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Called A Farang


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So for everyone who finds the term farang offensive, what would you like to be called?

Please keep in mind many of the thais that would be using the term are not world travellers and may not be familiar with world geography.

I propose 'paranoid whitey' :o

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So for everyone who finds the term farang offensive, what would you like to be called?

Please keep in mind many of the thais that would be using the term are not world travellers and may not be familiar with world geography.

I propose 'paranoid whitey' :o

What about "Look Kha" for a bl**dy start. Whenever I'm a customer or potential customer inside their place of business. I would be satisfied with that to begin with.

What about when I'm sitting at the same food table with some Thais and the bill is requested some racist a*****e says "Oh, and how much for the farang?" What about poo chai or phuan, That would be a good seconder.

How about when I'm at an enquiry counter asking for information the staff member when calling out to fellow staff behind him regarding my query shouts out "The farang wants to know...such and such"

Don't tell me that most Thais don't know what they're doing I don't believe it for a minute.

What about when I'm walking along the footpath minding my own business and some street urchin (hawker, taxi diver, vendor) gets angry because I have ignored his offer of a taxi/new suit/sex CD/massage or whatever else I'm being urged to buy and in their anger they call out "farang kee nok" .

There are just far too many Thais that think this kind of foul mouth, disrespectful behaviour is OK.

If you, the westener, think this is OK and fully accept being called a farang in the kind of scenarios I have outlined above, then it says more about you than it does about the un-educated (and even too often the suposedly educated) Thai who is generally just following the social norm he/she has grown up with.

All Thais know the word "mister" This word would be acceptable in many circumstances and situations. But oh no, most can't do that can they, that's treating the white guy with some common respect.

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What about "Look Kha" for a bl**dy start. Whenever I'm a customer or potential customer inside their place of business. I would be satisfied with that to begin with.

What about when I'm sitting at the same food table with some Thais and the bill is requested some racist a*****e says "Oh, and how much for the farang?" What about poo chai or phuan, That would be a good seconder.

How about when I'm at an enquiry counter asking for information the staff member when calling out to fellow staff behind him regarding my query shouts out "The farang wants to know...such and such"

Don't tell me that most Thais don't know what they're doing I don't believe it for a minute.

What about when I'm walking along the footpath minding my own business and some street urchin (hawker, taxi diver, vendor) gets angry because I have ignored his offer of a taxi/new suit/sex CD/massage or whatever else I'm being urged to buy and in their anger they call out "farang kee nok" .

There are just far too many Thais that think this kind of foul mouth, disrespectful behaviour is OK.

If you, the westener, think this is OK and fully accept being called a farang in the kind of scenarios I have outlined above, then it says more about you than it does about the un-educated (and even too often the suposedly educated) Thai who is generally just following the social norm he/she has grown up with.

All Thais know the word "mister" This word would be acceptable in many circumstances and situations. But oh no, most can't do that can they, that's treating the white guy with some common respect.

On this basis it is not the word but the context in which it is used that is offensive. In which case any alternative could also be taken as offensive if used in the same context.

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So for everyone who finds the term farang offensive, what would you like to be called?

Please keep in mind many of the thais that would be using the term are not world travellers and may not be familiar with world geography.

I propose 'paranoid whitey' :o

Why, The Aristocrats, of course.

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I dont think that the use of "falang " is meant to be derogatory in 99% of cases, its just the Thai way of differentiating us from them.

I often hear small children in shopping trolleys refer to me as the falang ,EG. " Look Mummy , a falang ", I dont take offense and its preferable to being called a buffalo or big nose .

Most people in our village call me Dom in direct conversation , but if they refer to me in conservation ,even in my presence it is usually falang .

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So for everyone who finds the term farang offensive, what would you like to be called?

Please keep in mind many of the thais that would be using the term are not world travellers and may not be familiar with world geography.

I propose 'paranoid whitey' :o

What about "Look Kha" for a bl**dy start. Whenever I'm a customer or potential customer inside their place of business. I would be satisfied with that to begin with.

What about when I'm sitting at the same food table with some Thais and the bill is requested some racist a*****e says "Oh, and how much for the farang?" What about poo chai or phuan, That would be a good seconder.

How about when I'm at an enquiry counter asking for information the staff member when calling out to fellow staff behind him regarding my query shouts out "The farang wants to know...such and such"

Don't tell me that most Thais don't know what they're doing I don't believe it for a minute.

What about when I'm walking along the footpath minding my own business and some street urchin (hawker, taxi diver, vendor) gets angry because I have ignored his offer of a taxi/new suit/sex CD/massage or whatever else I'm being urged to buy and in their anger they call out "farang kee nok" .

There are just far too many Thais that think this kind of foul mouth, disrespectful behaviour is OK.

If you, the westener, think this is OK and fully accept being called a farang in the kind of scenarios I have outlined above, then it says more about you than it does about the un-educated (and even too often the suposedly educated) Thai who is generally just following the social norm he/she has grown up with.

