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Help With Were To Do A English Course?


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Hey, Everyone..

Well i have finally made up my mind, I've been in Phuket Thailand for 2 weeks with my girl friends family and I'm on a tourist visa, and i want to stay in the country longer with my gf's family.

I want to do a English course so i can teach English here, i am Australia so my language is English.

So iv been looking into doing a course so i could teach here and have a job on a work visa after i get the certificates.

I have found a website on a dual Course for

(CELTA) Certificate in English language teaching to adults


(TEYL) Teaching English To Younge Learners


(no links, please - IJWT)

Just wondering if anyone knows any other places to learn, im not the best speller or anything but dont know if that should be too big of a deal?

just wondering if anyone has any info that could help me out on diffrent coureses or places?



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Well, i want to do the course in Phuket, I'm staying near Lagoona along Cherntalay road so i'll be buying a scooter some time once i try look around and see if i can find one for a good price.

And for prices on the course well the Ecc one i was looking at is $1600 US Dollars so around that, don't really wanna do external because i don't have the focus for that.

And Goals,

Well id really like to stay in Thailand with my girl friends family in till she finishes school.

I would enjoy teaching English to people wail I'm here that's why I'm interested in finding a course, just need the certificates for that :D

not sure what els i could do otherwise ? need to earn some coin to keep me going.

Thanks :o

Edited by Thomas4432
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Well, i want to do the course in Phuket, I'm staying near Lagoona along Cherntalay road so i'll be buying a scooter some time once i try look around and see if i can find one for a good price.

And for prices on the course well the Ecc one i was looking at is $1600 US Dollars so around that, don't really wanna do external because i don't have the focus for that.

And Goals,

Well id really like to stay in Thailand with my girl friends family in till she finishes school.

I would enjoy teaching English to people wail I'm here that's why I'm interested in finding a course, just need the certificates for that :D

not sure what els i could do otherwise ? need to earn some coin to keep me going.

Thanks :o

Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you want to teach what?

Great to see that teaching English is just a means for you to stay here. Thailand is crying out for dedicated teachers like yourself.

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Gotta be.

"I want to do a English course so i can teach English here, i am Australia so my language is English."

If you are serious about teaching English, then you are doing the right thing in seeking further training.

It sure won't harm you.

You said you don't have the focus to do an 'external course' (what ever that is)

These courses that ECC do are not easy. You need to be very focused. And once passed, you'll find that you've just got your foot on the first rung of the ladder. You'll certainly need lots more focus to continue.

The teaching community in Phuket is surprisingly small, and word gets around pretty quickly if you are a poor teacher.

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Well a external course is were everything is sent to you to study in your own time etc and you have to submit it before a certain date so no one is there teaching you, its all text book external learning like a external uni course. And i think the best way to learn is in a class room, having a teacher teach you then going home to study.

Now i said i was Australia and my language is English because who knows i could be Australian but my main language may not of been English due to im not so sure how hard the course's are stateing that i speak english would it be easyer.

Now teaching.... i want to Teach English to foreigners that cant Speak English e.g: Thai's .. etc etc.

Now once you have got the certificates you can go off and teach whom ever. But I'm Here and id like to stay and doing so.. teach people English here.

Just Asking for some advise if anyone's done the course or knows of other places were it can be done.

Didn't mean to make it sound like a bunch of gibberish before its just i was in a rush and im trying to make up my mind by the end of the week.

Thank You

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Well a external course is were everything is sent to you to study in your own time etc and you have to submit it before a certain date so no one is there teaching you, its all text book external learning like a external uni course. And i think the best way to learn is in a class room, having a teacher teach you then going home to study.

Now i said i was Australia and my language is English because who knows i could be Australian but my main language may not of been English due to im not so sure how hard the course's are stateing that i speak english would it be easyer.

Now teaching.... i want to Teach English to foreigners that cant Speak English e.g: Thai's .. etc etc.

Now once you have got the certificates you can go off and teach whom ever. But I'm Here and id like to stay and doing so.. teach people English here.

Just Asking for some advise if anyone's done the course or knows of other places were it can be done.

Didn't mean to make it sound like a bunch of gibberish before its just i was in a rush and im trying to make up my mind by the end of the week.

Thank You

Do a Search on TV for TOEFL (Teaching Of English As a Foreign Language), which is what you want.

BTW. Don't understand why Thai Visa is automatically forcing you to quote the previous post when you want to just reply. (also the check spelling option is not working)

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Well a external course is were everything is sent to you to study in your own time etc and you have to submit it before a certain date so no one is there teaching you, its all text book external learning like a external uni course. And i think the best way to learn is in a class room, having a teacher teach you then going home to study.

Now i said i was Australia and my language is English because who knows i could be Australian but my main language may not of been English due to im not so sure how hard the course's are stateing that i speak english would it be easyer.

Now teaching.... i want to Teach English to foreigners that cant Speak English e.g: Thai's .. etc etc.

Now once you have got the certificates you can go off and teach whom ever. But I'm Here and id like to stay and doing so.. teach people English here.

Just Asking for some advise if anyone's done the course or knows of other places were it can be done.

Didn't mean to make it sound like a bunch of gibberish before its just i was in a rush and im trying to make up my mind by the end of the week.

Thank You

Do a Search on TV for TOEFL (Teaching Of English As a Foreign Language), which is what you want.

BTW. Don't understand why Thai Visa is automatically forcing you to quote the previous post when you want to just reply. (also the check spelling option is not working)

ah sorry i don't use forum's much what do u mean by why Thai visa is automatically forcing you to quote ? and spelling option? lol.

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TOEFL is the accepted, trademarked acronym for a test of English. TEFL is teaching English as a foreign language; TESL is teaching English as a second language; not quite the same, but similar. Also, TESOL is ...second-other language.

If you do not wish to copy the post to which you are replying, hit the FAST REPLY ikon near the bottom right corner of the page.

If you have no command of proper English spelling or grammar, you are not ready to teach, and even the better TEFL courses do not have time to cover the basics.

Even the less rigorous TEFL courses are no picnic, and actually teaching English is very difficult in Thailand.

Welcome to the forum. Good luck.

As for me, I am America, both continents. I'm huge. :o

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..... Its a forum you want me to make the page all pretty and perfect all spelling correct and no short content words like LOL, Sorry Khunling for the disappointment. But Sorry to say i am Australian and i am a native speaker but this is just a Forum not important documents.

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OP, your English is so bad- and so atypically bad for a native speaker who is bad at English (it seems more like the bad English of certain native speakers of European languages)- that the best advice I can give you is work on your own education before working on anyone else's.

It's been awhile since I've closed a thread with this subforum guideline, but it seems the perfect time to do so now:

11. Posters who are suspected of baiting the other members through behaviors such as:

a. Starting multiple threads without following up with posts in their previous threads

b. Starting threads with suspiciously contrived spelling and grammar errors

c. Commenting off-topic in a manner which derails threads, especially in ways which go off-topic or break other forum guidelines

may find their topics closed or themselves warned.

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