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What Would You Most Like To Change About Thailand?


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Why the heck don't they make the car park bigger at Villa on Sukhumvit??

I mean c'mon people , it takes ages to do a 360 in the Fortuna, and while there at it make it fully covered as well so I don't get wet when it rains.

I'm really surprised that nobody has mentioned this yet.

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10 degrees colder

:D Love you answer 'Birdman'.

The weather is the big reason why I'm still putting off my moving back to live in the LOS - the land of my birth.

Being an outdoors lover, there is no life here if you spend most of your days in the a/c room. :) Furthermore, my health doesn't agree well with the hot and muggy, a typical weather here.

what about now tink? it will be hot in tampa again soon if the rain ever stops~!

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I think that Thailand should put tenders out to be temporarily colonized by a ferang nation. Maybe just for a few years.

I think they would benefit enormously from the outside input.

Yeah right,

And Thailand can be as fcuked up as the countries we all wanted to leave. :)

True, the so called " educated" countries sure do give the right example...... NOT. :D

The "educated" thinking has brought the world a long way... to it`s destruction that is. Wooow, we are really good... aren`t we.

Yes, the turning point is coming when people start wanting to much and knowing to much.

Thailand should be not to modern, it should be kept for the Thais, but good education and an improve of most things, would make it all easier for expats to live and work.

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1. Political stability

2. Foreigners allowed to own land for a house

3. Foreigners allowed to do free business in the kingdom

4. Foreigners allowed to work in the kingdom. ( This means skip the stupid 4 to 1 rule )

The rest is pretty well perfect in my book, sure there are some things a Foreigner may find annoying, corruption, driving etc but if it were the same as the home countrys it would loose it's charm.

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Many Farangs are against corruption, when they don't benefit from it.

Can't stand the thought of that Asian guy driving a Benz whilst they are on a Honda Wave maybe.

Don't hear too many complaints from Farangs when they get stopped for doing 170KPH in their Fortuners and paying 100 - 200 Baht to the Police and then proceeding with no more fuss.

Try that in the UK and lose your license, probably horrible insurance policy repercussions too.

For those who think corruption does not touch developed countries............ :):D It's just more open here.

Google is your friend chaps.

Just one of the reasons I live in Thailand... my mail order internet "international license" has never let me down. Not sure about insurance, don't speak the lingo, you see ! ..but as you say, 200 baht once in a while is ok with me :D

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Beer sales? Really? Thats what concerns you the most?

How about the lack of environmental planning? How about implementation of standards in construction? How about enforcing laws already on the books but ignored (fire safety, traffic, driving age, the list goes on).

Please say you are a troll...this is exactly the kind of over policed BS that goes on in Europe, Thailand is just fine the way it is :)

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If i could change one thing about this country - and maybe it's not only peculiar to Thailand maybe it happens in other countries too - it's this.

I live in a small housing estate, the type where most of the houses have metal gates in front of the compound. Every night when the occupants of the houses return home in their cars they drive up to the front of the house and sit in their cars and beep their horns until someone comes and opes the gate for them. Open the gate yourself you lazy bugger. Or at the very least ring the buzzer on the gate.

Why do people do this. The horn wakes people up and also starts all the local dogs off when they return home at 2 am.

So that's my gripe - being to lazy to get out of your car and open your own gate, but inconsiderate enough to beep your horn and wake your neighbours at 2 am.

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Sorry cannot be @rsed to read the thread to see if it's been done already.

Put the overhead cables in the ground dude!

Plus - maybe cus i'm getting older :) an ambualance service that is allowed to smash traffic jams out the way if the b@sterds won't pull over for the flashing lights and horn

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, Thailand is just fine the way it is :D

Couldn't agree more. Thailand is fine the way it is no need for any discussion on how it could develop or be improved. Everyone go home Thailand is fine.

Where's that bucket of sand to stick my head in. :):D:D

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Soi Dogs. Get rid of them I say!

