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G/f Trying To Rip Me Off


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I dont see anyone on this thread bitching about thailand,just giving advice/opinions that the OP asked for.you got ants in your pants?

He's bored with driving up and down mountains in Loei to justify his buying a 4x4 SUV.

SWallow your pride and buy a normal car and maybe one of those vacuum pumps :o

I knew I was happy to have bought that Mazda as soon as the guy in the Fortuner pulled me out of a ditch in the farm......., then when I had to get the replacement parts that took 5 weeks from arrival to fitting,,,,,,,I certainly knew I was right, my mate in the Fortuner was well sick, in fact he was sick with laughter, cos he told me to get a Fortuner in the first place.

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I married a 65 year old Thai women who had 12 children by all different husbands, she tells me she needs me to pay her 200,000 baht per month. I'm 29 years old and it's my first time in Thailand.

I will ask the members here cos I know they know so much, should I pay or should I not pay, I'm losing sleep over this and I just know that you guys can help me.

What would you do ?

Probably a good time to direct you to the 'sin sod' topic so you know to budget 3,000,000 Baht for that as well :o

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I married a 65 year old Thai women who had 12 children by all different husbands, she tells me she needs me to pay her 200,000 baht per month. I'm 29 years old and it's my first time in Thailand.

I will ask the members here cos I know they know so much, should I pay or should I not pay, I'm losing sleep over this and I just know that you guys can help me.

What would you do ?


WE will have posts liike this soon, and you jerks will be posting replies...lol :o:D

I will not I just tell you to get a life
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Andyg75, I'll try not to hurt too much. Drop her like a hot tack! She's a lier!

Why does he have to drop her?, …just a simple "NO" will do the trick.

I'm sure she will walk off all by herself soon enough, if she doesn't like his answer. :o

Because she's a liar who's finally made it clear that she thinks her farang b/f is stupid enough to believe something so ridiculous and give her large amounts of money??

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Andyg75, I'll try not to hurt too much. Drop her like a hot tack! She's a lier!

Why does he have to drop her?, …just a simple "NO" will do the trick.

I'm sure she will walk off all by herself soon enough, if she doesn't like his answer. :o

Because she's a liar who's finally made it clear that she thinks her farang b/f is stupid enough to believe something so ridiculous and give her large amounts of money??

Yeah, but as so many Farangs are so obviously stupid ( judging by the posts on this forum ), are they not ripe for the picking ?

Are these uneducated farmgirls with no education who couldn't name the 4 countries that border Thailand too smart for these western educated farangs who know it all ?

Jeeeez, you guys...it's amazing.

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I have sent her the odd few 1000 to pay for her text's she sends me.

How many texts does this woman send?

At 2 baht a time within Thailand or indeed free and 10 baht internationally

your phone must have an awful lot of memory.

And 40 grand a month to feed here children?

Wish her well and move on - without any parting donations!

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C'mon guys, do you really believe this story ? :o

The OP is obviously a Troll waiting for the usual slagging off of Thai women, can't we have a thread that slags off the stupidity of Farangs that start Troll threads that backfire on themselves ?

I dunno about any poster here on this Forum except one, and I respect him and his opinion cos I know he actually stays in Thailand, and guess what, he don't moan!!! Hi G, I'll be back soon !

So many of the obvious bozos who post here have not one iota of a clue, and if a clue dropped out of a tree at thier feet and announced " I'm a clue ", they still wouldn't have a clue.

For the life of me I cannot understand the continual putting down of Thai people and how bad Thailand is, then the same people crying cos Visa restrictions make staying in Thailand more difficult. :D

Look I know you lot will slag me off for the simplicity of this, but................... If you're not happy, why do you stay, I know I wouldn't , so what forces you to live an unhappy life in a place you are obviosuly unhappy, isn't that why you left your home country, to go to a place where you'd be happy ?

So what makes you unable to leave this one, I understand the airport blockade finished months ago, so........................?

If you think living in Thailand is such a problem, try having a home , Family, and everything you care for in Thailand and have to work overseas for a few months at a time instead of wasting your life sitting on a chair behind your PC complaining, and alienating all those around you, how do you think your Thai wife feels about the way you see her country ?

If someone came up to you xxx years ago and said... " In xxx years time you'll be living in Thailand, you'll be so bitter and twisted you will spend the majority of your time on internet forums complaining about your choice of destination, complaining about Thai people, complaining about everything that you wanted to leave your homeland for.............

You would have laughed at them, said they were crazy, you would have said if you wasn't happy no way would you stay in a country, that's the reason you're leaving your own country, cos you're not happy.