All Thais know the word "mister" This word would be acceptable in many circumstances and situations. But oh no, most can't do that can they, that's treating the white guy with some common respect.

just want to point out that a Farang Kee Nok is simply a Financialy Poor Farang.

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I dont get it..why would anyone be offended at being called a "farang"???

Its not a bloody swearword..just means "white foriegner" after all.

Some Thai people would prefer to be "whiter" themselves..aka buying "lightening" products that will presumably make their skin lighter.

Some people tell me that the thai even look up to farang


buggered if i know why tho!!!

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I am lostI hate being called a 'farang' especially by people who think that I don't know what it means. "Ooh look a farang" is a quote I hate to hear. My daughter looks 100% farang and I hate it when they call her "farang noi" and stare at her. Thais are ignorant of others feelings bar their own. ***k them.

As well as sort of understanding your feeling (caused by not knowing the true meaning) I am also annoyed by the fact that you said ***k them. You said your daughter looks 100% farang, are you implying that her mother is Thai? If she is Thai and reasonably educated, she wouldn't be happy reading what you wrote. I think your understanding of the word Farang is just not quite right. That's why you are a bit angry when people call your daughter farang noi. Farang is simply a term used to call people of Caucasoid race. There is no hidden or slang meaning to it whatsoever. It's simply a common term used in Thailand by Thais and farangs who undertstand the true meaning of it.

I have a little story to tell you and surprisingly happened to myself, years ago I was standing inside Liverpool Street tube station in London waiting for a farang friend who worked in the City. While waiting, 3 farangs (2 teenages and 1 looked about 30) approached me and shouted at me "You Pakki". I was not angry with those men at all eventhough the word he said was so meaningful and impolite. In fact I just ignored them and acted like nothing happened.

The point I am trying to make here is that the word Farang isn't a slang word and it does NOT have the same impact as the word Pakki which is spoken by certain people who live in the UK. I really hope that this message of mine changes your understanding and your attitude towards the word Farang.

Kind Regards,


PS. i wasn't angry with those 3 people because i was born in Thailand as a Thai/Chinese. however, my look had convinced them that i was an Asian. the question is though would i be angry if i was really an Asian. And would you rather be a farang called a farang OR an asian called a Pakki?

You are right, they should have called you a gook or a Zipper Head.... all terms of endearment I can assure you.

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So for everyone who finds the term farang offensive, what would you like to be called?

Please keep in mind many of the thais that would be using the term are not world travellers and may not be familiar with world geography.

I propose 'paranoid whitey' :D

Why, The Aristocrats, of course.

I wouldn't dream of referring to you in any other way JT :o

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just want to point out that a Farang Kee Nok is simply a Financialy Poor Farang.

Well if things keep heading the way they are it would appear this may be the most suitable term for many of us :o .

Will that make my partner kon thai kee nok?

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Here is a little trick you can try at home, when someone calls me something I don't like, I tell them.

You might be surprised how often this resolves the situation. Typing to other "Farang" on the interweb won't resolve it.

I thought you just Chuck Norris round house kicked them back into 1969... which is also a reasonably effective way of getting your point across, although I do not condone violence myself :o .

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Here is a little trick you can try at home, when someone calls me something I don't like, I tell them.

You might be surprised how often this resolves the situation. Typing to other "Farang" on the interweb won't resolve it.

I thought you just Chuck Norris round house kicked them back into 1969... which is also a reasonably effective way of getting your point across, although I do not condone violence myself :o .

:D:D:D I don't condone violence, but I do understand it.....

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I can only say that the people who find Farang offensive have never worked on a construction site, oil rig or platform. I do not object to Farang at all. I have never had it said to me in a hostile way. When working back in London I'm a Northern Monkey, Geordie, But actually a smog monster, and a whole load of names I could not post. :D

90% of the time its said in a friendly way and the other times its not, ? So what ? Its only words! People tend to make a lot out of words though especially in the UK where nobody has a sense of humour these days.

Just smile at them and get on with enjoying yourself. :o:D

Where I stay there is quite a large Thai comunity which I goto on occations, when I arrive and greet the people it is ery friendly, the new people and the people that I do not know physcically will respond to me as a Farang, I do not get offended by this, I would if it was " hey you, " or " you ", Wouldn't you?

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I don't mind being called Farang - these days,it's just nice to be noticed :o

When I hear "Oooh, Farang" around the villages etc, I know that it is out of curiosity. Not once have I felt any resentment or disrespect in the use of the word.

I heartily agree about the villages. It's actually pretty cool...but the litany of the same questions time after time: What's your name, where're you from, how old are you, any more like you back home? Oh, yeah, that's from the village women lol...

