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When Is It Okay To Hit Women?

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I aslo seen something that was very very disturbing to me also, but is was with a Thai man and , think his wife. One morning on Kason rd when I first got to Thailand it was quiet in the morning about 7am. I was walking and in front of me a thai man smashed his wife or girl friend in the face and she droped to her knees. I was in shock at the sight..

She stood up quick and he hit her again 2 more times ,,so after the shock my self and 3 other westerns went for him, the sad part there were 3 police watching it and didnot do anything until they seen we were going to get involved and got between us and the thai man, then they told him to drive away...and she remained there..

In my culture the guy would be in a lot of pain,,,

My thai wife also tells me it happens alot in thailand and the police do nothing about domestic abouse.

sad sad sad

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Please gentlemen excuse me while I rant about an episode in last nights entertainment.

Out for the night with the wife and relaxing in a bar on the main drag before you get to Bangla our evening was ruined by two drunken farang beating the sh*t out of a couple of little Thai Girls. By the time we arrived at the spectacle one of the girls was convulsing on the pavement, bleeding from a head wound and the farang guy (2 or 3 times her size) was continuing to rain elbows at the back of her head.

I don't know the full story so I can not say more than it was something that the girl had said about this guys mistress/wife while sitting eating noodles together. I have been trying to reason it out for hours as to what could justify this guys actions? What could possibly provoke such a savage beating? How the hel_l is this guy going to look at himself in the mirror?

The street seller lost all his food on the pavement, the cutlery, tables and chairs trashed on the sidewalk, two Thai girls taken to hospital, 6 or 7 other participants with cuts and bruises, and the two farang and 10 other people involved being taken away to the police station.

In the very small chance that they maybe reading this I sincerely hope that you get everything you deserve. They know who they are and if you want my advice, leave this beautiful country and never come back. I trust the karma will take care of people like you, and that the Thai people will not tar us all with the same brush.


Might the two "girls" have been khatoeys? Still, no excuse.


Here is a thought,

Stay out of shi1tholes like bangla with aggressive katoeys, bar girls on the make for the bar fine, find a nice girl and be a normal person.

There is no excuse to beat a woman unless she is after you with a knife, even then just take it off her, dear god if you have to beat a girl then grow some nuts.

Then you don't have to worry about her cutting them off when you are asleep!


OK this post needs some clarity,

the OP asked when is it OK to hit a woman. Answer never, thats easy.

However the question you all seem to be having so much trouble with is when is it OK to restrain someone. when ever your faced with someone off their face thats having a wobbly moment for whatever reason. drugs. drink. emotional whatever.

Restraint does not involve kicking the crap out of them but taking control of a situation, you should have seen it coming but lets be realistic most of us walk around with our eyes half closed so shit sometimes happens.

Thankfully its happened very few times to me but its happened and it's was scary but nobody got hurt.

Sir Burr i guess the ten year old was sorry for leading you up the path he obviously had a pronounced effect on your attitudes sad really sad .

Sir Burr i guess the ten year old was sorry for leading you up the path he obviously had a pronounced effect on your attitudes sad really sad .

No she threw sand in my eyes causing me to crash my bike. She had short hair and was hanging out with another boy.

Got up and punched "him" in the face as I thought it was a boy.

Felt incredibly guilty when I found out it was a boy. I was brought up by my parents to never hit girls. A case of mistaken identity.

There have been some incredibly obtuse posts on this thread.


jumped on by 6 thai "ladies" stabbed twice in the leg plus 30 stiches in my head courtsey of thai "ladies"high heel's "was nearly blinded in one eye and two night's in hospital,i have no pity at all.LOS = LAND OF SAVAGE'S.


I have also seen the stilletto heel used as a weapon to real effect..

However the question you all seem to be having so much trouble with is when is it OK to restrain someone. when ever your faced with someone off their face thats having a wobbly moment for whatever reason. drugs. drink. emotional whatever.

Agreed.. But only up to there.. Thats why people are poitning out 'armed' women..

Restraining a woman who is unarmed is not an issue, the use of reasonable force to control the situation and make sure you are not injured in the process is not difficult.. But now put a sharp knife in her hand.. A broken bottle.. Or even if theres a multiple person thing a stiletto over the back of the head.. In any of these situations reasonable force includes making sure your not going to be damaged in taking control of the situation. If a woman attacks you (or your mates) armed, she loses her rights to ladylike treatment.

