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Education Visa

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Hi Thinking of enrolling in a Thai course and getting an ED Visa. Been Laos thousands of times and fancy a trip elsewhere to obtain it.

Now Cambodia has appeared to have a change of consulate manager thinking of maybe going Phonom Phen, or maybe Hong Kong or even Beiljing, heard some consulates can be more awkward then others. But surely with education enrollment docs in shouldn't really matter where I go, should it???

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i got refused a single entry in Manila last week. also the japanese guy in front of me was refused as his old visa didnt expire til saturday...this was thursday, the day before labour day.

surely if ur paperwork is right they shud just take the fee and process..

whats the deal? any clues?


PS - phillipine airlines refused to let me board without onward ticket from thailand, explaining over the course of 2 days, that thailand would sue them for 20.000 USD if i arrived with no visa.

i arrived with no visa, and was stamped in for 30, no questions, no tkt required, nearly 300 dollars, cancelled flights, blabla bla.. for nothin at all. i now have a tkt i dont want which will presumbaly take months to refund 75% of the amount.


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Your report does not suprise me a bit.

Manila has a very bad reputation. They turn people down for tourist visas even.

You should make a trip to Vientiane to get your visa. They are much more friendly.

You have to have a ticket out within 30 days if you don't have a visa. Some airlines will let you sign a waiver saying you are responsible if you get refused entry.

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