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Hi, new to this forum but have a big favour to ask all the members here.

So apparently my Thai girlfriend is in jail with no family or friends willing to assist her. I've been trying to get a hold of the Thai police in the Bangkok area but to no avail to confirm this before I attempt to send any bail money.

I've spoken with the Thai Embassy in Canada and they suggested for me to stay out of it, as with several of my friends.

I'm slightly torn.

Your advice and help would be appreciated.


Hi, new to this forum but have a big favour to ask all the members here.

So apparently my Thai girlfriend is in jail with no family or friends willing to assist her. I've been trying to get a hold of the Thai police in the Bangkok area but to no avail to confirm this before I attempt to send any bail money.

I've spoken with the Thai Embassy in Canada and they suggested for me to stay out of it, as with several of my friends.

I'm slightly torn.

Your advice and help would be appreciated.


What's the charge?


Is there anyway for me to verify this? I've tried contacting the Royal Thai Police but no one picked up. Are there any other organizations I can contact?


If she got caught with drugs, save the bail money and use it for 'care' packages for the next how many? years she will be in jail.

there private detectives that check out 'girl friends' activities,,, I have no idea if they are any good. the Stickman site used to run an advert


What's the Thai law for someone caught with drugs? Is there one for someone caught taking drugs?

Anybody know the number for the local Bangkok police? The Royal Thai Police number 011 66 22052605 doesn't seem to work.


just thought of this.. contact the police saying you are suspicious a girl is trying to swindle money off you.

If she has not been arrested for drugs, then you and 20 other blokes save money.

If she has been arrested, you get your answer.


Either way, it's bad news, ya think?

Think about, what would be the better outcome?

phew she's not in jail she's swindling me

OR phew she really is in jail, not swindling me

Are you hoping she actually is in jail?


I was wrong, I thought Thailand had very strict sentencing.

According to this, users can fines and bonds.



Great suggestion eggomaniac! But the next step is how do I get through to the police? The Royal Thai Police number that the Thai Embassy in Canada provided me is not going through.

What's the Thai law for someone caught with drugs? Is there one for someone caught taking drugs?

Anybody know the number for the local Bangkok police? The Royal Thai Police number 011 66 22052605 doesn't seem to work.

Take out the two 11's after the 0 and try that.

Can you speak thai? if not you have problems trying to resolve anything anyway.

As stated by JetSetBkk, take the advice given. How did you find out? Is this a ruse for cash?

If not. She is going to jail unless she pays a large sum of money to buy her way out of it.

In other words unless you pay a large sum of money. For, apparently a drug user. Up to you but it will only cause more headaches in the future, and then they could be a lot worse.

Tread carefully. All the best,



If 'family and friends aren't willing to assist her' I would be concerned. How long have you been together? Many thais I know of will go to loan sharks right away to bail family and friends out. Usually before it gets too far through the legal process. I.e. brown paper bag under table, problem goes away.

If her family and friends weren't willing to do this early on and they are still unwilling to assist her then alarm bells should be ringing.

If they can not assist her (which would be unusual given all the loan sharks out there), you should still be able to communicate with some family members or friends to get to the bottom of it.

The further through the process it gets the more expensive it is as you're dealing with bigger fish much higher up the food chain looking for much bigger pieces of pie.

Good luck. If it's at court / jail stage I'd say take eggomaniac's advice "save the bail money and use it for 'care' packages for the next how many? years she will be in jail."


It hasn't been long (not even over 2 months) and hence my concern. And since I have not been able to confirm this with the police I have made the decision not to provide the assistance.

If any member here is willing to assist me in attempting to confirm what has happened with the local Bangkok police (since I can't speak Thai and live in Canada) I would really appreciate it. Message me and I can provide you with the details.

Thanks for all the responses.


We understand your dilemna. But who contacted you to let you know she was in jail? Do you have any friends in Thailand who can check up on this, or can you try ringing her mobile phone from a withheld number to see if she answers?

As someone posted earlier they are P.I's but that seems obsessive. How much is being asked for the bail? Did you know she was a drug user, if so, then you can believe her plight and might want to help.

Perhaps they are some good willed souls in Bangers that might try to help you, I would if I was there now, but, unfortunately I am not. However you will need to give some better information for someone to try to assist you in these unfortunate matters, as even your own embassy won't, with regard to external affairs out of their control.




Somehow she has been able to contact me from "jail" which makes it even more suspecious. I've made a few calls to friends in Asia with contacts in Thailand but since it's still early in the morning they haven't been able to make contact yet.

I guess all I need is closure to have someone call the police to confirm whether or not she is really in jail.



No problem calling from jail. The police will happily allow you to make the call if it's to get the money for the 'fine'. Heck, they'll even drive you down to the ATM :o


Somehow she has been able to contact me from "jail" which makes it even more suspecious. I've made a few calls to friends in Asia with contacts in Thailand but since it's still early in the morning they haven't been able to make contact yet.

I guess all I need is closure to have someone call the police to confirm whether or not she is really in jail.


I don't mean to nit pick Terrence, but if she has been in jail for 2 months, she would have called you by now.

Terrence/Terry, try not to worry, I hope you will be able to get it sorted out today. I don't know anything about your relationship, how long you's have been together, etc, etc, or your girlfriend for that matter, so I can't comment on her honesty. I would just relax for now, do you have a number she called you on, can you call her back on that number?

I'm sure some people with far better contacts and advice will post here soon to help you out. Until then relax and think about the depth of your relationship and, realistically, do you think this is a scam? If so, then, walk away, quickly, very quickly indeed.

I hope it pans out, but, if she HAS been found with drugs, she will, go to jail unless someone bails her out.



I think he meant they've been together for two months. The 'jail' issue I take it has just arisen. Is this correct?

If she's been in jail for two months... well... ah... don't think there's anything you can do other than send her care packages.


hi, if you have only known her for 2 months i would not bother as there are proberly many things (besides the drug use) that you

don't know about her!!


Yes we've only been together for 2 months. Before I left for my conference this morning I receive a call from her where she told me she's being held in a cell and that if she wasn't bailed out in 12 hours she would be put in jail.

In Thai law can you be arrested if you are suspected of being associated with someone holding drugs? You can't be arrested just because you took drugs can you?


To be honest my gut feeling is that she's been wrongly accused (due to hanging with the wrong crowd), my heart says to bail her out (although it would be too late by now if what she told me on the phone is true) and my mind says don't (along with the voices of the Thai Embassy and all my trusted friends).

I truly appreciate all your suggestions and advice so far.

To be honest my gut feeling is that she's been wrongly accused (due to hanging with the wrong crowd), my heart says to bail her out (although it would be too late by now if what she told me on the phone is true) and my mind says don't (along with the voices of the Thai Embassy and all my trusted friends).

I truly appreciate all your suggestions and advice so far.

A delema obviously. You can move forward on this but only use throw-away money. Don't expect a cent back, or longterm love in return! If she was caught with drugs she either had them on her or was doing drugs at the time. Both will result in 3-5 yrs jail. As with your other thread, stickman is a good option, he will proably be able to get on it very quickly. Do you have telephone numbers to her friends, they will be in the know. As for longterm, Tilleke and Gibbons law firm (google with this title and you'll find them) are excellent at handling farang/thai issues, they might not or decide not to take this case without a big, big retainer.

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