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Harrassed By Ftpa In Walking Street


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I must be missing something; is there some law against covertly filming the police? I certainly hope not. I would be most happy if the police volunteers acted as if they were being filmed all the time.

Mr. Howard says one of the police volunteers was not happy being filmed. I suggest you ask that police volunteer to change his attitude or relieve him of his duties--being filmed is part of the job.

Mr. Howard acted impulsively and without authority. Even more frightening was the plain-clothed policeman and his fumbling for his id. If Mr. Howard and the plain-clothed policeman weren't vested with authority it would be laughable; unfortunately they *are* vested with authority and therefore should know the law and when, where and how they can enforce it.

Mr. Howard, you made a mistake and your lack of understanding of how to act in this situation, plus the fact that you can't even now see you erred, points to problems with the police volunteers.

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On a recent trip to Pats, I wandered down the street as we all do, sat in a bar with a beer and some food, I was amazed at the amount of people who thought it was their god given right to walk past with their video cameras and film me having a beer in the bar.

The minute you walk out your front door you forfeit your right to privacy.

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I don't give up anything when I walk out my door. Someone follows me around pointing a movie camera at me and they will lose it. I think you should learn from your experience that you can do anything you want but so can everyone else.

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I was under the impression these guys were there to ASSIST the tourist police in the execution of their duty. They appear to act like proper police officers with a bad attitude. I also notice the guy Howard, trying to defend his actions failed to answer any of the questions that was asked. He failed to even answer just why he thought he could approach this man and question him. I would have told the guy to politely take a hike!

I would also put it that the reason they walk around in packs of 5-6 is fear. Theirs !

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As I have stated on many occasions. I am not on any 'sides' nor do I judge , I am a pro Police Trainer & just observe & query. Pattaya is for R&R to me not a destination where I work.

I ask the following :-

1. Why would you want to spend so much time filming & then edit a movie of the 'Volunteers'???

2. Why would the Howard guy move to the camera with his hand trying to mask the lens to prevent filming , which is not what he says "at no point did I put my hands on his camera" ????(maybe not 'on' but, certainly in front!!)

3. As an aside wasn't the first guy next to Howard the supporting colleague filmed at the station at the previous incident??

4. Why would a 'Volunteer' again be approaching people 'off duty' & no uniform or ID ??? & calling himself a "Tourist Police" ?? I have ID that says I am a Police Officer with full arrest powers in the State that issued it & I also Honorary ones as well & that is what they state.

5. Do IDs here for Volunteers state their Powers ??

6. What is happening on Walking Street that needs 5 Volunteers to patrol en masse ??

7. What draconian powers exist that prevents anyone filming on Walking Street???

8. What powers do the Volunteers have that allows the questioning of members of the public without 'just cause'???

9. Did you film them to get a reaction & then felt you had 'lost it'??

10. Was the filming for public interest ???

Curioser & Curioser ..


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I don´t need to have a disput with these "black sheriffs, nor do I need to a disput with their defenders. Problem is - as usual, the Thai police act an an very unprofessional way, to allow foreign men to act in public in these uniforms.

These uniforms make certain kind of impressions, which is not good! Uniform is not just some kind of dressing . It is a special dressing with certain meaning.

I think, in my country, police would never allow untrained foreigners to act this way. Problem is, the Thai Police act totaly unprofesional to do this. If their own staff do not speak english good enough, they should train them ! And they can use people to translate, but not uniformed "black sheriffs" for doing this job!

Agree 100%. Mr. Miller should stick to filming dead bikers by the side of the road (without the relatives permission I would guess) for the local cable company. Hospital radio in the uk seems a long way away now.

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LtCol, I don't care very much about the motives of the guy filming because he has no authority over me. I do care about the tourist police and their obvious lack of professionalism.


I wasn't there & neither do I care , I am just trying to be balanced.

I can assure you that there would be a very different reaction from me if someone attempted to interfere my filming in a public Tourist site.


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I always thought it was legal to film when on holiday.Why don't you let the Thai police do the job they are supposed to do?or can't they be trusted?Is there a police complaints organisation.I wouldn't have believed this could be real,The uniforms are similar to a cowboy outfit I owned when I was 10 years old.Sorry Howard you know what a reputation the Thai police have.Unless you have a public body for complaints and a selection proceedure that is 100% verifieable.I can't back this.
I dont think anyone needs to answer this do they ?,......"Why don't you let the Thai police do the job they are supposed to do? or can't they be trusted ? "
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I was under the impression these guys were there to ASSIST the tourist police in the execution of their duty. They appear to act like proper police officers with a bad attitude. I also notice the guy Howard, trying to defend his actions failed to answer any of the questions that was asked. He failed to even answer just why he thought he could approach this man and question him. I would have told the guy to politely take a hike!