Yet on this forum, I see many many threads aimed at dissing Thai people, dissing Thailand in general, when I bring this up I'm call a Thai Apologist, yet the dissing crowd are what, all knowing, should I be as unhappy as they are to keep the status quo ?

Back to the OP, is your Thai GF trying to rip you off, let me tell you something, you come across as so stupid, I doubt you have ever applied for a passport and found your way to Heathrow, let alone made it all the way to Thailand without wetting your pants.

Pathetic. :D

You're answering the points you want to make, as opposed to the question posed by the OP!

Whilst I suspect you're right and it's a troll (the post is too stupid for words), where did he (or most posters) dis Thailand in general?

The rants are about specific (known) problems, but the same as in every country, there is a good side too. We either decide the bad side outweighs the good (and move back home), or decide otherwise. I've known a few really good people who decided the 'cons' outweighed the 'pros', but likewise I know many who've decided otherwise. That doesn't mean they don't recognise the unfortunate side.

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You're answering the points you want to make, as opposed to the question posed by the OP!

The rants are about specific (known) problems, but the same as in every country, there is a good side too. We either decide the bad side outweighs the good (and move back home), or decide otherwise. I've known a few really good people who decided the 'cons' outweighed the 'pros', but likewise I know many who've decided otherwise. That doesn't mean they don't recognise the unfortunate side.

In Maigo's paradise there is no Ying and Yang. The Thais are all good and the Farangs are all bad.

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I dont see anyone on this thread bitching about thailand,just giving advice/opinions that the OP asked for.you got ants in your pants?

He's bored with driving up and down mountains in Loei to justify his buying a 4x4 SUV.

SWallow your pride and buy a normal car and maybe one of those vacuum pumps :o

Neeranam, I've already seen you in Big C car park Khon Kaen having your Photograph taken next to a Fortuner, so you can send it to the folks back home.

Nee, when I'm back mate you're more than welcome to join me and my 15 GF's in MK Suki, if the wife allows it that is!!

I'd be willing to trade my sportscar for your fortuner plus of course you give me a couple of hundred thousand.

With the kids getting bigger, I'm looking for something bigger.

Big C Suki - it's a deal.

Actually, my wief's getting bigger too - could you manage with 14 gfs?

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Whilst I suspect you're right and it's a troll (the post is too stupid for words), where did he (or most posters) dis Thailand in general?

He or she doesn't have to diss Thailand, the posters here will do the job very nicely for them, leaving the Troll to gloat over the mayhem.

I'm surprised you can't see that, then again maybe I'm not that surprised. :o

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Whilst I suspect you're right and it's a troll (the post is too stupid for words), where did he (or most posters) dis Thailand in general?

He or she doesn't have to diss Thailand, the posters here will do the job very nicely for them, leaving the Troll to gloat over the mayhem.

I'm surprised you can't see that, then again maybe I'm not that surprised. :o

I did say "where did he (or most posters) dis Thailand in general?" :D

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Actually, my wief's getting bigger too - could you manage with 14 gfs?

You see how you give a Farang an inch and he'll try to take a mile !!!! :o

Sorry Neeranam, my Gf's only are into real men with 4x4's, they think guys with sportscars in Isaan are strange.... :D

Besides, I can get them all in my Fortuner. :D:D

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Is this in any way related to your recent thread "Swift Money Transfers, Do transfers to Thailand need a reason to be sent ?" ?

(PS: The answer is 'Yes')

No that was for a Christmas present, That money never arrived, it was paid into the wrong account because HSBC cocked up, still waiting for the money to be credited to my account. I resent it by Western Union

I'm confused. In that thread you said you used the Nationwide SWIFT form.

You seem to be confused about many things :o

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In Maigo's paradise there is no Ying and Yang. The Thais are all good and the Farangs are all bad.

Seems like you are envious of a person who is actually happy to have a life in Thailand, why ? Why are people in Thailand who are content ridiculed by those that are unhappy ? :o

Also there are plenty of Yings and Nings and Nongs thanks very much.

Sorry if you're not as happy in Thailand as some other people, but then again you do have a choice, no ?

Is that not the advantage of having a Farang passport, the freedom to travel to many different countries Visa free on arrival, check it out, if you like it and have money stay, if you don't leave ?

It's not rocket science.

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In Maigo's paradise there is no Ying and Yang. The Thais are all good and the Farangs are all bad.

Seems like you are envious of a person who is actually happy to have a life in Thailand, why ? Why are people in Thailand who are content ridiculed by those that are unhappy ? :o

Also there are plenty of Yings and Nings and Nongs thanks very much.

Sorry if you're not as happy in Thailand as some other people, but then again you do have a choice, no ?

