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How Do Most Of The Tatooed Types Make A Living Here?


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My barber broke his #2 hair clipper rake so now I get a #1 haircut. I have never had my head shaved but the #1 makes it look almost shaved. I get my moneys worth from my 30 baht haircut. I have a tattoo from my US Navy days. My left forearm tattoo is about 45 years old and came from New Zealand. Does that make me a skinhead tattooed freak?

Only if it's a moko :o

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gavin mann ..who was this guy any way ,,where was he from ......was he well known there ........unusual to have some ones name on a thread like this..........????????????? not much respect to a dead guy by the sounds of it.......

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Reading today the news on Gavin Mann dying in the motorcycle accident at the weekend and then seeing his picture from an article earlier when he struck a bar girl over the head with a beer bottle, it made me wonder how do people like him survive in Thailand?

There are several like him, whether in Pattaya, Bangkok or some of the Issan towns. In Molly Malones during the afternoon and evenings in Bangkok, its mainly 40+ year olds with shaved or balded heards many with Tatoos just like Gavin Mann. I don't want to sound patrinising but I am just wondering what most people live on? I was talking to one such skiknhead in Chiang Mai not so long ago and he was a trades man in the UK, worked his guts out, saved up all his overtime money and then came out here to live for a year or two (his money has now run out after 6months)...I am wondering if its the same story for others...They don't look like English teachers....they don't look busy or devious enough to be involved in organised crime.

For me, I've realised how expensive Thailand is becoming especially without work. I've worked very hard over the past several years but without work I no longer feel like drinking regularly or going down to the girlie bars. I've calculated that to have a reasonable life here with fairly cheap accommodation, but including a couple of girls a week, drinking 4-5times per week would cost somewhere between 50,000-70,000 baht per month depending on how generous and prudent you were. That's why I am wondering how so many people who give the appearance of being pretty poor manage to live here for so long.

If many are tradesmen who've made it in the boom time back in the UK, then surely once their monies out, then they'll be heading back to the job seekers benefit and Thailand will be losing at least one niche of girlie bar customers..

Does it really matter, I have come across bikers with shaven heads with tatts all over their bodies doing charity runs for the disadvantaged. I couldnt give a flying duck what people look like as long as their hearts are good. Too often in these forums I have come across people so quick to be critical! Expand your minds and stop being so cynical!
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I don't have tattoos.

I am also clean shaven and well groomed, I work 9-5 and always wear a suit.

Upon first impressions somebody might look upon me as a financially successful person, somebody whom might be a somebody yet any random tattoo'd (sp) hairy monster sat next to me is likely to be better off than me because I don't have a pot to piss in.

Stick that one where the sun don't shine and smoke it OP.

Edited by Moonrakers
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I always enjoy these threads. Although not shaven headed I firmly come into the category of heavily tattooed 40+ living in Thailand. If you saw me in a cafe in a tee shirt you might well judge me harshly. But when I am in a shirt or suit for work you would not know about the tattoo's therefore leaving you the difficult job of judging me for who I am not my body art.

I recognise that this requires a bit of effort in that you would have to talk to me but you might be quietly surprised that someone with tattoo's is intelligent, well read and articulate. If I happened to roll up my sleeves during a conversation would you then re-appraise your view?

To answer the other part of the question I have a successful business employing 20 people in Thailand which allows me the freedom to live in this country.

I understand that there are many tattooed thugs out there but look at it this way; at least you can see them coming. Its the sociopaths with no visible clues you need to worry about.

Reminds me of this quote:

"I think body piercing's a good thing. It gives us a quick way to tell when someone aint right."

-- Hank Hill (from the television show "King of the Hill")

Most of my friends have tattoos or body piercings (I don't, though -- maybe I'm one of the sociopaths with no visible clues...). :o It seems to be becoming mainstream, and doesn't carry with it the same stigma that it used to.

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Lots of people in the world with 10's, 100's of millions of USD....with tatoos galore. Moral of this story , you just never know who that guy is, what he does, what he's got...I've been surprised so many times over the years that I simply wont even bother casting judgment on someone until I know them. The wealthiest guy(VERY wealthy) I know in Bangkok looks like a dollar a day Khao San Rd backpacker, doesn't drink,smoke,screw around, keeps to himself while all the other loudmouths show their hand.

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"like me they are well qualified engineer types"

A much abused description, it is illegal in many countries to describe yourself so if not properly qualified, (Good Degree plus Professional Training and Proven Responsibility at Appropriate Level), a long way from the striped hat and oily rag of the train driver.

