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Brit Faces Two Years In Thai Jail For Being 'rude'.


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So he's been in Bangkok for most of the time since he's been released? What's he been doing? Supporting himself? Is this a work permit violation situation in addition to his overstay issue now cropping up? This guy is a one-man crime wave... :unsure:

Why oh why would you post such a thing!? Why not just add to your fantasy and say hes been in Bangkok murdering and robbing Thai people? SERIOUSLY, what is wrong with you? Crime wave... loses temper, and then in your fantasy works without a work permit, a hardened criminal on a crime wave spree, I would LOL but your silly attitude is no longer funny!

you take it far more seriously then necessary... if you couldn't see the facetiousness with which it was posted, perhaps by the time we get to 2000 posts, you will...

Your facetiousness is not obvious because you OFTEN post like that, criticising and jumping on innocent or good people because of your misinterpretation of events.

hahaha... when did I criticize innocent people because of my misinterpretation? Let alone... "OFTEN"

Edited by sriracha john
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A previous report here said he did apply for an extension of stay and was DENIED. If waiting for trial against your free will (when you are basically imprisoned in Thailand and not free to leave) is not a valid reason for getting an extension, then what is? This case makes me angry. At this point, after the shocking injustice Simon has been subject to, I wouldn't blame him one bit if he becomes VERY RUDE indeed.

Edited by Jingthing
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best post on this thread was by The Scouser who summed up objectively, based on his experience, on what really happened and why it happened.

Just goes to show that one smart contributor can cut out 45 odd pages of hot air.....pity he didn't post earlier. Would have saved everyone lots of trouble.

Seeking approbation is not necessarily the aim of my posts but I should like to point out that in this case the Scouser was simply echoing my erudition albeit in terms other less sophisticated readers might have more readily understood.

If you are going to dole out plaudits please do so more equably.

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My Thai wife was wondering if this was the same man who wrote a book verbally degrading the King of Thailand ( Prior to entering the country)? She said someone was being held there for this and she thought this may in be fact the same guy? Is this possibly why they detained him? I mean I know verbally assaulting someone as high up on the ladder as the King results in a death penalty ( or so I hear )

Any ideas?

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My Thai wife was wondering if this was the same man who wrote a book verbally degrading the King of Thailand ( Prior to entering the country)? She said someone was being held there for this and she thought this may in be fact the same guy? Is this possibly why they detained him? I mean I know verbally assaulting someone as high up on the ladder as the King results in a death penalty ( or so I hear )

Any ideas?

Are you demented?

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My Thai wife was wondering if this was the same man who wrote a book verbally degrading the King of Thailand ( Prior to entering the country)? She said someone was being held there for this and she thought this may in be fact the same guy? Is this possibly why they detained him? I mean I know verbally assaulting someone as high up on the ladder as the King results in a death penalty ( or so I hear )

Any ideas?

Are you demented?


   /dɪˈmɛntɪd/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [di-men-tid] Show IPA


1. crazy; insane; mad.

2. affected with dementia.


1635–45; dement + -ed 2

Related forms:

de⋅ment⋅ed⋅ly, adverb

de⋅ment⋅ed⋅ness, noun


1. lunatic, crazed, deranged, unbalanced.

Are you mentally handicapped?

Please note that I was ASKING if this was possibly the case... NOT STATING FACT!!!!!

Please learn to put a filter on your words before insulting someone. She had heard something pertaining to a gentleman from the UK who was being held for verbal slang from one of her relatives. We were ONLY asking if this was possible.... Hence "My Thai wife was wondering if this was the same man who wrote a book verbally degrading the King of Thailand" ... or did you not actually read my very first sentence?


Anyone with any actual input, Id appreciate proper comments ( not uneducated remarks ).


Edited by Pyraxiate
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My Thai wife was wondering if this was the same man who wrote a book verbally degrading the King of Thailand ( Prior to entering the country)? She said someone was being held there for this and she thought this may in be fact the same guy? Is this possibly why they detained him? I mean I know verbally assaulting someone as high up on the ladder as the King results in a death penalty ( or so I hear )

Any ideas?

