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Westerner's Decapitated Head Found Hanging Beneath Rama Viii Bridge


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If the guys head was put in a plastic bag and the bag tied up, how on earth is there blood spatter all over the bridge??????

The guy obviously put a bag over his head put the rope over the bag and around his neck, jumped from the bridge, his weight pulling the rope around his neck severing the head from the body. The body falls into the river and the head is hanging from the bridge with the rope around the plastic bag. Simple.

The blood splatter on the bridge suggests the body was not severed in one shot right away, but hung on for a while, with the heart pumping out blood through the neck and onto the side of the bridge in spurts. Of course, more data is needed before making a firm statement.

The plastic bag over his head was another measure, possibly, to ensure he dies from suffocation just in case the hanging went wrong.

If his hands were tied, one could reasonably consider murder.

Another curious issue, the "note" on the hand railing of the bridge. This must have taken considerable time to do. Perhaps nothing a murderer has time nor the nerve to do at a very public location. We all know that even at 3 am there is noticeable traffic in most parts of Bangkok. This makes the murder theory a bit weaker perhaps.

There are simply too many variables for anyone to make any sort of educated assessment based on the reports in the media and the few low resolution images shown.

One must consider signs of struggle (ie. bruising on the body of the victim, evidence at location of rope). Weather the victim was restrained with handcuffs/rope/other means. Fingerprints on plastic bag and rope. Blood samples (victims for sure, but any other person(s)?). And a host of other questions.

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The 'note' itself is nothing any Westerner would write. It's Thai style pidgin English, trying to write a suicide note to cover up murder.

so they hang the body from a bridge, where its not on the front page of every paper because they want to distract attention from the death and make it look like a suicide?

great theory.

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I'm pretty sure that we will find that it is just another suicide.

We farang are able to commit suicide in pretty inventive ways. Wasn't there a guy who shot himself in the chest 3 or 4 times. Can't remember if he handcuffed himself first.

If they find the body with handcuffs on, then that will pretty much confirm that it was a suicide.

What ru on about?

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so they hang the body from a bridge, where its not on the front page of every paper because they want to distract attention from the death and make it look like a suicide?

great theory.

Yeah, much more likely he wrote an incomprehensible note in a language he obviously must not speak, tied a bag around his own head, jumped off, and the rope miraculously sealed around the bag and captured his head inside of it.

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The UK Press are reporting that the victim could be British or German...... at the same time they run the article about the candian getting Shot to death in Phuket, not very good for the TAT, but i hope they catch the REAL KILLER and do not stitch some Thai up.

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Brilliant deduction by Pol Col Chavalit Prasobsilp, that this is apparently not a suicide.

Sherlock Holmes, eat your heart out.

Who ever heard of someone committing suicide by cutting their head off, putting their head into a bag and hanging it from a bridge?

Just out of curiosity, was the message written on the bridge in Thai or some other language?

He did say "apparently", so of course he isn't sure.

I'll bet it was a suicide. Was the head hanging neck down or neck up inside the plactic bag? The note left on the bridge points to suicide.

If you look at the rope hanging from the bridge you can estimate its length (in comparison to the height of the people standing on the bridge) at about 25 ft. It also appears to be thin rope. Jumping off the bridge with that tied around your neck would easily cause a decapitation - like a knife through butter.

The body will probably be recovered somewhere down the river.

yes, and it's highly speculated that the head kept remaining in the bag which was carefully fixed to the rope.

Sorry but please stop all this rumors until there might be some more facts!


Edited by Sturbuc
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It is true that a body can be decapitated during a hanging, you may recall that Saddam Hussein's half brother was decapitated when he was executed.

When capital punishment was used in the UK the executioner would observe the person to be hung and with the knowledge of the persons weight would decide the length of the rope, and so the drop. If the rope and so the drop was too long the weight of the body dropping could result in the person being decapitated, if the rope was too short the person could die by strangulation.

If this man decided to take his own life the poor chap must have been in turmoil, may he rest in peace.

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why the plastic bag then sherlock?

probably the rope was coiled up in the plastic bag though he could have had it over his head to ensure quick asphyxiation in case the hanging attempt went wrong real

i don't buy it, I mean there are other ways to go (trying to tread lightly here). Seems to me no need to bag yourself, the rope would have strangled him if it didn't first break his neck.

Anyways, surely forensics can tell how long the man has been dead - meaning if it was assisted decapitation and then placed on the bridge or he just jumped as you say.

sad story either way. rediculous comment from the official as someone else already pointed out.

One explanation for the bag would be that he was infact standing on the railing with the bag over his head until he passed out from lack of oxygen, possible with the help of sleeping pills to avoid last-minute panic and tearing off of the plastic bag.

In anyway, if one does it right, no need to use as much force as a hanging puts on the body. Just putting a rope around the neck and leaning forward will be enough. (One famous entertainer killed himself like this some years ago in my home-country. Drank until he passed out and the rope strangled him as his body leaned forward...)

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You probably would of been better off not to share any of that with us....naturally you must have qualifications to support all of your good work?

Why would I need qualifications to post in a forum? I make posts hoping for constructive feedback.

You post to expel as much garbage as possible.


