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My G/F and I aren't getting on at the mo'. I am under quite a lot of stress with work etc. We live in a 1 Bed apartment, in the UK. I've decided I need my own space for a while, which is good for her too.

Bearing in mind this is the UK, I can't just go and rent a room for 6000 bhat/month and move in the same day. Here there are references/credit checks blah before you're even considered worthy to rent a room! Expensive too.

I've decided that I'm going to move into the garden shed.

It is very small ( not big enough to swing a cat ), grim, dark, cold, has a stone floor, stone walls and a corigated (sorry about the spelling) roof. I'm shit scared of spiders so that's the first issue I need to figure out.

I figure a coat of paint on the interior walls, maybe some laminate on the floor, a camping bed, sleeping bag and a SAFE method of heating would see me happier than a pig in s***T!

Although 99% of the population in this part of the world would shudder at the thought of such living arrangments - I think it would be quite cosy, exciting even! I used to make den's with my buddies all the time when I was a kid. I can relive childhood adventures.

I guess lot's of people in the world live in the same or worse conditions, and prisoner's cells aren't much better. So why can't I rough it for a few weeks/months?

Of course I'll still be a stone's throw from the main dwelling so I can shower, cook etc and should I go down in defeat I can always return.

Now I know that this thread isn't directly related to Thailand, but I can't think of a bunch of guys/gals I'd rather share my up and coming advenure with!

I guess posing the question - do some Thai's live this way? Is a valid one.

Questions- How can I insulate? What's best for the floor? How can I keep the spiders out? What can I attach to the corigated ceiling on the inside? What's the best colour for such a small space? What additions could be made to make my new liar? What safe/economical method of heating could I use?

Cool pictures? Gadgets? Come on, you're a creative lot...............

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and prisoner's cells aren't much better

errr.. do you know what a lot of prisoners get nowadays in the UK?

bloody playstations, pcs, laptops, xbox........ etc

and those people aren't in for the pettiest of crimes either.

anyway, have fun, although there is better/other options.


I once had the experience of staying in the 'bungalow' at an earls Court Hotel.So I said I'd take a look...went through the hotel..... out the back.....down a fire escape....there it was a wooden garden shed...'The bungalow' had a single bed a mirror a table wardrobe and an electric one bar wall heater.....stayed about 6 months.....great when the weather is good. Course being in Earls Court no worries about cooking.

I wish you well


Wood is a good insulator if the shed is dry....you could line it with chipboard or plywood if this is relatively short term. Buy some cheap wood flooring too, warmer than a concrete floor and not too expensive. Thin ply would give you a layer under your corrigated sheeting. Also wood is good for hooks, etc to hang pictures or clothes.


I read an article recently which added fuel to my fire. Apparantley, British men are re-discovering life in the shed/allotment as a retreat from the pressures of day 2 day life in the modern world. There was no mention of guy's full-timing though..

I did google "living in the shed" to see if I could find some useful info but nothing useful showed up. A few stories about people finding people sleeping in their own shed's though. I wouldn't dream of sleeping in somebody else's shed.

Thanks for the plywood tip.

I could even knock together a small cocktail bar? Any members living in the UK would be more than welcome to come around for a drink - one at a time of course :o


Polystyrene sheets, 6mm thick, will work wonders. My old ma reckons cloves keep spiders away, they are all over her house in every corner of every room. Never seen a spider there, who knows :o


Just one small note - a court could consider it abandonment if you give up the family bed - so moving to the shed would be worse I guess. I see you said she was a GF not a Mrs, so assuming no contract exists between you (either marriage or legal partnership etc), then probably not too much to worry about. However, in a divorce it could be used against you.

A question though - you said 1 bed appartment - that would suggest more than one flat in the building - is the gaden and shed just yours? A neighbour could complain - especially if you are tottering about in your smalls looking for somewhere to pee - or doing adash for your appt. loo!

Someone send him some Jingjooks for the spiders :o


Okay, to answer the practical questions. Cheap wood is best as already stated: chipboard, plywood, even MDF. Always keep colours light, white or off-white is best. Heating is always a problem in a small space as anything that can set fire to anything is a real problem. Storage heaters with no visible heating elements and better to have any heaters mounted high up, if the ceiling is low it won't be a problem. I'm assuming you have power in this shed so in addition to the heating use lighting that provides heat. Wrap up warm and if using a sleeping bag, go for one that has a 'hood'.