As to the pacifists and the always 'run away' crowd.. Some things are worth fighting for, sometimes you have to defend yourself or your loved ones. Someone attacks your wife, or your family, or disrespects your home by causing a scene. You run away ?? Well I am far from a tough guy, but I absolutely will not. I will take control with the minimum use of force I feel is safe.

I have also seen the stilletto heel used as a weapon to real effect..
However the question you all seem to be having so much trouble with is when is it OK to restrain someone. when ever your faced with someone off their face thats having a wobbly moment for whatever reason. drugs. drink. emotional whatever.

Agreed.. But only up to there.. Thats why people are poitning out 'armed' women..

Restraining a woman who is unarmed is not an issue, the use of reasonable force to control the situation and make sure you are not injured in the process is not difficult.. But now put a sharp knife in her hand.. A broken bottle.. Or even if theres a multiple person thing a stiletto over the back of the head.. In any of these situations reasonable force includes making sure your not going to be damaged in taking control of the situation. If a woman attacks you (or your mates) armed, she loses her rights to ladylike treatment.

As to the pacifists and the always 'run away' crowd.. Some things are worth fighting for, sometimes you have to defend yourself or your loved ones. Someone attacks your wife, or your family, or disrespects your home by causing a scene. You run away ?? Well I am far from a tough guy, but I absolutely will not. I will take control with the minimum use of force I feel is safe.

Spot on.


What do ya say to a woman who has two black eyes?

Nothing, She's already been told twice.

Sorry about the sexist joke, but I couldn’t resist it. I thought it would fit in nicely with this thread.

What do ya say to someone living in "say" Kata?

Nothing, Because they "think" they already know it all.

What do ya say to a farang bar owner in Patong?


What do ya say to an expat who went back home?

Big Mac, please

What do ya say to an expat with a Thai wife?


How do you disperse an angry expat mob?

Take up a collection.


I'd like to say something rather controversial.

Women (in the West) fought long and hard to gain equality.

Equality means equal.

That's what it means.

So.......if it's ok to hit a man, then it's ok to hit a woman too.

You cannot cite the fact that it's a woman as being a reason to not hit her. That would be sexist and against every right women have fought to attain.

Now then, i'm not condoning violence of any description.

If the OP's title was 'when is it okay to hit another human being' then i think we could have a discussion. But to make it gender specific makes it sexist, and that is against the law in the west.

If the OP meant 'when is it okay to hit a Thai girl in public?" then i think the only answer can be 'in self-defence'

However, even that brings lots of other things into play.

I for one would never get involved in a fight in Thailand. There are too many Thai people armed with guns and knives. Just look at the tuk-tuk drivers for instance, in Patong.

In Thailand? In public? on soi bangla for gawds sake? WALK AWAY !

I'm not violent, i'm a lover not a fighter, so don't flame me for being some sort of woman beater.

I'd like to say something rather controversial.

Women (in the West) fought long and hard to gain equality.

Equality means equal.

That's what it means.

So.......if it's ok to hit a man, then it's ok to hit a woman too.

You cannot cite the fact that it's a woman as being a reason to not hit her. That would be sexist and against every right women have fought to attain.

Now then, i'm not condoning violence of any description.

If the OP's title was 'when is it okay to hit another human being' then i think we could have a discussion. But to make it gender specific makes it sexist, and that is against the law in the west.

If the OP meant 'when is it okay to hit a Thai girl in public?" then i think the only answer can be 'in self-defence'

However, even that brings lots of other things into play.

I for one would never get involved in a fight in Thailand. There are too many Thai people armed with guns and knives. Just look at the tuk-tuk drivers for instance, in Patong.

In Thailand? In public? on soi bangla for gawds sake? WALK AWAY !

I'm not violent, i'm a lover not a fighter, so don't flame me for being some sort of woman beater.

I'm not a feminist but I don't think, when they were fighting for equality, they were fighting for the right to be clocked by hot heads as often as a man could / would be.

I think it was more to do with workers rights, pay rights etc.

Interesting argument though. I'm with you however - just walk away. It's difficult to argue self defence when you are the idiot throwing the first punch. Now let the flaming begin... attack is the best form of defence blah blah blah...

