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Westerner's Decapitated Head Found Hanging Beneath Rama Viii Bridge

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I wonder if this guy owed any money to the Banco Vaticano :o

Seems I remember a chap who was involved in some financial shenanigans with said bank awhile back and ended up in a similar posture under a certain bridge in London.

That "chap" was the chairman of banco ambrosiano and it happend quite a while ago.To be precise 27 years.

The guys name was a Calvi and he was indeed involved with the Popes Bank and was found hanging under Blackfriars Bridge,London.(from memory one Sunday morning)

No clear or final verdict ever reached and seems that he was /may have been dressed in a Monks habit (Blackfriars)was involved with the Mafia and had Masonic connections and was weighed down with bricks,money or even bars of gold....

Various suspects over the years but like the Diana 'incident' ...still a mystery....(for some) :D

Pol Col Chavalit Prasobsilp, a police chief, said that it was apparently not a suicide and he will wait for autopsy results before concluding how the head was cut from the body.

The BIB will always continue to completely and utterly amaze me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to the land of smiles.......'it was apparently not a suicide?' I think more important to know is who cut his head off, how isn't really that important. It seems that Jack the Ripper is back.....



No dought they will discover that he commited suicide, as so often the police say in thailand and give there reasons for y,,,even with his head cut off,,,

watch for further news, it would not surprise me


Brilliant deduction by Pol Col Chavalit Prasobsilp, that this is apparently not a suicide.

Sherlock Holmes, eat your heart out.

Who ever heard of someone committing suicide by cutting their head off, putting their head into a bag and hanging it from a bridge?

Just out of curiosity, was the message written on the bridge in Thai or some other language?

Brilliant deduction by Pol Col Chavalit Prasobsilp, that this is apparently not a suicide.

Sherlock Holmes, eat your heart out.

Who ever heard of someone committing suicide by cutting their head off, putting their head into a bag and hanging it from a bridge?

Just out of curiosity, was the message written on the bridge in Thai or some other language?

He did say "apparently", so of course he isn't sure.

I'll bet it was a suicide. Was the head hanging neck down or neck up inside the plactic bag? The note left on the bridge points to suicide.

If you look at the rope hanging from the bridge you can estimate its length (in comparison to the height of the people standing on the bridge) at about 25 ft. It also appears to be thin rope. Jumping off the bridge with that tied around your neck would easily cause a decapitation - like a knife through butter.

The body will probably be recovered somewhere down the river.

Brilliant deduction by Pol Col Chavalit Prasobsilp, that this is apparently not a suicide.

Sherlock Holmes, eat your heart out.

Who ever heard of someone committing suicide by cutting their head off, putting their head into a bag and hanging it from a bridge?

Just out of curiosity, was the message written on the bridge in Thai or some other language?

He did say "apparently", so of course he isn't sure.

I'll bet it was a suicide. Was the head hanging neck down or neck up inside the plactic bag? The note left on the bridge points to suicide.

If you look at the rope hanging from the bridge you can estimate its length (in comparison to the height of the people standing on the bridge) at about 25 ft. It also appears to be thin rope. Jumping off the bridge with that tied around your neck would easily cause a decapitation - like a knife through butter.

The body will probably be recovered somewhere down the river.

What, and the victim conveniently wrapped his head in a bag before he jumped?

Perhaps he didn’t want to frighten the children.

Brilliant deduction by Pol Col Chavalit Prasobsilp, that this is apparently not a suicide.

Sherlock Holmes, eat your heart out.

Who ever heard of someone committing suicide by cutting their head off, putting their head into a bag and hanging it from a bridge?

Just out of curiosity, was the message written on the bridge in Thai or some other language?

He did say "apparently", so of course he isn't sure.

I'll bet it was a suicide. Was the head hanging neck down or neck up inside the plactic bag? The note left on the bridge points to suicide.

If you look at the rope hanging from the bridge you can estimate its length (in comparison to the height of the people standing on the bridge) at about 25 ft. It also appears to be thin rope. Jumping off the bridge with that tied around your neck would easily cause a decapitation - like a knife through butter.

The body will probably be recovered somewhere down the river.

What, and the victim conveniently wrapped his head in a bag before he jumped?

Perhaps he didn’t want to frighten the children.

A predictable response, ignoring all the other factors which lead to a possible suicide. We haven't seen a close up of the plactic bag so it's impossible to determine how his head was wrapped and which position it was in, but is it difficult to put a plactic bag over your head and then slide on a rope before you jump? Perhpas he wanted to induce cerebral hypoxia before he jumped. He may have realised that decapitation was a certainty from that height and wanted to keep it clean. Who knows what a suicidal person is thinking.

From what we know, I don't believe we can rule out suicide.

Holy crap, I was at the bridge last night with my wife.

How do you know you had the correct bridge? The Nation says it was Rama IX? Have they screwed up their news report again? (Actually reading Thai Rath I guess they have as the photo is Rama VIII).


No shortage of violent deaths of Westerners (and locals) in the Land of Shootings, Suicides & Stabbings. And no sign of a let-up in either Thailand being one of the most dangerous countries to visit or having one of the highest murder rates in the world. And paradoxically no sign that the millions that come here every year know how dangerous this country really can be.

No shortage of violent deaths of Westerners (and locals) in the Land of Shootings, Suicides & Stabbings. And no sign of a let-up in either Thailand being one of the most dangerous countries to visit or having one of the highest murder rates in the world. And paradoxically no sign that the millions that come here every year know how dangerous this country really can be.

Yeah, I feel much safer in america :o:D

Brilliant deduction by Pol Col Chavalit Prasobsilp, that this is apparently not a suicide.

Sherlock Holmes, eat your heart out.

