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Sure the readers of this forum are smart enough not to reply seroiusly to the following mail:

Dear Webmail User,

This message was sent automatically by a program on Webmail whichperiodicallychecks the size of inboxes, where new messages are received. The program is runweekly to ensure no one's inbox grows too large. If your inbox becomes too large, you will be unable to receive new email.

Just before this message wassent, you had 18 Megabytes (MB) or more of messages stored in your inbox on your Webmail.

To help us re-set your SPACE on our database prior to maintain your INBOX, you must reply to this e-mail and enter your:

Current User name: { }and

Password: { }

You will continue to receive this warning message periodically if your inbox size continues to be between 18 and 20 MB. If your inbox size grows to 20 MB,then a program on Bates Webmail will move your oldest email to a folder in your home directory to ensure that you will continue to be able to receiveincomingemail. You will be notified by email that this has taken place.

If yourinbox grows to 25 MB, you will be unable to receive new email as it will be returned to the sender. After you read a message, it is best to REPLY and SAVE a copy.


Webmail Help Desk."

I got now already tree of such messages on my samart mail account since a couple if days

I replied them giving the following password: TOIDI_DIPUTS_A_MA_I


I got suspicious when they asked for a password, here is another one:


Dear samart.co.th e-mail owner,

This message is from samart.co.th messaging center to all

samart.co.th e-mail owners. We are currently upgrading our

data base and e-mail center. We are deleting all unused

samart.co.th e-mail accounts to create space for new ones.

To prevent your account from closing you will have to

update it below so that we will know its an existing




Email Username:.........

EMAIL Password:........

Country or Territory:..........

Warning!!! E-mail owner who fails to update his or her

e-mail within seven days of receiving this warning will

risk losing his or her e-mail account permanently.

Thank you for your understanding.

Samart.co.th Team


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