Are you demented?


   /dɪˈmɛntɪd/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [di-men-tid] Show IPA


1. crazy; insane; mad.

2. affected with dementia.


1635–45; dement + -ed 2

Related forms:

de⋅ment⋅ed⋅ly, adverb

de⋅ment⋅ed⋅ness, noun


1. lunatic, crazed, deranged, unbalanced.

Are you mentally handicapped?

Please note that I was ASKING if this was possibly the case... NOT STATING FACT!!!!!

Please learn to put a filter on your words before insulting someone. She had heard something pertaining to a gentleman from the UK who was being held for verbal slang from one of her relatives. We were ONLY asking if this was possible.... Hence "My Thai wife was wondering if this was the same man who wrote a book verbally degrading the King of Thailand" ... or did you not actually read my very first sentence?


Anyone with any actual input, Id appreciate proper comments ( not uneducated remarks ).


Your Thai wife is confused.

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Anyone with any actual input

Your wife is misinformed.

Thank you for clearing this up. I did some research on google but to no avail. I didnt think so, however I was more or less trying to confirm. She couldnt believe her country could be so petty as to do something like this, and that there had to be a deeper reason.

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Anyone with any actual input

Your wife is misinformed.

Thank you for clearing this up. I did some research on google but to no avail. I didnt think so, however I was more or less trying to confirm. She couldnt believe her country could be so petty as to do something like this, and that there had to be a deeper reason.

In a nushell, Phuket Immigration stuffed up and the British Embassy stuffed the Londoner, Phuket Immi lost face in court and are now being very vindictive with a 20,000 bt fine for "överstaying".

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Thank you for clearing this up. I did some research on google but to no avail. I didnt think so, however I was more or less trying to confirm. She couldnt believe her country could be so petty as to do something like this, and that there had to be a deeper reason.

Ya sit your wife down, hold her hand, look her in the eyes and inform her sadly that YES her country CAN and IS this petty. Simon did nothing to deserve all that has befallen him, getting angry and raising his voice after intense provocation is NOT A CRIME.

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Thank you for clearing this up. I did some research on google but to no avail. I didnt think so, however I was more or less trying to confirm. She couldnt believe her country could be so petty as to do something like this, and that there had to be a deeper reason.

Ya sit your wife down, hold her hand, look her in the eyes and inform her sadly that YES her country CAN and IS this petty. Simon did nothing to deserve all that has befallen him, getting angry and raising his voice after intense provocation is NOT A CRIME.

We both whole-heartedly agree. Then slapping on a fine on top of it all.... geesh

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Simon did nothing to deserve all that has befallen him, getting angry and raising his voice after intense provocation is NOT A CRIME.

well in Simon's case it is, and he pleaded guilty to it :D

Tell me Thaiwanderer, given the circumstances, do you think he had a choice under the Thai Injustice system?

He is now "at risk"of being re-arrested by Immigration :o even though he has complied with their directives and his bail conditions and the court's final judgement!

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Perhaps he can waltz up to the airline counter and insult and berate the staff into giving him a seat.

You know, wave his British passport around in the air claiming his rights and demanding respect.

Edited by Texpat
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best post on this thread was by The Scouser who summed up objectively, based on his experience, on what really happened and why it happened.

Just goes to show that one smart contributor can cut out 45 odd pages of hot air.....pity he didn't post earlier. Would have saved everyone lots of trouble.

Seeking approbation is not necessarily the aim of my posts but I should like to point out that in this case the Scouser was simply echoing my erudition albeit in terms other less sophisticated readers might have more readily understood.

If you are going to dole out plaudits please do so more equably.

