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Do You Favor An Israeli Style Capture Of Thaksin From Nicaragua?

Do you favor an Israeli style capture of Thaksin from Nicaragua?  

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Are you guys suggesting for one second that Thailand's military is up to the standard and ability, let alone the technology (versus the situations counter part at the time in comparison to this hypothetical situation) of the Israeli special forces which conducted that raid? Because that it a laugh.

South America is poor but not as poor and low tech as Uganda was back then, and is probably now. Besides I also doubt Thailand information ministry could handle the logistics of that kind of operation or even have any information further than what they find on a CIA web page (which is very informative).

I don't know about Thailand's special operations capabilities but we have already discussed the logistical and political problems with such an attempt. The US would likely stop it anyway if it ever got started. Nicaragua is a small country in Central America, not South America. It is also extremely poor but has allies like Cuba and Venezuela.

That said, no I don't think seriously such a thing is going to be attempted, but in history many more bizarre things have been attempted ... truth is stranger than fiction.

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Israel can do what it likes because it has "unshakeable" (in the words of Hillary Clinton) support from the US. No other country has that special status so wouldn't get away with the things Israel gets away with.

Israel can do what it likes because it has "unshakeable" (in the words of Hillary Clinton) support from the US. No other country has that special status so wouldn't get away with the things Israel gets away with.

This all has nothing to do with Israel, but that is a good point, if the US wants to stop an action in a Central American neighbor, they will. Jimmy Carter or not, the US remains imperialistic about that region.


Speaking of Anastasio Somoza and Israel, wiki says that at the end of his family's forty year dictatorship, Jimmy Carter finally withdrew support by the USA. Carter also convinced Israel to turn around at sea, their ship that would have supplied Somoza a final stand for his dictatorship. The country fell to Ortega and the Sandinistas a day after Somoza left, and Carter refused him refuge in Miami. So while the USA's support of Israel is unshakable, apparently US presidents can convince Israel to not do certain things in the old Monroe Doctrine hemisphere.

Carter was the one who convinced Daniel Ortega to concede his electoral loss to Violeta Chamorro in exchange for Daneil's brother remaining as army chief. It is a long, tangled history. I am not sure if Obama could pull strings there now in a Taksin episode.


Thanks for that. I hadn't known there was ever an Israel-Nicaraguan connection. Very interesting and kind of proves that a Thaksin grab cannot happen, as Thailand and the US are strong allies. Maybe that is another reason Thaksin is short listing countries in the Americas such as Nicaragua and the Bahamas.

Thanks for that. I hadn't known there was ever an Israel-Nicaraguan connection. Very interesting and kind of proves that a Thaksin grab cannot happen, as Thailand and the US are strong allies. Maybe that is another reason Thaksin is short listing countries in the Americas such as Nicaragua and the Bahamas.

The most notable example of the US setting aside the Monroe Doctrine was not actually Jimmy Carter as one might expect, but Ronald Reagan when he gave the British a green light to retake the Falklands. Carter was mostly just opposed to the idea of applying the Monroe Doctine to the Soviet meddling in Latin American states.


I love it here.

Really like this place.

But military wise, I believe Andorra could gather a more professional military unit than Thailand.

Better to hope that Santa exists, and he brings him back to Thailand next x-mas.

But, Andorra does not have an aircraft carrier!

They can probably rent one.


Ohh, and Thailand does not have a Blue water navy.


I was under the impression that Israel has in the past captured people in foreign countries to bring back to trial in Israel. That is all. End of story. This is NOT going to turn into a discussion of Israeli politics, so forget about it.

i was under the impression you know at least a little bit about what you are talking. or can you add something more about captured people?

anyway, that are interesting stories, the eichmann capture, the process or the assinations after munich 72, the very early days of the state. great stories, entertaining for the hobby historian. material for movies.

the Air force was sucessfull too, in the wars around 1970. agypt and syria had sovjet-russian weaponry and the jet fighter MiG 21. so that battle field was a test field for the weapen systems east vs. west. never done bevor in the cold war. the loss of the russian MiGs was much more higher. the commie jets didn't perform so well.

if the sandimarxistas have russian scrap we can have a small reproduction show.

in recent years came what got called 'targeted killing'. boring, no secrent agents, no karate fighters knocking evil nazis out, no pilot dogfights. sterile, just press the button, launch a missle. operations in foreign countries that have weak military forces to capture high value targets aka Abdul & Mohammed.

entertaining factor zero.

in the meanwhile, did the Old-Etonian Mark Veggie called the famer son Daniel and told him: "We want thaksin back!"?

