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Low Lifes On Benifits Populating Pattaya


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Quote below (Times)regarding your tax input to the civil servants final salary scheme - abolished in many private companies because they can't sustain them!!!!

"Actually, private businesses (and all those working in them) are paying for these public sector pensions, through their taxes, at a rate of about £20 billion a year. Where else would the money come from? "

But let us complain about a few sick people getting a few pounds in Thailand shall we!!!

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I sympathize with people who have worked, earned disability benefits, who are truely incapacitated from working. However, those especially who have paid little or nothing into the disability system, are very fortunate, that they come from countries that can afford to give them these kinds of hand outs. They are not so much entitled as simply fortunate.

I do believe that there are also a very significant number of people who play the system and don't really want to work. While people like myself work hard to support our selves and them also. They may know little else but are skilled at being parasites.

I have a good friend who is a medical doctor. He tells me about all the people he sees in his practice who are trying to play the system. When he tells them that they may not be able to do what he does, but are still capable of work. He says they usually tell him, "what do you care its not your money." He tells them I am a tax payer and it is my taxes. Why should I work hard so that you don't have to. These parasites who often have failed to get an education or learn a skill or trade. Feel that they should be paid like my MD friend. Without having to pay all the dues he paid. If they can't get the type of reward my MD friend can. Then they are unwilling to accept the type of poor paying low skills work that is all they have prepared them selves for.

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I sympathize with people who have worked, earned disability benefits, who are truely incapacitated from working. However, those especially who have paid little or nothing into the disability system, are very fortunate, that they come from countries that can afford to give them these kinds of hand outs. They are not so much entitled as simply fortunate.

I do believe that there are also a very significant number of people who play the system and don't really want to work. While people like myself work hard to support our selves and them also. They may know little else but are skilled at being parasites.

I have a good friend who is a medical doctor. He tells me about all the people he sees in his practice who are trying to play the system. When he tells them that they may not be able to do what he does, but are still capable of work. He says they usually tell him, "what do you care its not your money." He tells them I am a tax payer and it is my taxes. Why should I work hard so that you don't have to. These parasites who often have failed to get an education or learn a skill or trade. Feel that they should be paid like my MD friend. Without having to pay all the dues he paid. If they can't get the type of reward my MD friend can. Then they are unwilling to accept the type of poor paying low skills work that is all they have prepared them selves for.

And if these ''parasites" have parents who fought/died for their country, parents who put into the system but did not take out!!

The people in unfortunate circumstances are not to be considered by their fellow human beings. They are to be cast into despair. Well good for you guys.......because in my opinion if the system provides for those that genuinely need...I will take the hit for the fraudsters!!!.......until of course one of you healthy smart working people come up with a solution to prevent the fraud!!!!....which appears to have eluded you for the moment.....does it not!!!!

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I sympathize with people who have worked, earned disability benefits, who are truely incapacitated from working. However, those especially who have paid little or nothing into the disability system, are very fortunate, that they come from countries that can afford to give them these kinds of hand outs. They are not so much entitled as simply fortunate.

I do believe that there are also a very significant number of people who play the system and don't really want to work. While people like myself work hard to support our selves and them also. They may know little else but are skilled at being parasites.

I have a good friend who is a medical doctor. He tells me about all the people he sees in his practice who are trying to play the system. When he tells them that they may not be able to do what he does, but are still capable of work. He says they usually tell him, "what do you care its not your money." He tells them I am a tax payer and it is my taxes. Why should I work hard so that you don't have to. These parasites who often have failed to get an education or learn a skill or trade. Feel that they should be paid like my MD friend. Without having to pay all the dues he paid. If they can't get the type of reward my MD friend can. Then they are unwilling to accept the type of poor paying low skills work that is all they have prepared them selves for.

the biggest "parasites" are the Mega Rich Tax Avoiders and Merchant Bankers LOOK!! .. in UK you are talking about £84 a week...TRY SURVIVNG ON THAT.....We get your point but at least acknowledge where the real problem is,..

Edited by dee123
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I sympathize with people who have worked, earned disability benefits, who are truely incapacitated from working. However, those especially who have paid little or nothing into the disability system, are very fortunate, that they come from countries that can afford to give them these kinds of hand outs. They are not so much entitled as simply fortunate.

I do believe that there are also a very significant number of people who play the system and don't really want to work. While people like myself work hard to support our selves and them also. They may know little else but are skilled at being parasites.

