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US Considers Whether To Ban Entry Of Runaway Thaksin

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I highly doubt that he has applied for a visa to the US and if he has, it would depend on the type of visa and the reason for his trip. You cannot apply for political asylum unless you are in a country. Ferdinand Marcos was not granted refugee status. He was taken out of the Philippines by the US gov't and allowed to stay in the States. The exact nature of his visa, I don't recall.

If Thaksin (like Samak) went for medical care--maybe. As a tourist, I doubt it. Business--a doubtful maybe. But he might not want to be in the States because he does have a good chance of being arrested pending an extradition hearing.

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Now this is a strange story ....

AFAIK the US won't tell you they are "considering" banning someone from the country. They do it or they don't do it .. they don't chat with you randomly about it.

Not necessarily. Sometimes things are leaked as "trial balloons" before the fact to see what flak is attracted before the final decision.

I think it is called "testing the waters", USA has not formally ruled on a visa application, probably because Toxin hasnt applied for one. So they want to spare him the embarassment of being denied, or they want to see the reaction of 'interested parties' to see if the granting of a visa would cause any political fallout.




Freddie --- go back and read the original story (and then Jing's comments) ((Please note who was making the statement about the USA's considering* etc ...


They might not tell the world in press releases,

but they might easily tell the sitting head of state of another country,

the USA's disposition towards a wanted fugative, regardless of his past credentials

Either the USA acknowledges the thai courts as legit, which they do, or they don't.

Since they do then it's a no brainer.

So they can easily tell the new PM, yes we don't want him, use that info as you like.

Which effectively lets Thaksin know, don't come knocking.

Thaksin continued joint war games because the army wanted it,

but that's not like having US army bases on his soil, like Marcos did in Philippines.

No doubt he did several large back channel favors that greased a comfortable place

to die quietly and store her shoes.

Freddie --- go back and read the original story (and then Jing's comments) ((Please note who was making the statement about the USA's considering* etc ...

Aha, Point taken, I didnt really read and absorb the OP comments.

Now I agree that it is probably a smokescreen to try to influence the US one way or another on banning Toxin before he tries for a visa, But wouldnt it be the easy way out for the 'bastion of democracy' to drop a word to Thailand asking "what if Toxin applies???' and then just leave it to simmer.



They might not tell the world in press releases,

but they might easily tell the sitting head of state government of another country,

the USA's disposition towards a wanted fugative, regardless of his past credentials

Corrected to keep within forum rules. :o


If you read this news in the Thai press, then be skeptical. The local press have a disinformation campaign against Thaksin for years.

Thaksin was the landslide winner of several legitimate democratic elections. The country prospered.

A military junta took over the country at gunpoint, stole his money, ousted him and railroaded him in a court stacked by the Yellow shirts.

He is a role model as far as the USA goes.

Last month, the Nation stated that G Britian had confiscated 4.5 billion $ from Thaksin. They repeated this a few days later but the story is false.

An epic struugle is underway in the Thai gov in preperation for the death of you know who.

Do not believe anything you see in the Thai Press.

They might not tell the world in press releases,

but they might easily tell the sitting head of state government of another country,

the USA's disposition towards a wanted fugitive, regardless of his past credentials

Corrected to keep within forum rules. :o

Apples and oranges.

Hypothetical generic state was clearly used, not specific to Thailand state.

In this instance it doesn't matter, and was well within forum rules.

The point was USA diplomatic outreach would not include the world press,

but could include... upper management. No doubt Abhisit got the courtesy call,

from the ambassador on attaining his elevation of position,

and then a more formal diplomatic meeting to discuss 'issues of mutual concern'.

A loose cannon with Thai passport looking to undermine the country from abroad

would be of concern to BOTH sides. And an understanding reached.

If you read this news in the Thai press, then be skeptical. The local press have a disinformation campaign against Thaksin for years.

Thaksin was the landslide winner of several legitimate democratic elections. The country prospered.

A military junta took over the country at gunpoint, stole his money, ousted him and railroaded him in a court stacked by the Yellow shirts.

He is a role model as far as the USA goes.