You pose the question: "Do some Thais live this way?" and anyone who knows Thailand well, would have to say yes, thousands. Just visit any slum community or the poorer villages nationwide. The difference is, Thais don't have to put up with sub-zero temperatures for six months of the year.

As it is now officially the coldest winter in UK for the last 18 years and many areas have seen the deepest snowfalls in more than 3 decades, then I can only assume you making this decision at this juncture in time is a decision of severe desparation. And I thought you only had problems with your Mum, sister, best mate, everyone else who knows you and the whole of the smalltown UK which you despise........now it turns out you have a g/f who you can't even bear to share the same flat with, let alone the same bed?!! Have you ever thought about getting professional help? :D

Either that, or thinking about moving to a nice cosy cardboard box under a bridge in Thailand. I know a lovely spot under the Ram-Intra Expressway I can recommend. Or perhaps you don't mind freezing your nuts off with the threat of burning to death in a garden shed in smallsville UK? :D

(For the benefit of Thai residents, it's predicted to get down to minus 10 celsius in many parts of UK tonight). :o

You pose the question: "Do some Thais live this way?" and anyone who knows Thailand well, would have to say yes, thousands. Just visit any slum community or the poorer villages nationwide. The difference is, Thais don't have to put up with sub-zero temperatures for six months of the year.


(For the benefit of Thai residents, it's predicted to get down to minus 10 celsius in many parts of UK tonight). :o

Hardly 6 months. Maybe a few days a year unless he lives in Scotland then its a few more days. Its the UK, not Siberia. Tonight the coldest is -4 in Tarbert, Scotland, according to the Met Office http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/uk_forecast_temp.html

Best is +5 in Cornwall, England. That at 23:17 UK Time.

But the point is well taken, its a heck of a lot warmer in Thailand - but on the plus side, not likely to wake up with a scorpion or cobra in bed with you :D

You pose the question: "Do some Thais live this way?" and anyone who knows Thailand well, would have to say yes, thousands. Just visit any slum community or the poorer villages nationwide. The difference is, Thais don't have to put up with sub-zero temperatures for six months of the year.


(For the benefit of Thai residents, it's predicted to get down to minus 10 celsius in many parts of UK tonight). :o

Hardly 6 months. Maybe a few days a year unless he lives in Scotland then its a few more days. Its the UK, not Siberia. Tonight the coldest is -4 in Tarbert, Scotland, according to the Met Office http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/uk_forecast_temp.html

Best is +5 in Cornwall, England. That at 23:17 UK Time.

But the point is well taken, its a heck of a lot warmer in Thailand - but on the plus side, not likely to wake up with a scorpion or cobra in bed with you :D

Isaid "forecast", not present weather Wolfie. Same site, different page:


And when I said "6 months", I didn't mean solid sub-zeros, but months of the year when there is a good chance when a frost will occur. Actually, on reflection it is more like 8 months, so ukme had better fit bloody good insultation in his garden shed and make sure he doesn't gas himself. And don't do what some Thais do when it's cold - bring a charcoal heater in their shack and kill themsleves from carbon monoxide poisoning! Trouble is, ventilation can be darn difficult without a chimney, if you want to stop the hear escaping.

Wouldn't it just be simpler to bite the bullet and stay inside until the weather gets warmer in May or June? :D


If its a TIN shed, like colour bond, the garden type variety of shed, I've only got one thing to say to you & its CONDENSATION (especially if its very small). When ur inside there it will drip from the ceiling, if its humid there it will do the same, I experienced this in Oz....but I wasnt living in there, just had a work bench for fixing things.

I would put HER in the shed, locking it from the outside. Naturally you would have to let her out once a day to go potty! You could feed scraps under the door to her....almost perfect. :o

If its a TIN shed, like colour bond, the garden type variety of shed, I've only got one thing to say to you & its CONDENSATION (especially if its very small). When ur inside there it will drip from the ceiling, if its humid there it will do the same, I experienced this in Oz....but I wasnt living in there, just had a work bench for fixing things.

