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Female Thai Teacher Arrrested For Having Sex With Male Student

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Thai police arrest female teacher for sex with teenager

Bangkok - Thai police arrested a female teacher for having sex with a 13-year-old boy whom she was tutoring in her room, media reports said Tuesday.

Police arrested Thanawan Klongsinchai, a 29-year-old English teacher, Monday on charges of molesting a minor, the Khao Sod newspaper said.

Thanawan denied the charge, claiming the sex was consensual.

Parents of the 13-year-old, who was big for his age group, pressed charges against the teacher after the boy told his friends of the affair, the newspaper said.

Thanawan had been providing the boy private tutorials in English in her school dormitory, where the alleged harassment took place. She claimed the boy made the first moves and she eventually consented.

DPA / 2009-02-17

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How long do you think this thread will be open?

well if it was a farang that did this, i would say 3 days, but seeing as it was a local - 15 mins?


So was it a 'practical' sex education lesson then?

On a serious note, we would not be taking it so light-heartedly if the sexes of the 2 involved where reversed.


Instead of closing the thread, lets have a civil discussion about it...

We know for a fact that an underage female student being shagged/raped by a male teacher could face serious psychological problems afterwards and possibly later in life.

My question is: Would a male student suffer similar problems, or will he not?

Instead of closing it, lets have a civil discussion about it...

We know for a fact that an underage female student being shagged/raped by a male teacher could face serious psychological problems afterwards and possibly later in life.

My question is: Would a male student suffer similar problems, or will he not?

It all depends....If she is hot then he might not have any kind of psychological "damage" but rather a big ego.

Now if she was butt ass ugly, then that can be very damaging for the soul!! hahaha :o

Research and practice suggest that "Psychological Problems" resulting from sexual related trauma in adolescence is not gender specific.

Why do you think it would be?

Consensual is hardly traumatic.

Research and practice suggest that "Psychological Problems" resulting from sexual related trauma in adolescence is not gender specific.

Why do you think it would be?

Consensual is hardly traumatic.

Actually, the question asked had nothing to do with consensual relations.

Just in case you are wondering, consensual sexual experiences in adolescence, if there is such a thing, can prove to be very traumatic in adulthood.

I see your point, but are 13 year old kids really at an age to rationally consent to a sexual relationship with someone twice their age? Sure I dreamed of it to as student, but saying that this isn't traumatic is plain insensitive.

Once you've counseled people that suffer from such experiences and are ready to blow their brains out as a result, you look at things differently.

Research and practice suggest that "Psychological Problems" resulting from sexual related trauma in adolescence is not gender specific.

Why do you think it would be?

Consensual is hardly traumatic.

Actually, the question asked had nothing to do with consensual relations.

Just in case you are wondering, consensual sexual experiences in adolescence, if there is such a thing, can prove to be very traumatic in adulthood.

I see your point, but are 13 year old kids really at an age to rationally consent to a sexual relationship with someone twice their age? Sure I dreamed of it too as student, but saying that this isn't traumatic is plain insensitive.

Once you've counseled people that suffer from such experiences and are ready to blow their brains out as a result, you look at things differently.

Instead of closing it, lets have a civil discussion about it...

We know for a fact that an underage female student being shagged/raped by a male teacher could face serious psychological problems afterwards and possibly later in life.

My question is: Would a male student suffer similar problems, or will he not?

i cant speak for the boy but if it were me at that age it would be psychologically beneficial.

the boy must have been emotionally immature though, because he blabbed without considering the concequences

Instead of closing it, lets have a civil discussion about it...

We know for a fact that an underage female student being shagged/raped by a male teacher could face serious psychological problems afterwards and possibly later in life.

My question is: Would a male student suffer similar problems, or will he not?

i cant speak for the boy but if it were me at that age it would be psychologically beneficial.

the boy must have been emotionally immature though, because he blabbed without considering the concequences

well 13 is immature!!! the first thing he would do is go tell his mates.

this shouldn't be treated differently because it was a woman, nobody can say what potential harm its done to the boy and yeah "every school boys fantasy" but thats it a fantasy not the reality.

using that logic, "no harm", then some 13 yrs old girl may not be harmed by it, particularly as at that age girls generally are more mature....is anyone going to say that?

if it were your son what would you do?...pat him on the back and say "good on ya"


Ironical in that she was an English Teacher. This reads like the very first publicized case of a female getting charged with having sex with a minor since the change in the Criminal Code a couple of years - a change which made the law equal. Before, there was no law against women having sex with boys of any age. Fair enough i say. ie... i man can now (theoretically anyway) file charges against a woman who pinches his bum!

