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I was reading the post online and decided id grab this little gem here from Mr. Kasit...

"Mr Kasit asked the Thais not to follow foreign news on this matter, adding that they should wait for the Indonesian government to finish its investigation first."


By: BangkokPost.com and AFP

Published: 4/02/2009 at 04:13 PM

I mean seriously, can it be less obvious that the Thai Navy was responsible for this? There was a tape released to the international media from a Thai Naval vessel obviously filmed by someone in the Thai Navy which shows them being towed out to sea... Not just that, there are videos of the Refugees on beach and pictures floating all around the internet with Thai authorities beating them. Does Mr Kasit really think that Thai people are so stupid that they will completely ignore the media and only listen to the channels which the government can censor? My god, that made me laugh.

Made my morning, thanks Mr. Kasit...

Oh and like Indonesia is known for its excellent human rights record, or its ability to find justice and assist those less fortunate (maybe some money under the table or some false reporting about their findings is what he is hoping for)


It would be a lot funnier, if people's lives weren't involved.

It might be easier to stop lying while they are behind. They have people in the Navy that were on the boats that acknowledged dragging them out to sea. There's video images of their 'human rights' record on the beaches. Probably won't be too long before a few bodies will wash up as a testament to their compassion.


Unfortunately, the treatment accorded to these refugees mirrors the feelings of a large segment of the population, and one that I fear is the majority view.

The Thai military broke every refugee convention on this one and it will be interesting to see how the Amnesty International and NGOs react on this one. The lack of protests has been deafening. If it had been China, the USA, Australia etc., we'd have the usual protestors screaming for blood.

There is no doubt that many western citizens would love to dump their refugees out at sea too, specifically the bogus refugees. However, compassion, the rule of law and basic decency preclude that. Way to go Thai Navy. I'm sure this behaviour will get you nominated for all sorts of humanitarian awards.



Can we change the Topic Title

And to the OP I don't see where there is anything "hilarious" about the issue (unless you are a real sicko)



I am not a sicko... I am just laughing at the point he is still attempting to deny it. Not laughing at the fact, laughing at the point. Don't you see the difference?

I am not a sicko... I am just laughing at the point he is still attempting to deny it. Not laughing at the fact, laughing at the point. Don't you see the difference?

I see your point. His statement is hilarious in it's absurdity and gross perversion of rational thinking. Obviously what happen to the refugees is not funny at all.

Many things Bush said about Iraq were hilarious in a similar vein though the Iraq war is not something I find funny.


Should no be too harsh in your comments, being Muslims, maybe they lost their way on their route to Indonesia or Malaysia, and the Thai navy just show them the correct way.


no one has mentioned the reasons why these people felt desperate enough in the first place to leave myanmar.What is just as bad is the lack of any effort by the so called goody nations like the UK,EU,AND USA to do anything tangible to get rid of the military in myanmar just like they turned their backs on helping the poor people of zimbabwe.

The truth is if there's nothing in it for them(i.e oil or some material wealth to be gained)no finger is lifted...........that is what i find just as sickening,and now we have tony blair spurting out his new found religion after all the crap he put the UK through.

does my head in.

no one has mentioned the reasons why these people felt desperate enough in the first place to leave myanmar.What is just as bad is the lack of any effort by the so called goody nations like the UK,EU,AND USA to do anything tangible to get rid of the military in myanmar just like they turned their backs on helping the poor people of zimbabwe.

The truth is if there's nothing in it for them(i.e oil or some material wealth to be gained)no finger is lifted...........that is what i find just as sickening,and now we have tony blair spurting out his new found religion after all the crap he put the UK through.

does my head in.

There is quite a lot of oil, TOTAL and some others work very close with the military Junta.


And the most important reason why not any country take an action against them is that China is protecting Myanmar.



interesting link,did n't read it all too long but i got the gist of it.nothing much more to say is there.I went there in 1972 for 1 week and enjoyed it very much,feel very sorry for the people and that the USA in particular have n't the guts to do something inpite of the chinese just as they wont lift a finger for taiwan should the need arise,but thats politics for you.

no one has mentioned the reasons why these people felt desperate enough in the first place to leave myanmar.What is just as bad is the lack of any effort by the so called goody nations like the UK,EU,AND USA to do anything tangible to get rid of the military in myanmar just like they turned their backs on helping the poor people of zimbabwe.

The truth is if there's nothing in it for them(i.e oil or some material wealth to be gained)no finger is lifted...........that is what i find just as sickening,and now we have tony blair spurting out his new found religion after all the crap he put the UK through.

does my head in.

Understandable sentiment, but what do you want the western nations to do? Intervene militarily? There would be an uproar in the west when more kids came back missing limbs and in body bags to achieve what? Install another corrupt government? Change must come from within just as it did in the former east bloc Euripean nations. Any action would have to be UN approved and just as is the case in Darfur and Zimbabwe, a majority of nations that belong to the UN would not approve. Look at South Africa propping up Mugabe and yet the South African government has the nerve to speak out on human rights issues in other countries.

And yes, while China has dirty hands in this, so does India. It is India that is trying to secure markets for its products and is trying to buy the oil as well. India doesn't give a dam_n about such things. The west has imposed economic embargos. There is not much else the west can do. The asian nations have to respond. However, no one will say boo, especially on the issue of the boat people. Now if Australia had done this, we'd never hear the end of how cruel and savage the Australians were.

Does Mr Kasit really think that Thai people are so stupid that they will completely ignore the media and only listen to the channels which the government can censor? My god, that made me laugh.

A lot of Thais have no problem at all with the Navy's actions, probably most don't care. There have been demonstrations against the setting up of refugee camps, complete with banners saying "We don't want Rohingya trash" and the like.


"Mr. Kasit asked the Thais not to follow foreign news on this matter, adding that they should wait for the Indonesian government to finish its investigation first."

The only access to foreign news the majority of Thais have is TV, at least one of these TV channels is owned by the army, so Mr. Kasit can rest easy on that point.

Newspapers are available but not often seen in my neighborhood, and most Thais agree with throwing these people back out to sea.

It’s been 20 years since Aung San Suu Kyi NLD won Burma’s election, a year since the Cyclone Nargis tragedy, and we are treated to the never ending farce of Mr. Gambari negotiating some settlement.

Don’t hold your breath on this one..


I've spent some time in the Ranong area, and I can tell you that, generally, they hate the Burmese there.

It is pretty common for politicos/authorities in this part of the world to come out with statements like "if the foreign media wasn't reporting this it wouldn't be a problem," which would be pretty funny on a comedy show or FoxNews.

interesting link,did n't read it all too long but i got the gist of it.nothing much more to say is there.I went there in 1972 for 1 week and enjoyed it very much,feel very sorry for the people and that the USA in particular have n't the guts to do something inpite of the chinese just as they wont lift a finger for taiwan should the need arise,but thats politics for you.

We did that for Iraq, and isn't it amazing how many accolades have poured in.

What's your nationality? Why doesn't your country do something about it?

There is quite a lot of oil, TOTAL and some others work very close with the military Junta.

PTT's own exploration and production division PTTEP have considerable interests in their neighbour with 6 projects underway.

It's all on their website here. and quite successful too according to this and this

There is quite a lot of oil, TOTAL and some others work very close with the military Junta.

PTT's own exploration and production division PTTEP have considerable interests in their neighbour with 6 projects underway.

It's all on their website here. and quite successful too according to this and this

PTTEP + Total + British Gas + Chevron + Petronas....all have vested interests....and its not oil, the vast majority of production is Gas...

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