Is that not the advantage of having a Farang passport, the freedom to travel to many different countries Visa free on arrival, check it out, if you like it and have money stay, if you don't leave ?

It's not rocket science.

I repeat "The rants are about specific (known) problems, but the same as in every country, there is a good side too. We either decide the bad side outweighs the good (and move back home), or decide otherwise. I've known a few really good people who decided the 'cons' outweighed the 'pros', but likewise I know many who've decided otherwise. That doesn't mean they don't recognise the unfortunate side.

Please don't denigrate those who choose to stay but recognise the problems.

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Please don't denigrate those who choose to stay but recognise the problems.

Maigo, also do not assume that others do not share at least an equal love of Thailand, and the Thai people, as you do. I, for one, will stay as often as I can and have built up from a one week trip(over 3 years ago) to 7 months now. For now, and the next few years, I have to earn money in the UK to finance my lifestyle in Thailand. I would also stay here full-time if I could.

Please do not adopt a 'holier than thou' stance just because you live full-time in your part of Thailand.

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I repeat "The rants are about specific (known) problems, but the same as in every country, there is a good side too. We either decide the bad side outweighs the good (and move back home), or decide otherwise. I've known a few really good people who decided the 'cons' outweighed the 'pros', but likewise I know many who've decided otherwise. That doesn't mean they don't recognise the unfortunate side.

Please don't denigrate those who choose to stay but recognise the problems.

You have to forgive me, cos I have never seen the bad side, I guess I mix in different circles.

Oh wait, I have seen the bad side, I got ripped off by a Farang so called friend for 60,000 Baht ( till his money got sent over, yeah right ), but that was many years ago, now I know that I would rather trust a Thai than a Farang any day of the week.

When I have your massive experience in Thailand maybe I will change my mind, until then , I remain as I am.

I find the Farangs here knowing so much about the bad side of Thailand quite surprising considering all their wives and GF's are HI SO overseas educated females from influentual families...amazing Thailand indeed. :o

Edited by Maigo6
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Mr Maigo it is by my reckoning that you are a pensioner that has married a service lady, built her a house and is happy with his lot, living in Isaan, collecting his pension every month and is basically as happy as larry.. Paradise....Nothing wrong with that. Most TV members are in the same boat. Well done. Congratulations... Wish I had the same deal.

Once you reach a certain age you must have the need to settle down and relax. Why one, such as yourself, should constantly feel the need to defend the service ladies, that many Farangs do settle down with probably explains much more about your own domestic situation than anything else. You have found a good one. A nice working girl. You are promoting that their are more out there. You likes Thai women.

If memory serves me, your Mrs was a potential space traveller, when you both met at a Bangkok convention for outer space explorers. You both had a common interest; the willingness to grasp an understanding of alien beings. You discovered a common ground. You both fell in love.

No attention to offend, Maigo, but I have already probably offened.. And I know you can take it on the chin, as you constantly dish out insults on this website. Your opnions lack a balanced broad general view of the average Thai/Western realtionships. You managed to find a nice lady, but there are many scamers out there preying on the farang heart..More Farangs get burnt, financially, than Thais do in the love game in Thai /Farang relationships. I would be interested to hear evidence to the contrary. In my decade of experince in Thailand the Thais are better at removing cash from the Farangs then the other way around.

It's good to hear both sides of the story. But mostly, from my understanding it is the farang that normally gets ripped off, cash wise. The thai normally runs away laughing.

Ah, but who cares? I'm married to a rich Chinese who is promosing to buy me a Honda Wave next week.


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Whoa this is some forum, I came on here to find out what is the average a Thai mum would send home for her kids, I should have stuck with that question and cut out the history bit. For those who did not understand I have no intentions of paying any money for her kids,I was more interested in the trouble she was having with her bank,she was giving me over the top prices she sends to her kids to justify being overdrawn. If I knew what the going rate was for paying for kids I could then tell her this is what I believe you really pay, then find out how she got overdrawn. I did not come on here as a troll, just wanted some answers. Those who think I'm an idiot "up to you".But I must say some posters on here are right N*** ( rhymes with hobs) and read far to much into most posts. And I'm sure they know who they are,everyone else does.

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If memory serves me, your Mrs was a potential space traveller, when you both met at a Bangkok convention for outer space explorers. You both had a common interest; the willingness to grasp an understanding of alien beings. You discovered a common ground. You both fell in love.


Brings a tear to my eye that you actually remember, where you also at the convention ?

OMG, it's you, the Farang waiter in the ill fitting clothes, trying so hard to be nice hoping for a tip but failing miserably due to the halitosis, please tell me it is...

Sorry mate, you should have told me you were a TV member, I would have bunged you 50 Baht........ :o

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Is this in any way related to your recent thread "Swift Money Transfers, Do transfers to Thailand need a reason to be sent ?" ?

