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Man Refused Service At Samui Immigration

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I've been to Swaziland, I have the stamp in my passport & it is a very real place.

It´s been a long time since i coment on your posts boo, and infact i swore to myself to never do so again, but i have to brake it to ask you the following question: You been to Swatziland??? :D:D .

Might one ask why and when?? :D

You are pulling our legs right? :wai: .

"I have the stamp in my passport". Hahahahaha. Good one.

WoW, mattias, u better wrap up this topic, since you're way of base here! :D:o

No offence.

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What are you gettign at? Various people spelled Swaziland the righ way and so far, you haven't been able to spell it correctly, it must be your funny way of pulling our legs. Some kind of Swedish humor that's lost on a few people here. Anyway, keep trying, maybe we get it, eventually.

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maybe when i have time I will scan some photos I took of the very real country of Swaziland & of the very real children of Swaziland doing one of their traditional dances in grass skirts. Or maybe you would like to see the entry & exit stamps in my passport that says "Swaziland" or maybe if I could post you the wooden african carving I have that was made by an old Swazi man who had a stall at the side of the road? :o

But to get back to the topic itself, I thought that anyone who was brought up right knew that not wearing a shirt in a public building was rude. But maybe not. :D

This might be the point were normaly "off topic posts have been removed" would come. I guess you made that a little harder. :D .

Sbk, i do also think he was being facetious, or possibly that he ment Switzerland. Me being from Sweden i want to point out that there is no similarity between our flags. :D .

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The Thailand Guide in Swedish with the Flag in it that the Girl had gave it away Mattias... :o

But of course, they may have been from Swaziland & juts happened to have a Swedish Guide Book... :D

Mattias, what is it about the fact that i spotted the couple with a Swedish/Thai Phrasebook that made me realise that they were Swedish, that you don't seem to understand ???

Maybe the fact that The Thailand Guide book magically and conveniently converted to a Swedish/Thai Phrasebook, when

you realized that there would not be a Swedish flag on the guidebook... :D

Certainly not just the UK contingent though i may add, there's bad apples in every bunch, including ( & some would argue especially ) the Scandi's who just because many have beautiful blonde Hair, beautiful Tans & a 6 Pack, seem to think they should be modelling for Calvin Klein & it's regualry ok to have their Tops off & a prime example was when i was in Mama's Burgers yesterday where a young Swede proceded to sit himself down in front of our Table waiting for a Take Away, whilst we were eating, with his beautiful hair & beautiful Tan, no Shirt in sight, with i assume his GF who put a Shirt on over her Bikini when she entered the Building, but he started to flex his Muscles etc &, for want of a better word, big up his chest & self..

So, MSingh, what is the real problem? - Swede's? - Scandi's? - Mattias?

To me it seams more like you got really big problems with the person behind the nick MSingh... :D

Mr Montana ( a fictional Gangster with a fictional Gangsters avatar yeah ?? ), there is no problem with Swedes, Scandi's or Mattias, i just brought up the subject of a Swede in Mama's Burgers who had his Shirt off, Mattias didn't think i knew he was a Swede ( he was defending his fellow Countrymen which is natural but done it by disbeleiving me which he was wrong on ) but i said the Guide Book that had a Swedish Flag on it gave his Nationality away..

Read over the Post Sweetie before having a dig next time aye, you'll then see why things were posted & why i even brang the Swedish/Thai Guidebook into it ??

& Mr Montana, i take it you know me ??

If so, ask me for a Beer next time you see me when you're having a Burger in the Irish Times aye & we can have a chat over the problems behind my " nick " because as you'll know, i'm always very, very approachable ?? :D

Up the Hammers..

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I think MSingh was being facetious, mattias.

I was sbk & maybe i shouldn't have been so i apologies..

It again though highlights the facts of the problems of so many different people on one Forum all with different interpretions of the Mother Language here, English..

& Mattias, i did mean Swaziland & NOT SWitzerland & i was using it as an example, i could have used ANY Country in the World as my example but chose Swaziland instead...

Anyway, let's get back on topic, if we can yeah ??

It's natural for Tourists to have Shirts off a lot of the time, that's the whole idea for Europeans when Holidaying in a better Climate..

Let's just hope though that they have a bit of Global Courtesey, not just courtesey towards Thai's & their Culture as it's the same throughout the World, & put their Shirts on, in Building which are public..

