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Multiple-entry Non Immigrant Visa

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Hi, i'm heading out to Thailand for roughly 6 months. Will I be able to apply for a non-immigrant visa?

I did have a read about it but it said I will need a letter from an employer? I'm going to the south for the most of my trip to do some diving and live on the southern islands travelling between them.

I want to get a visa that will let me stay longer than 30 days before having to exit and enter again.

Anyone got any suggestions as to what visa is best for me??

I'm planning to leave within the next 2 weeks though, will it be enough time to obtain the correct visa?

Thanks for any help.

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how old are you???

Hi, i'm 25 in a week. I'm not planning on doing any work. Just don't want the hassle of leaving every 30 days, it's expensive and a total pain.

So any advice is appreciated. All these differant visas and information is frying my brain.

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Try for a multi 0 i year visa,as this will allow you to do 90 day visa runs,and if you do your last one just before the end of your visa date then you gain an extra 90 days,so its realy a 15 month visa.You should be 50 or over but say you are meeting friends or looking for a dicing job and need the time to look around.If you are from uk apply to the Hull consulate,they are very good and always give the visa you ask for.The cost is abut 100 gbp plus the post which will have to be a secure one as your pasport will bein.Go to the website of Hull consulate and download the forms to fill in.

good luck

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Try for a multi 0 i year visa,as this will allow you to do 90 day visa runs,and if you do your last one just before the end of your visa date then you gain an extra 90 days,so its realy a 15 month visa.You should be 50 or over but say you are meeting friends or looking for a dicing job and need the time to look around.If you are from uk apply to the Hull consulate,they are very good and always give the visa you ask for.The cost is abut 100 gbp plus the post which will have to be a secure one as your pasport will bein.Go to the website of Hull consulate and download the forms to fill in.

good luck

So doesn't it matter that i'm not 50 years old? I have heard that the Hull consulate are usually pretty good. Can't I just tell them that my diving courses are going to last upto 6 months? As it is a genuine reason as to why I want the visa.

Thanks for the information anyway. Do you know how long it takes to be aproved including posting etc?

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say what you want mate,tourismis down so they need many people visiting Thailand.Fill in the forms and send recorded delivery with up to date passport,2 photos,payment procedure ie cheque card etc.This will be back to you within 2 days.Look at the form info for full details.

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If you’re in the UK, by all means apply at the Thai consulate in Hull, and be done by mail. Download the application package from their website and take it from there. They don’t want you to go into details about your planned activities in Thailand. Under purpose of trip, just write “visit friends”. That’s all.



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If you're in the UK, by all means apply at the Thai consulate in Hull, and be done by mail. Download the application package from their website and take it from there. They don't want you to go into details about your planned activities in Thailand. Under purpose of trip, just write "visit friends". That's all.



Thanks for the help, i've had a good read of the Royal Thai Consulate site and things are making sense now. I've downloaded the forms but the pink parts of it are slightly faded so i've written over it in pen. I have no spare ink for the printer and want to get it posted a.s.a.p.

Think it will be a problem? Well hopefully things wil be ok, thanks again for the visa info

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Just to confirm and put the OP's mind at rest I got my 1 yr non-o from Hull last week as I am in the UK at the moment. Sent it on Wednesday and received it back Friday using over night special delivery (about £5 each way). This is my 4th consectutive non-o and my purpose of visit was 'visiting friends' as it has been every other time.

No questions asked and no problems - I think we are pretty lucky to have this available in the UK from what I gather speaking to friends of different nationality.

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If I was you I would send it Special Delivery and not recorded. Recorded is not a guaranteed delivery method and its not always signed for.....

Next Day Special Delivery costs a little bit extra but it is well worth it.

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Just filling out the visa forms now and near the bottom is says "Evidence substantiating purpose of visit". I phoned them and they told me to leave it blank. She asked what my purpose was and I just said visiting friends and diving.

It's the only line left blank though, does this sound normal?

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Just filling out the visa forms now and near the bottom is says "Evidence substantiating purpose of visit". I phoned them and they told me to leave it blank. She asked what my purpose was and I just said visiting friends and diving.