Last month, the Nation stated that G Britian had confiscated 4.5 billion $ from Thaksin. They repeated this a few days later but the story is false.

An epic struugle is underway in the Thai gov in preperation for the death of you know who.

Do not believe anything you see in the Thai Press.

I am much more inclinced to believe the Thai Press then you. That load of BS you are slinging is getting everything terribly dirty.


Thaksin a Roll model for the USA!!!

You're on glue!

He was nothing more over there than a Bush Ass Kissing Sycophant with a messiah complex.

Now he's not even up to Marco's level. He never did enough for the USA

to warrant protection after his fall.

If you read this news in the Thai press, then be skeptical. The local press have a disinformation campaign against Thaksin for years.

Thaksin was the landslide winner of several legitimate democratic elections. The country prospered.

A military junta took over the country at gunpoint, stole his money, ousted him and railroaded him in a court stacked by the Yellow shirts.

He is a role model as far as the USA goes.

Last month, the Nation stated that G Britian had confiscated 4.5 billion $ from Thaksin. They repeated this a few days later but the story is false.

An epic struugle is underway in the Thai gov in preperation for the death of you know who.

Do not believe anything you see in the Thai Press.

I am much more inclinced to believe the Thai Press then you. That load of BS you are slinging is getting everything terribly dirty.

Feel free to point out the inaccuracies in my post.

If you think you are getting accurate info in the Thai papers then I canot help you.

Why does the Nation state repeatedly that GB froze 4.5billion $.

It's not true but they repeated it over and over.

Remember the Thai stock Market in 2003? Number 1 in the world with 103% gains!

Remember the Thai unemployment figures? Lowest in the world.

From year 2000 to 2006 the Thai stock market went uo 161%

Thaksins companies went up 168% during this period.

Now you know.

If you read this news in the Thai press, then be skeptical. The local press have a disinformation campaign against Thaksin for years.

Thaksin was the landslide winner of several legitimate democratic elections. The country prospered.

A military junta took over the country at gunpoint, stole his money, ousted him and railroaded him in a court stacked by the Yellow shirts. Uncle if you believe this then you need help.

He is a role model as far as the USA goes. This I can believe - just look at the crooks coming to light in the USA all to do with $ can you see the parrell.

Last month, the Nation stated that G Britian had confiscated 4.5 billion $ from Thaksin. They repeated this a few days later but the story is false.

An epic struugle is underway in the Thai gov in preperation for the death of you know who.

Do not believe anything you see in the Thai Press.


He was ousted by a SE Asian Military Junta. Elections were called, stacked if favor of the Democrats. International election observers were forbidden to monitor the elections and TRT group won again. Ooops.

They got rid of the winner Samak, by hounding him and convicting him of corruption (cooking show :o )

The military gave a wink and a nod to the privileged gang that took over the airport and gov house. They could not manage another coup.

The Thai military is the worst of the worst when it comes to robbing the country and they are now in charge along with the cops, crooked businessmen and politicians.

Why are the Democrats not calling for fair elections?

The poor get screwed again. Been happening for centuries.

He was ousted by a SE Asian Military Junta. Elections were called, stacked if favor of the Democrats. International election observers were forbidden to monitor the elections and TRT group won again. Ooops.

They got rid of the winner Samak, by hounding him and convicting him of corruption (cooking show :D )

The military gave a wink and a nod to the privileged gang that took over the airport and gov house. They could not manage another coup.

The Thai military is the worst of the worst when it comes to robbing the country and they are now in charge along with the cops, crooked businessmen and politicians.

Why are the Democrats not calling for fair elections?

The poor get screwed again. Been happening for centuries.

UncleFrank as with all Governments (forget political persuasion) there is that much that happens behind the scenes that us mere mortals never know about it is frutile to brand one good and another not so good unless You are actually the man freom U.N.C.L.E. :o - Not knowing you depth of experience in Thailand it is probably easier to say TiT and as visitors we endure (notice I do not say suffer) as we should.


If this story is indeed true, it has probably happened because Thaksin's phone-in speeches are seen as attempts to destabilize the Thai government. Very few countries will want to be seen as a staging ground for a revolutionary movement against an allied, or at least friendly, country. If Thaksin was willing to live a more low-profile life I'm sure that he would be welcome to stay almost anywhere.


