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I'm curious what experience's other board members have had with charges made by Visa companies to obtain visa's for their thai partners ? Some companies seem to insinuate they can virtually guarantee obtaining you a visa irrespective of your circumstances. From what I understand they do nothing that you can't do yourself by downloading the forms, and researching this forum and others.


ok thanks Litebeer

I've heard a couple of stories of Visa companies charging over a 100,000 etc i wondered if these were extreme cases, or is this the norm ?

I'm curious what experience's other board members have had with charges made by Visa companies to obtain visa's for their thai partners ? Some companies seem to insinuate they can virtually guarantee obtaining you a visa irrespective of your circumstances. From what I understand they do nothing that you can't do yourself by downloading the forms, and researching this forum and others.


Firstly, any so called visa agent/company whatever, that "guarantees" that they can obtain a visa for an applicant, should be avoided like the plague.

Anyone considering using a visa agent should satisfy themselves of the following:

  • Is the person suitably qualified to provide the immigration advice;and
  • Are they registered/licensed to provide such immigration advice;and
  • Is the person accountable to their client.

As for myself, I hold an undergraduate legal qualification, and a post graduate qualification in Australian Migration Law and Practice from ANU. I am registered in Australia with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) and I am a member of the Migration Institute of Australia (MIA). I am subject to a strict code-of-conduct, a breach of which, may result in my registration being cancelled. The lengthy code-of-conduct, among other things, requires me to keep up-to-date with the ever changing Australian migration law and maintain satisfactory professional indemnity insurance.

Australia has over 150 different visa sub-classes. Some are relatively straight forward and uncomplicated, whereas some are extremely complex, and require significant preparation. I am certainly not just a form filler.

I am well aware that there are many unqualified/unregistered visa agents charging exorbitant fees to unsuspecting clients. My advice to anyone considering using a visa agent, is to do their due diligence first and satisfy themselves of the three points listed above. If the person is not qualified, unregistered or unlicensed, and is in no way accountable, then careful consideration should be given to engaging that persons services.




I got my wife a 6 month visa in January at the first attempt.I did not use any agencies ive heard too many rip off stories.Do your homework,get as much documentation of your relationship as possible.There are enough clever people use this forum to help you as much as any visa agency can do in my opinion.Just keep asking the questions and you will get the answers here.My 1st piece of advice to you is do the application online,lots of proof of your relationship is a must.

I'm curious what experience's other board members have had with charges made by Visa companies to obtain visa's for their thai partners ? Some companies seem to insinuate they can virtually guarantee obtaining you a visa irrespective of your circumstances. From what I understand they do nothing that you can't do yourself by downloading the forms, and researching this forum and others.

For visas based on marriage, they are a waste of money. All of them claim to have special relationships with immigration or whatever, but in the end all they do is escort you and sit there while you go through exactly the same process you would have gone through applying for the visa yourself.

I'm curious what experience's other board members have had with charges made by Visa companies to obtain visa's for their thai partners ? Some companies seem to insinuate they can virtually guarantee obtaining you a visa irrespective of your circumstances. From what I understand they do nothing that you can't do yourself by downloading the forms, and researching this forum and others.

For visas based on marriage, they are a waste of money. All of them claim to have special relationships with immigration or whatever, but in the end all they do is escort you and sit there while you go through exactly the same process you would have gone through applying for the visa yourself.


With respect, your post is somewhat misguided. By your comments are you referring to all 5 of the sponsor of this forum, all of whom are qualified and licensed in their home country to provide immigration advice.

I really think a distinction needs to be drawn between those qualified to provide immigration advice, and those that simply call themselves agents and do nothing more than fill in an applicants visa application form.




In Thailand the so called "visa agents" can not give immigration advice to visa applicants.

They can only translate documents from Thai to English and fill in the applicants documentation under instruction from their client.

They do not apply on behalf of the applicant, the applicant applies for the visa providing the

criteria has been met. The visa applicant is legally responsible for what he or she signs.

For Australian visas are issued by DIAC. Every application must meet the criteria

for that class and subclass of visa applied for.

Costs for an average 309/100 spouse visa for translation services is around 4000THB.

A licenced migration agent is as outlined by "bridge", they have legal responsibilities and are accountable for their actions. They work under instructions from their client. They can give immigration advice.

In Thailand the so called "visa agents" can not give immigration advice to visa applicants.

