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Someone please help.. :o

I have read and re-read this user manual for MAC for the CDMA CCU-680. I have never owned a mac before and am quite excited however not having a phone line I can only use this cat modem .. it works fine on my pc..

The instruction for mac are strange and the installation files. Certainly NOT easier then a PC!!!

I thought everything was going to be easier..

There is a KEXT file but when I delete the extension it becomes a folder with other files in it.

I have attached the instructions.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!



lol, why would you delete the extension?! A .kext is a kernel extension file btw.

The instructions look quite straightforward (although a little odd). Which part are you having trouble with?

I can see that they seem to have missed a step at the beginning of page 5, you need to click the little plus sign on the lower left of the window to add a new interface before you can put in the username etc.

If you have skype or gmail chat I could guide you through step by step.

Someone please help.. :D

I have read and re-read this user manual for MAC for the CDMA CCU-680. I have never owned a mac before and am quite excited however not having a phone line I can only use this cat modem .. it works fine on my pc..

The instruction for mac are strange and the installation files. Certainly NOT easier then a PC!!!

I thought everything was going to be easier..

There is a KEXT file but when I delete the extension it becomes a folder with other files in it.

I have attached the instructions.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

I'll have a look. And yes, some packages look like a file but are actually folders with content in them. loading PDF now. I'm surprised they have a .kext in there - most likely a driver. Interesting as i'm also going to be getting this CDMA service in a few weeks.

Edit: What a mess! :o


perform the following.

click once on the Mac folder, then select edit/copy <from the top menu>

click on your desktop, select edit paste <from the top menu>

Click spotlight (magnifying glass in top right) type terminal and click it

type: cd Desktop/MAC/CCU680

type: sudo sh SwitchDriver.sh (you will be asked to enter the administrator password)

type: ls -al /dev/tty.usbmodemfd121

this is the modem driver loaded.

Click the apple menu, then select system prefs - double click network

Click on the CMOTE...in the left window, enter #777 next to telephone number,

Account name should be [email protected]

Password is cdmacat

click Apply, then click Advanced

Vendor should drop down to "Null Modem"

click the PPP tab, check "Connect using a Terminal"

click OK, click Apply once more.

Click Connect

Enter your username and password,

A terminal window should appear, type: atdt#777 and press enter

Than should be it.

perform the following.

click once on the Mac folder, then select edit/copy <from the top menu>

click on your desktop, select edit paste <from the top menu>

Click spotlight (magnifying glass in top right) type terminal and click it

type: cd Desktop/MAC/CCU680

type: sudo sh SwitchDriver.sh (you will be asked to enter the administrator password)

Hi Thank you so much for the replies!! But I am still lost!!!!

Where doI type in sudo sh... and do you mean Switchdriver1?

And what is my password?i never needed anything more then cdmacat with the PC!!

The mac is proving to be extremely frustrating and I am not lovinig it!!!


You type inside sudo sh etc inside terminal. If you cannot find it by using spotlight, use finder to go to Applications/Utilities folder, it's there.

The password is the one the machines user types to Login.

Although you're having a nightmare - it's hardly the Macs fault, more like this abortion of a driver.....

Hi Thank you so much for the replies!! But I am still lost!!!!

Where doI type in sudo sh... and do you mean Switchdriver1?

And what is my password?i never needed anything more then cdmacat with the PC!!

The mac is proving to be extremely frustrating and I am not lovinig it!!!

The password needed to run the sudo... stuff is the administrator password for the computer, nothing to do with the cdmacat. When the machine was set up it would have prompted for an admin password to be entered.

I see that you are also in Phuket, if you can't get it working I'll be happy to take a look at it for you.


Hi thanks. I am at work now and will try again when I go home..

however I opted not to have a password.. but just hitting enter when I get to the password promp does not work.. How do I go back into the mac and set up a password?

I am normally quite computer saavy.. i feel like a novice again!

Hi thanks. I am at work now and will try again when I go home..

however I opted not to have a password.. but just hitting enter when I get to the password promp does not work.. How do I go back into the mac and set up a password?

I am normally quite computer saavy.. i feel like a novice again!

Open System Preferences, at the System section choose Accounts to manage users and passwords.


Ok I seem to be getting further along.. i got my password sorted but the switch is not working..

