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Why Are There A Suddent Boom In Nazi Related Movies?


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Did I missed something (news, headlines, or whatever) recently? Because there are quite a number of movies that came out recently, I noticed in trailers and current releases, and a dam_n good list of casts as well:

Inglourious Basterds (Brad Pitt)

Valkyrie (Tom Cruise)

Defiance (Daniel Craig)

The Reader (Kate Winslet)

Miracle at St.Anna's

The boy in Striped Pajamas

John Rabe

and they all have to do with nazi germany during WW2

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Did I missed something (news, headlines, or whatever) recently? Because there are quite a number of movies that came out recently, I noticed in trailers and current releases, and a dam_n good list of casts as well:

Inglourious Basterds (Brad Pitt)

Valkyrie (Tom Cruise)

Defiance (Daniel Craig)

The Reader (Kate Winslet)

Miracle at St.Anna's

The boy in Striped Pajamas

John Rabe

and they all have to do with nazi germany during WW2

Before this gets shoved over to the Farang Pub section, let me add its just a phase we are going through, Hollywood likes to regurge itself cause they have no new ideas.

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Did I missed something (news, headlines, or whatever) recently? Because there are quite a number of movies that came out recently, I noticed in trailers and current releases, and a dam_n good list of casts as well:

Inglourious Basterds (Brad Pitt)

Valkyrie (Tom Cruise)

Defiance (Daniel Craig)

The Reader (Kate Winslet)

Miracle at St.Anna's

The boy in Striped Pajamas

John Rabe

and they all have to do with nazi germany during WW2

It was possibly the most dramatic period in history and the bad guys were clearly identifiable.. There were lots of stories from the war that haven't been told that are worth telling such as the Bielski partizans (Defiance) and von Stauffenberg and the July plot (Valkyrie)..

There is also a lot of Jewish money in Hollywood and they like to remind everyone of certain statistics..

Anyway, who doesn't enjoy seeing the Germans getting it?

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The hateful ignorance that continues to spew from some is unbelievable. I am all for freedom of speech, but uttering falsehoods and making false allegations is an insult to people's intelligence. It's always the same folks. I'm sure one day, I will be accused of having been brainwashed for having attended a Church of England affiliated school, but hel_l, here goes;

There is also a lot of Jewish money in Hollywood and they like to remind everyone of certain statistics.

Anyway, who doesn't enjoy seeing the Germans getting it?

About halfway through WW2 about 50% of the German army where non Germans FALSE, NO CITATION

Maybe those "Juice" filmsponsors wanna make sure the world understands they are the new Nazi's?

The above two idiotic comments demonstrate why themes of WWII need to be retold

The first comment demonstrates a profound ignorance and a latent prejudice. It is unfortunate the person did not make an effort to research his statement before offering it as fact. Here are some facts about the films;

Inglourious Basterds: Quentin Tarentino the executive producer financed it with help from the star Brad Pitt. Neither is jewish Although the well regarded Harvey Weinstein was recruited to help produce the film, he did not finance it, because he has no money to do so.

Valkyrie: Christopher McQuarrie who wrote it produced it with Tom Cruise and Bryan Singer. The money was raised by the producers. Mr. Cruise has a special financing arrangement with the studio as part of his deal. mr. Cruise belongs to the Church of Scientology.

Defiance: Pieter Jan Brugge put the financing deal together. Edward Zwick while retaining some production responsibilities, was the author.

The Reader - Mirage Films is based in the UK and is hardly a "jew" company. maybe they have a jew employed somewhere but I do not think he or she was responsible for the film as it was based upon a book written by a Bernhard Schlink, a German. The book was well reviewed. David Hare adapted the screenplay.

Miracle at St.Anna's" Spike Lee's movie is about 4 afro american GIs and is set in italy. Spike Lee as a front for the jew conspiracy? Right.

The boy in Striped Pajamas: This film was produced by BBC films. It is based upon Irish writer John boyne's novel. Unless Mr. Boyne's baptism was done by Jesus, I do not think he is a member of the jewish faith and the BBC is not run by jews.

John Rabe: A German-Chinese co-production (Huayi Brothers and Hofmann and Voges Entertainment) and profiles a "good German". Unless Germany and China have converted to judaism, I do not think there is any jewish involvement in the film. The film is about a German during the Japanese occupation of China and how he sheltered Chinese refugees.

Congratulations Alex Lah on the invention of information that is inaccurate. Germany had a population of 80 million at the start of the war. There were 10 million people conscripted into the military subsequent to the invasion of Poland. Although there were millions of casualties, the presence of east european and arab volunteers in the nazi military was nowhere near 50%. By the end of the war, almost all of those collaborators had been disposed of by the allied forces. What was left were the die hard Nazi units and lots of elderly and juvenile conscripts. No matter how you try to massage the numbers, you are wrong. I'm surprised you didn't blame the Queen of England as well.

You know guys, if you have an agenda, don't hide behind innocuous threads to propagate your bigoted views. Just come right out and say it.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Geria I suggest you read the following book.

The war of the world, written by Niall Ferguson.

The guy has done many many years of research together with his team, all references are mentioned to the info provided in this excellent manuscript.

You could however also point us in the right direction by showing us where all your "wisdom" comes from?


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There is also a lot of Jewish money in Hollywood and they like to remind everyone of certain statistics.

The above two idiotic comments demonstrate why themes of WWII need to be retold

The first comment demonstrates a profound ignorance and a latent prejudice. It is unfortunate the person did not make an effort to research his statement before offering it as fact. Here are some facts about the films;

You know guys, if you have an agenda, don't hide behind innocuous threads to propagate your bigoted views. Just come right out and say it.

So this is what you were referring to with your nonsensical, bordering on libel off topic post about me posting a conspiracy theory.

This was a perfectly innocent and I believe, factually correct posting with no malice or hint of conspiracy theory. If anything, it's you that's imagining a conspiracy. I was suggesting that Jewish film makers and their financiers maintain awareness of what happened to them through film. An obvious example is Schindler's List.

Next time, think harder and read the lines, not between them.

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