But unfortunately they do, many of them will lurk around the application centres praying on the vulnerable.

The legit advisers, that sponsor this thread, are respectable businesses who will offer honest advice and services - and no I am not connected with any of them.



Quoted from theoldgit. "But unfortunately they do, many of them will lurk around the application centres praying on the vulnerable.

The legit advisers, that sponsor this thread, are respectable businesses who will offer honest advice and services - and no I am not connected with any of them"

I have to agree. I have had contact with one of them from this forum and the person has been very helpfull. advise etc willing to go that bit extra. I have not used the service as yet but think with my situation iot would make life a bit easier for me if i did. But i has to come down to each on deciding what is best for them and doing some research about it and those that give a service as mentioned above.


the last couple of years I see a proliferation of Visa agents setting up shop. There has either been a latent demand burgeoning or a fast buck to be earned here. The qualification of some agents seems to be they have successfully submitted their gf's visa in the first place, hence they know all about visa's. Another one i've seen advertising is situated near the Immigration Office thereby appearing to give it a badge of respectibility. Other one's advertise 100% success rate, which seems an oxymoron when the granting of the Visa is decided by the Consulate alone.


There are many so-called visa agencies in Thailand. Unfortunately most of them are simply form fillers who charge a large amount of money for this 'service.' Worse are the con artists who make all sorts of claims about a relationship with the embassies and promise that they can sort out any problems for you. Many of the latter are run by westerners and they are pure scum who prey on the vulnerable and the naive.

Any 'agent' that guarantees a visa is lying.

Any 'agent' that claims a 100% success rate is lying.

Any 'agent' that claims a special relationship with an embassy is lying.

Any 'agent' who offers a 'no visa, no fee' is lying. They will always point to something in the small print that means you don't get your money back. Try telling them that you will pay the fee after you've got the visa and see where that gets you!

If you do want to use an agent ensure that they are fully qualified and registered in the country concerned, such as the sponsors of this forum.

If you do want to use an agent ensure that they are fully qualified and registered in the country concerned, such as the sponsors of this forum.

Further to this, make sure that the organisation the agent claims to be registered with actually exists!

A notorious 'agent' in Pattaya claims on his website to be registered with two official sounding organisations; the 'Embassies Governing Council' and the 'IILA'.

The 'Embassies Governing Council' does not exsist, nor would it. By definition embassies are governed by the government of the state they represent. The agent does provide a link to the EGC website. This site is hosted by the same domain name servers as the agent. (A reputable web design company in Pattaya, but an odd coincidence they host both sites.) The address given for the EGC is a private residence in the UK and the published phone number is not recognised by BT.

The agent does not provide any information about, nor links to, the IILA. A Google search turns up one organisation which may fit, International Institute of Los Angeles. This is an organisation founded in 1914 to find solutions to the problems facing newly arrived immigrants to the USA. I contacted them about this agent, and their reply was

We have no affiliation nor do we work with this organization.

Be warned!

As far as the UK is concerned, the only organisations which regulate and authorise immigration advisers are the various organisations regulating solicitors, barristers and legal executives in the UK, e.g. the Law Society, and the The Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner.

If your chosen adviser claims to be a member of any of these, ask for proof and if still not sure you should check with the appropriate organisation. (Click here for a list of OISC advisers.)


Visa agents cannot do anything more than you can do yourself. Sometimes and embassy wants to have an interview, the applicant need to go there themselves. in case of an visa in Europea Schengen countries that is refused they might offer the same solution you can think of. Just take an group tour to another Schengen country and leave the group. But in the end they do nothing more than prepare all the documents. If you really want to spend sometimes in excess of a 100,000 baht, hire a immigration lawyer in the country you like to visit, they can do considerably more.

Unless a visa agents know a corrupt official in an embassy (what sometimes happens) they can do nothing more than you can do yourself.


I met a girl in Pattaya some time ago. Plain and simple, she was bargirl, but we had a good time together for a few weeks. I contact a mob in Pattaya called Key Visa Company, spoke to some Brit who said he could garantee a tourist visa for her for 40,000 baht. When I asked how they could garantee he told me that they were connected with the Australian embassy. It didnt matter that she didnt have a legit job or savings because they take care of everything. Sounded way to dodgy to me, and anyway I moved on from Pattaya and the girl too. Glad I didnt fork out the money.