Speaking of Nicaragua, the despised Somoza was deposed, and he ran to some other country, where his enemies followed him to Paraguay and had him assassinated. Trotsky was killed by Lenin's hired assassins in Mexico City. As a friend mentioned to me recently, surely Thailand has its own little elite secret service and assassins.

not lenin, he died years before, but stalin sent the killer.

the official thai intelligence agency is in Teh Internet http://www.nia.go.th/nia/default.asp

and no question, secret killings, missing persons and so on, that is nothing new to thailand.

now some idea for hyphotetical future discussions:

for jet fighter lovers, Should the Thai Air Force give it the little Avocado Republic Nicaragua, Dresden-Style? In the past, a sucessfull operation in a foreign country.

or how about Do you favour the Trotzki Icepick Therapy for Thaksin? In the past, successful treatment of a meschugge politiski troll to Central America.

or a covert operation by the intelligence servive, For Thaksin the Lumumba Solution? a Belgish Spa & Bath program of the past, worked sucessfull near Rohingya Rhodesia.

I wasn't intending to compare the US and Thai systems, I was trying to draw a comparision the legitimacy of overthowing an elected head of state in either country. Bush could be argued to fit into the category that you reserve for Hitler & Pol Pot, would he not? So why not support the idea of a coup when someone like him is elected into office?

Maybe you didn't use the term "legitimate" to describe the coup that overthrew Thaksin but you answered a question about whether you condoned military deposing an elected government by replying "not in a real democracy". Were you not meaning to imply that Thailand is not a real democracy so coups are acceptable?

har, har. long time not see this. SCNR.


Sometimes i just cant believe the stuff i read on here, but i think this rant tops the cake.

Absolutely agree.

But why stop at some tin pot South American country, why not suggest that Thailand also invades Poland, than Russia and tomorrow the world.

But why stop at some tin pot South American country, why not suggest that Thailand also invades Poland, than Russia and tomorrow the world.
Sometimes i just cant believe the stuff i read on here, but i think this rant tops the cake.
But, Andorra does not have an aircraft carrier!

They can probably rent one.


Ohh, and Thailand does not have a Blue water navy.


They must have used teleportation to transport the aircraft carrier Chakri Naruebet from Spain to Thailand.

Apart from loss of face US grace base and cash The Sandinistas have a better record than the many medalwearing but little practice forces here

Slaughtering muslim teaboys in yala is hardly SEAL/SAS/spetnatz stuff

Bring him back to jail and hes a martyr and focus of discord

Let him stew revoke Thai passport etc seems subtle unless he has a RFK JFK Diana tyoe accident which can be arranged in Managua for three tarts and a bag of yabba

I am charmed. Your post reads like butter. Have you written a collection of poetry I can purchase?


Thailand and Nicarauga at war - what stupid joke, Thailand couldn't even frighten the Cambodians or mobilise a decent army on their own border, so how in the h_ell could they ever fight an off-shore conflict or even one on their own patch.

Thailand and Nicarauga at war - what stupid joke, Thailand couldn't even frighten the Cambodians or mobilise a decent army on their own border, so how in the h_ell could they ever fight an off-shore conflict or even one on their own patch.

The concept was grab and run, not war.

Thailand and Nicarauga at war - what stupid joke, Thailand couldn't even frighten the Cambodians or mobilise a decent army on their own border, so how in the h_ell could they ever fight an off-shore conflict or even one on their own patch.

The concept was grab and run, not war.

2nd poll question I believe, "No, that is an insane idea, will start a war"

2nd poll question I believe, "No, that is an insane idea, will start a war"

Right but the intention would not be to start a war or perform an invasion. The intent would be to carry out a forced extradition of a criminal being harbored in a foreign state.


c'mon jingthing...hit the weight room, get tatted up and start your career as "soi dog" the bounty hunter, or if you are female get impants and start yer career as "soi dog" the bouncy hunter

  • 1 month later...

I am bumping this one for obvious reasons.

Now that Thaksin is dirtied up so badly, I am coming around to the view that the farther away he stays from BKK for LIFE the better for Thailand. And Managua is pretty far.


The OP suggestion is both tasteless and far fetched.

I very much doubt that the Thai government is capable of anything like this- we've already seen how capable they are when it comes to keeping farmers with sticks out of a hotel and away from their PM's car. Needless to say, Israel's history of "extraordinary rendition" (read: kidnapping) has earned them a lot of enemies and critics around the world, and certainly wouldn't do anything to improve Thailand's shaky reputation when it comes to being anywhere near a democratic state. It would be risking putting it one step closer to being up there with North Korea.

I understand that you yellow-supporters out there are willing to do just about anything to ensure that your "special" version of democracy (ie. appointed government and non-recognition of election results) is maintained, but you are starting to let a big genie out of a bottle that you are going to have a lot of trouble putting back in. And the results are already starting to show.



For the record I am not a yellow supporter but think Thaksin is total SCUM and dangerous and as we now know, more or less, a TERRORIST. Get it into your thick RED HEADS, you do NOT have to be a fan of yellow to be anti-Thaksin. Got it now? Good.

The OP suggestion is both tasteless and far fetched.

I think tasteless is the wrong word for it, but yes, far fetched. It was kind of just a fantasy scenario I put out there for entertainment purposes. For those of us who despise Mr. T, it may give some pleasure to imagine it, especially after his more recent crimes against the state of Thailand.


I know this was previously running (but to be honest simply cos I hadnt seen it earlier)

jokes or not, suggesting /speculating on an action of starting war is not something we want to discuss on Thaivisa.

closed :o

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