Who ever heard of someone committing suicide by cutting their head off, putting their head into a bag and hanging it from a bridge?

Just out of curiosity, was the message written on the bridge in Thai or some other language?

He did say "apparently", so of course he isn't sure.

I'll bet it was a suicide. Was the head hanging neck down or neck up inside the plactic bag? The note left on the bridge points to suicide.

If you look at the rope hanging from the bridge you can estimate its length (in comparison to the height of the people standing on the bridge) at about 25 ft. It also appears to be thin rope. Jumping off the bridge with that tied around your neck would easily cause a decapitation - like a knife through butter.

The body will probably be recovered somewhere down the river.

So tell me with such an impact made to decapitate one's head how on earth would the Head itself stay attached to the rope after it had made this clean cut????????????????

Of course!!! he also tied the bag in such an intricate way that it held the head inside this bag & the bag also stayed tied to the rope, maybe he's a ships captain must know his knots well :o truly amazing theory :D

You Suicide hunters think to much like the BIB & want the easy way out what do you think is family will feel of your crazy assumptions :D


Whatever is said about circumstances of this death is only pure speculation....Has anyone seen a clear close up picture ? As far as I know, the only two that we have seen do not show anything else than an unclear shot of a spheric shape hanging on a rope. My eyes are not too good, but , unless I missed something, it's all I have seen. I am sure that forensic will have much better elements to work on, and to give a more reliable explanation....

To the poor lad who ended his life there, RIP......Hope that circumstances of your death will be explained

In case anyone interested, in today's Khaosod newspaper, they have a close up of the guys head.


Whatever is said about circumstances of this death is only pure speculation....Has anyone seen a clear close up picture ? As far as I know, the only two that we have seen do not show anything else than an unclear shot of a spheric shape hanging on a rope. My eyes are not too good, but , unless I missed something, it's all I have seen. I am sure that forensic will have much better elements to work on, and to give a more reliable explanation....

To the poor lad who ended his life there, RIP......Hope that circumstances of your death will be explained

Photo here link above,not to clear but I think if you new him you would recognise him from this photo.

In case anyone interested, in today's Khaosod newspaper, they have a close up of the guys head.


Whatever is said about circumstances of this death is only pure speculation....Has anyone seen a clear close up picture ? As far as I know, the only two that we have seen do not show anything else than an unclear shot of a spheric shape hanging on a rope. My eyes are not too good, but , unless I missed something, it's all I have seen. I am sure that forensic will have much better elements to work on, and to give a more reliable explanation....

To the poor lad who ended his life there, RIP......Hope that circumstances of your death will be explained

Photo here link above,not to clear but I think if you new him you would recognise him from this photo.

Yes, this is a clearer picture, that will be useful for identification purpose.

But circumstances of death will not be discovered with this picture


The message is strange, but if taken literally, could imply somebody wanting to have a sex change but being disappointed:


"Cath I want" as one clause, then "But I cannot" with the third clause "Came to Bangkok to be you"

Truth is stranger than fiction, and plenty of foreigners come to Bangkok for gender re-assignment.

No disrespect intended, and RIP.


Ok, let's get this man identified for his next of kin. For those that won't initially look he is definitely a white man. He appears from the photo to have blond hair perhaps gray on the sides in a burr cut. Receding hairline. Prominent forehead. I would guess he was about 40 years old and physically fit. Large nose. Pointed chin a little boxed at the point, medium to small mouth. Medium sized eyes. Maybe others can add or improve on this description. I am really amazed he has not been identified yet.

Holy crap, I was at the bridge last night with my wife.

What were you doing Hanging around the bridge last night? You may find that the Police want to speak with you?

Holy crap, I was at the bridge last night with my wife.

What were you doing Hanging around the bridge last night? You may find that the Police want to speak with you?

that's a good one !


There seems to be a lot of splatter on the side of the bridge. Which could further support the elaborate suicide theory.

Otherwise my vote goes for a serial killer, that note sound creepy as hel_l, doesn't seem like the kind of thing a mobster would leave behind. Maybe i've been watching too much Wire in the blood.

Holy crap, I was at the bridge last night with my wife.

What were you doing Hanging around the bridge last night? You may find that the Police want to speak with you?

that's a good one !

I don't think neverdie is joking. A usual police investigation would involve a request for anyone at the location around the time of the 'event' to come forward to tell them about anything they may have seen / noticed that could be relevant.

*I'm not a policeman though and who am I to tell the BIB how to do their job.


You have to respect the Thai Police for ruling out suicide so early in the case. A first time homicide detective will be able to tell if his head was severed by gravity or by another means. The TAT will of course be rolling out their Cranial Bungee Jumping promotion for their Amazing Thailand's Extreme Violence Related to Beheading Tour. By my count that is at least four beheadings over the past few days if we dare include the two soldiers and the terrorist training course victim in the deep south.

A very strange case that I hope will get some serious attention by the authorities. Don't be surprised if the cause of death ultimately is ruled a suicide. TIT.

Be careful out there. We live in one of the most dangerous places on earth. With the failure of the economy comes layoffs and firings that will lead to more criminal activity including crimes of violence.


Upon closer inspection of the picture, I noticed that the rope was tied around the bag as opposed to the bag around the rope. I wouldn't necessarily rule out suicide because of this, but it means there was at least one other person (assisted suicide or just murder).

My reasoning:

The rope in the photograph is extends from the bridge at only a single point. To make a system that could simultaneously decapitate and capture the head in a bag would require at least one other connection to the bridge, a pulley, or another object.

Though simply analyzing the knot used to tie the bag would be more definitive proof-I hope they took pictures of it.


Might attribute this to poor photo quality, but there's a marking on his left temple that could be a mole and a kidney-shaped indent in the upper portion of his nose that may have been caused by glasses.

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