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How Do Most Of The Tatooed Types Make A Living Here?


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I have shaved balls and a tattoo of a blowfly on my bum .. can I still get a job as an English teacher?

Generally a pre-requisite of a career in teaching is not talking about your balls... even if they are shaved.

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In my experience I have never met a guy with a Ponytail that can be trusted.

Maybe just my personal experience, though I do now make a judgement.

What's the correlation between a Ponytail and Tatoo's?

There is a very high incidence of guys with Ponytails also sporting Tattoo's and i'll make an observation once again.

These are both an expression of a desire to be noticed and to make a social statement of who they are.

I will continue to assume that many are Low Life and a few are decent, trustworthy misguided folk.

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id wonder how that idiot w/ ponytail on the show about bangkok that plays on true makes a living

Guy is much much more tooly than any of the tools with no air and tattoos.

The guy on the rig is the exception in my book, hes probably decently strong, someone strong can sport the no air/tattoo look. a fat weak ass lazy bum CANNOT.

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I really don't know why anyone would want to shave their head. I don't even like to shave my face but I do. It's such a pain in the behind. The barber giving me a number one haircut works fine for me and it lasts for at least a month.

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id wonder how that idiot w/ ponytail on the show about bangkok that plays on true makes a living

Guy is much much more tooly than any of the tools with no air and tattoos.

The guy on the rig is the exception in my book, hes probably decently strong, someone strong can sport the no air/tattoo look. a fat weak ass lazy bum CANNOT.

I say Carruthers.... Don't beat about the bush old boy, sitting on that fence.....Spit it out man is he a fairy arse

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I am planning of moving to Bangkok to stay for good soon. I am from singapore and currently i am working from home and only need to attend fixed meetings once a week. All i need is a laptop, mobile phone and an internet connection. I will sell my car and can rent out my apartment out at 60K baht a month and my salary is about 100K at current exchange rates. I figure my main expenses would be the weekly return airtickets and overseas phone bills back to singapore. But i can save on the difference in the cost of living in thailand and i do not need to opt for a downgrade in the standard of living for that. All in all i think it is doable. I have done my sums and i think with a minimum of 50K income per moth you can live quite comfortably in LOS.

btw i have a body full of Buddhist tattoos but no shaven head :o

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Worked at a bank a number of years (as did my wife) - generally, the folks that looked like they had money generally did not, and the folks who didn't look like they had money often did.

I second the notion a lot of folks have already posted - never judge someone's wealth by someone's outward looks, tattoos included.


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I am planning of moving to Bangkok to stay for good soon. I am from singapore and currently i am working from home and only need to attend fixed meetings once a week. All i need is a laptop, mobile phone and an internet connection. I will sell my car and can rent out my apartment out at 60K baht a month and my salary is about 100K at current exchange rates. I figure my main expenses would be the weekly return airtickets and overseas phone bills back to singapore. But i can save on the difference in the cost of living in thailand and i do not need to opt for a downgrade in the standard of living for that. All in all i think it is doable. I have done my sums and i think with a minimum of 50K income per moth you can live quite comfortably in LOS.

btw i have a body full of Buddhist tattoos but no shaven head :D

Actually thought you'd posted in the wrong topic until I reached the last line :o

P.S. Got no tattoos myself but each to their own.

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  • 2 weeks later...
B4 I'm flamed I'm not knocking tattooed people, as I don't know any.

Really? What cave do you live in?

It's not so much the cave one lives in, it's the circles in which you circulate.

Don't know anyone with a tattoo?


Scratching an itch...

It is peoples perception that gets tattooed people a bad image..maybe here's why..

Percentages with tattoos





Prison Inmates..............93.62%

Someone has expresses disbelief that I say I do not know any people with tattoos.

Well no-one on my mailing list of contacts has any, thats 387 people, and it depends what you mean by

KNOW, as Professor Joad would always qualify his statements. I see many people with tattoos, even some tattooed on every visible part (...a fairground act on holiday ? ), but I don't know their names or have their fax numbers.

Some posters also might like to google "paradox" and "logic statements", to see how a person might even know someone but not know he was tattooed. It will be heavy going for some but peresvere and you might get the concepts.

Edited by desertrat
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Generalizations are actually quite stupid. There are bums here and some have tattoos and some do not. A bum is a bum. In fact, I know more bums without tattoos than with.

Shaved heads are too high of maintenance for me. I often feel sorry for long haired women because of the heat here. As for men, if they want to put up with the heat, it's up to them. I like to keep what hair I have left very short. Washing my head like I wash my face is easy and I don't have to fool around with shampoo.

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