I would also put it that the reason they walk around in packs of 5-6 is fear. Theirs !

We had them in england, they were called traffic wardens ,.
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just a few points

i hate people taking pictures and video on walking street but..............this is a tourist area and they are tourists so what can we do....public area and all

the real tourist police seem to be no problem

the farang volunteers appear to be on a power trip.

* militaristic black uniforms.... how about black pants and a white polo shirt so it appears they are there to help and assist

* endless trinkets hanging from their belts

* walking 4-5-6 across on walking street forcing us to walk around them

* arrogant scowl on their faces, probably an attempt to keep us in line, never saw one smiling when walking

* they make their presence known so the touts know when to run and hide, funny to watch, as the touts come right out behind them and continue to sell

* twice when i asked them for help i was politely told "not their job"

* on the few occasions i have seen them in action they were only messing with people that seemed to be doing nothing while ignoring loud, aggressive, arrogant louts. I have watched, from my walking street chair, many obnoxious farangs with an aggressive manner being ignored by them

my suggestion, do what the say they are doing.

lose the uniform, dress friendly.

lose the aggressive attitude and walk

lose the trinkets

say hello to the farangs that live here and they recognize, a smile instead of a scowl

just my thoughts

My thoughts,exactly.A little friendliness towards the local expat crowd would do wonders for their cause.They do themselves no favours,being seen as aggressive. :o

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I find it worrying thatthere seems to be a big issue with dress code to look thepart,as Howard said on an earlier thread,then an off duty volunteer,in jeans,lies about his job description.Now that is a pwer thing to me and Howard should not have allowed him to be involved in the altercation.Mentioning the word COVERT,again stinks of over the top appreciation of job description,who do they think they are,cia,sas?????

After seeing the youtube thread and fores and against i am sad to say that my appreciation of Howard(not all volunteers) and his sidekick have gone right down the pan.

<deleted> covert

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i had a chocolate muffin for breakfast.

better not let the tourist police catch you :o

well, i should really give you the full story from my point of view. i bought this (dixiecup-sized) muffin at Villa last night. when i awoke this morning i invaded the refrigerator, grabbed a tipco pineapple drink box (which i also duly paid for at Villa last night) and made myself a cup of coffee. at this point, i felt as if i was definitely not breaking any house laws. and that's when the dust up started...

i sat down and began to unwrap my (dixiecup-sized) muffin and i'm minding my own business (i had the muffin on my lap, not trying to hide anything). next thing i know, my dog comes running over to me, she's scowling and you can just see the bad attitude in her eyes. so anyway, her fat ass comes running up to me, gets all up in my grill, throwing her paws on knee and starts berating me for eating a chocolate (dixiecup-sized) muffin. she was all like "whimper, whimper, paw, paw", you could just see the anger in her face, we're talking foaming-at-the-mouth type anger. long story short, she snatched the muffin from my hand and i'm hungry as <deleted> now. and i'm not going to wish an long-term harm to her, but i hope she gets a stomach ache because it would serve her right. she serves almost ZERO assistance here and is nothing but an absolute liability.

i'm editing down the video of this altercation if you guys don't believe me and will have a youtube link shortly. stand by...

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... this fascinating story.

Probably the leading ThaiVisaForum overstatement of the year to date. The whole affair from both sides seems like much ado about nothing.

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On a recent trip to Pats, I wandered down the street as we all do, sat in a bar with a beer and some food, I was amazed at the amount of people who thought it was their god given right to walk past with their video cameras and film me having a beer in the bar.

The minute you walk out your front door you forfeit your right to privacy.

And it begins again when I step into a PRIVATE establishment to enjoy my beer, film the street, that's public, but shooting INTO the bar is just not cricket, a few even walked in with cameras rolling, they had a laugh at the expense of the girls assigned to kick them out (makes better youtube that way, angry bargirl kicked me out scene). One day it is going to give the Farang Cops something to REALLY do, when someone decks one of them!! Woi!


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Wow what a shocking video... I'd half expected the lad to be beaten to a pulp the way things were being described. As usual things blown out of proportion.

No worries HM - keep up the chin-up, all those who know you - know what a fine job you do. :o:D :D

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