It's the only line left blank though, does this sound normal?

Normal. Do not worry. You will be ok.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I was thinking of applying for non-im O visa for visiting friends. On the notes for filling out the form it asks for a letter from a sponsor as evidence substantiating purpose of visit. Do i actually need this? Would have no problem getting one just wanted to know if this is necessary. If i do need one, who is a suitable person to get one from? I noticed it says for purpose of visiting "Non-Thai" friends. So can't get visa for visiting Thai friends? What sort of details does the sponsors letter have to contain?



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I was thinking of applying for non-im O visa for visiting friends. On the notes for filling out the form it asks for a letter from a sponsor as evidence substantiating purpose of visit. Do i actually need this? Would have no problem getting one just wanted to know if this is necessary. If i do need one, who is a suitable person to get one from? I noticed it says for purpose of visiting "Non-Thai" friends. So can't get visa for visiting Thai friends? What sort of details does the sponsors letter have to contain?



I emailed the Royal Thai Consulate in Hull to ask if I needed evidence to support my Multiple Entry Non Immigrant O Visa application to visit my girlfriend and they replied saying I didn't need any supporting evidence.

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Just to confirm and put the OP's mind at rest I got my 1 yr non-o from Hull last week as I am in the UK at the moment. Sent it on Wednesday and received it back Friday using over night special delivery (about £5 each way). This is my 4th consectutive non-o and my purpose of visit was 'visiting friends' as it has been every other time.

No questions asked and no problems - I think we are pretty lucky to have this available in the UK from what I gather speaking to friends of different nationality.

Can i ask how long between the visas, were they back to back?

I'll be applying for the same soon

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just to confirm and put the OP's mind at rest I got my 1 yr non-o from Hull last week as I am in the UK at the moment. Sent it on Wednesday and received it back Friday using over night special delivery (about £5 each way). This is my 4th consectutive non-o and my purpose of visit was 'visiting friends' as it has been every other time.

No questions asked and no problems - I think we are pretty lucky to have this available in the UK from what I gather speaking to friends of different nationality.

Hi guys

I have downloaded the forms from Hull and I would like to ask a question about these three parts please

Proposed duration of stay: ____________Do I put 90 days or one year (for multiple entry)

Travel details after Thailand: _____If I am staying for one year, how do I address this question

Evidence substantiating purpose of visit (Non-Immigrant visa only): ________ I am going the visiting friends etc route, do i need a sponsoring letter from someone.

I hope these are easy questions (I searched and saw this thread so have jumped on board)

Thanks guys

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I have downloaded the forms from Hull and I would like to ask a question about these three parts please

Proposed duration of stay: ____________Do I put 90 days or one year (for multiple entry)

12 Months

Travel details after Thailand: _____If I am staying for one year, how do I address this question

Travelling back to UK

Evidence substantiating purpose of visit (Non-Immigrant visa only): ________ I am going the visiting friends etc route, do i need a sponsoring letter from someone.

leave Blank

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I have downloaded the forms from Hull and I would like to ask a question about these three parts please

Proposed duration of stay: ____________Do I put 90 days or one year (for multiple entry)

12 Months

Travel details after Thailand: _____If I am staying for one year, how do I address this question

Travelling back to UK

Evidence substantiating purpose of visit (Non-Immigrant visa only): ________ I am going the visiting friends etc route, do i need a sponsoring letter from someone.

leave Blank

Thanks a lot for the info (and so quick too)

Take Care


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Hi guys,

I continue with questions about Hull Forms.

In the "Visa Payment Form" I want pay with Credit Card :

- Amount : ok (100, option +6)

- Full name : ok :o

- Main Number : ok (4 x 4 digits big number on card face)

- Security number : ok (3 digits on the back)

- Expires end : ok ( mm/yy on the card face)

- Valid from : ??

- - - What is that ? I do have only the "Expire end" date on both my cards

- or Issue Number : ??

- - - Same : what is that ? Is it specific to UK cards ? (My cards or Visa and Visa Premier from France)

Anyone can help please ?


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