago? Its getting scarier by the day. Open your mind and consider and try and reconsile what is happening globally and who orchestrated it. Ask Obama and the freemasons what is the New World Order. Ask them why their buddies the Knights Templar were kicked out of France and ended up in Malta and Scotland. Its these crack pots you have to watch out for cos they are the ones meeting in The Green Man every month. Yes it may be silliness but. Many thought Hitler was just a silly Freemason too....

That all said I'm an Atheist thank God....

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one thing i do know is that everyone sat back when hitler came to power,and said to themselves "he wont do this"and "he wont do that"...........and of course he did everything he said he would,and look what happened.its time to stand up to these globalisers.due to the cleverness of the USA defense dept.who i believe set up the first internet,we are now much closer to information and are not as hoodwinked.you certainly cant trust the media who are already controlled.as for the freemasons me thinks the title is a contradiction in terms.

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