That both you and scouser swallowed a dictionary when you were young is clear. :)

I dare say that he has better control on the regurgitation of 'big' words. As such, my pea brain didn't pick up on your sophisticated erudition. All over my head, you see. 5555

So, having gone and looked up "approbation" online, I hearby send some your way. I hope you are sufficiently approbriated.

Well done, son.

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I have heard of two very similar cases in the last two months.

One friend of mine was experiencing problems with service at a club and was apparently rude to one of the staff. She was escorted down the police station by a manager and lodged a formal complaint alledging that my friend said '<deleted> you' to her (which he denies). He had to go down to the police station twice but eventually was not charged (probably because the staff member had no witnesses to corroborate her allegation.

A second friend was actually charged for 'rude and aggressive behaviour' (which amounted to him telling someone they were stupid and incompetent - which incidentally seemed to be a simple statement of fact). Again the person had no witnesses but when it came to court he was advised by the judge to plead guilty and accept a Bt1000 fine. This he did. The twist in the tale is this - when he went to Europe recently he was told by immigration officials that he was 'blacklisted' and could not return. As he both works in Thailand and has a Thai wife and family that was quite a blow especially as he has lived here for 12 years.

Now you might think the lesson in all of this is that you shouldnt be rude to someone in Thailand. The real lesson is that any allegation of misconduct by a farang by a Thai will be taken very seriously by the police (with or without corroborating witnesses). That essentially gives a license to any Thai to make your life a mess if they so choose.

BTW both allegations were made by very junior members of staff, not by people that could exert influence over the police. You also wont be surprised to know that the police were prepared to settle the matter if he paid them Bt150,000 but he refused partly out of the principle and partly because he believed that he was entitled to call someone 'stupid and incompetent' if they had acted in that manner.

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The case against him was very childish and very stupid, a complete waste of time and money (not only his but the Thai public's as well)

A 500 baht fine is next to a complete dismissal of the case.

What a bunch of a**holes the immigration have shown themselves to be yet again, what lazy and useless buggers the British Embassy people have shown themselves to be yet again and this case has exposed what a real bunch of s***s there are on this site, you should be ashamed of the things that you have said about this man and his case. Bozos with a holier than you attitude, your s*** don't stink like us ordinary folk's does.

Some of you people really let the human race down by your stupid and vindictive attitudes, you are like the muppets back in the days of the Inquisition, don't worry if they are innocent, just burn them along with the rest.

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I hope they dont start tracking down Thai Visa members for speaking their minds...and slagging off Thailand!

watch your IP addresses they or they will come busting through your bangkok Condos in a heart beat....

Imagine that....

All those emmotional and frustrated farangs voicing an opinion because we just dont get it!

That idea alone would fill a lot of prison cells and line billions of govnt officials pockets!

ooops.... Did i just gave them an idea for how to raise more riot money or shut down another airport?

LOL Too late

Im already out the door and writing this from the rather empty airport - no more ATM fees for me thankyou, and why are more farangs leaving that coming in these days?


if i can just keep my cool for the airport officials - ill be a free man!

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The case against him was very childish and very stupid, a complete waste of time and money (not only his but the Thai public's as well)

A 500 baht fine is next to a complete dismissal of the case. <snip>

Some of you people really let the human race down by your stupid and vindictive attitudes, you are like the muppets back in the days of the Inquisition, don't worry if they are innocent, just burn them along with the rest.

Agreed, you whistle & I'll point to Texass. :)

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Simon did nothing to deserve all that has befallen him, getting angry and raising his voice after intense provocation is NOT A CRIME.

well in Simon's case it is, and he pleaded guilty to it :)

You KNOW he pleaded guilty because he had to, otherwise they were going to pursue a jail term. EVERYONE gets a lighter sentence if they plead guilty, even murderers have gotten 50% of their sentence or death toned down to life just for pleading guilty. In this particular case like most times its all about face and if he pleads guilty he makes them happy. If he had resisted (like I would have) he would have faced up to 2 years jail time.

What really rubs is because he pleaded guilty he will most likely discover he too is blacklisted and can never return.

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