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Why Don't You Make A Personal Profile?


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Why not put a bit of basic info in your profile page? I appreciate anonymity but a little bit of info wouldn't hurt.

I know everyones looking at them because there is a list of previous visitors.

Are you too lazy or just super secretive?

Location at least... surely?

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Mine states where I'm from, the fact I like beer :D , my feeling about spoons, my age :D , my personal statement and my next goal.

At least that's a bit. You kind of know who you are dealing with. Not like all you guys :o (or is that criminals PK?)... :D

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Mine states where I'm from, the fact I like beer :D , my feeling about spoons, my age :D , my personal statement and my next goal.

At least that's a bit. You kind of know who you are dealing with. Not like all you guys :o (or is that criminals PK?)... :D

so you are 99 then,good info,let us know when you are 100 we will chip in for a cake and candles

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so you are 99 then,good info,let us know when you are 100 we will chip in for a cake and candles

Indeed. A man is only as old as the woman he feels... Ooops. That doesnt' work out too good does it? Oh well. I'll be expecting my cake in 2 1/2 months :o

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I prefer to keep anonymous, otherwise it might just confirm what others might already be thinking about me.


Profiles...mmm... facts ok, but no need to describe hobbies & personality etc. We all can talk the talk.

Only a few times I wished profiles were more filled in, but then, the mine is quite empty too...

"I like beads, coconut icecream (the one in a 1/2 coconut), organic fetish, seafood and the Savasana. I don't like to travel, only to avoid doing the dishes. I hope to see you soon reading my profile" :D

PS I visited your profile, what does it say?

You like to

a) bend the truth, actually to lie

or :o kid around

I expected more of someone posting this topic!!!

Edited by Soulwy
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"I like organic fetish" Please tell us more :o

PS I visited your profile, what does it say?

You like to

a) bend the truth, actually to lie

or :D kid around - I'm a kiwi - it's in our blood - kidding around that is :D

I expected more of someone posting this topic!!!

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I always wondered why many expats like to remain anonymous, it's a concept I've never really gotten. It just leads to a much bigger outing when you do something naughty and hide behind your username, Stickman can attest to that.

I generally leave myself open online. I don't like hiding in the shadows like most poster on here.

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Strange topic to start from a guy who puts bogus info in his own profile.

The only thing that is 'bogus' is my age. The rest is true. I keep my age anon because I always do in most dealings in my life. People have always assumed I am older than I am and it has benefited me. I didn't list my age here because I didn't think it was that relevant.

Location at the least would be useful. It's easier to know where someone is coming from if you know where they are.

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Strange topic to start from a guy who puts bogus info in his own profile.

The only thing that is 'bogus' is my age. The rest is true. I keep my age anon because I always do in most dealings in my life. People have always assumed I am older than I am and it has benefited me. I didn't list my age here because I didn't think it was that relevant.

Location at the least would be useful. It's easier to know where someone is coming from if you know where they are.

That part is interesting.....suggests an attempt to pigeon hole people according to their details.....

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Not this little nugget again :o

I generally leave myself open online. I don't like hiding in the shadows like most poster on here.

That's nice for you but why expect others to? Not a question of hiding. Bunging up personal info willy nilly on the net is not the smartest thing one can do and, personally, I'm not into the ego thing - look at me, look what I can do - much less read about some other shmuck. I'm here to garner and offer up info and a bit of banter on occasion. The PM facility is there if you want to contact someone and learn more about them, at their say so. :D

Edited by jackr
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Location at the least would be useful. It's easier to know where someone is coming from if you know where they are.

Hi "byoung2",

Kancha guess where I am from :D ?

Yours truly,

Win in Kan and Bangers and Mash tomorrow :o

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Not this little nugget again :o
I generally leave myself open online. I don't like hiding in the shadows like most poster on here.

That's nice for you but why expect others to? Not a question of hiding. Bunging up personal info willy nilly on the net is not the smartest thing one can do and, personally, I'm not into the ego thing - look at me, look what I can do - much less read about some other shmuck. I'm here to garner and offer up info and a bit of banter on occasion. The PM facility is there if you want to contact someone and learn more about them, at their say so. :D

I'm not looking for your life story... Knowing a tiny tad of info seems beneficial. Where you are based seems to make difference as to where you are coming from... Pattaya, Issan, BKK or other... That makes me appreciate what your statements are partially based upon... Gals, food, money or other :D

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Strange topic to start from a guy who puts bogus info in his own profile.

