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Nails And Ears.


Does your missus cut your nails and clean your ears?  

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My gf is obsessed. Shes always wanting to cut my hails and clean my ears. I dont mind sometimes. But sometimes its a pain in the ass. My previous gf's have never wanted to this. Must be a TG thing. so what about the rest of you?

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Sorry, but am I the only person to think this is Gross?

On the other hand, she may be trying to tell you something. Some men seem totally clueless as to how to keep their nails trim and ears clean. Perhaps she can't stand it if you don't do it properly.

I find Thai men much spiffier in this sense.

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Sorry, but am I the only person to think this is Gross? 

On the other hand, she may be trying to tell you something.  Some men seem totally clueless as to how to keep their nails trim and ears clean.  Perhaps she can't stand it if you don't do it properly. 

I find Thai men much spiffier in this sense.

I'm quite capable to do it on my own but the gf likes doing it. No idea why. But she does. I usually end up biting my finger nails. But with her. I ahve no chance to do that. As for my ears. Then its better if she uses her tounge. :D:D:o

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Gf likes to cut the nails and gets offended if I dont let her, as said earlier I usually do it myself regularly. As for ears, no, she doesn't attempt to clean them as they are clean everyday due to the need to shower at least twice a day in Thailand.

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Mine likes to cut my fingernails and my toenails, I am quite capable; the first time she did was a little awkward for me, I thought she was implying that I wasn't taking care of my hygine or something. Which is number one on my priority list.

I try to do my toenails myself but enjoy when she does my fingernails because her hands are so soft and I love it when she touches my hands.

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As most Doctors will tell you, the only thing that you should put in your ear is your elbow.

The wife was always trying to clean my ears and forever shoving cotton buds in her own....that was untill she got an ear infection. som nom na :o

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Married a beautician!!!

Exited British Embassy, grabbed a cab and got stuck on the lights at the junction. Time we moved again, my nails done, driver's nails done and her's were repainted!

Kinda glad I did not marry a masuese! :D

My wife is a "beautician" also and the owner operator of her own beauty salon in the village. And while I can do and usually do my own ears and nails, it seems it's never good enough in her "professional" opinion.

My wife does my toe nails but man its scary  :o

And yea, my wife says I "whine" like a baby when she is doing the toe nails, 'cause I have this big fear of her cutting into my skin and drawing blood, though she never has. Yuk, Ouch.

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I used to have to get my ears syringed in the past due to wax. Since being in Thailand there has been no need. Could be due to the wife getting me in a half-nelson and sticking a thin metal shovel in my ear. I find the easiest thing to do now, and safer , is to let her do it.

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Cleaning the ears? OK if it's a paperclip (recommended to me once by a doctor) not a cotton tip. :o

Cutting the fingernails? No problems... I quite enjoy the experience. :D

Cutting the toenails? F*** off!!! No way baby!!! Call me chicken, but I just can't bring myself to trust her not to either overtrim or draw blood. :D

Go over the back? Hmmm... I let her do it but i'm undecided about liking it or not. :D

The main point is I suppose, she enjoys it... it's another way of demonstrating that she can take care of me.

And I do love her for it! :D

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She does my nails. She also goes over my back 1x a month or so for spots, plus she shaves the back-hair. Says it makes me look like Ling-monkey if it grows too much. I don't think it is much, but her entire family is very light in the bodily hair department.

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Apart from the aforementioned my wife regularly inspects my teeth and gums, looking for decay and rot. I've mentioned I feel like an old carthorse examined for possible slaughter but in her practical down-to-earth way she assures me it's just a preventive measure to save dental bills or life assurance payments.


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I know a guy who used to clean his ears with the cotton wool buds for years, he swore by them. Eventually he started developing hearing problems but he continued to use them, he went for a check up at the local hospital back in the UK and they pulled a large amount of flthy wax coated cotton wool from his ear canal. Needless to say his hearing was restored and he doesn't use cotton wool buds anymore! :o

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