Not too much to ask in my opinion.. :o

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maybe when i have time I will scan some photos I took of the very real country of Swaziland & of the very real children of Swaziland doing one of their traditional dances in grass skirts. Or maybe you would like to see the entry & exit stamps in my passport that says "Swaziland" or maybe if I could post you the wooden african carving I have that was made by an old Swazi man who had a stall at the side of the road? :o

But to get back to the topic itself, I thought that anyone who was brought up right knew that not wearing a shirt in a public building was rude. But maybe not. :D

This might be the point were normaly "off topic posts have been removed" would come. I guess you made that a little harder. :D .

Sbk, i do also think he was being facetious, or possibly that he ment Switzerland. Me being from Sweden i want to point out that there is no similarity between our flags. :D .

I know that Mattias, i know Mate...

Point to self : Breath in through your nose MSingh, & out though your Mouth.. :D

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But to get back to the topic itself, I thought that anyone who was brought up right knew that not wearing a shirt in a public building was rude. But maybe not. :o

Its different traditions and cultures in different parts of the world. Has nothing to do with being rude, or "brought up wrong".

Here is a picture of Hm the king of Swaziland. If i came dressed like that to motoroffice in Nathon they would tell me to leave the building and come back with a shirt that covers the shoulders. But in Swaziland this is ok dressing.


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But to get back to the topic itself, I thought that anyone who was brought up right knew that not wearing a shirt in a public building was rude. But maybe not. :o

Its different traditions and cultures in different parts of the world. Has nothing to do with being rude, or "brought up wrong".

Here is a picture of Hm the king of Swaziland. If i came dressed like that to motoroffice in Nathon they would tell me to leave the building and come back with a shirt that covers the shoulders. But in Swaziland this is ok dressing.


It's the interpretaion Mattias, to me it look slike the KOS has a Dress on, it covers as much flesh as many Female Dresses & Shirts worn throughout the World so just because the King is Male, it shouldn't be any different..

It covers more than 75% of his body ( upper half ) also so i don't see the problem..

However if i get you one of those Shirts Mattias & you wore it to anywhere not just Immigration in Nathon & you took a Picture of yourself & posted it, i'd owe you Beer for a month... :D

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But to get back to the topic itself, I thought that anyone who was brought up right knew that not wearing a shirt in a public building was rude. But maybe not. :o

Its different traditions and cultures in different parts of the world. Has nothing to do with being rude, or "brought up wrong".

Here is a picture of Hm the king of Swaziland. If i came dressed like that to motoroffice in Nathon they would tell me to leave the building and come back with a shirt that covers the shoulders. But in Swaziland this is ok dressing.


It's the interpretaion Mattias, to me it look slike the KOS has a Dress on, it covers as much flesh as many Female Dresses & Shirts worn throughout the World so just because the King is Male, it shouldn't be any different..

It covers more than 75% of his body ( upper half ) also so i don't see the problem..

However if i get you one of those Shirts Mattias & you wore it to anywhere not just Immigration in Nathon & you took a Picture of yourself & posted it, i'd owe you Beer for a month... :D

It is a generous offer msingh, i have to seriously consider it. :D .

The 75% of the body dosent matter in motoroffice. You are not allowed to have bare shoulders in there. I wouldnt be surpriced if it´s the same rule in immigration.

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If the folks at Samui immigration knew that it's the KOS they would bend over backwards to accomodate him with every wish.

They would consdier it a massive honor if the KOS would visit them, for real!

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If the folks at Samui immigration knew that it's the KOS they would bend over backwards to accomodate him with every wish.

They would consdier it a massive honor if the KOS would visit them, for real!

True, so long as he don't start telling them that he has recentl;y inherited $100m USD in a Foreign Account that he needs help accessing... :o

But saying that, Samui Immigration would probably bend over backwards to help then too... :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think most men from any country know that you wear a shirt in official surroundings.

The thing is that Samui is a resort island where people "let their hair down" and take on the "beach lifestyle."

I wouldn't go without a shirt in a mall in the US, and wouldn't here either, but I can understand men going topless in Tesco on Samui. It's a bit uncouth, but this is one big amusement park (sun, sand, seafood, sex), after all.

I also don't think chicks going topless on the beach is really what they ought to do here, but they do. Strictly culturally speaking it's a disgraceful act, but I think the normal rules of convention and cultural niceties are suspended in certain aspects here.

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