I have a good friend who is a medical doctor. He tells me about all the people he sees in his practice who are trying to play the system. When he tells them that they may not be able to do what he does, but are still capable of work. He says they usually tell him, "what do you care its not your money." He tells them I am a tax payer and it is my taxes. Why should I work hard so that you don't have to. These parasites who often have failed to get an education or learn a skill or trade. Feel that they should be paid like my MD friend. Without having to pay all the dues he paid. If they can't get the type of reward my MD friend can. Then they are unwilling to accept the type of poor paying low skills work that is all they have prepared them selves for.

the biggest "parasites" are the mega rich Tax avoiders and merchant bankers

Agreed....and certainly not such easy targets for abuse as a handful of guys having a few beers in Pattaya... :o

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I sympathize with people who have worked, earned disability benefits, who are truely incapacitated from working. However, those especially who have paid little or nothing into the disability system, are very fortunate, that they come from countries that can afford to give them these kinds of hand outs. They are not so much entitled as simply fortunate.

I do believe that there are also a very significant number of people who play the system and don't really want to work. While people like myself work hard to support our selves and them also. They may know little else but are skilled at being parasites.

I have a good friend who is a medical doctor. He tells me about all the people he sees in his practice who are trying to play the system. When he tells them that they may not be able to do what he does, but are still capable of work. He says they usually tell him, "what do you care its not your money." He tells them I am a tax payer and it is my taxes. Why should I work hard so that you don't have to. These parasites who often have failed to get an education or learn a skill or trade. Feel that they should be paid like my MD friend. Without having to pay all the dues he paid. If they can't get the type of reward my MD friend can. Then they are unwilling to accept the type of poor paying low skills work that is all they have prepared them selves for.

the biggest "parasites" are the mega rich Tax avoiders and merchant bankers

Agreed....and certainly not such easy targets for abuse as a handful of guys having a few beers in Pattaya... :o

mines a Lager mate :D

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I sympathize with people who have worked, earned disability benefits, who are truely incapacitated from working. However, those especially who have paid little or nothing into the disability system, are very fortunate, that they come from countries that can afford to give them these kinds of hand outs. They are not so much entitled as simply fortunate.

I do believe that there are also a very significant number of people who play the system and don't really want to work. While people like myself work hard to support our selves and them also. They may know little else but are skilled at being parasites.

I have a good friend who is a medical doctor. He tells me about all the people he sees in his practice who are trying to play the system. When he tells them that they may not be able to do what he does, but are still capable of work. He says they usually tell him, "what do you care its not your money." He tells them I am a tax payer and it is my taxes. Why should I work hard so that you don't have to. These parasites who often have failed to get an education or learn a skill or trade. Feel that they should be paid like my MD friend. Without having to pay all the dues he paid. If they can't get the type of reward my MD friend can. Then they are unwilling to accept the type of poor paying low skills work that is all they have prepared them selves for.

the biggest "parasites" are the mega rich Tax avoiders and merchant bankers

Agreed....and certainly not such easy targets for abuse as a handful of guys having a few beers in Pattaya... :D

mines a Lager mate :D

Just waiting for the HM Govt. cheque to clear... :o

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In most western countries, it is illegal to discriminate against a job seeker based upon that person's disability. In countries like the USA and Canada, there are provisions given under the applicable workers compensation acts to address "second injury" risks, so that the risk of employing the disabled is not borne by the employer. I assume similar provisions exist in the EU. It may surprise some, but one of the most reliable worker segments are the disabled. For many of them, a job represents normalcy and carries more importance than for the able bodied. Simply put, the gimp is more likely to show up for work and take the job seriously. So please don't blur the boundaries between the fakers and the truly disabled.

Fakers should be reported whenever possible. They are aren't just stealing your money. but are hurting the disabled as well, because their presence on the dole denies better benefits to those truly in need.

Don't know were you get your information from about "They are aren't just stealing your money. but are hurting the disabled as well, because their presence on the dole denies better benefits to those truly in need"

Please describe "better benefits" So you think that if there was a drop in benefit claims the government would share the extra revenue saved, with genuine claimants. That's got to be a joke, right?

Before you criticize others about their grammar, I would check your own first. If you was Bristish I would swear that you was one of them chavs. But to be a chav you have to be young, which you are clearly not.

The word dole is no longer used in the UK. If you are unable to work through ill health you would claim incapacity benefit, if you are behind on your national insurance contributions you claim income support.

If you are out of work and not sick, you claim job seekers allowance.


P.S, Just got a 25 Pound giro towards my heating costs......... Down to the post office.

Edited by Syl
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I sympathize with people who have worked, earned disability benefits, who are truely incapacitated from working. However, those especially who have paid little or nothing into the disability system, are very fortunate, that they come from countries that can afford to give them these kinds of hand outs. They are not so much entitled as simply fortunate.

I do believe that there are also a very significant number of people who play the system and don't really want to work. While people like myself work hard to support our selves and them also. They may know little else but are skilled at being parasites.

