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Drugs Imbalance?


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Perhaps your wiki research can come up with something more plausible than drinking beer versus coke increases the rate of urination to such a degree that it is reduces drug ingestion in beer drinkers to untraceable amounts of drug ingestion versus coke drinkers.

You can get a free pass on trying to prove that waiting an additional 10 minutes in a queue is sufficient to turn an otherwise negative drug screen result into a positive, but only because it's more absurd than your first contention.

You missed my point; I am not the google and wiki wizard here but your contention that male and female physiologies are identical is more absurd than my basic contention that a 40kg woman can get f*cked up quicker than a 80kg man. Maybe you have forgotten the days of your youth and noticing how some women get pissed quicker (my sister was a notable exception after her Newcastle Brown induction at Uni). Maybe you never drank beer or chose to forget that once you 'tap the keg' and head to the bathroom, blokes are pissing all night. Anything that is running through the kidneys at above average rates is flushing greater amounts of reactants out of the body. That was the basic reason why MD's told people to avoid drinking alcohol while taking antibiotics. Not because of any reactions but increased alcohol intake leads to higher dehydration through urination and the benefits if the antibiotic are reduced as it is diluted and flushed through the system too fast to be efficacious.

Your general agreement with the Pattaya neophytes that these working ladies all need yabaa in order to sleep with older farangs is ludicrous. Twenty years ago, there was NO yabaa but there was ALWAYS older, less handsome foreigners... what did the poor girls do back then?

You and this Setanta character can wiki that and get back to me.

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Perhaps your wiki research can come up with something more plausible than drinking beer versus coke increases the rate of urination to such a degree that it is reduces drug ingestion in beer drinkers to untraceable amounts of drug ingestion versus coke drinkers.

You can get a free pass on trying to prove that waiting an additional 10 minutes in a queue is sufficient to turn an otherwise negative drug screen result into a positive, but only because it's more absurd than your first contention.

You missed my point; I am not the google and wiki wizard here but your contention that male and female physiologies are identical is more absurd than my basic contention that a 40kg woman can get f*cked up quicker than a 80kg man. Maybe you have forgotten the days of your youth and noticing how some women get pissed quicker (my sister was a notable exception after her Newcastle Brown induction at Uni). Maybe you never drank beer or chose to forget that once you 'tap the keg' and head to the bathroom, blokes are pissing all night. Anything that is running through the kidneys at above average rates is flushing greater amounts of reactants out of the body. That was the basic reason why MD's told people to avoid drinking alcohol while taking antibiotics. Not because of any reactions but increased alcohol intake leads to higher dehydration through urination and the benefits if the antibiotic are reduced as it is diluted and flushed through the system too fast to be efficacious.

Your general agreement with the Pattaya neophytes that these working ladies all need yabaa in order to sleep with older farangs is ludicrous. Twenty years ago, there was NO yabaa but there was ALWAYS older, less handsome foreigners... what did the poor girls do back then?

You and this Setanta character can wiki that and get back to me.

At least you dropped some of your apparent confusion between anatomy and physiology that was present in your last posting effort, so I'm guessing you realized your more glaring errors from then.

Getting drunk on beer in a single session has precious little relationship to the rate of amphetamine excretion done by the urinary system over a period of days and days, at which anytime their urine will be positive. As males and females have the same kidney, bladder, and urinary tract system AKA "physiology", the difference between the drug excretion rate for males and females based on this same physiology is negligible.

Also, it's encouraging that you've given up on your guess about toilet queues being any sort of significant factor in accounting for the disparity between the female vs male drug-test-positive count, so your improvement is noted.

I did say the need for mind-altering substances in that field of work was a plausible explanation...at least more plausible than your un-knowledgeable theories anyway. The high rate of drug abuse among them is well known and widely documented and their drug abuse, in one form or another, has been around for a heck of a lot longer than 20 years.

The other factor I mentioned is simple math, if there are the many more women than men getting tested in a place, I would expect to find more total positives in the women. A more accurate measurement of the "drug imbalance" of the thread title would be to see what the ratio of total women present in the bar tested positive versus the the ratio of total men present in a bar and tested positive. The ratio and not just simply the number of positives would be a more revealing statistic.

Edited by sriracha john
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Your general agreement with the Pattaya neophytes that these working ladies all need yabaa in order to sleep with older farangs is ludicrous. Twenty years ago, there was NO yabaa but there was ALWAYS older, less handsome foreigners... what did the poor girls do back then?

are you really claiming 20 years ago, that there wasnt a drug problem associated with prostitution? im pretty sure there were plenty of speed/meth/amphetimines avaliable in 1989 to make that claim is almost madness. Do a little search on the ties to drug abuse and prostitution. Im pretty sure some fairly intelegent people have done a bit more reasearch on the topic than yourself.... :o:D:D no drugs avaliable in 1989, thats a classic :D

Edited by tb86
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^^ oh dear srj... STILL missing the point eh? It's not about getting drunk, it's about drinking larger amounts of fluids. In the club, that fluid will mostly be alcoholic but that's NOT the point. Women's drinking habits are different from men, their physiology is different from men, their metabolism (wiki that if need be) is different from men and their pissing habits are different from men. Sorry if all that was over your head.