I would put HER in the shed, locking it from the outside. Naturally you would have to let her out once a day to go potty! You could feed scraps under the door to her....almost perfect. :o

I thought you were Australian neverdie, and it turns out your Austrian. You'll be advising him to build a secure cellar to put her in next. :D

Are you "Arthur two sheds Jackson"?

Sorry to be killjoy but--what is the tenuous link to Thailand--the one reference to 'do some Thais live like this'?

Also, for the OP--I would stop playing games that 6 year old kids play [ making dens etc..] and get inside somewhere a lot warmer than a garden shed--it's f****** cold in UK right now, no?


Pffff...lousy timing...a cold situation (lit.& fig.)

If it's cold, of course get it isolated the cheapest way.

And: if you need a heater, think about a infrared heater. This one doesn't warm the space, but the heat goes directly to the exposed objects (body e.g.) If I am correct about 95-98 %.

Where you live must be cold and wet....brrr...I'd prefer a shed in Thailand. Good luck. Viel Glueck.

I once had the experience of staying in the 'bungalow' at an earls Court Hotel.So I said I'd take a look...went through the hotel..... out the back.....down a fire escape....there it was a wooden garden shed...'The bungalow' had a single bed a mirror a table wardrobe and an electric one bar wall heater.....stayed about 6 months.....great when the weather is good. Course being in Earls Court no worries about cooking.

I wish you well

I stayed at the cheapest rooms in the Colwyn Hotel in Aberdeen a few years back. They were about £20 a night and were 'shed-like' chalets with an army bed and matress. No TV, communal toilet/bathroom, a sink and one of them didn't have any electric bar the light-switch! Adventurous for a week or so, soon got tired of them though :o


I looked through this twice to try and find ANY real relevance to Thailand ... (other than you can't rent and move in to a cheap place the same day).....

My G/F and I aren't getting on at the mo'. I am under quite a lot of stress with work etc. We live in a 1 Bed apartment, in the UK. I've decided I need my own space for a while, which is good for her too.

Bearing in mind this is the UK, I can't just go and rent a room for 6000 bhat/month and move in the same day. Here there are references/credit checks blah before you're even considered worthy to rent a room! Expensive too.

I've decided that I'm going to move into the garden shed.

It is very small ( not big enough to swing a cat ), grim, dark, cold, has a stone floor, stone walls and a corigated (sorry about the spelling) roof. I'm shit scared of spiders so that's the first issue I need to figure out.

I figure a coat of paint on the interior walls, maybe some laminate on the floor, a camping bed, sleeping bag and a SAFE method of heating would see me happier than a pig in s***T!

Although 99% of the population in this part of the world would shudder at the thought of such living arrangments - I think it would be quite cosy, exciting even! I used to make den's with my buddies all the time when I was a kid. I can relive childhood adventures.

I guess lot's of people in the world live in the same or worse conditions, and prisoner's cells aren't much better. So why can't I rough it for a few weeks/months?

Of course I'll still be a stone's throw from the main dwelling so I can shower, cook etc and should I go down in defeat I can always return.

Now I know that this thread isn't directly related to Thailand, but I can't think of a bunch of guys/gals I'd rather share my up and coming advenure with!

I guess posing the question - do some Thai's live this way? Is a valid one.

Questions- How can I insulate? What's best for the floor? How can I keep the spiders out? What can I attach to the corigated ceiling on the inside? What's the best colour for such a small space? What additions could be made to make my new liar? What safe/economical method of heating could I use?

Cool pictures? Gadgets? Come on, you're a creative lot...............


Apart from the obvious....What has this got to do with Thailand, it's still better than some of the "my thai gf, my thai lady is/has done/ is asking for.... blah blah blah crap topics that have been popping up lately.

I will assume the op has a sofa? Also if you are not getting on with your relationship then why not give notice on your flat & both go your separate ways? Who pays the bills/rent on the flat, are you both working & contributing to it?

But fyi, look at lonely planet, time out, gumtree websites as well as getting the weekly mags as there are numerous houseshares advertised & they are cheaper than renting privately & quicker to get into as they usually don't require the same checks as a letting agent.

Or is you gf living with you on a visiting visa or has a visa tied to you in anyway? In which case then ask her to go home if things aren't working out.


Do what a Thai man would do, move out with a new girlfriend and leave Her to pay the bills, or at least threaten Her with it, you sound like you are a broken man without hope, take control.

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