Thaksin banned in Japan..Thaksin banned from USA,,, England siezes $4.5 billion of Thaksins money...blah blah..

These bogus stories can't be found in any legit western news service as far as I know.

I do know the Bangkok Post and Nation will publish false news as propaganda for powerful people in Bangkok.

Enuff said, no?

He was ousted by a SE Asian Military Junta. Elections were called, stacked if favor of the Democrats. International election observers were forbidden to monitor the elections and TRT group won again. Ooops.

They got rid of the winner Samak, by hounding him and convicting him of corruption (cooking show :D )

The military gave a wink and a nod to the privileged gang that took over the airport and gov house. They could not manage another coup.

The Thai military is the worst of the worst when it comes to robbing the country and they are now in charge along with the cops, crooked businessmen and politicians.

Why are the Democrats not calling for fair elections?

The poor get screwed again. Been happening for centuries.

Get more informations about Samak being found guilty by the court. It's not just as simple as you think he do a cooking show and get into trouble.

There are more to the story. How much money was 'changed hand' and dear Samak 'gave' some of the money for his driver for petrol. Yeah right! :D

There will come a time for another election. Be patient. The time is not here yet! :o

He was ousted by a SE Asian Military Junta. Elections were called, stacked if favor of the Democrats. International election observers were forbidden to monitor the elections and TRT group won again. Ooops.

They got rid of the winner Samak, by hounding him and convicting him of corruption (cooking show :o )

The military gave a wink and a nod to the privileged gang that took over the airport and gov house. They could not manage another coup.

The Thai military is the worst of the worst when it comes to robbing the country and they are now in charge along with the cops, crooked businessmen and politicians.

Why are the Democrats not calling for fair elections?

The poor get screwed again. Been happening for centuries.

LOL .. you need to go back and read a bit more (particularly about Samak)


Easy to see what you want, hard to see what's happening.

Thaksin is too small a story for most international press at this time.

It really only concerns Thailand, unless he tries to publicly enter a country,

and likely attempt to destabilaze Thailand from it's soil.

Then he steps on other toes.

Samak screwed up through his arrognance not to read the laws.

And ignored specific legal advice NOT to pursue his

Political Cooking Show. He talked politics during ALL the food preparation Sessions.

He had a choice and took the wrong one. He made it easy for them.

Somechai and PPP all screwed up AGAIN arrogance vs reading the laws,

and making ANY effort to abide by them at least in appearance.

They made it too easy to remove them,

they handed them the gun to shoot their own foot.

There is no question they got rid of Thaklsin, and have been dismantling

his political machine ever since. But most of the Thaksin defenders / supporters

have repeated lt given the wrong reasons for his removal, as their reasons why it was so wrong.

Some will never face the facts he was going dangerous.

It was clear to me, and I didn't WANT to see that. I still see the sings today.

This is a man not in enough personal control to run a country.

End of story, Change horses sooner than later.

Be for and even bigger transition is regretfully upon us.

Just because Thaksin DID do some good, doesn't mean his WHOLE body of work was good.

Just because he managed to manipulate the north east populace to his ends doesn't mean

it was properly done democratically. He used a corrupt machine to wield power.

And thus this 'democracy' was not necessarily actually lost.

Can't lose what you never actually had. Only the facade of appearances.

Nor does that mean his removal wasn't necessary while quite messy in going about it.

Blame who you like in RETROSPECT, it changes SQUAT.

Post mortems of political events only look to the future,

which is necessarily opaque.

Can someone explain how a democratically elected official ousted by a military coup does not qualify for political asylum? it seems rather open shut.

it sounds like the current thai government is "trading" to get these rulings.


And after his forceful ousting he was duly tried and condemned by a court of justice.

Besides, in the same time he was tried a Government was in business most certainly doing it's utmost to get the man back.

You might say, the Governments of the Taksin followers were busy doing only that.

And if he ever comes back, the courts still have some other business with him.

But lo and behold!

Now there is a private political party in Thailand, which might be called: Taksin, Taksin, Taksin, Taksin, Taksin, Taksin, Taksin & Taksin United.