I'm curious what experience's other board members have had with charges made by Visa companies to obtain visa's for their thai partners ? Some companies seem to insinuate they can virtually guarantee obtaining you a visa irrespective of your circumstances. From what I understand they do nothing that you can't do yourself by downloading the forms, and researching this forum and others.

Hi Asianrider.

There are some excellent replies in this thread and I would just like to add that in my opinion most people have some sort of fear in their ability to obtain a visa for their Thai partner. From my experience- If you research the country's immigration website to find out what is required and download the relevant form, you are just as capable to do it yourself. All the agent can do is maybe save you a bit of time and shoe leather, they know where to go to get documents translated etc. All the info you need is available on the website and I believe that if you can prove that: -

  • your relationship is genuine (e.g. Photos of the pair of you together)
  • You and/or your partner has the funds to support the visit (e.g. Bank statements)

You should be 'good to go'. Proof of accommodation is good but not vital and a sponsor would also help. Fill the form in, get any Thai documents translated and submit it to the Embassy- probably have to do this in person and they will post the passport/visa to you.

I almost tried one of these agents a few years ago and all they do is fill the form in with what you tell them and 'create' a fictitious relationship for you and 'doctor' financial evidence if required- Though it should be noted that as YOU are the one who signs the declaration on the form it will be YOU accountable for any fraudulent documents if discovered.

Good luck mate!

I'm curious what experience's other board members have had with charges made by Visa companies to obtain visa's for their thai partners ? Some companies seem to insinuate they can virtually guarantee obtaining you a visa irrespective of your circumstances. From what I understand they do nothing that you can't do yourself by downloading the forms, and researching this forum and others.

Hi Asianrider.

There are some excellent replies in this thread and I would just like to add that in my opinion most people have some sort of fear in their ability to obtain a visa for their Thai partner. From my experience- If you research the country's immigration website to find out what is required and download the relevant form, you are just as capable to do it yourself. All the agent can do is maybe save you a bit of time and shoe leather, they know where to go to get documents translated etc. All the info you need is available on the website and I believe that if you can prove that: -

  • your relationship is genuine (e.g. Photos of the pair of you together)
  • You and/or your partner has the funds to support the visit (e.g. Bank statements)

You should be 'good to go'. Proof of accommodation is good but not vital and a sponsor would also help. Fill the form in, get any Thai documents translated and submit it to the Embassy- probably have to do this in person and they will post the passport/visa to you.

I almost tried one of these agents a few years ago and all they do is fill the form in with what you tell them and 'create' a fictitious relationship for you and 'doctor' financial evidence if required- Though it should be noted that as YOU are the one who signs the declaration on the form it will be YOU accountable for any fraudulent documents if discovered.

Good luck mate!


I think the above replies pretty much sum up the thoughts of many members here.

I personally am doing the application myself after a lot of useful help and tips from this forum ( thanks a lot folks). A prime bit of help is the template submitted by Roblpl which is stickied at the top of this forum.

There are some instances where i could see the need for help in the application at which point i would only go to an agent who was suitably qualified and registered in the originating country as a legal body.

Hopefully i won't need an agent but if we get a refusal which is not understood by myself, i may well contact one of the sponsors of this forum.

I'm curious what experience's other board members have had with charges made by Visa companies to obtain visa's for their thai partners ? Some companies seem to insinuate they can virtually guarantee obtaining you a visa irrespective of your circumstances. From what I understand they do nothing that you can't do yourself by downloading the forms, and researching this forum and others.

Hi Mate

I got some friends who used visa agencies and they were really no help what so ever they went with Maxwell Visa. I also used a agency Visa No1 and he was good and provided me with all the information and checked it as we went along. He also sent me back emails requesting additional information to enhance the application etc. They charged £599 for everything and I got so it was worth it.

But at the end of the day if you do your research you can do it on your own easier enough. Just make that everything is factual and you both have all the same answers etc. The people that fail are the ones who lie on the application I think.


I almost tried one of these agents a few years ago and all they do is fill the form in with what you tell them and 'create' a fictitious relationship for you and 'doctor' financial evidence if required-

If any Agent starts Gilding the Lily leave them alone, not all of them do and if they are OISC registered I suggest they will not.

No one can guarantee you a visa, if they do leave them alone.

Not all applications are straight forward and some do need professional help, just ensure you get the right help, to do this follow 7by7's and Bridge's feedback above, if you want a personal recommendation for the highest level advice on UK and Euro matters contact DaviesKhan.

Good Luck


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