In Europe Engineers are addressed as "Engineer"

and admitted to a professional institution, I.Mech.E etc.

In my experience I have never met an Engineer who was tattooed, which doesn't mean there aren't any.

Plenty of bald heads though.

B4 I'm flamed I'm not knocking tattooed people, as I don't know any.

Edited by desertrat
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The argument that 'image and how you present yourself' doesn't matter is at best <deleted> and at worst not one to be made after the fact of having modified your own body for reasons relating to image.

The guy doing the conservative suit and tie bit, is making just as much a statement as the guy tattooing his forhead, they are statements of association and image. The difference being one can choose to take his off when he feels like it...... and like as not was not p1ssed when he chose to put it on.

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The argument that 'image and how you present yourself' doesn't matter is at best <deleted> and at worst not one to be made after the fact of having modified your own body for reasons relating to image.

The guy doing the conservative suit and tie bit, is making just as much a statement as the guy tattooing his forhead, they are statements of association and image. The difference being one can choose to take his off when he feels like it...... and like as not was not p1ssed when he chose to put it on.

First part: Always in the eyes of the beholder...

Second: I never thought when I was younger, that I will cut my hair anymore. Now I have a short cut since years. Always wondered, what they will do after the tatoo trend is over.

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Nice to know that there are some intelligent people on Thai Visa! Why are so many of you stereotyping people with bald heads, tattoos as being thugs people with long hair and no tattoos can also create problems and become menaces to society. Harold Shipman, Peter Sutcliffe, Fred West etc... The Kray twins were also notorious with fine heads of hair! Perhaps the people you mention have just naturally lost their hair. Tattoos from various scars of life (Forces, break-ups, family members dying etc.) and maybe just want to remember. I have two degrees (B.Ed and M.A) certainly fall into the same catagory but fortunately now I am living here earning a substantial amount legally from the internet and enjoying doing so. Please let me know what some of the people are doing here without tattoos and shaven heads apart from trying to sell dodgey houses or setting up bogus companies.

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Who wants to take their kids to meet the grandparents if they have tattoos on their face (talking about the grandparents, not the kids)?


...that said, glad I didn't choose to get the larger version of my fraternity + university emblem tattoo on my arm in college, would have been much more painful and expensive to remove. Brotherhood is brotherhood, even without the permanent ink.

Edited by Heng
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Nice to know that there are some intelligent people on Thai Visa! Why are so many of you stereotyping people with bald heads, tattoos as being thugs people with long hair and no tattoos can also create problems and become menaces to society. Harold Shipman, Peter Sutcliffe, Fred West etc... The Kray twins were also notorious with fine heads of hair! Perhaps the people you mention have just naturally lost their hair. Tattoos from various scars of life (Forces, break-ups, family members dying etc.) and maybe just want to remember. I have two degrees (B.Ed and M.A) certainly fall into the same catagory but fortunately now I am living here earning a substantial amount legally from the internet and enjoying doing so. Please let me know what some of the people are doing here without tattoos and shaven heads apart from trying to sell dodgey houses or setting up bogus companies.

They pretend to work for multinational companies. But as soon as they are back from the streets, they tear their straight clothes and their wigs off and dance the volcano.

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Nothing to do with tattoos or such, but this is in the same train of thought.

I don't really hit the bars here in Thailand, but while on a business trip to the Philippines, I decided to visit some of my old military haunts and made the trip to Angeles.  While much reduced from its heyday, there was still a busy nightlife.  I met two Brits early in the evening, and I stayed with them until the wee hours of the morning.  Their Philippine life consisted of getting up in the late afternoon, sending their g/f's off to work, eating, then hanging out at the bars until their g/f's got off work, then bar hopping until morning and bed.

I asked them how they financed this.  They told me they drove taxis in London, saving up every pound, living like a pauper.  After 6 months or so, they would come back to the PI and live until their money ran out.  Then it was back to work to save again for their next PI stay.  

Frankly, I was bored after only three days, but to each his own.  

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The argument that 'image and how you present yourself' doesn't matter is at best <deleted> and at worst not one to be made after the fact of having modified your own body for reasons relating to image.

The guy doing the conservative suit and tie bit, is making just as much a statement as the guy tattooing his forhead, they are statements of association and image. The difference being one can choose to take his off when he feels like it...... and like as not was not p1ssed when he chose to put it on.

First part: Always in the eyes of the beholder...

Second: I never thought when I was younger, that I will cut my hair anymore. Now I have a short cut since years. Always wondered, what they will do after the tatoo trend is over.

