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Welcome Mr Hawkins goood luck, and hope to see processing times drop to 8 to 10 weeks.

well another monday is upon us so best of luck to



Kate46 (son)


this week belongs to you

Just like the embassy you forgot me. Now been waiting 14 weeks and 4 days total 102 days :)

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Chewy you are not forgot mate 100% just havnt seen you on and didnt no what was happening

or are you that 1 Anonymous User that seems to be on here all the time ??

Have you had comfomation from the Embassy that their have your file ??

And i am still on standby at your request

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I did try to change my settings from Anonymous User yes that is I.

I am on here every day and every hour I have spare. I haven’t had any news that they have my file and will be up early in the morning to phone the embassy switchboard. I am feeling very low now, as I seem to be the last one and have been completely ignored.

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you are not alone in your hour of need believe me WE ARE BRITISH

Send a nice friendly fax as well as there dont seem to answer the phone, also call VFS and be FIRM that you want them to confirm (grovel grovel i no your very busy) that my case has not been lost as friend of yours have had items lost over the last weeks and you are concerned. Be POLITE at all times but FIRM (you are not going away until you have a answer), make sure you sound firm and adomant but not rude.

I but my application in on the 1st April and if you recall it changed to online only 31st march, i called VFS and demanded that it was there fault bla bla bla... and i had traveled all the way from Laos Bla Bla.. and she said one moment (we all no there have that magic number) rang emmbassy and i was able to apply on that afternoon.

So there can get answers more than us poor bassas that get past from pillar to post

Good double double luck Chewy and carm down have a chill pil and a :) and stop hiding

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Well, I have drafted a email to the embassy that I will send later tonight and following up with a few hours on the phone.

All I can do is point out that there has been an oversight in the processing of my application and beg to have the decision reviewed.

I am flying out to Bangkok on Wednesday and really want to bring the misses back with me.

FINGERS CROSSED!!! Will let you all know how it goes.

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Well, I have drafted a email to the embassy that I will send later tonight and following up with a few hours on the phone.

All I can do is point out that there has been an oversight in the processing of my application and beg to have the decision reviewed.

I am flying out to Bangkok on Wednesday and really want to bring the misses back with me.

FINGERS CROSSED!!! Will let you all know how it goes.

Best of luck...

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Hi steve

I sent you a email to explain to do just that as you can see 2 people have been succesful

Fax I think an error as been made (same as ticktocks) on your side as i no you have been under pressure with the increase in applications and can it be looked at before an appeal is lodged.

Dont forget that you dont have wage slips as you are self employed and only show personal drawing over the year and your salery is based on profits at the year end like EVERY self employed person

good luck steve and have a :) as the fax sounds like its going to be working over time monday

Good luck to all and i do hope there will be a lot of :D tomorrow i wait in ernest.

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Well, I have drafted a email to the embassy that I will send later tonight and following up with a few hours on the phone.

All I can do is point out that there has been an oversight in the processing of my application and beg to have the decision reviewed.

I am flying out to Bangkok on Wednesday and really want to bring the misses back with me.

FINGERS CROSSED!!! Will let you all know how it goes.

Fluid, good luck for tomorrow, I know what you are going through. Last Sunday I was in your position and it was grim. However, by Monday morning the Embassy had reversed the decision and by Thursday the Mrs was at the Embassy with a Visa. I do hope you get the same result fella. I'm sure you wouldn't mind kicking your heels for a couple of hours on Wireless Road.....surely there has got to place near that will serve you a couple of ice cold Chang/Leo/Singha.

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Well, I have drafted a email to the embassy that I will send later tonight and following up with a few hours on the phone.

All I can do is point out that there has been an oversight in the processing of my application and beg to have the decision reviewed.

I am flying out to Bangkok on Wednesday and really want to bring the misses back with me.

FINGERS CROSSED!!! Will let you all know how it goes.

Fluid, good luck for tomorrow, I know what you are going through. Last Sunday I was in your position and it was grim. However, by Monday morning the Embassy had reversed the decision and by Thursday the Mrs was at the Embassy with a Visa. I do hope you get the same result fella. I'm sure you wouldn't mind kicking your heels for a couple of hours on Wireless Road.....surely there has got to place near that will serve you a couple of ice cold Chang/Leo/Singha.



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Well in Pattaya now 1st day back in L Ö S and nothing so far today, flights booked just waiting for the visa, fingers toes in fact everything crossed, good luck to the others trying to reverse the refusals, must be gut wrenching for you I´m sure yoü can turn it round, don´t even want to think about that, :)

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Been reading this topic in horror!!!