What do ya say to a woman who has two black eyes?

Nothing, She's already been told twice.

Sorry about the sexist joke, but I couldn't resist it. I thought it would fit in nicely with this thread.

What do ya say to someone living in "say" Kata?

Nothing, Because they "think" they already know it all.

What do ya say to a farang bar owner in Patong?


What do ya say to an expat who went back home?

Big Mac, please

What do ya say to an expat with a Thai wife?


How do you disperse an angry expat mob?

Take up a collection.

Thats just bad taste my friend.



What ever happend to Emancipation and Equal Rights.

Men have a right not to be hit by women too.

Only hit a woman once in my life - my elder dominating sister when i was 14, and even she admitted it she had it coming...... ( she never hit me again after that ). So those who say "never" are in my assessment wrong.

Except for that, never had the need to, but would reserve the right. ( if one came running at me with a knife for what every reason, self defence is a basic human right)


Obviously none of you have had to deal with an angry Gin on a Mission? If you hit one, you better make a good job of it OR its gonna come back at you twice as hard :o

I never slap a woman unless she wants it....but I think they call that bondage or something :D


Totally situational.

As a rule it is not alright to hit a girl BUT.....

Sometimes it has to be done....I caught a female pickpocket after she had lifted my wallet... she attacked me with her teeth and then a water jug, it was a sustained attack.

I gave one short jab to the jaw...not hard enough to do damage but enough to sit her on her bum while I made an exit. So in other words...enough force to control and contain a situation....not a sustained attack or an attack designed to maximise injury or harm.

Police were involved and no charges were laid against me even though I admitted hitting her and she wanted charges laid.

The answer for the OP is.....when is it alright to hit a woman?.....when the situation is such that there is no other option and then only to the extent of force that could be considered reasonable given the circumstances.

Totally situational.

As a rule it is not alright to hit a girl BUT.....

Sometimes it has to be done....I caught a female pickpocket after she had lifted my wallet... she attacked me with her teeth and then a water jug, it was a sustained attack.

I gave one short jab to the jaw...not hard enough to do damage but enough to sit her on her bum while I made an exit. So in other words...enough force to control and contain a situation....not a sustained attack or an attack designed to maximise injury or harm.

Police were involved and no charges were laid against me even though I admitted hitting her and she wanted charges laid.

The answer for the OP is.....when is it alright to hit a woman?.....when the situation is such that there is no other option and then only to the extent of force that could be considered reasonable given the circumstances.

Were you wearing your 'Wife Beater' at the time?


Glad to see that you guys are having so much fun with this thread but I feel obliged to answer a couple of the issues raise.

The Thread name was a rhetorical question, taken the situation and circumstances I could not think what a bargirl could possibly say to provoke this reaction and why her opinion would mean so much? Now some of the readers have taken the question out of context and we have had mention of Stanley knifes, drugs and nuclear weapons! Great. It makes for entertaining reading. However the only weapons these two girls had were handbags and the noodle guys food and crockery.

As to why I didn't get involved? By the time I got to the scene there was already 30-40 people watching and as stated originally I don't know the full circumstances. I didn't see what anyone would gain by my getting involved, so all I did was call the police.

My being a troll? I looked it up and I guess you could say that the post was "with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response"(Wikipedia).As I said before it was just a rant while I was trying to reason out why some farang lower themselves to sub-human standards while on holiday. My font choice is a default setting while writing on MS word to avoid typos and fragmented sentences caused by late nights! Low post count. This forum is normally light entertainment between washing the car and getting a massage on a weekend. It's a great forum, informative and I recommend it to all my colleges but its rare for me to be able to contribute much.

To verify my story, simon please check reports of the incident between 2 and 3am, 21st Feb, at the "can nom jin" stand opposite C and N hotel. Maybe you can post a reply which can clarify what the fight was about and I would be interested to know the punishment dealt out by the system.

Some reference to katoeys and gays? Not sure how this fits into your picture but yes the two girls did have some katoey friends with them. Maybe I missed something but I don't think this explains the ruckus?


A woman smashed a beer bottle over my mates head (while her and her balloon chaser boyfriend crashed a bar party I had put the food on for) and then went to stab my mate with the remains..