If a man gets charged with having sex with a minor aged 13-14, the charges can be dropped if the girl decides to marry him in a special juvenile court - with the new 'equal' regulations in the Criminal Code, she can be let if the 13yo boy wants to marry her.

ครูสาว! รับเรื่องฉาวเป็นตามข่าว-โทษเด็กรบเร้าจึงจำยอมมีเพศสัมพันธ์

เจ้าหน้าที่ ปดส. นำตัวอาจารย์สาวสอนวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ โรงเรียนดังย่านยานนาวา ซึ่งตกเป็นผู้ต้องหาตามหมายจับคดีกระทำชำเราเด็กอายุไม่เกิน 15 ปี เพื่อการอนาจารโดยกระทำทารุณกรรม โดยเจ้าหน้าที่เข้าจับกุมได้ที่สถานีรถไฟฟ้าสุรศักดิ์ ย่านสาทร ก่อนนำตัวมาสอบปากคำเพิ่มเติ่มที่กองปรามปราบ



Don't think that an early sexual experience is a problem as long as it is consensual.. People mature at different rates.. The lad in question may have come thru puberty earlier than his peers and be fully aware of his sexuality.. I lost my 'virginity' at 13 with a 15yo girl from my school.. I went on to have sex with several other girls of a similar age right up to and after I reached the age of consent.. I was the the oldest in my year at school and big for my age. I remember being one of the only guys with pubic hair in my gym/swimming class when I was younger.. I had an interest in girls and sex quite some time before my peers and I enjoyed every minute of it.. Guess I was lucky that my family had a healthy attitude towards sex and relationships.. They explained the 'facts of life' and contraception before I needed the info and I was told many times that I only had to ask if I wanted to know anything.. It was only later on that I realised that others (encumbered by religion :o ) had been told that sex was 'dirty' and 'wrong'..

If the boy in question was the one who made the advances I can't see why the woman should suffer... Only thing she is 'guilty' of is a being an 'easy' shag :D I can only suggest that if the lad wasn't rooting his teacher he would have been trying it on with another girl/woman... He's a man.. what do people expect ?


boy or girl at the end of the day it was their teacher more than twice their age, its wrong for anyone to sleep with a 13 year old.... She should be punished....

Having said and understanding what I said, I wish that happened to me when i was 13 :o


Lots of issues here. Older adult, 13 year old, woman with boy, position of authority, who seduced whom, Thai culture, etc. I do not doubt that there can be some trauma for the boy, but maybe not half as much as with girls seduced by men. I worked with Mayas who married at 14, but their culture prepared them. This culture does not.

But if it is a crime, it is a crime. Oh, and reporters do not get the facts right sometimes. The boy could have been 14.9, and experienced already.


Lots of comments such as 'lucky lad' and 'wish it was me' etc. What would be the comments on this thread if the teacher was a 29 year old farang male and had sex with a 13 year old Thai girl? 'Hang him hi', 'cut his balls off' etc etc.

Amazing how the attitudes seem to differ when it's an underage schoolboy having sex with an adult who is in a position of care and responsibility...



An English teacher in Thailand having sex with minors :o ... neither the first nor the last time we hear this sort of news.

Obligatory comment on the lucky student... when I was 13, it would have been a dream to try someone like the 29 y.o. Asian girl (rather hot judging by the picture).

@Simon43 -- if you didn't figure it out by now, males and females are different when it comes to sexual behavior.

An English teacher in Thailand having sex with minors :o ... neither the first nor the last time we hear this sort of news.

Obligatory comment on the lucky student... when I was 13, it would have been a dream to try someone like the 29 y.o. Asian girl (rather hot judging by the picture).

@Simon43 -- if you didn't figure it out by now, males and females are different when it comes to sexual behavior.

I have yet to see the picture, perhaps you could pm me with the link?


Parents of the 13-year-old, who was big for his age group, pressed charges against the teacher after the boy told his friends of the affair, the newspaper said.

Clearly why she was interested in him.

This lad is clearly nothing but proud of what he's done so if this is a crime - where's the victim?

Lots of comments such as 'lucky lad' and 'wish it was me' etc. What would be the comments on this thread if the teacher was a 29 year old farang male and had sex with a 13 year old Thai girl? 'Hang him hi', 'cut his balls off' etc etc.

Amazing how the attitudes seem to differ when it's an underage schoolboy having sex with an adult who is in a position of care and responsibility...


Yes you just "proved", that there is a differens depending on the sex of the teacher and student. :D

I could not imagine any of my male friends, who wouldn't love to have had this experience. :o

In the future there might be some young females, who will benefit from his experience, and the worst thing will be some happy memories.

I can't see the problem - it's a win-win situation.


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