My wife put her s/v in on the 13th of March, we've still heard nothing. I've sent untold emails, phoned and after reading this have now sent a fax pleading with them for some reply to just let us know we've not been forgotten about. I can't see there being a problem with the info we supplied, i thought if anything it would have been a special case as we suffered a terrible loss. I've never been so low, i really hope they come good.

Would it be worth contacting the foreign office in London seeing as i am in the UK?

After reading this topic it seems like s/v are a lottery pulled out in no order.


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Been reading this topic in horror!!!

My wife put her s/v in on the 13th of March, we've still heard nothing. I've sent untold emails, phoned and after reading this have now sent a fax pleading with them for some reply to just let us know we've not been forgotten about. I can't see there being a problem with the info we supplied, i thought if anything it would have been a special case as we suffered a terrible loss. I've never been so low, i really hope they come good.

Would it be worth contacting the foreign office in London seeing as i am in the UK?

After reading this topic it seems like s/v are a lottery pulled out in no order.


how terrible for you, hope someone can give you good advice on here

hope you hear something soon :):D

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Been reading this topic in horror!!!

My wife put her s/v in on the 13th of March, we've still heard nothing. I've sent untold emails, phoned and after reading this have now sent a fax pleading with them for some reply to just let us know we've not been forgotten about. I can't see there being a problem with the info we supplied, i thought if anything it would have been a special case as we suffered a terrible loss. I've never been so low, i really hope they come good.

Would it be worth contacting the foreign office in London seeing as i am in the UK?

After reading this topic it seems like s/v are a lottery pulled out in no order.


Hi Chris, welcome to hel_l!

It sounds like you are in the same position as Chewy and I'm not sure what you can do abut it. Chewy went to see his local MP, perhaps you should try the same thing.

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Would it be worth contacting the foreign office in London seeing as i am in the UK?

UK Visas are no longer part of the FCO but are part of the UKBA, though some of the staff are still FCO staff. I honestly think you will be running round in circles trying to find someone in the UK who could, or would even try to do anything.

Some posters have contacted their MP's and seem satisfied that at least they are being taken seriously, though I am not sure if there have been positive results, though I suppose that if enough MP's are involved questions might be asked about what is going on there.

I really think you need to be persistent with the Bangkok, and stay positive.

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Would it be worth contacting the foreign office in London seeing as i am in the UK?

UK Visas are no longer part of the FCO but are part of the UKBA, though some of the staff are still FCO staff. I honestly think you will be running round in circles trying to find someone in the UK who could, or would even try to do anything.

Some posters have contacted their MP's and seem satisfied that at least they are being taken seriously, though I am not sure if there have been positive results, though I suppose that if enough MP's are involved questions might be asked about what is going on there.

I really think you need to be persistent with the Bangkok, and stay positive.

I agree with theoldgit, I'd focus on the Bangkok operation. Don't know what you've said or who you have spoken, but I'd be asking the VAC (phone) to confirm that an ECO has been allocated to your case. That way at least you know that yours is not one of those 'Bermuda triangle' cases which seems to be the case with Chew.

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I sent my email last night then set the alarm for 4am UK time to start following up on the message.

I got through to the VFS no problems but they could not put me through to anyone. I asked simply if my email had been received but could not get a straight answer.

Next, I phoned the embassy and asked to speak to an ECO. Of course I knew the chances of this were slim to none!!

I ended up getting a confirmation that message had been received but wads told to wait till tomorrow for a response. Not sure the gilr on the phone even checked, I got the felling she just told me what I wanted to fear.

Ho Hum, 4am tomorrow morning will start again, then on Wednesday I am flying to Bangkok to start an 'in person' attack!!

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On another matter, I have just noticed that the refusal letter we have is dated over a week before we got the message to collect the passport.

So, they waited a week to let us know! hmmmmmm.

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I know of two other people who aren't on our list, one from 20/3 the other from 18/3, who are all still waiting so it seems there's a lot more from March than just Chewy.

When I was chasing my wife's application last week I first emailed the VFS center and the Embassy visa section on Wednesday then started phoning on Friday, but got absolutely no joy at all from the VFS center, so I phoned the Embassy direct on +66(0)3058333, then ignored the visa option and pressed 0 to speak to the main switchboard operator. I then relayed the story about Chewy's trip to his MP with the conclusion that their file could be lost. I then insisted on speaking to somebody in the visa section who could confirm that our application was actually there. The lady I spoke to assured me she had the file with her and as soon as we'd finished talking she would give it to an officer to deal with. Ten minutes later somebody from the Embassy phoned my wife and told that both her and her daughter's visas had been issued and we could collect them today or tomorrow from the VFS office.

