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Holy mackerel. Is violence up?

My wife has just been filling me in on the Thai news she reads.


ATM robberies are up, Thai victims! Only use them in daylight, crowded conditions.


Her brother in law, who owns a lumber factory, had 3 gold necklaces on. A gang hit his car; when he got out he was knocked unconscious and woke up in the hospital.


They recently caught a gang who would crash a woman's car, take her by gun point to a hotel and max out her atm for days until it was cleaned out, while raping her. The victims kept it a secret from their friends and family because they were 'disgraced'. sheesh


She says they are finding babies in garbage cans and on the streets in alarming numbers. School girls who get pregnant, just off load the newborns.


some crooks disguise as monks to commit crimes, and many real monks have been caught for rapes


add the buses where the passengers were recently drugged out and possesions stolen

the music teacher in Chang Mai murder and robbery - Did they ever arrest anyone for that???

the young fella killed and robbed in Phuket

Holy mackerel. Is violence up?

My wife has just been filling me in on the Thai news she reads.


ATM robberies are up, Thai victims! Only use them in daylight, crowded conditions.


Her brother in law, who owns a lumber factory, had 3 gold necklaces on. A gang hit his car; when he got out he was knocked unconscious and woke up in the hospital.


They recently caught a gang who would crash a woman's car, take her by gun point to a hotel and max out her atm for days until it was cleaned out, while raping her. The victims kept it a secret from their friends and family because they were 'disgraced'. sheesh


She says they are finding babies in garbage cans and on the streets in alarming numbers. School girls who get pregnant, just off load the newborns.


some crooks disguise as monks to commit crimes, and many real monks have been caught for rapes


add the buses where the passengers were recently drugged out and possesions stolen

the music teacher in Chang Mai murder and robbery - Did they ever arrest anyone for that???

the young fella killed and robbed in Phuket

No disrespect to your gal - but you make some pretty bold statements here based on what she is telling you she heard or read.

True things do happen here (like they do in the west) but the difference is they get reported on the front pages of every newspaper here. The one about the babies is rediculous, yes one was found last week...ONE. I wonder how many are found on any given day in Los Angeles or Chicago in comparison.

Robberies though, I expect to rise, both here and elsewhere.


If crime is up in Thailand its surely up in USA and Canada,as well as every other country in the world.Global recession is a worrying thing,not only for money problems but scumbags who think they can rob for money.


Are you new to Thailand? Horrible stuff indeed, but things like that have been going on for years. I am sure that with economic deterioration crime rates will go up, but the headlines and feature stories of Thai newspapers have always been filled with that sort of thing, at least since I first set eyes on them in 1980.

Holy mackerel. Is violence up?

My wife has just been filling me in on the Thai news she reads.


ATM robberies are up, Thai victims! Only use them in daylight, crowded conditions.


Her brother in law, who owns a lumber factory, had 3 gold necklaces on. A gang hit his car; when he got out he was knocked unconscious and woke up in the hospital.


They recently caught a gang who would crash a woman's car, take her by gun point to a hotel and max out her atm for days until it was cleaned out, while raping her. The victims kept it a secret from their friends and family because they were 'disgraced'. sheesh


She says they are finding babies in garbage cans and on the streets in alarming numbers. School girls who get pregnant, just off load the newborns.


some crooks disguise as monks to commit crimes, and many real monks have been caught for rapes


add the buses where the passengers were recently drugged out and possesions stolen

the music teacher in Chang Mai murder and robbery - Did they ever arrest anyone for that???

the young fella killed and robbed in Phuket



The problem with the news is that after a while it gets too scary. Periodically, I have to take a holiday from the news.

Holy mackerel. Is violence up?

My wife has just been filling me in on the Thai news she reads.


ATM robberies are up, Thai victims! Only use them in daylight, crowded conditions.


Her brother in law, who owns a lumber factory, had 3 gold necklaces on. A gang hit his car; when he got out he was knocked unconscious and woke up in the hospital.


They recently caught a gang who would crash a woman's car, take her by gun point to a hotel and max out her atm for days until it was cleaned out, while raping her. The victims kept it a secret from their friends and family because they were 'disgraced'. sheesh


She says they are finding babies in garbage cans and on the streets in alarming numbers. School girls who get pregnant, just off load the newborns.


some crooks disguise as monks to commit crimes, and many real monks have been caught for rapes


add the buses where the passengers were recently drugged out and possesions stolen

the music teacher in Chang Mai murder and robbery - Did they ever arrest anyone for that???

the young fella killed and robbed in Phuket

If you brother in law wears 3 goldnecklaces he can spare two for the poor people.