Well my father had a couple of tattoos (WWII Long Range Desert Group thence The Paras) so the trend was there before his time, has been around ever since and I'd guess will be here a good while more. His advice to me though was "A tattoo is a permanent sign of temporary insanity" and that has stuck with me ever since, hence no tattoos on me.

I also, in my twenties, grew my hair long as in the 70's we were all rebels without a cause. But I grew out of it and now have a regulation #1 cut for three reasons:-

1. It lasts longer between visits to the barber, that's the tight wad in me. :D

2. A haircut takes five minutes, I can leave my beer on the bar, go get my hair cut and be back and the beer is still cold. :D

3. I work mostly in countries where English is not the mother tongue and have found they can't <deleted> up a #1. :D

GH is right that, although it should not be a deciding issue, appearance often is the difference between being hired and not. Having said that I have worked with some real strange cases, some could do the job without even thinking and some were merely bums on seats. Similarly with those who dress immaculately and according to convention, some can and some can't walk the walk. However if I am sweating my bolleaux off on a site with 700 tons on the hook over a foundation and the anchor bolts don't line up I'll take the shaven head, tattooed man to fix things any day. :o

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:o:D:D Well at least I know what you are all thinking of me when you see me LOL no visable Tats but Bald head and my dress lets say is a little rough but thats my choice and I am happy with it and don't give a toss about what people think, if ya know me then you will know I am an ok guy, how is it I can live here well 22 years living on the beach in the caribbean built up several succesful business's and then sold out now I can do, dress, and be what I want

I never judge a book by its cover, When I was 16 or so my dad had a pub and a guy came in and bought a drink and pulled out a wad of 50 pound notes and I mean a big wad I was well impressed and told my dad how rich he must be, my dad immediately said the only money that guy has is what he just pulled out his pocket, he then said you see that old guy in the corner drinking a half pint that always pays by counting out small change, I said yeah well my dad said he is a multi millionaire

that story stuck with me and have found it to be true those that flash the cash tend to have very little its the frugal ones that generally have lots of cash.

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I understand that there are many tattooed thugs out there but look at it this way; at least you can see them coming. Its the sociopaths with no visible clues you need to worry about.

So true. Anyone that's worked the ER or morgue will tell you about the so called "respectable" people that come in with objects embedded in their rectums, men wearing women's lingerie and my personal favourite, the guys that are found dead due to autoerotic asphyxiation. I'm prejudiced against the tatooed yob brigade, but they usually aren't as perverted or depraved as the "conservative" looking unassuming types.

One of those heavily tattooed guys owns a 500 million baht (from what I've heard) property on Koh Samui. He plays football and he's got plenty of dosh and Posh.

Does he own it outright or is it financed? A few US financial institutions had lots of real estate assets too. Unfortunately, they either don't exist anymore or are surviving on taxpayer bailouts.

Lots of people in the world with 10's, 100's of millions of USD....with tatoos galore.

Like who? Even the trendy multi tatooed musicians are at least fashionable. Travis barker has his own fashion line of sk8er threads. Certainly nicer to look at than the typical singlet.

"like me they are well qualified engineer types"

A much abused description, it is illegal in many countries to describe yourself so if not properly qualified, (Good Degree plus Professional Training and Proven Responsibility at Appropriate Level), a long way from the striped hat and oily rag of the train driver.

Finally, someone says something. I've noticed alot of people calling themselves engineers as well. Again, it's the unassuming types that pad their qualifications like that. They tend to expose the sham when they talk too much. The tatooed guys don't usually boast about their professional or academic qualifications and are usually pretty open about their trades or line of work. Perhaps working hard and basic honesty are linked.

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Torres, Beckham, Robbie Williams, Anthony Kiedis, Tommy Lee, the list goes on and on......all heavily tattooed and haven't got a pot to piss in between them. :o

All are significantly different than the tatooed folk referred to by the OP. None of the OP's subjects would would have slept with another man as some of the above are alleged to have done. Nor would they wear make up,dye their hair, or shave their body parts in quite the same way. They also don't dress in the same manner as the parties cited. Next. Very different people.

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I always enjoy these threads. Although not shaven headed I firmly come into the category of heavily tattooed 40+ living in Thailand. If you saw me in a cafe in a tee shirt you might well judge me harshly. But when I am in a shirt or suit for work you would not know about the tattoo's therefore leaving you the difficult job of judging me for who I am not my body art.

I recognise that this requires a bit of effort in that you would have to talk to me but you might be quietly surprised that someone with tattoo's is intelligent, well read and articulate. If I happened to roll up my sleeves during a conversation would you then re-appraise your view?

