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2009 Formula One Season

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Things may settle down once the season has begun, but as things seem to stand at the moment, things look pretty open with it being anyone's guess who comes out on top.

Regulation changes have certainly shaken things up.

Not that all of the changes are bad. I can see the sense in trying to reduce costs for the teams and make things a little more eco friendly.

Also changes that encourage more overtaking are welcomed. In fact, regarding this issue i would be happy to see some more drastic options considered. My favourite would be to have the cars lined up on the grid in reverse order, perhaps based on the results of the last race. Qualifying could then be changed into a competition not for starting position but maybe for extra points or some other benefit.

In terms of the new rules for deciding the driver's championship, i reserve judgement but if i'm honest feel a bit skeptical. I'm worried that a championship may be decided too early in the season - this would potentially remove a lot of the excitement, as has been proved over the last two years with it going down to one point. It also doesn't help to award those who have consistently performed but without having always come in first.

Anyway, what are your thoughts for the season ahead?

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It will be interesting this year with slow Mclaren and fast Brawn in testing. I still expect that Ferrari and Mclaren are there in the end of the season but early on we might see some surprise winners which is good for the sport.

However the whole F1 circus is going to fall apart in few years if they keep going on like this. Bernie has obviously lost it, too old for the job and not attached to reality. Time to move on and let others to handle the business.

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However the whole F1 circus is going to fall apart in few years if they keep going on like this. Bernie has obviously lost it, too old for the job and not attached to reality. Time to move on and let others to handle the business.

Circus is exactly what it is i'm afraid. Max Mosley being the clown.

It saddens me to see what has happened to F1 over the last 10 years or so. The FIA's running of it with knee-jerk changes of the rules and gimmicky ideas to try and draw in more fans. There have also been some extremely dubious penalties and steward's decisions which has called into question both their impartiality as well as their competence.

And all of that has been combined with a drastic deterioration of the TV coverage. I was in the UK at the time ITV won the rights to show it from the BBC. It's never been the same since for me. Allowing ad breaks is in my opinion completely unacceptable - it wouldn't be accepted in football and F1 should be no different.

I believe is it to return to the BBC though - i just wish i was in the UK to be able to enjoy it! Have to grin and bear Star Sports coverage which is pretty dire...

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I'd watch it on BBC if I could, just for the guitar riff from Fleetwood Mac. I believe the Beeb still old the rights to it. If the victories rule had stood, I would want the championship to be decided half way through the calender, just so Bernie can explain away the drop in viewing figures after that point. The cost saving rules were a good idea, but they should stop telling the teams how the car should perform outside of safety considerations. What next a guy running in front of the cars with a red flag?

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Glad to see the stupid, in my opinion, wins take precedent rule scrapped this year. I did read that Mosely had said he couldn't force it through this year but that the teams could not stop him implementing it next year. The guy's an idiot. Too much messing with the rules and forever trying to slow the cars down. He is killing the sport. We all love F1 for the racing. We want great big multi cylinder horse power monsters. Trying to make F1 green also seems totally crazy.

I would like to see Brawn do well. He certainly took Ferrari to another level and if I was back in the UK I would put a few quid on Schuey having a seat with his team either the end of this year or next.

I think Massa will again out drive his team mate and it will be another battle between him and Hamilton. Roll on next week :o

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I would like to see Brawn do well.

Can't say i feel one way or the other about Brawn, but it would be my guess that their success will be limited. The Honda of last season was a useless car and one wonders how much difference they've been able to make in the space of six odd months. I agree with the sentiment though that it would be nice for some of the smaller teams to be challenging at the sharp end - and if they could knock the Ferraris off the track all the better! :o

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I would like to see Brawn do well.

The Honda of last season was a useless car and one wonders how much difference they've been able to make in the space of six odd months.

Fairly early last season Brawn said development on the 08 car was being stopped to concentrate on the 09 car. Seems to have paid off for now. I agree their success may be limited since their resources will be a fraction of the top teams who are already lodging protests.

Hopefully the protests will fail and Brawn may win a few :o

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Things may settle down once the season has begun, but as things seem to stand at the moment, things look pretty open with it being anyone's guess who comes out on top.

Regulation changes have certainly shaken things up.

Not that all of the changes are bad. I can see the sense in trying to reduce costs for the teams and make things a little more eco friendly.

Also changes that encourage more overtaking are welcomed. In fact, regarding this issue i would be happy to see some more drastic options considered. My favourite would be to have the cars lined up on the grid in reverse order, perhaps based on the results of the last race. Qualifying could then be changed into a competition not for starting position but maybe for extra points or some other benefit.

In terms of the new rules for deciding the driver's championship, i reserve judgement but if i'm honest feel a bit skeptical. I'm worried that a championship may be decided too early in the season - this would potentially remove a lot of the excitement, as has been proved over the last two years with it going down to one point. It also doesn't help to award those who have consistently performed but without having always come in first.