I have a good friend who is a medical doctor. He tells me about all the people he sees in his practice who are trying to play the system. When he tells them that they may not be able to do what he does, but are still capable of work. He says they usually tell him, "what do you care its not your money." He tells them I am a tax payer and it is my taxes. Why should I work hard so that you don't have to. These parasites who often have failed to get an education or learn a skill or trade. Feel that they should be paid like my MD friend. Without having to pay all the dues he paid. If they can't get the type of reward my MD friend can. Then they are unwilling to accept the type of poor paying low skills work that is all they have prepared them selves for.

the biggest "parasites" are the mega rich Tax avoiders and merchant bankers

Agreed....and certainly not such easy targets for abuse as a handful of guys having a few beers in Pattaya... :D

mines a Lager mate :D

Just waiting for the HM Govt. cheque to clear... :o


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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

I agree with you misterman. Western societies have been pussies for decades about the lazy people claiming they can't work due to perceived incapabilities. Missing legs or arms or whatever you miss doesn't mean you can't work. Lets hope that the current economic crisis can cure us of the weakness that entered our societies in the past decades. All people should work. People that can't work can work. And the tiny handfull of people that are truly incapable (mentally & physically) of working should not be allowed to go to live a foreign country, the handouts they receive should be spent locally and not in wokkiewokkie land. Aha the good times are coming again!



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as I said Henry to those who have just called you "lazy"(MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR EVIDENCE) now apologies,.... :o

Thanks for your sympathy, you seems to be an honourable man or woman. :D But I reached an age that I don't feel offended very easy anymore. Simply because if somebody tell the truth I should accept it, and when somebody make an insult or personal attacks who are far from the truth he only shows his or her own prejudice and ignorance that is an reflection of his own frustrations. So why should I feel bothered by it at all.

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I sympathize with people who have worked, earned disability benefits, who are truely incapacitated from working. However, those especially who have paid little or nothing into the disability system, are very fortunate, that they come from countries that can afford to give them these kinds of hand outs. They are not so much entitled as simply fortunate.

I do believe that there are also a very significant number of people who play the system and don't really want to work. While people like myself work hard to support our selves and them also. They may know little else but are skilled at being parasites.

I have a good friend who is a medical doctor. He tells me about all the people he sees in his practice who are trying to play the system. When he tells them that they may not be able to do what he does, but are still capable of work. He says they usually tell him, "what do you care its not your money." He tells them I am a tax payer and it is my taxes. Why should I work hard so that you don't have to. These parasites who often have failed to get an education or learn a skill or trade. Feel that they should be paid like my MD friend. Without having to pay all the dues he paid. If they can't get the type of reward my MD friend can. Then they are unwilling to accept the type of poor paying low skills work that is all they have prepared them selves for.

the biggest "parasites" are the Mega Rich Tax Avoiders and Merchant Bankers LOOK!! .. in UK you are talking about £84 a week...TRY SURVIVNG ON THAT.....We get your point but at least acknowledge where the real problem is,..

That only means that the "Mega Rich Tax Avoiders and Merchant Bankers" are better at it, it doesn't mean that the incompetent theives that steal only £84 a week deserve sympathy.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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I sympathize with people who have worked, earned disability benefits, who are truely incapacitated from working. However, those especially who have paid little or nothing into the disability system, are very fortunate, that they come from countries that can afford to give them these kinds of hand outs. They are not so much entitled as simply fortunate.

I do believe that there are also a very significant number of people who play the system and don't really want to work. While people like myself work hard to support our selves and them also. They may know little else but are skilled at being parasites.

I have a good friend who is a medical doctor. He tells me about all the people he sees in his practice who are trying to play the system. When he tells them that they may not be able to do what he does, but are still capable of work. He says they usually tell him, "what do you care its not your money." He tells them I am a tax payer and it is my taxes. Why should I work hard so that you don't have to. These parasites who often have failed to get an education or learn a skill or trade. Feel that they should be paid like my MD friend. Without having to pay all the dues he paid. If they can't get the type of reward my MD friend can. Then they are unwilling to accept the type of poor paying low skills work that is all they have prepared them selves for.

the biggest "parasites" are the Mega Rich Tax Avoiders and Merchant Bankers LOOK!! .. in UK you are talking about £84 a week...TRY SURVIVNG ON THAT.....We get your point but at least acknowledge where the real problem is,..

That only means that the "Mega Rich Tax Avoiders and Merchant Bankers" are better at it, it doesn't mean that the incompetent theives that steal only £84 a week deserve sympathy.

no, you are quite right no sympathy for anyone who can only theive £84 a week,......learn how to do it properly!! :o

Edited by dee123
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