Seems to me that you are the one expelling garbage & knowing it, since after posting it, you quickly changed it.

You oringinally posted that , "I have Analysed the message and don't think its an Anagram or a code". <deleted>? It would appear from this type of garbage comment that you have been watching too many episodes of CSU or one of those other garbage Police shows. :D

No doubt this is the closest you get to any sort of real action & just what TV needs, another armchair expert :o

perhaps you should compare your post count with his before making accusations of being an amchair detective.

scanning threough the posts you are all talking <deleted> in my opinion, but if that werre against the rules the forum would be an empty place

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You probably would of been better off not to share any of that with us....naturally you must have qualifications to support all of your good work?

Why would I need qualifications to post in a forum? I make posts hoping for constructive feedback.

You post to expel as much garbage as possible.


Seems to me that you are the one expelling garbage & knowing it, since after posting it, you quickly changed it.

You oringinally posted that , "I have Analysed the message and don't think its an Anagram or a code". <deleted>? It would appear from this type of garbage comment that you have been watching too many episodes of CSU or one of those other garbage Police shows. :D

No doubt this is the closest you get to any sort of real action & just what TV needs, another armchair expert :o

perhaps you should compare your post count with his before making accusations of being an amchair detective.

scanning threough the posts you are all talking <deleted> in my opinion, but if that werre against the rules the forum would be an empty place

T.S., My posts were in response to others posts, I wasnt the one trying to analysise things and come up with a results. It amuses me to see all these detectives closely examining the crime scene before theorising what happened. Most of them wouldnt make a detectives shoe lace.

My only comment at the start was perhaps it was a suicide....thats when someone was jumping around about the Mafia and all of that.

When one joins TV, they should also get a script for valium & YOU along with a few others should eat the packet about now. :D

Edited by neverdie
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If the guys head was put in a plastic bag and the bag tied up, how on earth is there blood spatter all over the bridge??????

The guy obviously put a bag over his head put the rope over the bag and around his neck, jumped from the bridge, his weight pulling the rope around his neck severing the head from the body. The body falls into the river and the head is hanging from the bridge with the rope around the plastic bag. Simple.

Not so simple in my opinion. If he wanted to suicide himself why on earth he needed to put a bag on his head? It is much easier to suicide yourself jumping from the bridge or just hang yourself. No need of the bag. Someone put a bag and a rope round his neck and then just shoved him! To me it looks like a mafia matter, he looks like a convict, and his face looks Russian. Something went wrong and a strong message was sent to others who are involved in that problem.

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The UK Press are reporting that the victim could be British or German...... at the same time they run the article about the candian getting Shot to death in Phuket, not very good for the TAT, but i hope they catch the REAL KILLER and do not stitch some Thai up.

do u have a link for this, i cant find it on the bbc?

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The UK Press are reporting that the victim could be British or German...... at the same time they run the article about the candian getting Shot to death in Phuket, not very good for the TAT, but i hope they catch the REAL KILLER and do not stitch some Thai up.

do u have a link for this, i cant find it on the bbc?

And yet ANOTHER killing in Phuket today. (on Phuket forum) :o

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dead is dead. it looks gruesome for sure, but with or without body, the end result is the same.

That is true for the victim, but the end result is not the same for friends and family, or anyone else for that matter. Imagine how hard it is to tell them your son/brother/father is dead, a hard thing to do. Telling them the same, but explaining he was decapitated then hung froma bridge, nice.

Just look at the effect it has had here, and we don't even know him.

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So, summing up all the findings presented here, based on a small photo and some scrawled words on a bridge:

The victim looks like a convict and is Russian. He comes from the UK or Germany. His murder was a gay / straight crime of love. The writing suggests he was murdered by a Thai, but is not an anagram. He was definitely murdered by the mafia. He apparently didn't commit suicide. He definitely committed suicide. The reason the bridge was chosen was that it was built by the Chinese. It has nothing to do with the ASEAN summit or the visa on arrival policy.

Sounds like an open and shut case to me.

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Brilliant deduction by Pol Col Chavalit Prasobsilp, that this is apparently not a suicide.

Sherlock Holmes, eat your heart out.

Who ever heard of someone committing suicide by cutting their head off, putting their head into a bag and hanging it from a bridge?

Just out of curiosity, was the message written on the bridge in Thai or some other language?

He did say "apparently", so of course he isn't sure.

I'll bet it was a suicide. Was the head hanging neck down or neck up inside the plactic bag? The note left on the bridge points to suicide.

If you look at the rope hanging from the bridge you can estimate its length (in comparison to the height of the people standing on the bridge) at about 25 ft. It also appears to be thin rope. Jumping off the bridge with that tied around your neck would easily cause a decapitation - like a knife through butter.

The body will probably be recovered somewhere down the river.

What, and the victim conveniently wrapped his head in a bag before he jumped?

Perhaps he didn't want to frighten the children.

Okay theorisers , take a look at the photo , the bag is clear and it goes all around the head , the head is positioned like a person standing upright , you can pick out the ear and facial features , the only man who could possibly commited suicide in that manner , if at all , would be the GREAT HOUDINI . Please look at and scrutnise the evidence provided thus far .

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