I have a friend back in the States who has marfan's syndrome. He's 7 feet tall and 205 pounds (gained weight after getting married). When he goes out, he loves when little kids come up to him and say, mister are you tall? He says, yes I am, smiles at them, sometimes picks them up high if the parents agree. But if an adult asks him 'how's the weather up there' he spits on the ground and says, it's raining. It's all about perception - adults should be a wee bit smarter than the kids. Oh, and his response to 'do you play basketball' is 'no, I'm a jockey.'

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Even when it is derogatory there is absolutely nothing we can do about it except with Thais who are very close. Acceptance is not the same thing as approval.

You could give it right back to them..

Or is this another case of fear of the deadly and dangerous thai male?

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Even when it is derogatory there is absolutely nothing we can do about it except with Thais who are very close. Acceptance is not the same thing as approval.

You could give it right back to them..

Or is this another case of fear of the deadly and dangerous thai male?

it ain't as indicated that ye gotta worry about...it's him an' 10 of his mates... :o

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quoted........."So for everyone who finds the term farang offensive, what would you like to be called? ...."


Thais know the polite word to call someone. 'Khun' is the word.

They just add this ' khun' infront of the name e.g. Khun Somchai, Khun Decha... Even when they don't know the person's name, they still call out Khun. Some hawkers around tourists areas (if want to make a kill) would politely call out 'Khun Farang' or khun Mame ( short term from Madame, refering to female caucasian).

Since the Thais know the meaning of 'Khun', calling farang without bothering adding 'Khun' it just shows how much respect they have for that person.

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quoted........."So for everyone who finds the term farang offensive, what would you like to be called? ...."


Thais know the polite word to call someone. 'Khun' is the word.

They just add this ' khun' infront of the name e.g. Khun Somchai, Khun Decha... Even when they don't know the person's name, they still call out Khun. Some hawkers around tourists areas (if want to make a kill) would politely call out 'Khun Farang' or khun Mame ( short term from Madame, refering to female caucasian).

Since the Thais know the meaning of 'Khun', calling farang without bothering adding 'Khun' it just shows how much respect they have for that person.


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In my own country I was called a <deleted>.

Being called a Farang ain't so bad.. :o

Being called a Farang <deleted> may be an insult....... :D

hey hey ,take it easy your not a cun_t!.......................your just a little cuntish!!!!! :D

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I always referred to myself and other caucasians as farang, when i'm in Thailand. I was never offended by being called farang, I always find it amusing.

The Thais don't mean anything by it,they are simply pointing out the obvious.

I know one thing, if I meet a new farang and they start bitching about being called a farang, i'm probably going to avoid them.

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Westerners or foreigners or non Thais who accept this racial slur are a disgrace to their own race. I accept that it can be used as purely descriptive but that is in itself potentially racially abusive and in its most common usage it is akin to "nigger" or "<deleted>", "paki", "coon" or other non acceptable word.

Sorry, I do not use the word and will not accept it. Now roll up all you "I know more than the Thais" westerners to tell me how it should be, how I know nothing and how I should be kissing their arse etc.

Big deal call me a Farang,I don't care just don't call me a Thai. :D:o:D:D:D

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Westerners or foreigners or non Thais who accept this racial slur are a disgrace to their own race. I accept that it can be used as purely descriptive but that is in itself potentially racially abusive and in its most common usage it is akin to "nigger" or "<deleted>", "paki", "coon" or other non acceptable word.

Sorry, I do not use the word and will not accept it. Now roll up all you "I know more than the Thais" westerners to tell me how it should be, how I know nothing and how I should be kissing their arse etc.

Disagree strongly. Farang is simply a Thai term for people of Caucasoid race. You are annoyed when called a farang simply becuase you do NOT understand the word like the Thais do. It's a culture-language thing rather than a racial issue. You can trust me on this as I am from Thailand, born and bred! You can read more about this in my other post above.

Kind Regards,


Agree with Tongfaafaasai. Farang is neutral with a few provisos eg if Thais know you, and are still referring to you as farang in your presence and not by your name, that's impolite.

...[farang] in its most common usage it is akin to "nigger" or "<deleted>", "paki", "coon" or other non acceptable word.

Sorry, I do not use the word and will not accept it

Farang khee nok ฝรั่งขี้นก might fit that, but not farang.

Agree still generally neutral at the moment, but like all languages it can and perhaps has evolved a bit.

Negro at one time was relatively neutral but over time has moved towards the negative side.

IMO there's probably a correlation between how often a negro is referred to as someone working diligently all day doing construction and agricultural work and how often he/she is referred to as someone living on welfare, in a ghetto, dealing drugs, etc.

If a farang is referred to less and less as a retiree, tourist on holiday, person working for a multinational on Sathorn, or heck even a person who is in a good mood more often than a bad mood; and more often as someone skinnt/near broke, seemingly on a visa run minivan all the time, or a grumpy-grouch in just about all aspects of life, there's no doubt it'll be more negative (and I imagine that plenty of folks can sense that themseves and will give the term a more negative "definition").


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