Now I'm not suggesting everybodywill get the same, or as fast a response, for a start they would soon stop any calls from being put through to the visa office, but if everybody who's been waiting more than 12 weeks did phone it would make them aware of just how frustrated people are getting and if everybody also said they were going to follow the phone call with a visit to their MP it just might make them rethink their priorities. Several MP's trying to resolve the same problem at the same Embassy has got to stand out I would have thought.

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On another matter, I have just noticed that the refusal letter we have is dated over a week before we got the message to collect the passport.

So, they waited a week to let us know! hmmmmmm.


We submitted a "fiancee" settlement visa application on the 7/4/09. That was 12 weeks ago and we've still heard nothing. I feel i have been fairly patient (which is completely out of character) but enough is enough. I have asked my missus to give them a call 2mrw to do some digging. Is this a waste of time & will this jeopardise the application in anyway??

Only in thailand could this happen......



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I know of two other people who aren't on our list, one from 20/3 the other from 18/3, who are all still waiting so it seems there's a lot more from March than just Chewy.

When I was chasing my wife's application last week I first emailed the VFS center and the Embassy visa section on Wednesday then started phoning on Friday, but got absolutely no joy at all from the VFS center, so I phoned the Embassy direct on +66(0)3058333, then ignored the visa option and pressed 0 to speak to the main switchboard operator. I then relayed the story about Chewy's trip to his MP with the conclusion that their file could be lost. I then insisted on speaking to somebody in the visa section who could confirm that our application was actually there. The lady I spoke to assured me she had the file with her and as soon as we'd finished talking she would give it to an officer to deal with. Ten minutes later somebody from the Embassy phoned my wife and told that both her and her daughter's visas had been issued and we could collect them today or tomorrow from the VFS office.

Now I'm not suggesting everybodywill get the same, or as fast a response, for a start they would soon stop any calls from being put through to the visa office, but if everybody who's been waiting more than 12 weeks did phone it would make them aware of just how frustrated people are getting and if everybody also said they were going to follow the phone call with a visit to their MP it just might make them rethink their priorities. Several MP's trying to resolve the same problem at the same Embassy has got to stand out I would have thought.


We submitted a "fiancee" settlement visa application on the 7/4/09. That was 12 weeks ago and we've still heard nothing. I feel i have been fairly patient (which is completely out of character) but enough is enough. I have asked my missus to give them a call 2mrw to do some digging. Is this a waste of time & will this jeopardise the application in anyway??

Only in thailand could this happen......



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Thank you Sumrit for the PM and Borodave for the good advice. I got up at 3am UK and got to talk to someone at the visa section in the embassy. Somewhat surprised at the delay of our application she said they will start looking at our file today and asked me to contact VFS on Wednesday or Thursday. Hope it’s the answer we are looking for. Wednesday will be 15 weeks.

Ps don’t know how to unlock me from anonymous user.

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A friend of mine owns a restaurant in the UK and with his (mainly Bangladeshi) staff has had various immigration issues.

When he last saw me, knowing the situation with my Mrs and I, he mentioned that he knows a good immigration lawyer.

Does anyone have any comments on using such a lawyer to overturn decisions or speed the process up?

If you get a refusal, then by all means contact him for help/advice, but I wouldn't try and push your application to the front by using an immigration lawyer. It probably wouldn't work, would cost you money and you may just piss someone off at the embassy trying to throw your weight around and then hey presto, refusal, which may well be overturned later, but has taken longer than it would have originally. If you were doing a job and a customer set a lawyer on you to try and make you do it faster, would you be a) happy or b ) pissed off?

Sorry, I realise that i did not make my self clear. I was referring to the people who had waited an unreasonable length of time for any sort of response. I agree, one shouldn't use the 'big guns' first.

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Thank you Sumrit for the PM and Borodave for the good advice. I got up at 3am UK and got to talk to someone at the visa section in the embassy. Somewhat surprised at the delay of our application she said they will start looking at our file today and asked me to contact VFS on Wednesday or Thursday. Hope it's the answer we are looking for. Wednesday will be 15 weeks.

Ps don't know how to unlock me from anonymous user.

keeping my fingers crossed for you and your good lady on Wednesday and Thursday Mr chewy, hope it goes the way you want , you have waited long enough.

peace and light to you and your good lady :):D

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Chewy try this


you need to log out remove your cookies from explorer tools/internet options delete cookies/history

then log back in you will have to use your user and password then tick remember me if you want to auto log on every time after that by not using your details again

Hope you never put anonymous on your application form or their will never find it :)

good luck sounds like your on your way mate

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