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I have a philosophy that we 'choose' nothing whatsoever in our lives... nothing at all... Life just happens and we experience that happening. But that's another story.

ofcource we do.....I mean...you do it all day long, dont you? :D

will you answer this comment from me?.......who:s choice......??

nothing just happens...what happens for sure is an effect....so something/someone MUST have CAUSED it.....right?

Im pretty sure....in your life...YOU did it!!

everything you done sofar.....is why you are where you are in the condition you are in.......good or bad....you did it :D

Hi mrmike, My previous post 'might' explain to you what I mean by having no choice. I am not so good at English language, but tried to explain what I think the best I can.

Let us say that you are "choosing" to buy a house. You 'calculate'... first the place, the price you can afford... etc etc. You end up with a town and a price range. Say there are 6 houses that 'suit' your purposes. Of the six, two are too far away from your workplace... two are too close to your mother-in-law or ex-wife, whatever. This leaves you with two houses. One has a very big garden and you love gardening... or if you hate gardening you go for the smaller garden. You end up with one house and buy it. THAT house was the house you were always going to buy, even before you started looking for one. The others were always going to be 'out' of your calculations for various reasons... not necessarily those stated above.

now were back at the start.....survival.....you basically says the calculatus is what decides it all.....but the calculus (right or wrong....from mother, father or religion or whatever)....is still something you, at some time, did make up your mind with based on survival........god knows were for sure do a lot of bad decisions, choice so on (based on false datum, false facts so on)...but still we are doing our best....anyhow, so sad that our minds are so full of all that crap from everywhere.. :o

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I have a philosophy that we 'choose' nothing whatsoever in our lives... nothing at all... Life just happens and we experience that happening. But that's another story.

ofcource we do.....I mean...you do it all day long, dont you? :D

will you answer this comment from me?.......who:s choice......??

nothing just happens...what happens for sure is an effect....so something/someone MUST have CAUSED it.....right?

Im pretty sure....in your life...YOU did it!!

everything you done sofar.....is why you are where you are in the condition you are in.......good or bad....you did it :D

Ravisher, you're losing it man. If I wanted to be a heroine addict living in the street, I could, I have a choice. Instead I choose not to be. I've chosen to be a semiproductive member of society instead. We take what is put in front of us or we go find something else. The last thing I want to be is a philosopher; cuts into too much time for fun. :D

This is a huge subject, but I will try to put this into a small package:

What do we choose? We did not choose the way in which life evolved on this planet. We did not choose to be born, and our parents did not choose us. We do not choose our genetic make up. We do not choose our early environment... or the brain-washings, programming and conditioning we receive throughout our childhoods. Along with correct information, we are cheated on, lied to and given multitudes of false information... Father Christmas, the Tooth fairy, religions... politics... and all of our parents and elders false beliefs... etc. etc, ad infinitum.

If you were born in Thailand, chances are, you would have the Buddhist 'belief system'. If born in Turkey chances are we would be Moslem and share their 'belief system'. We are born with an empty hard drive on our computer (brain) the only common denominator is the 'Operating System'... like Window, but in most cases more stable. The operating system takes care of all the 'autonomous' stuff. From there on in, all depends on our 'programming/conditioning'. We are programmed from birth, by our parents and elders, then later on at school, from books and teachers, sights, sounds and every kind of stimulus to the senses.

As we progress, we develop a 'BELIEF SYSTEM' and a 'SELF IMAGE'... This belief system and self-image may have nothing whatsoever to do with 'REALITY'. Just because a billion people 'believe' something to be True... does not MAKE it True. We all carry our individual belief systems and self images based on our 'Programming/Conditioning' etc etc. All of this MAKES US WHAT WE ARE.

We are told by every religion and philosophy that we have 'free will'... this is a complete fallacy... we choose nothing in our entire lives. We 'calculate'. Each calculation will be different from person to person based on our belief system and self image. If we understand this basic truth, we can start to 'understand' other people. For example... A Moslem straps a bomb to himself and blows himself up along with 50 other people that in his 'belief system' are the 'enemy'. The rest of the world looks on in horror and thinks that the bomber is a maniac. He is no more a maniac than you or I. He just has a different belief system that is all. He believes that in doing deed he will go straight to Heaven. He believes what he is doing is 'good'... His beliefs are no more and no less 'valid' than yours or mine. They are just 'different'. His 'programming' MAKES him do what he does. In the same way that your programming MAKES you feel what you feel. If you are another Moslem, you may also feel that it is a good thing to kill as many of the "enemy" as you can in a suicide bombing... if not you may feel it is abhorrent, or something in between.

In nature, a male lion will kill a lioness's cubs just to bring her into heat quickly, so that he can mate with her and produce his 'own' cubs. This is not right or wrong... as abhorrent as it may seem to us humans. It is 'Nature' doing its job. In all nature there is no right or wrong... no good or bad... there is only Nature. Right and wrong, good and bad are just 'opinions' of human beings, nothing more and nothing less. Right and wrong, good and evil will depend again on our 'programming'. Again, just because a billion people believe something to be right does not make it right... it is just 'opinion' and those pinions are based on our belief systems.

The mind is a computer and highly sophisticated as it may be, it is still a computer. We 'use' the mind for computations and we do not choose we calculate. We calculate the best possible end outcome for ourselves with all our present knowledge of the subject at hand. Our calculations will give us a 'result' and then ‘WE DO THAT THING.’

For this reason you CANNOT choose to be a heroine street person. In FACT it is impossible for you to do so… being who and what you are at this moment in time.

Sorry about the LONG post... :o

These are EXACTLY what I've always thought of!!!!!

But I wonder how many people are going to digest what you are saying.

Perhaps crazy people do.

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As we progress, we develop a 'BELIEF SYSTEM' and a 'SELF IMAGE'... This belief system and self-image may have nothing whatsoever to do with 'REALITY'. Just because a billion people 'believe' something to be True... does not MAKE it True. We all carry our individual belief systems and self images based on our 'Programming/Conditioning' etc etc. All of this MAKES US WHAT WE ARE.

Interesting (and not-too unfamiliar to me) concept. :D

So how do you think this will affect the cultural differences that easyb mentioned in the original posting?

What sort of result do you think his American cultured brain calculator is going to make? :o

And conversely, what sort of result do you think his girlfriend's Thai cultured brain calculator is going to make? :D

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