^ Oh bugger me, ANOTHER srj-ish know it all. Re-read the posts I refer to tb86 and get back to me when the penny drops (if it ever does). I mean you are 'pretty sure' on a couple of things here so I guess in your book, 'pretty sure' makes it sound reasoning? Anyone can chip in at this point an enlighten us when yabaa SPECIFICALLY became more prevalent than ganjaa (oops... Setanta missed that one earlier).

There's ALWAYS been a drug 'problem' but it's not mutually exclusive to prostitution and I am specifically talking about the NEWEST, NASTIEST AND MOST PREVALENT drug here, namely yabaa.

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Only option is to have a sexual encounter with Helmut from Duisburg who is 65, weighs 220kg, smells like he's pissed himself

You seem to have an ongoing problem with German, haven't you.

Stupid comment, you can replace Helmut from Duisburg with Brian from Sheffield, but what does this matter to the topic....


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Buddy you said,

Twenty years ago, there was NO yabaa but there was ALWAYS older, less handsome foreigners... what did the poor girls do back then?

I hate to break it to you but meth was invented in 1920, I dont think I need to paste a bunch of links to the studies avaliable on line that co relate prostitution, poverty, and drug abuse.


And yeah before meth was common opiates were the drug of choice, and no one ever said drug abuse was exclusive to prostitution,

i'm "Pretty sure".

I guess since you have 1700 plus posts, you must be that much smarter than us with less posts. :o

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He means that the girls in the bars were not taking speed (or heroin) on a regular basis like some are now, and he is correct. Hard drugs were not at all popular in the Thai bar trade back then. They mostly drank and and smoked a little ganja. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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You guys have way too much time on your hands.......(one would think enough time to develop a sense of humour :D )....and yes, she really does love you; yours is a special relationship! We're all visitors here boys, 1 week to 20 plus years, doesn't really matter. Amusing to see the 'sexyman' delusion is alive and kicking NanLaew. Unfortunately it's often the oldtimers here who can't see the forest for the trees. :o

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Thai ladies take yabba to stay awake all night.Most work in bars etc,then go freelancing at night clubs hence they need to stay awake.After talking to many bg here over a 6 years period i would guess that over 75% are on yabba,thats what the girls say anyway.

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You guys have way too much time on your hands.......(one would think enough time to develop a sense of humour :D )....and yes, she really does love you; yours is a special relationship! We're all visitors here boys, 1 week to 20 plus years, doesn't really matter. Amusing to see the 'sexyman' delusion is alive and kicking NanLaew. Unfortunately it's often the oldtimers here who can't see the forest for the trees. :o


I think its opposite,the youg uns come here so full of shit their pants are dragging on the floor.

freebies,she lubs me,etc etc,most are liers too as they wont admit they have to pay the same as old uns and the wallet is too much competition for them

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mostly women caught because theyre young and have feelings too ,theyre probably trying to take the pain out of going home with some fat old 70 year old for the night ...could you blame them really (no offence against any older members reading this) just the harsh reality of what some young bar girls have to go through to get some money

Edited by barrybike
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Guess what :- Clubs , Drugs , Prostitutes have equated many times in many Countries. Pattaya is no exception & if we were to make out it was more prevalent here than anywhere else , not only would that be a ludicrous assumption it would be a folly.

Quite frankly Charlotte who gives a dam_n?


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the fact is its highly addictive, I know ladies that go with 4 men a day and it all goes on yaba, it makes them feel special, in fact so special that they steal off their friends and family to get the money for more, its a huge problem in much of the world, and its not just the unmentionables on thaivisa, altho in Thailand they have more disposable income, but right throughout the bottom classes, personaly I have nothing against drugs but I have yet to meet a yaba adict that wasnt a theif so I hope the police keep it up, and get those dealers off beach road as well, but I cant see it happening

the connection hasnt been made but the reason violent crime and robberies are so common in places like Pattaya now is that people are stealing to fuel their addictions, its certainly in the expats and tourists interests to support a crack down on yaba use, in my opinion

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The fact is that it is not physically addictive, however, it feels good and one wants to keep doing it. Like playing cards or eating fudge, but more so.

if methamphetamines arent physically addictive nothing is, but in any case people will go to extreme measures to get a fix and they also lose the plot after not sleeping for 4 days or so

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Heroin and other opiates are physically addictive. Many "downers" like reds and yellow jackets and vallium are.

Speed and cocaine are not. They are psychologically addictive like gambling or Mrs. Fields cookies - but even more.

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I'm curious about the spectrum of the urine tests conducted by the BiB. Do they test for ganjaa/cannibis also? I'm told one can test positive for these non-hard drugs (legal in certain western countries) long after using them, perhaps as long as six months.

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