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What Would You Most Like To Change About Thailand?


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Thailand is a developing country, its a third world country on the whole, although some parts are clearly much more developed than others.

What would be top of your list as something that you would like to see in Thailand, there is plently of improvments that can be made and over the years they will come but what is the one that you would most like to see?

For me it would be to make the electric cables underground. Not only do these huge bundles of cables look awful but they must pose a massive safety risk, let alone how anyone can manage to figure out what goes where. I also think that in putting them underground they would/could also fix the electric earth issue at the sametime and reduce that amount of power outages....

Ok so that has kicked it off, what would you like?

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The law being dealt with an even hand.

Visa/Work permit being standardized across the country.

Improvement in education (Teaching people that it is great to ask questions).

Stimulate the curiosity in the people.

Enforce driver's education along with enforcement.

and more! :o


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The dissolution of Thailand into three separate states.

Issaan in the north, then Thaksin can go home and quit whinging. He sure learnt the ropes in that department in his time in London. All the red shirts could sod off up there too.

Siam in the center, then all the middle class intelligentsia can get on with driving their Benzes around and abusing their Burmese maids. The yellow shirts could wash the Benzes.

Pattani in the south, then the Muslims could stop killing people or at least lose the excuse to do so. They could live together in peaceful Shariah law and stone each other for nothing in particular.

The whole lot could be bound together similar to the UAE.

Bu66er, forgot a fourth state:-

The United Anarchic State of Pattaya, a region totally free of all laws and regulations where criminals could operate without fear of the police.

Oh :o I think I'm a bit late with that last suggestion.

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The dissolution of Thailand into three separate states.

Issaan in the north, then Thaksin can go home and quit whinging. He sure learnt the ropes in that department in his time in London. All the red shirts could sod off up there too.

Siam in the center, then all the middle class intelligentsia can get on with driving their Benzes around and abusing their Burmese maids. The yellow shirts could wash the Benzes.

Pattani in the south, then the Muslims could stop killing people or at least lose the excuse to do so. They could live together in peaceful Shariah law and stone each other for nothing in particular.

The whole lot could be bound together similar to the UAE.

Bu66er, forgot a fourth state:-

The United Anarchic State of Pattaya, a region totally free of all laws and regulations where criminals could operate without fear of the police.

Oh :o I think I'm a bit late with that last suggestion.

excellent post

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Education for Thai people. C'mon government, teach them about the rest of the world too.

Teach them how to obey traffic rules (roundabouts especially)

Teach them about zoning and why there is a need to have a place to park (other than in the middle of the street)

Teach them some geography, math, science, English (more than thank you, how are you, and good morning), world history.

If i could have 2 wishes, number 2 would be to abolish the tuk tuk mafia and get meters in them ALL and make them use them.

3/ force 7/11's to sell some healthy options too. (just kiddin but it is distracting to take my kid in there)

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Replace most of the stupid soap operas with some educational programs and learning programs for kids ( not that woeful English minute and English on tour crap either). Get the education sorted and let people grow to knwo it is OK to question your elders, they don't always know best (only what's best for them).

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I am seriously torn between police and education.

I'd go with education because an educated populace would make the police get their act together.

Ya but education will be slow to show benefits, if the Thais completely replaced and overhauled the police force like South Korea did you would get instantaneous results.

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Thailand is a developing country, its a third world country on the whole, although some parts are clearly much more developed than others.

What would be top of your list as something that you would like to see in Thailand, there is plently of improvments that can be made and over the years they will come but what is the one that you would most like to see?

For me it would be to make the electric cables underground. Not only do these huge bundles of cables look awful but they must pose a massive safety risk, let alone how anyone can manage to figure out what goes where. I also think that in putting them underground they would/could also fix the electric earth issue at the sametime and reduce that amount of power outages....

Ok so that has kicked it off, what would you like?

I would say that in some ways the country is regressing. First off, dump this stupid law about not being able to buy a beer from between 2 and 5p.m. It's just ridiculous - I can't buy a bottle of beer in a supermarket but I can buy two boxes of 12! Duuurrhhh!

Secondly, go back to the 24 hour service in the night entertainment industry - life was so much more fun in those days. Some nationalities like the spanish don't even start thinking of hitting the town until late in the evening!

thirdly, dump the 90 day reporting crap. It's just a pain and exposes us all to one more extra dose of negative/rude immigration officials

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Beer sales? Really? Thats what concerns you the most?

How about the lack of environmental planning? How about implementation of standards in construction? How about enforcing laws already on the books but ignored (fire safety, traffic, driving age, the list goes on).

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Thailand is a developing country, its a third world country on the whole, although some parts are clearly much more developed than others.

What would be top of your list as something that you would like to see in Thailand, there is plently of improvments that can be made and over the years they will come but what is the one that you would most like to see?

For me it would be to make the electric cables underground. Not only do these huge bundles of cables look awful but they must pose a massive safety risk, let alone how anyone can manage to figure out what goes where. I also think that in putting them underground they would/could also fix the electric earth issue at the sametime and reduce that amount of power outages....

Ok so that has kicked it off, what would you like?

I would say that in some ways the country is regressing. First off, dump this stupid law about not being able to buy a beer from between 2 and 5p.m. It's just ridiculous - I can't buy a bottle of beer in a supermarket but I can buy two boxes of 12! Duuurrhhh!

Secondly, go back to the 24 hour service in the night entertainment industry - life was so much more fun in those days. Some nationalities like the spanish don't even start thinking of hitting the town until late in the evening!

thirdly, dump the 90 day reporting crap. It's just a pain and exposes us all to one more extra dose of negative/rude immigration officials

And that we help Thailand as a country develop how excatly?

I really hoped that people would be able to suggest things that could benefit the country and all the people in it (Thai and Expats) rather than just benefit themselves...

Edited by Marksamui
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