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I Want To Come Back Thailand!

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So I'll try to explain my situation as simply as possible, any help or advice would be great.

Last year from May till November I was teaching English in Thailand. It was my first time in Thailand and I was working for a private school. I was one of two foreigners at the school and my experience was difficult. Regardless of my bad job I fell in love with Thailand. Unfortunately in October I got a call from my parents telling me they were going through bankruptcy. I decided I had to go home. I left unannounced and felt good sticking it to the school that had treated me so poorly as a guest in their country.

It is now Febuary and I have a ticket to BKK in April. I have a few contacts and hopefully I'll be able to find a job. My question pertains to the fact that I already have a work permit. Granted it was for my last job, but i was wondering if it can be renewed with a new employeer. I would rather not go through the hardship of obtaining a new one. I also had a non B 1 year visa, which is now expired and I will have to figure out the logistics on that.

After the fact I feel sort of bad about ditching my old school as it might come back to bite me... but they really treated me like dirt.

Any comments?

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You will have to start all over again for the work permit. It can only be renewed for the same employer.

You should get at at least a 2 entry tourist visa before coming back that would give you 6 months to get things going again.

Or a non-o visa to vist friends from the Hull consulate. This visa would make it easier to change to a work extension. A multiple entry woould give you about 15 months total doing border runs every 90 days.

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Your unannounced departure wouldn't have done much for your reputation at the school, but AFAIK the Labour Department doesn't collect performance appraisals from employers. :o The school would have been required to inform the Labour Department of the termination of your employment but there should be no repercussions for a subsequent work permit application on your behalf.

Of course, if your next potential employer asks for references...

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