Holy mackerel. Is violence up?

My wife has just been filling me in on the Thai news she reads.


ATM robberies are up, Thai victims! Only use them in daylight, crowded conditions.


Her brother in law, who owns a lumber factory, had 3 gold necklaces on. A gang hit his car; when he got out he was knocked unconscious and woke up in the hospital.


They recently caught a gang who would crash a woman's car, take her by gun point to a hotel and max out her atm for days until it was cleaned out, while raping her. The victims kept it a secret from their friends and family because they were 'disgraced'. sheesh


She says they are finding babies in garbage cans and on the streets in alarming numbers. School girls who get pregnant, just off load the newborns.


some crooks disguise as monks to commit crimes, and many real monks have been caught for rapes


add the buses where the passengers were recently drugged out and possesions stolen

the music teacher in Chang Mai murder and robbery - Did they ever arrest anyone for that???

the young fella killed and robbed in Phuket


No sources quoted, so I agree with yabaaa, :D would you like us to do the same for your beloved Canada!!!!!!!!!!

Holy mackerel. Is violence up?

My wife has just been filling me in on the Thai news she reads.


ATM robberies are up, Thai victims! Only use them in daylight, crowded conditions.


Her brother in law, who owns a lumber factory, had 3 gold necklaces on. A gang hit his car; when he got out he was knocked unconscious and woke up in the hospital.


They recently caught a gang who would crash a woman's car, take her by gun point to a hotel and max out her atm for days until it was cleaned out, while raping her. The victims kept it a secret from their friends and family because they were 'disgraced'. sheesh


She says they are finding babies in garbage cans and on the streets in alarming numbers. School girls who get pregnant, just off load the newborns.


some crooks disguise as monks to commit crimes, and many real monks have been caught for rapes


add the buses where the passengers were recently drugged out and possesions stolen

the music teacher in Chang Mai murder and robbery - Did they ever arrest anyone for that???

the young fella killed and robbed in Phuket

Just another day in Thailand, this is the way it is, sorry you are just discovering this now, sounds like you were ignorant like the others in this thread as to what Thailand is really like. Glad you are now aware.

Just another day in Thailand, this is the way it is, sorry you are just discovering this now, sounds like you were ignorant like the others in this thread as to what Thailand is really like. Glad you are now aware.

True, this kind of thing happens, has been happening and will continue to happen all the time. I did read that the newspapers might be reporting more of it recently though. One newspaper confirmed that it was only printing a predefined quota of 'bad news' articles, I think it was a Pattaya paper although I cant remember the specifics.

Just another day in Thailand, this is the way it is, sorry you are just discovering this now, sounds like you were ignorant like the others in this thread as to what Thailand is really like. Glad you are now aware.

True, this kind of thing happens, has been happening and will continue to happen all the time. I did read that the newspapers might be reporting more of it recently though. One newspaper confirmed that it was only printing a predefined quota of 'bad news' articles, I think it was a Pattaya paper although I cant remember the specifics.


This is not just another day in Thailand.

These things happen, everywhere.

Thailand as well.

But not every day.

So, not just another day.

Holy mackerel. Is violence up?

My wife has just been filling me in on the Thai news she reads.


ATM robberies are up, Thai victims! Only use them in daylight, crowded conditions.


Her brother in law, who owns a lumber factory, had 3 gold necklaces on. A gang hit his car; when he got out he was knocked unconscious and woke up in the hospital.


They recently caught a gang who would crash a woman's car, take her by gun point to a hotel and max out her atm for days until it was cleaned out, while raping her. The victims kept it a secret from their friends and family because they were 'disgraced'. sheesh


She says they are finding babies in garbage cans and on the streets in alarming numbers. School girls who get pregnant, just off load the newborns.


some crooks disguise as monks to commit crimes, and many real monks have been caught for rapes


add the buses where the passengers were recently drugged out and possesions stolen

the music teacher in Chang Mai murder and robbery - Did they ever arrest anyone for that???

the young fella killed and robbed in Phuket

ignorant like the others in this thread as to what Thailand is really like. Glad you are now aware.