I have attached a zip with all the files... ugh. not loving the mac yet.. but it sure makes my old compaq look like an ugly beast!

sudo sh SwitchDriver.sh

sudo sh SwitchDriver.sh

Last login: Sat Feb 14 20:02:08 on ttys000


my-names-macbook:~ myname$ cd/volumes/CCU-680/Mac/ccu680

-bash: cd/volumes/CCU-680/Mac/ccu680: No such file or directory

my-names-macbook:~ myname$ Desktop/MAC/CCU680

-bash: Desktop/MAC/CCU680: is a directory

my-name-macbook:~ myname$ cd Desktop/MAC/CCU680

my-name-macbook:CCU680 myname$ sudo sh SwitchDriver1.sh

--> CDSWITCH Mac Switch

cp: CDSWITCH.kext: No such file or directory

kextload: /tmp/CDSWITCH.kext: no such bundle file exists

can't add kernel extension /tmp/CDSWITCH.kext (file access/permissions) (run kextload on this kext with -t for diagnostic output)

RDEVCHG Ver 1.0!

Insert Modem!

Please Wait.




















Fail SwitchMode!

my-names-macbook:CCU680 myname$



Ok, the script is hard coded. Try this:

Double click on your Mac's HDD icon on desktop.

Drag the Mac/CCU-680 directory into that. (this should copy the folder to your root partition)

open a terminal, type the following

#>cd /Mac/CCU-680

#>sudo sh switchdriver.sh

Ok, the script is hard coded. Try this:

Double click on your Mac's HDD icon on desktop.

Drag the Mac/CCU-680 directory into that. (this should copy the folder to your root partition)

open a terminal, type the following

#>cd /Mac/CCU-680

#>sudo sh switchdriver.sh

Hi Thanks so much for your help but that availed nothing. nothing happened.

I emailed Khun Woody and Slackula has offered to give me phone support. Amazed how helpful you guys have been.

I must say the mac so far is proving to be no less, if not more frustrating as the PC. Luckily I have picked up the neighbors interent but I still want to get this cdma thing hooked up as the pc will be going into retirement soon......

Last login: Sun Feb 15 23:58:05 on ttys000

my-self-macbook:~ me$ #>cd/Mac/CCU-680

my-self-macbook:~ misterman$ #>sudo sh switchdriver.sh

my-self-macbook:~ misterman$ #>cd/mac/ccu-680

my-self-macbook:~ misterman$ #>sudo sh switchdriver1.sh


I tried both switchdriver 1 as it is in my files and switch driver.


If you want, zip up the driver installation and email to me, i'll record the install process and post as a movie - best way i can think of right now.


If you want, zip up the driver installation and email to me, i'll record the install process and post as a movie - best way i can think of right now.


Hi Thank you.. I think it is the same thing in my previous post.. That would be great.. as I get a big confused with the terminal window as there are 2 in the files .. none of it makes sense to me.



Unfortunately, I don't know anything about Macs...

We're going to have a Mac Computer Clinic on March 29, near Laguna. I hope that we can get enough interest drummed up to start a Mac user's group in Phuket. Mac users in Phuket used to have one years ago - and there must be ten times as many Mac users now as then.

- Woody


Warning: Tolstoy post follows!

OK, I have spent a couple of hours messing with this and something odd is definitely going on. I was trying to install MisterMan's dongle on my Macbook because I have a CCU-650 that works fine with it.

First I tried the method in the instructions, with the same result above of Fail SwitchMode! message.

I then tried it by copying the folders and subfolders to the desktop and root directory with the same result each time. I also tried it by running as root so I didn't need the sudo, all with same result:

 sudo sh SwitchDriver1.sh 
--> CDSWITCH Mac Switch

kextload: extension /tmp/CDSWITCH.kext appears to be loadable
kextload: loading extension /tmp/CDSWITCH.kext
kextload: /tmp/CDSWITCH.kext loaded successfully
kextload: sending personalities to kernel:
kextload:	 from extension /System/Library/Extensions/IOStorageFamily.kext:
kextload:		 IOFDiskPartitionScheme
kextload:		 IOMediaBSDClient
kextload:		 IOGUIDPartitionScheme
kextload:		 IOAppleLabelScheme
kextload:		 IOBlockStorageDriver
kextload:		 IOApplePartitionScheme
kextload:	 from extension /System/Library/Extensions/IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily.kext:
kextload:		 AppleSCSISubsystemGlobals
kextload:		 IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceNub
kextload:	 from extension /System/Library/Extensions/IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice.kext:
kextload:		 IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType07
kextload:		 IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType00
kextload:	 from extension /tmp/CDSWITCH.kext:
kextload:		 VendorSpecificType00
kextload: sending 11 personalities to the kernel
kextload: matching started for /tmp/CDSWITCH.kext
RDEVCHG Ver 1.0!
Insert Modem!
Please Wait.

Fail SwitchMode!

