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Safe Holiday ?


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:o or :D

I have travelled quite a lot, in my job, and for vacation, and although my birth country is not too bad, I never found any place where I could feel as safe as in Thailand.

Where do you think is it safer to live : LOS or any other country?

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In the US it depends on where you are...there are probably as many crimes committed in New York City on a weekend as in the entire state of North Dakota in a year (but NYC probably has 20 times the population and much more drugs, ethnic problems, gangs, etc). Overall the crime rate in the US is actually pretty low, but it is very high in certain (usually urban) areas. Not sure about the overall crime rate in Thailand, but I assume it is similar in that some areas are worse than others. The safest country I have visited is Japan. Its weird, as a Japanese businessman thinks nothing of corruption, stealing trade secrets, bid-rigging, securities fraud, etc, but it is extremely rare that a Japanese would steal your possessions or commit any sort of street crime. A couple of years ago the number of murders in New York City for the year dropped below 1000 for the first time in decades (and has continued to drop). Japan, with a population of over 150 million, I believe normally has less than 100 murders per year in the entire country. Strict gun control has something to do with it, I am sure.

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I've felt the safest in Japan. I've seen women leave handbags on tables when they go to the toilet. Commuters park bicyles without locking or chaining them up.

Un-vandalised vending machines for beer or cigarettes located in dark side streets. Hardly any signs of graffiti anywhere.

Still, as anywhere, I try not to let my guard down.

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I have never been to Japan so i cannot coment, Siigapore twice, but I have noticed no difference from LOS as my visits were short, but it is a ###### of a lot safer than the UK IMHO I have NEVER had any trouble in the 2 years I have been here, and feel VERY SAFE (unless of course I wanted to dabble in drugs which I do not) then the UK is safer as you dont get killed if you are a drug dealer or a user)

I LOVE it here you can walk around with a Thai's monthly wage in your back pocket and althoufg maybee they are jealous they do not show it again in IMHO

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:D or  :D

I have travelled quite a lot, in my job, and for vacation, and although my birth country is not too bad, I never found any place where I could feel as safe as in Thailand.

Where do you think is it safer to live : LOS or any other country?


I don't know how good you know thailand, me i remember being freightenet enough of nathan road or aberdeen, just for exmple - but, then that was before china took hk back - maybe things have changed to the better? :o

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