(PS: The answer is 'Yes')

actually the answer is no, the bank does not need an reason unless it is a large sum.

I say again: the answer is 'Yes'.

You obviously haven't seen a Nationwide SWIFT form, so why bother posting bad information?

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Is this in any way related to your recent thread "Swift Money Transfers, Do transfers to Thailand need a reason to be sent ?" ?

(PS: The answer is 'Yes')

actually the answer is no, the bank does not need an reason unless it is a large sum.

I say again: the answer is 'Yes'.

You obviously haven't seen a Nationwide SWIFT form, so why bother posting bad information?

Jetset is right, thats the cause of my troubles,there was no reason for the money being sent on the transfer form, and it was rejected the amount was only £80.00. The swift transfer team called me and asked the reason why the money was being sent, I told them Xmas present, they resent it and somehow the account No. got mixed up. and I'm still waiting to get it back,since 23rd December !!

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Jetset is right about the swift transfer from Nationwide, Thailand is about the only country in the world that requires a reason for transfer, in the past i have put things like, adding a western toilet,redecorating, deposit for new MC, anything, no request has been refused.

Nearly 3 years down the line, i live here full time, mrs 17yo daughter is at a pre-uni school and it costs 60,000bht 1 year, includes appartment,food, books,motorsi,everything, it works out at 5000bht a month, but again, this is higher education,

Think deep and hard as to how she got along before you appeared, you start funding her now will make her lazy,

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Ive known my g/f for over a year now and she's never asked for money for anything, although I have sent her the odd few 1000 to pay for her text's she sends me.But resently she's been moody and not wanting to talk(on phone)so eventually I got it out of her that she was having trouble with her bank. She has 4 sons 2 of them live with her sister they are 15 and 17 and twin boys age 6 who live with her ex husbands sister. They all live up Isaan way. I have no idea what she earns, she works in the office of a holiday complex and is just a general dogsbody, I always thought about 8000 -9000 a month. But when I asked her how much she sends for the 4 sons every month she said 20,000, so I said what about your ex does he not contribute, she replied he same same 20,000. I said ok show me your bank details where it shows the money you send home, it went all quiet then a OK, so I wait and see.

So does anyone know what would be the average a mum sends home to support just the 2 older boys to pay for food, clothing and school needs etc. Then at least I will have something to go on.As I've said I dont know much about Thai wages so just guessing on the 8000. I'm sure those boys dont live on 40,000 a month, that for sure. Thanks Andy.

Are the boys attractive?....I'm sure they could help with the money situation, the teenagers I mean, not the 6 yr olds silly!

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You say you have already been sending her 1,000 's to pay for texting , but you are not Efing stupid enough to send money for her children , hope you are being truthfull here , mmmmmmm .

Yes I sent her some photos with a 1000 note in for text and a couple of letters and each time a 1000 in so no regular payments

Women divorce their husbands but seldom abandon their children.

Women with kids are a package deal, and if you pair up with such a woman then you have to commit to her kids too. The longer you stay with her, the more likely you are to get hooked, and the harder it will be to leave.

If you don't want to end up supporting her kids, all four of them, you should head for the exit now. Her ex will not be responsible for them once she remarries - you will.

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Is this in any way related to your recent thread "Swift Money Transfers, Do transfers to Thailand need a reason to be sent ?" ?

(PS: The answer is 'Yes')

actually the answer is no, the bank does not need an reason unless it is a large sum.

I say again: the answer is 'Yes'.

You obviously haven't seen a Nationwide SWIFT form, so why bother posting bad information?

For the avoidance of doubt:-

info_i.gif Enter any additional info that might assist the transfer (A reason for the transfer must be stated for Thailand payments).

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Whilst I suspect you're right and it's a troll (the post is too stupid for words), where did he (or most posters) dis Thailand in general?

He or she doesn't have to diss Thailand, the posters here will do the job very nicely for them, leaving the Troll to gloat over the mayhem.

I'm surprised you can't see that, then again maybe I'm not that surprised. :o

What makes you think you're not a troll?

Reading your crap you're the biggest troll on TV :D

The Op is not that stupid, he knows he's getting scammed, he's just trying to size the thing.

I know an idiot who sends 80K/month to support his GF and her brother :D

I went to dinner with friends and a nice clean well dressed old chap was amongst the invited party, he drove a Mercedes sports car worth 100K+ euro (he and his brother built a successful transportation company) Ended up retired and very rich.

Clear to all of us his young Thai wife thing was tickling him to death, the sooner the better, disgusting, and the old man smiling for his good fortune.

How the little dick directs our brain :D

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