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10,000 Police, Soldiers, Security Officials Deployed To Keep Security At Government House


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Meanwhile, down at squeeky cleans :

Kasit admits recieving money while diplomat :


I guess, as a diplomat it is OK to receive free cash from the PM. After all Kasit was not in Thailand at that time, hence Thai corruption law does not apply.

Will he be able to name those people he pass the money to? I am sure Thai corruption law does not apply to them too.

I think it interesting that even you, at first hearing about Thaksin paying money, immediately jump to the conclusion that it was corruption. Normally with Thaksin you would be correct, but not always and maybe not here.

I think most of us here, believe that most politicians on all sides are corrupt in Thailand. (and not just in Thailand). Calling a politician in this country corrupt is like like saying he or she is a man or woman. We are not saying anything that everyone doesn't already know.

I understand you're not understanding my post as it was Samgrowth specific, but I doubt the irony of it all was lost on him.

As it relates to corruption in Thailand, it is all relative.

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DStation has been cut for more than 1 hour. This is freedom of speech.

Oh my god. This is not a good sign. Any sightings of tanks?

come on, who should come with the tanks for what?

I wouldn't worry

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Anyone know why the BP is refering to Suthep as Acting Prime Minister? Does a Deputy Prime Minister automatically become this when the PM leaves the country?


IC. Thanks.

Acting PM or not, it's my feeling that Suthep shouldn't be the one offering talks with Thaksin. It's inappropriate, both in the sense that it undermines Abhihist and in the sense that talks means essentially doing a deal with a convicted criminal. Besides, Thaksin has nothing on the table to trade.

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Thaksin sets rally deadline

Anti-government forces will end their rally outside Government House before Songkran, a Puea Thai Party member says.

The source, a member of Puea Thai Party's strategy team, said former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra wanted the rally to succeed in its aim to oust the Abhisit administration before Songkran, the Thai new year, begins on April 13.

Thaksin has called for protesters to pour in from every province to join the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship protest in Bangkok.

Continued here:


"The source".

Is that the same source who said "all or nothing Sunday, over by Monday".

The media in Thailand is pumping out all sorts of "MISINFORMATION" trying to discredit and obscure.

LOL :o

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Just had a meeting with clients (an MNC) on one of the industrial estates. Got taken aside by one of the management to have a coffee at the end of the meeting.

He asked me my opinion about the situation, at which point I diplomatically stated it isn't my business since I am not Thai. He then drew me what he believed to be the structure of British politics from the top to the army. He then drew the Thai equivalent and explained that he was an ardent UDD supporter and pointed out where he believed the problems lay.

He stated that the people now know what the real problems are with the structure and that he will be off to protest tonight. The word appears to be spreading, and these are not all "lower" class people protesting. What astonished me was how brazenly he pointed out where he believed the problems lay.

Most people suspected it, but never had it confirmed for real.

Thaksin is in the position to spill the beans, and spill them he will.

The elite and their mia noi, BMW lifestyles might be nearing end game now.........for the Thai people will find a way to resent it, when they are told to be sufficient and live off rice, whilst others are corrupt and live off of BMW, Mercedes and Prada for the Mia Noi's.

This was always the problem for them, if they really pissed off Thaksin, he could spill all those beans.................

Thailand needs it really, the Bangkok elite need to be taken down for the good of the country.

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DStation has been cut for more than 1 hour. This is freedom of speech.

He is a criminal because he was convicted.

You have free speach because you can say

most anything you want regardless of reality.

Almost 3 hours without DStation.

Jatupon said that money the reds got so far from sponsorship is 5 million Baht.

Reality is Khun Thaksin's wife bought a land and Court said no corruption of whatever. Land is still hers. Seller and buyer are all correct. Why he's facing a 2 year jail is beyond me.

But a yellow bunch could sleep 3 months in Government House and a week in 2 airports :o

Edited by Koo82
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Months ago when Khun Thaksin phoned in, he said Suthep did not contact Khun Thaksin, but back then news said Suthep negotiated and Khun Thaksin refused Suthep's request.

Khun Thaksin said he is one of the reds only. Suthep must negotiate with the reds. But the reds have lifted all 4 requests since Abhisit government did not do anything. The reds now only try to bring down Abhisit and those behind his back. No more negotiation.

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After only a few days, police have started to show signages.

In English: Police don't kill people. Police love democracy. Police need justice. Police don't want coups.




Are you sure the signs in English were correct??? Probably typing errors from The Nation newspaper again.

Supposed to read ...

Please don't kill people. Polly loves democracy. Paul needs joss sticks. Police don't want cups.

Shocking if true!

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DStation has been cut for more than 1 hour. This is freedom of speech.

He is a criminal because he was convicted.

You have free speach because you can say

most anything you want regardless of reality.

Almost 3 hours without DStation.

Jatupon said that money the reds got so far from sponsorship is 5 million Baht.

Reality is Khun Thaksin's wife bought a land and Court said no corruption of whatever. Land is still hers. Seller and buyer are all correct. Why he's facing a 2 year jail is beyond me.