I am not ashamed to say I disarmed her and knocked her flat on her arse with a push and open hand.. her boyfriend was ejected from the bar and she was doing the usual 'I am Thai.. I kill you' <deleted> in the street having to be restrained.. Luckily we knew the MB taxis well enough who came over and meant we didnt need to do any more.. The boyfriend realised he would get a stomping if he wanted to have a ruck as an uninvited gueast when the rest of the bar were all close and was sensibly willing to leave, she was the one who stood in the road in a freaking rage..

Now with a crazy bar girl.. Smashing bottles on peoples heads.. Trying to stab people.. Doing the usual Thai 'I kill you' routine.. what would you suggest.. I wai her ?? Ask her nicely to leave ??

Thing is when a man swings a punch he knows he is going to fight, and the end result of most male fights is real damage and a trip to hospital for someone.. Women do it safe in the knowledge that even if they get restrained or pushed they are unlikely to have their nose or jaw broken as most of us are good guys hence many can and do play up to that.

Ya got right there, Guv.

To the ’comfortable shoe squad’; Sure walk away if you can, but in a fair few case’s it’s already too late for escape or the use of ‘reasonable force’ and the psycho has just gotta take what’s coming. At the end of the day, you were lucky you saw it coming and were able to do summat about it, probably saving your own life or somebody close to you.

“ Doing the usual Thai 'I kill you' routine..” …..usual?...tee, hee, that did make me titter. :o

answer ... 'never'

never?- how about when a lady is mad and wants to attack another person with no reason- like her babys, etc

avoid such general terms unless you wish to be the typical TV member, or mod for that matter...

in this case though it was really bad-lucky my bf was'nt about

answer ... 'never'

never?- how about when a lady is mad and wants to attack another person with no reason- like her babys, etc

avoid such general terms unless you wish to be the typical TV member, or mod for that matter...

in this case though it was really bad-lucky my bf was'nt about

"What if she has her finger on the trigger of a nuclear bomb?"

yes .. Never

as for your flame against mods and typical TV members ... pffffft


Could someone please explain to me the difference between a man or a woman coming at you to harm you??

Would I really care?

Hurt is hurt...no matter where it originates and it shouldn't come from either sex. If you have a go at someone ...then expect the consequences of your own actions.


Personally I believe that every Thai wife/girlfriend/bargirl (same difference, really) needs and deserves a good thrashing once in a while, it keeps them in line and is a vital tool of society.

The "rule of thumb" is a necessary and vital order from God as can be clearly read in Deuteronomy et al.

Therefore the righteous man offering a righteous smackdown on the clearly guilty hussy in this scenario is blameless and deserves all the credit that I am certain will be heaped upon him when he enters the kingdom of angels and heaven. Amen. Here endeth the lesson.

/please note that the above is *all* sarcasm, troll bait and all said with a tongue firmly planted in a cheek

Personally I believe that every Thai wife/girlfriend/bargirl (same difference, really) needs and deserves a good thrashing once in a while, it keeps them in line and is a vital tool of society.

The "rule of thumb" is a necessary and vital order from God as can be clearly read in Deuteronomy et al.

Therefore the righteous man offering a righteous smackdown on the clearly guilty hussy in this scenario is blameless and deserves all the credit that I am certain will be heaped upon him when he enters the kingdom of angels and heaven. Amen. Here endeth the lesson.

Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

/please note that the above is *all* sarcasm, troll bait and all said with a tongue firmly planted in a cheek

Awww you had to go and spoil it :o


Seems that problem is global.

Slapping your wife or partner costs you more in the long run, by way off gilt gifts after the event.

Do yourself a favour and pay someone to give her a slap for you. It saves you money in the long run.

Only joking. :o




Awww you had to go and spoil it :D

Sadly I am too close to being smacked with the perma-ban hammer to risk posting something like that without a disclaimer :o

Sadly I am too close to being smacked with the perma-ban hammer to risk posting something like that without a disclaimer :o

Pretty much the same situation all "interesting" posters are in.

Pretty much the same situation all "interesting" posters are in.

The inter-tubes shall run red with the blood of your hibiscuses and rhododendrons for your blasphemy!

this post has been edited for shiats and giggles and just because I can

Sadly I am too close to being smacked with the perma-ban hammer to risk posting something like that without a disclaimer :o

Pretty much the same situation all "interesting" posters are in.

so what are you worried about?

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