The installation folder contains 4 files:

$ ls
CCU680 User Manual MAC OS.pdf	RDEVCHG
CDSWITCH.kext			SwitchDriver1.sh

The shell script contains this:

echo "--> CDSWITCH Mac Switch\n"
sudo cp -R CDSWITCH.kext  /tmp
sudo kextload -v /tmp/CDSWITCH.kext

I tried running each command as root, same result.

I tried testing the kernel extension:

sh-3.2# kextload -t CDSWITCH.kext/
kernel extension CDSWITCH.kext/ has problems:
Authentication failures:
"File owner/permissions are incorrect (must be root:wheel, nonwritable by group/other)" = (
	"/Volumes/CCU-680/Mac/CCU680/CDSWITCH.kext/Contents/MacOS/Franklin Wireless CDU 680"
"Kext has no explicit kernel dependency" = true

The owner/permissions for the files on the HD are all me:staff . The files in the folder on the CCU are _unknown:_unknown, I don't know why, I am guessing it is because it is FAT formatted, trying to change the permissions even as root has no effect at all.

So, change all permissions and groups (and subfolders of the CDSWITCH.kext) of the files on the HD to root:wheel

sh-3.2# ls -l
total 1504
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  631134 Feb 18 14:15 CCU680 User Manual MAC OS.pdf
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  wheel	 102 Feb 18 14:15 CDSWITCH.kext
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  128580 Feb 18 14:15 RDEVCHG
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel	 109 Feb 18 14:15 SwitchDriver1.sh

and try again:

sh-3.2# kextload -t CDSWITCH.kext/
extension CDSWITCH.kext/ has potential problems:
"Kext has no explicit kernel dependency" = true

kextload: extension CDSWITCH.kext/ appears to be loadable
kextload: extension CDSWITCH.kext/ is already loaded

OK, I figured if the kext was loaded it was worth trying this:

sh-3.2# ./SwitchDriver1.sh 
--> CDSWITCH Mac Switch

kextload: extension /tmp/CDSWITCH.kext appears to be loadable
kextload: loading extension /tmp/CDSWITCH.kext
kextload: extension /tmp/CDSWITCH.kext is already loaded
RDEVCHG Ver 1.0!
Insert Modem!
Please Wait.

Fail SwitchMode!


OK, reboot (yeah, yeah, I know it's not Windows, but anyway) try all again - same thing. Next I used Disk Utility to format the CCU and reinstall all the installation files from the CD and try with fresh files installed in case it was hard coded to run from the /Volumes folder, also no joy.

After googling the kextload "Kext has no explicit kernel dependency" = true warning I realise that message may have something to do with Info.plist, but I am out of my depth at this point on OS X, here is the contents of that file from the CDSWITCH.kext folder:

sh-3.2# cat Info.plist 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Franklin Wireless CDU 680</string>
<string>CDU 680 Driver, Copyright © 2007 Franklin Wireless Corp.</string>
<string>Franklin Wireless CDU 680</string>
		<key>Peripheral Device Type</key>
		<key>Product Identification</key>
		<string>Mass Storage</string>
		<key>Vendor Identification</key>
<string>Copyright © 2007 Franklin Wireless Corp.</string>


Firstly, sincere apologies to MisterMan for building up hopes that I couldn't (yet!) fulfill to get this bl**dy thing working!

2. If the installation must be run from the dongle is it possible that using it as a USB thumbdrive with Windows beforehand could have messed up the file permissions or directory structure?

2a. This dongle has been tested and works on a Windows machine so it isn't defective AFAIK

3. I am not particularly savvy about OS X, but I know my way around a Bash prompt (using Slackware kind of forces that!) so if anybody can spot anything wrong here I would very much appreciate it, and would be willing to try it.





4. Made it this far? Wow! Many, many thanks for reading and a chocolate-chip cybercookie is yours!


Phazey and Slackula! thanks so much for all your help. Reminds me to keep the good TV post Karma flowing..

I figured out a way to install it!!!!!! I did it!! SUcess!

Much easier too then the original instructions~!

I will post it incase someone else searches this..

I went to the Franklin site and their support page..


For Mac Users

Please click HERE to download Mac Connection Manager Software which supports up to Mac OS X 10.5.x Leopard.

Compatible models with this Mac Connection Manager Software

- CCU-550(Only Dual Ports)

- CDU-550

- CDU-650

- CDX-650

- CDU-680

I clicked on the link and got a nice file that installed easily all by itself which was perfect for a non programmer and mac philistine such as myself.

I restarted, and had a little icon of an antenna on the top of my computer. Then I followed the second part of the instructions with the passwords and the network preferences (look for c-mote when installing in network preferences) and it worked!!!!

Not the fastest of speeds but better then nothing !!!

Again thanks for your help, especially to Slackula who came to my work!!!!

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