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Baby Oil

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I have been using baby oil as a lubricant, with girls, :o ,since a condom doesn't have enough. Is this ok for the girl, someone recently told me it was not healthy for the girl. I don't really like ky jelly but will start using it is oil is a problem

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baby oil can lead to vaginal infections. It is not recommended by doctors and you are doing the woman no favors. Suggest you switch to something designed for the human body.

Besides that, baby oil can contain petroleum products which can damage the latex in condomns.

So, all in all, bad idea.

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baby oil can lead to vaginal infections. It is not recommended by doctors and you are doing the woman no favors. Suggest you switch to something designed for the human body.

Besides that, baby oil can contain petroleum products which can damage the latex in condomns.

So, all in all, bad idea.

First thing that came to mind. I thought most people knew that baby oil breaks down latex.

I also agree that unless their is a problem in some way, lubricant shouldnt be necessary. But yes, if you feel its required, then use something specifically designed for intimate use that will also not damage latex.

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Surely the act of pre sex should be enough to get a female aroused enough for her natural fluids to be sufficient. If not, then I think you're doing something wrong.

nature did me wrong, in the western world, larger is better, in SEA larger is not necessarily a good thing. I like girls that haven't had a baby yet, are dramatically smaller than I am, 40 kilos verses 90 kilos and the fact that i am on the larger size [penis] of the scale makes lubricant necessary. not bragging just fact. in Thailand I wish it wasn't so. baby oil has always worked fine but if it is a problem for the girls i will switch to ky. is there another product similar to baby oil that is OK?

thanks for the info so far.

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Surely the act of pre sex should be enough to get a female aroused enough for her natural fluids to be sufficient. If not, then I think you're doing something wrong.

nature did me wrong, in the western world, larger is better, in SEA larger is not necessarily a good thing. I like girls that haven't had a baby yet, are dramatically smaller than I am, 40 kilos verses 90 kilos and the fact that i am on the larger size [penis] of the scale makes lubricant necessary. not bragging just fact. in Thailand I wish it wasn't so. baby oil has always worked fine but if it is a problem for the girls i will switch to ky. is there another product similar to baby oil that is OK?

thanks for the info so far.

Hey big Boy - you should only use a water soluble lubricant sold at most pharmacies and supermarkets. As most have advised lay off the baby oil as it will rot your todger cover as quick as a dab of axle grease.icon10.gif

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If a woman is suitably aroused she will provide natural lubricant, she will also lengthen and expand in order to allow you to penetrate. If you are also hitting her cervix and causing pain, then make sure she is aroused enough before-hand so her uterus and cervix will rise, which lengthens the vagina and prevents the penis from reaching the cervix. If she is experiencing pain mid-point during intercourse, it could be because she is not aroused enough throughout. To increase her excitement during sex, you might need more time for foreplay. I think most women, internationally, do not like to experience that kind of pain, so bigger really isnt often better in the west too. But, most often it comes down to state of arousal for the woman, rather than the size of a man. Hope you will have consideration for whoever you are with.

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Perhaps not so if the girlfriend is 80 years old

All the 80 year olds I've been with were wetter than an the inside of a 'Billposter's bucket'.

You Sir deserve a medal for "Help the Aged". Perhaps you will be mentioned in the Queen's birthday honours. Mind you Phillip may have something to say about that. As you can see from my Avatar I am connected so will discuss the problem further with Camilla tonight whilst on our jolly to the Galapagos Islands.

ps. Pls don't mention the carbon emissions of our privately charted boat

pps If Camilla allows I'll post some pics of her riding an Iguana or Giant Tortoise

ppps How wet is a "Billposter's bucket" ? - She asks !

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So what is the newest topic on TV how big is your dick? Can we send pics to compare it ? Keep your private love live to your self and let us get on with some thing more serious :o

Agreed. It's not as if a web search would not turn up expert advice, rather than that of the TV lay persons*, willing as we are to opine on all subjects under the sun :D.

*Sheryl and a few others being notable exceptions, of course.

Surely the act of pre sex should be enough to get a female aroused enough for her natural fluids to be sufficient. If not, then I think you're doing something wrong.

Not necessarily, by any means. A range of medical conditions can prevent sufficient natural lubrication, at any age. Speak to your partner/s.

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Corerect infio has already been given here by several posters:

1. Baby oil or other petroleum products NOT good idea, may cause problems for the woman and also affect the latex of the condom

2. Proper arousal will certainly help and in many casaes avoid need for lubrication.

3. If lubrication is needed a water soluble lubricant like ky is what yiou should use. It waill also be a lot easier for her to wash off.

No more jokes, please. It was a valid question. :o

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thanks to all the posters that answered my legitimate question, without all the bull. I didn't know it would harm the girl [vaginal infections] or affect the condom. thanks for that info. again, if someone can suggest a good, safe product similar to baby oil available in Thailand i would appreciate the name of it. I don't like KY.

just a few points i would like to make

yes, i could google it, [as 90% of the posters on TV could with most questions posted] but then I wouldnt know how to ask for available products in thailand. This site is for help in thailand and there are many things that posters here can help with. I have always tried to help any poster I could and never in all the posts did I tell them to google it, I am sure they knew that ahead of time. I always tried to answer their question directly to a simple inocent question. If I thought the question was stupid etc I just ignore it and continue on. All I wanted was to try and make it more comfortable and safe for the girl. Direct question, direct answer as SBK gave was what i was looking for. If oil was not the best product to use for lubricant, which I feel I need, then lease suggest one that is and available in Thailand.

as for you telling me how to make love and get the girl lubricated, foreplay, thanks for the obvious advice, ignoring my specific question. ***personal details removed--no need to go into detail ---sbk*** I reluctantly mentioned being a bit bigger than normal as i felt it was pertinent to the responses forthcoming, for which i was chastised. the funny responses such as the wrong hole, 80 year old mate, not withstanding, since i do appreciate humor.

I was going to PM this directly to Sheryl since I felt she would answer my question directly, seriously and with some knowledge being medically trained and more so a female. I did not PM her since I dont know here and didnt want to impose. Something I now regret.

Thank you SBK, eek, whatawonderful, and to those humored responses.

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Since the OP's questions have been answered and he's responded (your welcome, and yes, it is a valid question) I think we've had enough amusement out of this thread


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