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Pet Dislikes In The Use Of English In Forums


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Language is ever changing with common usage. Rules that apply in one decade do not necessarily apply in the next.

I'm English and speak English, but I think that it is a really stupid language that has evolved for the snobs to look down on the "uneducated".





How can the "ough" be pronounced totally differently for these 4 words...

Because of their origins?.... :o

Rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman John Gough strode through the streets of Scarborough; after falling into a slough on Coughlin road near the lough (dry due to drought), he coughed and hiccoughed, then checked his horse's houghs and washed up in a trough.

14 different pronunciations there! :D


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Language is ever changing with common usage. Rules that apply in one decade do not necessarily apply in the next.

I'm English and speak English, but I think that it is a really stupid language that has evolved for the snobs to look down on the "uneducated".





How can the "ough" be pronounced totally differently for these 4 words...

Because of their origins?.... :o

Rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman John Gough strode through the streets of Scarborough; after falling into a slough on Coughlin road near the lough (dry due to drought), he coughed and hiccoughed, then checked his horse's houghs and washed up in a trough.

14 different pronunciations there! :D



I love the English language with all its craziness. I hate what the Americans are doing to it just because they are too lazy to learn it the correct way.

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Language is ever changing with common usage. Rules that apply in one decade do not necessarily apply in the next.

I'm English and speak English, but I think that it is a really stupid language that has evolved for the snobs to look down on the "uneducated".





How can the "ough" be pronounced totally differently for these 4 words...

Because of their origins?.... :o

Rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman John Gough strode through the streets of Scarborough; after falling into a slough on Coughlin road near the lough (dry due to drought), he coughed and hiccoughed, then checked his horse's houghs and washed up in a trough.

14 different pronunciations there! :D


Good stuff :D :D

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Here's a pearl from today's TV classifieds

Translation (service)

We run visa help you.Translate all document.English, German, France and Norway.Pleases contact me is Gift Soi Post office closed to family mart.Gift

The only custmers thay will get are those who want documents translated to Gibberish!

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Here's a pearl from today's TV classifieds

Translation (service)

We run visa help you.Translate all document.English, German, France and Norway.Pleases contact me is Gift Soi Post office closed to family mart.Gift


I remember seeing a shop sign in BKK offering: "English translasion servises"

I wunder howe bisiness went four them.

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This thread just serves up another hearty helping of proof that even if we share the same basic language we're all to happy to flame one another for their perceived improprieties of its application.

And allowing it to "drive you nuts" is really scary because if that is the case then you need to be sequestered in a small padded room, your appendages bound and receiving regular doses of sedatives until such time as trained medical professionals determine you are safe to be released back into the general population.

That being said, as a "Yank" my favorite moves are of the likes of Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels, Snatch and RockinRolla as I am impressed with the intricate details the actors weave the language with the slang into something that is smart and funny at the same time.

Some people enjoy blowing a fag, in either case I think it's a nasty habit.

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Language is ever changing with common usage. Rules that apply in one decade do not necessarily apply in the next.

I'm English and speak English, but I think that it is a really stupid language that has evolved for the snobs to look down on the "uneducated".





How can the "ough" be pronounced totally differently for these 4 words...

Because of their origins?.... :o

Rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman John Gough strode through the streets of Scarborough; after falling into a slough on Coughlin road near the lough (dry due to drought), he coughed and hiccoughed, then checked his horse's houghs and washed up in a trough.

14 different pronunciations there! :D


except "houghs" should be hooves or hoofs

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except "houghs" should be hooves or hoofs

hough is the shin

ah i see, more accurately the hock or hamstring.

another definition has it as the area behind the knee and quotes james joyce.

interesting word.

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After using the internet for many years now, I have noticed one common error that crops up in thousands of posts in English forums (fora) everywhere. That is the use of the word 'lose.' The number of people who use the word loose (= not tight) instead of lose drives me nuts every time I see it. The phrase 'I am loosing it' used instead of I am losing it is enough to push my blood pressure up. It is not simply a case of being anally retentive as I use US, with its more relaxed usage, or British English depending on which forum I am responding to, however, it seems that there are so many 'English teachers' in thaivisa you would think someone would have pointed this out before!

Does anyone else have any pet hates regarding common errors in English that crop up frequently here? Is this really something we should be careful of, in the case of native speakers, because the Thai members are obviously going to believe that we don't even know our native language?

There is the english language and then there is American, most people speak english not american.

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