To answer the other part of the question I have a successful business employing 20 people in Thailand which allows me the freedom to live in this country.

I understand that there are many tattooed thugs out there but look at it this way; at least you can see them coming. Its the sociopaths with no visible clues you need to worry about.

Reminds me of this quote:

"I think body piercing's a good thing. It gives us a quick way to tell when someone aint right."

-- Hank Hill (from the television show "King of the Hill")

Most of my friends have tattoos or body piercings (I don't, though -- maybe I'm one of the sociopaths with no visible clues...). :o It seems to be becoming mainstream, and doesn't carry with it the same stigma that it used to.

I'm with Hank Hill. When I see tattoos I just think that at some point in that persons life they weren't thinking straight.

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I here what your saying, what I mean it is not right to generalize people in Pattaya, Thailand or anywhere else in the world with short hair and Tattoos as layabout yob. How about the ones with long hair and no tattoos can we call them unkempt, scruffy nerds?

its the guy with short back and sides, dress pants and collared shirt, shiny shoes, shiny watch, shiny car, shiny wife, shiny goddam everything, with zero net worth and 10's of thousands of dollars of consumer debt to keep up his shiny life that disturbs me the most.

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I always enjoy these threads. Although not shaven headed I firmly come into the category of heavily tattooed 40+ living in Thailand. If you saw me in a cafe in a tee shirt you might well judge me harshly. But when I am in a shirt or suit for work you would not know about the tattoo's therefore leaving you the difficult job of judging me for who I am not my body art.

I recognise that this requires a bit of effort in that you would have to talk to me but you might be quietly surprised that someone with tattoo's is intelligent, well read and articulate. If I happened to roll up my sleeves during a conversation would you then re-appraise your view?

To answer the other part of the question I have a successful business employing 20 people in Thailand which allows me the freedom to live in this country.

I understand that there are many tattooed thugs out there but look at it this way; at least you can see them coming. Its the sociopaths with no visible clues you need to worry about.

Reminds me of this quote:

"I think body piercing's a good thing. It gives us a quick way to tell when someone aint right."

-- Hank Hill (from the television show "King of the Hill")

Most of my friends have tattoos or body piercings (I don't, though -- maybe I'm one of the sociopaths with no visible clues...). :o It seems to be becoming mainstream, and doesn't carry with it the same stigma that it used to.

I'm with Hank Hill. When I see tattoos I just think that at some point in that persons life they weren't thinking straight.

I hail from the largest Polynesian city in the world(population wise), not to mention the country's indigenous Maori race...tattoo is an integral part of their cultures.

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I'm 28 and live in Pattaya. I have a website that I make some money off of. I've tried the work part year, come to Thailand for a long holiday thing before. It was hard to save up the needed funds.

But the good thing is although the little money I make from my website would not let me survive back home, over here I can live fairly decently. :o

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We are all guilty of judging books by covers, over the years I have known and been friends with a lot of bikers and skinheads who appear to the general public as menacing looking types and most of them were perfectly fine, on the other hand some of the most psycopathic people I ever met were more "normal" looking, in fact come to think of it most of them were small too.

I am a shaven headed guy with a big build, tattoos and am told I look aggressive, it is good in the respect that I rarely get into any aggro whilst out and about but I do get tired of stereotyping too. I learned a very specialised trade in the military and now make lots of money in this biz whilst living a nice life here in Thailand. I dress casually when I go out and you may only see a hint of tattoo poking out of my sleeves as i always thought shorts and vests were for the gym and beach but when in Bangkok I live in a rather posh condo and when I am going to the fitness centre early in the morning I do get some very snobby looks from the Thais who live here wondering what this "tattoo'd type" is doing living in their nice condo complex and not having to rush out to the office or share his apartment with 6 other people. Well guess what, I just smile and carry on with my day knowing that I have paid my dues and now reap the benefits of my hard work and if people don't like my tattoos or shaved head they can blow me.

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Disability check for british males and germans who sold their saussage factory are 97% of what you described in thailand.

As far as people doubting that someone under 50 can survive in thailand

An african kid that cant read could make 50k baht a month with computer/internet with minimal guidance, if you cant figure out a way to get yourself a salary while in thailand outside of a retirement fund, you're just part of the unimaginative/plain part of mankind and should just drop the subject instead of embarassing yourself by thinking out loud that you're the only worthy human being because you worked 50years in shitjobs to be able to bang 35yo relaxation therapist for money for the next 10years

im 23 i own a condo i can afford better than singha wife beaters and ive never worked more than 40hours a month in thailand, i know at least 25 person that are the same. some way younger.

Edited by notasexpat
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