Right at the moment, I would like them to stop the constant nose picking. Not only is it a revolting, culturally sanctioned practice, it helping the swine flu virus spread...the numbers are really going up in Thailand.

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I think that Thailand should put tenders out to be temporarily colonized by a ferang nation. Maybe just for a few years. I think they would benefit enormously from the outside input.
You mean a Farang nation should come to Thailand and stay in Thailand, while in the meantime the Thai people populate that Farang country? In that case could a Farang from that nation be an expat in his own country? Ever thought about that? :)
No, not a whole nation, just a selection of overseers to assist with the basics that the Thais don't seem to be able to improve. Like the general complaints we all make about the roads, the environment, education, police force etc. Where ever I go in Thailand, be it the beach, a shopping mall or a restaurant I always think how it would benefit from some outside Thailand logic. :D

Uhm, model of such project can be called Singapore, there are more than 2 dozen flights daily for the place.. :D

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Get the poor people off the road. Stop letting them drive these 10 year old cars. Get them into buses. Singapore has a very good road system to keep the roads clear for the wealthy.

Although that would help pollution and traffic its a pompess selfish comment. maybe you should take the bus

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Many Farangs are against corruption, when they don't benefit from it.

Can't stand the thought of that Asian guy driving a Benz whilst they are on a Honda Wave maybe.

Don't hear too many complaints from Farangs when they get stopped for doing 170KPH in their Fortuners and paying 100 - 200 Baht to the Police and then proceeding with no more fuss.

Try that in the UK and lose your license, probably horrible insurance policy repercussions too.

For those who think corruption does not touch developed countries............ :):D It's just more open here.

Google is your friend chaps.

No what bothers me is when Im doing 80 on the left lane on my bike and I get pulled over and given a stupid reason just to extort money from me. Even though corruption can be used to your advantage this is a post on how to BENEFIT AND IMPROVE thailand and in the long run corruption does not help. At least in Western countries cops dont extort you for imaginary traffic voilations unless your really really unlucky. There are more important things like FINDING REAL CRIMINALS.

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Get the poor people off the road. Stop letting them drive these 10 year old cars. Get them into buses. Singapore has a very good road system to keep the roads clear for the wealthy.

Although that would help pollution and traffic its a pompess selfish comment. maybe you should take the bus

Oii…I don’t want to sit next to him either, plus don‘t think there will be a room big enough for his ego. I will ask the driver to strap him on the top.

Oh “the godfather“, I advice you not shooshoo 2 much hair spray :)

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If i could change one thing about this country - and maybe it's not only peculiar to Thailand maybe it happens in other countries too - it's this.

I live in a small housing estate, the type where most of the houses have metal gates in front of the compound. Every night when the occupants of the houses return home in their cars they drive up to the front of the house and sit in their cars and beep their horns until someone comes and opes the gate for them. Open the gate yourself you lazy bugger. Or at the very least ring the buzzer on the gate.

Why do people do this. The horn wakes people up and also starts all the local dogs off when they return home at 2 am.

So that's my gripe - being to lazy to get out of your car and open your own gate, but inconsiderate enough to beep your horn and wake your neighbours at 2 am.

That's the only thing I would want to change too.

So, why do people do this? is the big question.

I'll need lots of more years here to answer that.

At this moment I narrowed it to:

A. they don't get the link, horn-noise-wake up

B. they think nobody was asleep

C. they just don't care

But whatever you do, NEVER tell them they did something inconsiderate! Not even in a nice way.

That would be such an insult to them; the loss of face would be astronomal.

You should never treat your 'host' like that. If you don't like it, just go back to your own country.

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Get the poor people off the road. Stop letting them drive these 10 year old cars. Get them into buses. Singapore has a very good road system to keep the roads clear for the wealthy.

Although that would help pollution and traffic its a pompess selfish comment. maybe you should take the bus

the singaporean government is selfish then?

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