I agree with you that some of the posts and posters are ignorant, one especially in his other Posts all over the Forum as well

I NEVER said these things do not happen in Canada and the USA has the #1 crime rate of developed countries, however this a Thailand Forum, ya would think?. Back in 2004, on my first visit to Thailand, I actually felt 'safer' than in Canada.

Read the new Topic 'sickening story' about the gang of 7 that raped a 13 year old.

Violence and robbery against Thais and farangs seems to be on the rise, my personal opinion. and YES the worsening economy is a likely cause, as i have previously pointed out.

There have been way more than ONE abandoned baby. The article I was reading called it a phenomonum. Am I going to track it down to appease a FLAMER? no


I think pretty much all of the stories you've listed are things that happen/have happened/will happen with varying degrees of frequency. There's no story here that is something 'new'. Are you really surprised that there are Thai victims at ATM machines? And you think that's new? I haven't heard of the rising 'phenomenon' of babies being left in trash cans but it's something that happens from time to time anyway, to the point of not being that unusual. Also remember that, much as in many western countries, you can't always rely on the popular press to provide a clear social picture, they will sensationalize to sell their papers.

Having said that, I'm sure the economic situation will bring an increase in crime. Mostly it will be petty crime, but if you're really that concerned, stay at home and double lock your doors.

I think pretty much all of the stories you've listed are things that happen/have happened/will happen with varying degrees of frequency. There's no story here that is something 'new'. Are you really surprised that there are Thai victims at ATM machines? And you think that's new? I haven't heard of the rising 'phenomenon' of babies being left in trash cans but it's something that happens from time to time anyway, to the point of not being that unusual. Also remember that, much as in many western countries, you can't always rely on the popular press to provide a clear social picture, they will sensationalize to sell their papers.

Having said that, I'm sure the economic situation will bring an increase in crime. Mostly it will be petty crime, but if you're really that concerned, stay at home and double lock your doors.

LOL this is a bit like my ex wife - disagree with things I did NOT say.

I never once said crime does NOT happen in other countries. DUH and I never once said these things are 'new' DUHMBER

In my, humble, opinion burglary and violance is on the upswing and Thailand seems less safe than a few years ago. "stay at home and double lock your doors" <<< DUHMEST


Once again the board is not able to discuss a negative Thai issue without dragging it over to 'well these things happen the world over'.

Once again the board is not able to discuss a negative Thai issue without dragging it over to 'well these things happen the world over'.

Glad to discuss it, but search on google the words "baby garbage can" and you will quickly see this isn't unique to Thailand at all - it's a troll topic - nothing else.

But tell you what GH, give us the Saudi Forum you post on over there so we can discuss beheadings and all things culture police related?

Holy mackerel. Is violence up?

My wife has just been filling me in on the Thai news she reads.


ATM robberies are up, Thai victims! Only use them in daylight, crowded conditions.


Her brother in law, who owns a lumber factory, had 3 gold necklaces on. A gang hit his car; when he got out he was knocked unconscious and woke up in the hospital.


They recently caught a gang who would crash a woman's car, take her by gun point to a hotel and max out her atm for days until it was cleaned out, while raping her. The victims kept it a secret from their friends and family because they were 'disgraced'. sheesh


She says they are finding babies in garbage cans and on the streets in alarming numbers. School girls who get pregnant, just off load the newborns.


some crooks disguise as monks to commit crimes, and many real monks have been caught for rapes


add the buses where the passengers were recently drugged out and possesions stolen

the music teacher in Chang Mai murder and robbery - Did they ever arrest anyone for that???

the young fella killed and robbed in Phuket

If you brother in law wears 3 goldnecklaces he can spare two for the poor people.

lol, why does he have to? now people have no rights to have jewels? Do you give the 70% of your salary to the poor people? (thats about giving 2 out of 3).. :o

For the rest of the news, I would love to know that by a news paper more than mouth to mouth.. there are alot of speculations. Urban myths.

Just another day in Thailand, this is the way it is, sorry you are just discovering this now, sounds like you were ignorant like the others in this thread as to what Thailand is really like. Glad you are now aware.

True, this kind of thing happens, has been happening and will continue to happen all the time. I did read that the newspapers might be reporting more of it recently though. One newspaper confirmed that it was only printing a predefined quota of 'bad news' articles, I think it was a Pattaya paper although I cant remember the specifics.


This is not just another day in Thailand.

These things happen, everywhere.

Thailand as well.

But not every day.

So, not just another day.

You are right, I always think that if you hear about it then that means it is special so thereofore cannot be normal so therefore not a regualr occurence.

