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British Government To Keep 10 Year Records Of Our Journeys...


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So where is this heading then? I think someone made a post here a couple of months back saying he was stopped an questioned by the police at Heathrow before he flew to BKK and they asked him why he was coming here etc etc Are we going to be seeing more of this in the future???


Edited by davejonesbkk
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So where is this heading then? I think someone made a post here a couple of months back saying he was stopped an questioned by the police at Heathrow before he flew to BKK and they asked him why he was coming here etc etc Are we going to be seeing more of this in the future???


From the Article in question

"Minister of State for borders and immigration Phil Woolas said the government was determined to ensure the UK's border remained one of the toughest in the world".

Considering the number of illegals in the UK and the EU open border policy, I think that statement probably only applies to people applying for a legitimate visa.



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So where is this heading then? I think someone made a post here a couple of months back saying he was stopped an questioned by the police at Heathrow before he flew to BKK and they asked him why he was coming here etc etc Are we going to be seeing more of this in the future???


From the Article in question

"Minister of State for borders and immigration Phil Woolas said the government was determined to ensure the UK's border remained one of the toughest in the world".

Considering the number of illegals in the UK and the EU open border policy, I think that statement probably only applies to people applying for a legitimate visa.



Maybe we can ask the minister for borders and immigration to keep the british in britain.

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So where is this heading then? I think someone made a post here a couple of months back saying he was stopped an questioned by the police at Heathrow before he flew to BKK and they asked him why he was coming here etc etc Are we going to be seeing more of this in the future???


So, what's the problem!!


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The problem is for the scam artists who are supposed to be in the uk and living here,claiming everything including winter heating allowance.I know a few of the scums and they have the bleeding cheek to complain when tirak cannot get a visa for a visit to uk.they are a drain on society and should be jailed.

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The problem is for the scam artists who are supposed to be in the uk and living here,claiming everything including winter heating allowance.I know a few of the scums and they have the bleeding cheek to complain when tirak cannot get a visa for a visit to uk.they are a drain on society and should be jailed.

Please tell me more, maybe I can gain from this!!


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The problem is for the scam artists who are supposed to be in the uk and living here,claiming everything including winter heating allowance.I know a few of the scums and they have the bleeding cheek to complain when tirak cannot get a visa for a visit to uk.they are a drain on society and should be jailed.

take it you didnt manage the scam yourself ,sounds like sour grapes to me.why are they a drain on society? they paid their taxes ,just because they now choose to live outside police state Britain ,good on them.

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nothing to do with paying taxes.they are all money grabbing <deleted>.Selling cheap fags and rollups and come bonfire night,cheap fireworks,a bunch of dossers.Hope they all get caught.


if you are claiming dole you are only allowed 1 month holiday per tax year for non euc countries.

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They have been honking on about this for a few years now ... the reality of introducing such a database (and the software to collate the data in a usable format that is accurately accesible) has had MP's shaking their heads. They still have not found a way to collate the data neded to issue ID cards. Like the ID card debacle, this "movements" database keeps getting setback because of the cost.

10years time .... yes, possibly - its going to come ultimately one way or the other, but before then? - no, not likely. Government coffers are bare bare bare............

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They have been honking on about this for a few years now ... the reality of introducing such a database (and the software to collate the data in a usable format that is accurately accesible) has had MP's shaking their heads. They still have not found a way to collate the data neded to issue ID cards. Like the ID card debacle, this "movements" database keeps getting setback because of the cost.

10years time .... yes, possibly - its going to come ultimately one way or the other, but before then? - no, not likely. Government coffers are bare bare bare............

I think they can collate the data.

Am sure we will soon be able to check this as some numpty is bound to leave it on a laptop or tumbdrive on a train/bus, in the theatre, Mc'donalds or in the park. Only a matter of time.

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new passports have got a bar code on now and can be traced to your whereabouts.If you have nothing to hide no problems if you think you can hide no way.

btw i have heard there are spies in thailand reporting back to immigration and the benefits offices.about time they got caught.

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nothing to do with paying taxes.they are all money grabbing <deleted>.Selling cheap fags and rollups and come bonfire night,cheap fireworks,a bunch of dossers.Hope they all get caught.


if you are claiming dole you are only allowed 1 month holiday per tax year for non euc countries.

That seems more than fair. Way more.

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There is more information in this newspaper report: See link below:

It seems the British government wouldn't do this unless there was money to be had or saved.

1. Tax status ie non-domiciled

2. Tax status ie. Non-resident

3. Benefits cheats

I think national security reasons is a red herring.