Anyway, what are your thoughts for the season ahead?


Well with the benefit of Friday practice out of the way it would appear that Williams, BrawnGP & Toyota are all in with a sporting chance. Nice to see somebody else getting a look in at the spoils!

However, this will only add fuel to the fire of those who maintain the diffuser's are illegal. Mind you I see Flavio is already having a rant about bad faith which is a bit strong after some of his actions in the past! He does seem to be acting the spoilt brat but then that's probably why he gets on so well with Alonso. :o

My only comment is that with those massive new nosecones expect to see a lot getting damaged as the prima donnas now stuck midfield and worse try desperate maneuvers to gain places.

Roll on Sunday!


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I would like to see Brawn do well.

The Honda of last season was a useless car and one wonders how much difference they've been able to make in the space of six odd months.

Fairly early last season Brawn said development on the 08 car was being stopped to concentrate on the 09 car. Seems to have paid off for now. I agree their success may be limited since their resources will be a fraction of the top teams who are already lodging protests.

Hopefully the protests will fail and Brawn may win a few :o

I believe BrawnGP now have bigtime Virgin sponsorship


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He does seem to be acting the spoilt brat but then that's probably why he gets on so well with Alonso. :o

:D Spot on!

My only comment is that with those massive new nosecones expect to see a lot getting damaged as the prima donnas now stuck midfield and worse try desperate maneuvers to gain places.

Roll on Sunday!


Is it just me or does everyone think they look ridiculous? Massive wings at the front and tiny at the back. Guess we'll get used to them though.

Edited by rixalex
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I would like to see Brawn do well.

The Honda of last season was a useless car and one wonders how much difference they've been able to make in the space of six odd months.

Fairly early last season Brawn said development on the 08 car was being stopped to concentrate on the 09 car. Seems to have paid off for now. I agree their success may be limited since their resources will be a fraction of the top teams who are already lodging protests.

Hopefully the protests will fail and Brawn may win a few :o

I believe BrawnGP now have bigtime Virgin sponsorship


Yeah great news, announcement due on Sat apparently. However even with Virgin money I doubt it's going to put them up with the factory teams in terms of resources.

Good to see the protests fail, at least for now.

Roll on Sunday :D

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Both Qualifying and race start at 1300pm Australia time so it should be on here at 1100am in theory anyway :D :D

The season hasn't started yet and already we have conflict. Evidently some of the teams have lodged an official complaint about the diffusers so the results of the first 2 races will not stand till the decision before the 3rd race.

Good to see some of the lower teams up there a the front of the grid. I would love to see Webber take his home GP an it seems Red Bull has a strong car this year. I wonder if slicks will give us more overtaking or have the new aerodynamic rules counteracted any advantage slicks have given ?

Also good to see Jay has continued his 99 baht all you can eat pizza for this season again at Catandoo BARGAIN !! :o:D

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Is it just me or does everyone think they look ridiculous? Massive wings at the front and tiny at the back. Guess we'll get used to them though.

Personally I think two Brawn's on the front row is going to look FABULOUS :o

Here's hoping they can bring it home, has the makings of a great race.

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Is it just me or does everyone think they look ridiculous? Massive wings at the front and tiny at the back. Guess we'll get used to them though.

They look just plain ugly But doesn't matter as long the speed is there. Surpriesed to see that they are faster than last year with the stripped down aerodynamics. Seems the slicks are much stickier...

Good for the Brawn though, will stirr up the whole sport nicely to see new teams up in front rows. Wonder how long it will take for the others to modify their diff's...

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A month ago they were almost history, now BrawnGP nee Honda have locked out the front row of the Oz grid, Vettel & Kubica 2nd row followed by Rosberg & Glock! Where are the big boys I hear you ask

Well Massa 7th Kimi 9th Sulky Fernando 12th and Lewis 15th.

Makes for an interesting race, my money is on Piquet 17th being first to lose front wing! :o


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Both Qualifying and race start at 1300pm Australia time so it should be on here at 1100am in theory anyway

NO both start at 17:00 Australian time that is 5pm, so 13:00 /1pm here.

If you watched Qualifying and the the drivers questions after, there were clearly concerned about the race the setting sun and the difficulties with shadows because the track in a Park, as is expected to get more difficult towards the end of the Race

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Hamilton starts from 20th due to gearbox change.... chance s of getting through race without nosecone replacement ...slim.


Hamilton 18th, both Toyotas found to have illegal rear wing...

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Is it just me or does everyone think they look ridiculous? Massive wings at the front and tiny at the back. Guess we'll get used to them though.

They look just plain ugly But doesn't matter as long the speed is there.

Maybe i'm old-fashioned, but for me it does matter. Where's the style gone? They look absolutely hideous! Even the turbo-charged efforts of the 80s didn't look that bad. Not a step forward for me.

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