I think Thailand is quite safe but for foreigners (apart from the ones who marry....well to save argument sake girls who have an agenda shall we say) it is very safe.

However if you have a house or townhouse and are able to get a gun I would get one as for the large percentage of crimes in Thailand that are carried out with a gun.

As my wifes dad always says it is better to have a gun and not need it then need it and not have it :o

Just another day in Thailand, this is the way it is, sorry you are just discovering this now, sounds like you were ignorant like the others in this thread as to what Thailand is really like. Glad you are now aware.

True, this kind of thing happens, has been happening and will continue to happen all the time. I did read that the newspapers might be reporting more of it recently though. One newspaper confirmed that it was only printing a predefined quota of 'bad news' articles, I think it was a Pattaya paper although I cant remember the specifics.


This is not just another day in Thailand.

These things happen, everywhere.

Thailand as well.

But not every day.

So, not just another day.

I do not know if anyone else heard but my wife told me about a big gang fight between two technical colleges, about 50 on each side armed with shanks and a few guns, nobody dead but many injured. Those tec college students are f'ing crazy. They are the ones who wear the really tight jeans which are really short and converse shoes, Although this could be a lot of people in Thailand I think you can make your own judgement as to whether or not they are the peeps, always in crew as well.

I think pretty much all of the stories you've listed are things that happen/have happened/will happen with varying degrees of frequency. There's no story here that is something 'new'. Are you really surprised that there are Thai victims at ATM machines? And you think that's new? I haven't heard of the rising 'phenomenon' of babies being left in trash cans but it's something that happens from time to time anyway, to the point of not being that unusual. Also remember that, much as in many western countries, you can't always rely on the popular press to provide a clear social picture, they will sensationalize to sell their papers.

Having said that, I'm sure the economic situation will bring an increase in crime. Mostly it will be petty crime, but if you're really that concerned, stay at home and double lock your doors.

LOL this is a bit like my ex wife - disagree with things I did NOT say.

I never once said crime does NOT happen in other countries. DUH and I never once said these things are 'new' DUHMBER

In my, humble, opinion burglary and violance is on the upswing and Thailand seems less safe than a few years ago. "stay at home and double lock your doors" <<< DUHMEST

I never said that you said crime doesn't happen in other countries. The only thing I said about other countries was that the press also sensationalizes crime stories. And I was just pointing out that the things you've been describing are not necessarily indicative of a new phenomenon. Anyway, :o you carry on.


they need to do way instain mother> who kill thier babbys. becuse these babby cant frigth back? it was on the news this mroing a mother in ar who had kill her three kids . they are taking the three babby back to new york too lady to rest my pary are with the father who lost his chrilden ; i am truley sorry for your lots

they need to do way instain mother> who kill thier babbys. becuse these babby cant frigth back? it was on the news this mroing a mother in ar who had kill her three kids . they are taking the three babby back to new york too lady to rest my pary are with the father who lost his chrilden ; i am truley sorry for your lots


they need to do way instain mother> who kill thier babbys. becuse these babby cant frigth back? it was on the news this mroing a mother in ar who had kill her three kids . they are taking the three babby back to new york too lady to rest my pary are with the father who lost his chrilden ; i am truley sorry for your lots


Is it a sad day when I can understand Isaan farmers more easily then my fellow falang?

Just another day in Thailand, this is the way it is, sorry you are just discovering this now, sounds like you were ignorant like the others in this thread as to what Thailand is really like. Glad you are now aware.

True, this kind of thing happens, has been happening and will continue to happen all the time. I did read that the newspapers might be reporting more of it recently though. One newspaper confirmed that it was only printing a predefined quota of 'bad news' articles, I think it was a Pattaya paper although I cant remember the specifics.


This is not just another day in Thailand.

These things happen, everywhere.

Thailand as well.

But not every day.

So, not just another day.

I do not know if anyone else heard but my wife told me about a big gang fight between two technical colleges, about 50 on each side armed with shanks and a few guns, nobody dead but many injured. Those tec college students are f'ing crazy. They are the ones who wear the really tight jeans which are really short and converse shoes, Although this could be a lot of people in Thailand I think you can make your own judgement as to whether or not they are the peeps, always in crew as well.

Yes thats true.

It has been going on for several years.

A real disgrace really.

This is actually, when I think about it, something I never heard about back home.

At least not this kind of gang war between to colleges that has been going on for several years.

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