The only thing that is 'bogus' is my age. The rest is true. I keep my age anon because I always do in most dealings in my life. People have always assumed I am older than I am and it has benefited me. I didn't list my age here because I didn't think it was that relevant.

Location at the least would be useful. It's easier to know where someone is coming from if you know where they are.

In other words, you lie in your profile.


So do I, but only the day Im born. Month and year is true.

So is the picture.

When looking at the profile there are 3 things I look for. The famous asl (age/sex/location).

Nice to see if one discuss an issue with someone older (more experienced), or with a teeneager.

The location can be usefull if one discuss areas in Thailand, thus someone sits on more info.

The gender is least important, but still it can be usefull info. Depends of the issue discussed.

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Not this little nugget again :o
I generally leave myself open online. I don't like hiding in the shadows like most poster on here.

That's nice for you but why expect others to? Not a question of hiding. Bunging up personal info willy nilly on the net is not the smartest thing one can do and, personally, I'm not into the ego thing - look at me, look what I can do - much less read about some other shmuck. I'm here to garner and offer up info and a bit of banter on occasion. The PM facility is there if you want to contact someone and learn more about them, at their say so. :D

I'm not looking for your life story... Knowing a tiny tad of info seems beneficial. Where you are based seems to make difference as to where you are coming from... Pattaya, Issan, BKK or other... That makes me appreciate what your statements are partially based upon... Gals, food, money or other :D

Surely any input is based on the contributors experience of life.....in/out of Thailand.....your current abode is irrelevant....the comments are not from the house but the person living in it......

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There was a thread in January this year.

5 things about yourself - just for fun

40 replies

Either there are many people on this forum who cannot think of 5 interesting things about themselves.......

or they just don't want people to know.......

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There was a thread in January this year.

5 things about yourself - just for fun

40 replies

Either there are many people on this forum who cannot think of 5 interesting things about themselves.......

or they just don't want people to know.......

I still can't work out the damned search function... I have a whole other thread about that... but not many answers :o

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When looking at the profile there are 3 things I look for. The famous asl (age/sex/location).

Nice to see if one discuss an issue with someone older (more experienced), or with a teeneager.

The location can be usefull if one discuss areas in Thailand, thus someone sits on more info.

The gender is least important, but still it can be usefull info. Depends of the issue discussed.

Exactly! Except about your pic :o .

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There was a thread in January this year.

5 things about yourself - just for fun

40 replies

Either there are many people on this forum who cannot think of 5 interesting things about themselves.......

or they just don't want people to know.......

I asked who lived here, or not (in Thailand) last month.

994 looked at the thread, and 44 bothered to put something in.

I didnt expect 994 replies, as we all know that many of the so called experts here, have probably been on a 2-3 week holiday here a few times, and consider themselves experts.

It is just how we humans are. Some of us like to hide, some are exhibisionists, and some like to protect their privacy.

No problem.


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When looking at the profile there are 3 things I look for. The famous asl (age/sex/location).

Nice to see if one discuss an issue with someone older (more experienced), or with a teeneager.

The location can be usefull if one discuss areas in Thailand, thus someone sits on more info.

The gender is least important, but still it can be usefull info. Depends of the issue discussed.

Exactly! Except about your pic :o .

It is me.

Honestly, it is me.....................a few years ago.

But it is me.

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I'm not fussed about whether people have a personal statement. As I see it, every post a TV member makes is their personal statement - we just get it cumulatively rather than in a job lot.

What is interesting though is the secrecy aspect. I am no expert in internet fora, but I would imagine the purpose of most groupings (esp. where there is a shared interest) is to network. I would be curious to know whether there are many deals done, collaborations, even friendships, that arise from the massive work-in-progress that is ThaiVisa. I mean apart from the periodic drinks nights that involve a tiny proportion of site users. Perhaps a topic for a member poll?

Instead I am guessing that most people use it to find hard-to-locate bits of information. The next & smaller group are happy just to chat and pass on opinions (sometimes=information). The final & smaller group use as some sort of psycho-therapy, by baiting or patronising other users - or just releasing their inner-child.

My impression is that quite a few of the users are very secretive, even (a little surprisingly) some of the more prolific posters. Perhaps some of them are 'names' we would recognise? I wonder. Or just deeply paranoid. Or both.

At the same time though I have to agree with one of the previous posters in this thread who said that it is wise to be cautious when posting personal details on the net.

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