Big Brother Britain

I totally agree.

I wonder if this will stray into the realm of 'habitual residency' for people returning to the UK and trying to claim a whole range of benefits including child benefit, tax credits, etc.

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scrounging illegaly from the dole can carry a 20,000 quid fine,as one of my ex mates has found out.Maybe then there could be arrest warrants issued in Thailand to deport them back to uk and face the reality of their crimes.We all complain about immigrants that come over to uk,holding a uk passport,and get all the hand outs,then you accept that thieving british idle gits,can fiddle the money,and get a load of freebies,and pretend they have bad backs and cannot work.

They should be made to work,like many of us expats have done all our lives and then can retire early and not be a burden to the uk.

Edited by patklang
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There is more information in this newspaper report: See link below:

It seems the British government wouldn't do this unless there was money to be had or saved.

1. Tax status ie non-domiciled

2. Tax status ie. Non-resident

3. Benefits cheats

I think national security reasons is a red herring.

Big Brother Britain

I totally agree.

I wonder if this will stray into the realm of 'habitual residency' for people returning to the UK and trying to claim a whole range of benefits including child benefit, tax credits, etc.

Habitual residency tests are easily met by stating on the habitual residency form: 'That you wish to return to the U.K. for good'. Whether or not you change your mind later is upto you and you will get benefits immediately.

This has been tested in the high courts.

In the bad old days, if you arrived back into the U.K. flat broke you were not entitled to any benefits at all for six months and had to kip on a park bench. I had a few mates who returned back to the U.K. flat broke after failed bars and failed Thai relationships and lived as vagrants for six months.

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They have been honking on about this for a few years now ... the reality of introducing such a database (and the software to collate the data in a usable format that is accurately accesible) has had MP's shaking their heads. They still have not found a way to collate the data neded to issue ID cards. Like the ID card debacle, this "movements" database keeps getting setback because of the cost.

10years time .... yes, possibly - its going to come ultimately one way or the other, but before then? - no, not likely. Government coffers are bare bare bare............

I think they can collate the data.

Am sure we will soon be able to check this as some numpty is bound to leave it on a laptop or tumbdrive on a train/bus, in the theatre, Mc'donalds or in the park. Only a matter of time.

Yes, correct - they can ..... just slide the passport magnetic strip through the reader, and they do do it quite often (I've had it done to my passport several time) - but I know for a fact that all that does is verfiy the genuiness of the passport - it does not lead to a record been kept of my entry/departure to/from the UK. What is currently lacking is the policy to do it all the time with everyone, and the legislation for the creation of a database, defining when and how the info can be retrieved and be used by whom and for what reason.

The actual collection is straightforward, its the collation and rules governing use that need to be sorted out.

Some years coming ... but come it surely will.

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whilst conspiracy theories are always good and i accept any government is never entirely open as to its 'intellugence'(sic) (for national security reasons) its healthy to have some scepticism as to the level of powers they have rather than beliveing its all as joined up and instant as on the bourne ultimatum

uk is gradually introducing biometric id cards however no agencies currently have the machines to read those already issued http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/ne...icle5675223.ece

Edited by thaiwanderer
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whilst conspiracy theories are always good and i accept any government is never entirely open as to its 'intellugence'(sic) (for national security reasons) its healthy to have some scepticism as to the level of powers they have rather than beliveing its all as joined up and instant as on the bourne ultimatum

uk is gradually introducing biometric id cards however no agencies currently have the machines to read those already issued http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/ne...icle5675223.ece

Personally I hope that the whole ID system never gets off the ground, just another opportunity to intrude into people lives! :o

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The problem is for the scam artists who are supposed to be in the uk and living here,claiming everything including winter heating allowance.I know a few of the scums and they have the bleeding cheek to complain when tirak cannot get a visa for a visit to uk.they are a drain on society and should be jailed.

take it you didnt manage the scam yourself ,sounds like sour grapes to me.why are they a drain on society? they paid their taxes ,just because they now choose to live outside police state Britain ,good on them.

Patklang you are right on. There have been threads in here that boast about they cannot be found for credit card debts and child support payments back home. a couple of times pundits even advised on how to do a 'name change' to get away from their past.

It would be GREAT to crack down on those that cost the rest of us in higher interest rates and bank fees. Do the Thais do an Equifax Check before granting visas?

If a loser has 50,000 Bhat income but is supposed to be paying 30,000B on the cards, they should do the Math.

If you go to hard against these losers, who should not even be allowed to post some of their comments they try to call it 'flaming'

Idiot losers who run away from their debt and child support responsibilities are flaming their karma.

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