Only there to get the big leader back in business.

Now that is really good for the country, a one issue party.

Way to go!


With Hillary Clinton as Sec. of State, she'd probably want to keep him out in the fear that he'll be competing with hubby Bill for well-paid speaking gigs. :o

Seriously, though, the US right-wing LOVES these heavy-handed SEA dictators, and I could see ol' Flathead fitting right in with the Fox News knuckleheads and doing editorials for Forbes magazine, like Lee Kwan Yew.

If the GOP was in the White House, I'd say they would let him in. I hope O doesn't.

But wouldn't it be cool if they said he could come over, and when he gets there it turns out to be a rope-a-dope and they detain him, then hand him over.


I just wonder what will happen to the relations between the UK, Japan, eventually the US (if the report is confirmed) when Mr. T. be again prime minister of this country (sometimes dreams, not mine, come through) ... :o

If you read this news in the Thai press, then be skeptical. The local press have a disinformation campaign against Thaksin for years.

Thaksin was the landslide winner of several legitimate democratic elections. The country prospered.

A military junta took over the country at gunpoint, stole his money, ousted him and railroaded him in a court stacked by the Yellow shirts. Uncle if you believe this then you need help.

He is a role model as far as the USA goes. This I can believe - just look at the crooks coming to light in the USA all to do with $ can you see the parrell.

Last month, the Nation stated that G Britian had confiscated 4.5 billion $ from Thaksin. They repeated this a few days later but the story is false.

An epic struugle is underway in the Thai gov in preperation for the death of you know who.

Do not believe anything you see in the Thai Press.

Ahhhh.... that's better... now I'll actually try to read the content of your post... (who were you writing for? Roger Rabbit?)

With Hillary Clinton as Sec. of State, she'd probably want to keep him out in the fear that he'll be competing with hubby Bill for well-paid speaking gigs. :o

Seriously, though, the US right-wing LOVES these heavy-handed SEA dictators, and I could see ol' Flathead fitting right in with the Fox News knuckleheads and doing editorials for Forbes magazine, like Lee Kwan Yew.

If the GOP was in the White House, I'd say they would let him in. I hope O doesn't.

But wouldn't it be cool if they said he could come over,

and when he gets there it turns out to be a rope-a-dope and they detain him, then hand him over.

A the Mohamed Ali School of international diplomacy.

Ropa Dope and we know who the duped dope would be.

Best smile I had in two days.


Cue up the Red Shirt Fire-starters for the American Embassy on Wireless Road...

Burning effigies today

Some 150 pro-Thaksin protesters rallied on Friday in front of UK Embassy in Bangkok, condemning the country for revoking Thaksin's visa.

Wearing red shirts, they burnt effigies of British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Foreign Secretary of State David Miliband to show their anger after UK revoked visas of Thaksin and his wife Pojaman.

About 150 police were deployed to provide security at the embassy.

The protesters showed banners which read, "Why the United Kingdom which is icon of democracy revoke Thaksins' visa?," and "Why the United Kingdom did not respect the UN Conventions."

All Hail Britannia...


Cue up the Red Shirt Fire-starters for the American Embassy on Wireless Road...

Bring it on!

Translated into new American politics speak: thanks for sharing your diverse valid point of view, would you like to buy some T-bills? ...


And cue up the PTP MP's to come out with more of their stupidity...

Pheu Thai MP Demands China and Japan Clarify Ousted PM's Entry Ban

The Pheu Thai MP from Chiang Mai Province is demanding that the Chinese and Japanese embassies

Chiang Mai MP from the Pheu Thai Party, Surapong Tohwijakchaikul


PTP seems to be one bunch of DEMANDING chumps......of foreign embassies, the Thai coalition government, the UN, PAD, etc. etc....

we gotta name and shame this buffoon...... he's been on here before for doing something else stupid...


PTP MP Surapong Tohwijakchaikul

He warned Chinese and Japanese authorities

:D :D

Good Lordy... the buffoon is not only DEMANDING of the Chinese and Japanese... the moron is issuing WARNINGS??? :D

PTP....what a bunch of bozos...

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