But a yellow bunch could sleep 3 months in Government House and a week in 2 airports :D

I met Thaksin for lunch in Dubai last week. He told me he is lying to get his money back. He doesn't care about Thailand at all. His words not mine. Must be true then. :o

Edited by Sunderland
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Just had a meeting with clients (an MNC) on one of the industrial estates. Got taken aside by one of the management to have a coffee at the end of the meeting.

He asked me my opinion about the situation, at which point I diplomatically stated it isn't my business since I am not Thai. He then drew me what he believed to be the structure of British politics from the top to the army. He then drew the Thai equivalent and explained that he was an ardent UDD supporter and pointed out where he believed the problems lay.

He stated that the people now know what the real problems are with the structure and that he will be off to protest tonight. The word appears to be spreading, and these are not all "lower" class people protesting. What astonished me was how brazenly he pointed out where he believed the problems lay.

Most people suspected it, but never had it confirmed for real.

Thaksin is in the position to spill the beans, and spill them he will.

The elite and their mia noi, BMW lifestyles might be nearing end game now.........for the Thai people will find a way to resent it, when they are told to be sufficient and live off rice, whilst others are corrupt and live off of BMW, Mercedes and Prada for the Mia Noi's.

This was always the problem for them, if they really pissed off Thaksin, he could spill all those beans.................

Thailand needs it really, the Bangkok elite need to be taken down for the good of the country.

Whereas Thaksin works in a field harvesting rice! :o

Is this the same Thaksin who complained about having nothing to eat and drink but camel meat and camel milk in Dubai??? What a muppet!

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DStation has been cut for more than 1 hour. This is freedom of speech.

Oh my god. This is not a good sign. Any sightings of tanks?

come on, who should come with the tanks for what?

I wouldn't worry

Cuckoo said they were coming from Nong Khai yesterday. What's keeping them??? Traffic jams in Udon Thani???

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paying also worked for the yellow side...

My wife and I were at Government House with the PAD and we didn't get paid. A whole group of people from Mae Taeng, whom we know went and didn't get paid. They went on their own expense, even though they didn't have much money. Although, I don't know for sure, that some people didn't get paid, I didn't meet anyone who did get paid, aside from some of the Guards.

When we where there, people were emotional and I'd seen many of them in tears, at times, when PAD leaders, such as Chamlong came to the stage.

I know for a fact, that a lot of people on the red side get paid. I wish I could mention names, but I am afraid of reprocussions against them.

That's why the red protest won't work, because there aren't enough people in it who really care enough to bring Thaksin back. A lot of people are happy with the democrats now, in the North, because they see the same, or more benefits, that they had under Thaksin.

Yes, I do agree, that there are some people in Thaksin's crowd, who genuinly care, but I doubt that even half of the protesters are there for any other reason than money or protecting/regaining their political or social standings.

Poor misguided pawns, in a chess game that cannot be one, because one side of the board is missing some important pieces ;-)

Pot calling cattle black. Very amusing.

I have to wonder very much about the mental condition of especially foreigners who identify themselves with any of these two movements, most of them who speak very little Thai, and have done no research whatsoever of the political background (beyond what is printed in the Nation), or on the background of the individual leaders of these groups (the Buddhist pretender Chamlong, for example, was personally involved in the right wing movements of the 70's, and also in the 1976 massacre).

These constant belittling comments of opponents as being "paid", "uneducated", and whatever else shows how uneducated such comments are, and completely ignore the fact that Thailand is moving rapidly into a conflict scenario over which social and political course Thailand will take in the future, the potentially most volatile confrontation between opposing political philosophies since the communist insurgency or even since the abolition of absolute monarchy.

And this, my farang friends who seem to imagine themselves to be more Thai than Thais, is a conflict for Thais themselves to solve. You are meddling in affairs that are way over your head.

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Anyone know why the BP is refering to Suthep as Acting Prime Minister? Does a Deputy Prime Minister automatically become this when the PM leaves the country?


IC. Thanks.

Acting PM or not, it's my feeling that Suthep shouldn't be the one offering talks with Thaksin. It's inappropriate, both in the sense that it undermines Abhihist and in the sense that talks means essentially doing a deal with a convicted criminal. Besides, Thaksin has nothing on the table to trade.

No problem with Suthep's offer as he knows that Thaksin will not make himself available to have talks. No deals will be done, because, as you say, he has nothing to trade.

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And this, my farang friends who seem to imagine themselves to be more Thai than Thais, is a conflict for Thais themselves to solve. You are meddling in affairs that are way over your head.

Weighty words...

Yes, lets pause for a moment and reflect on our pointlessness.


Pause over

Lets start the argy bargy again.

I can't remember what I was saying but it was jolly interesting, and I re-read it at least 14 times smug in my own inanity, and I think we all reached consensus that whatever it was was correct.

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Reality is Khun Thaksin's wife bought a land and Court said no corruption of whatever. Land is still hers. Seller and buyer are all correct. Why he's facing a 2 year jail is beyond me.

Yes, we know why it beyond you. And?

Ps. Lie'ing about the facts doesn't help you. Ds.

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Seems to me the whole problem with Thai politics is Taxin and his big mouth.

Why should he be interested in getting the 70bill or what ever back? he has more now than he can ever spend in his lifetime.

What he wants is power.

And as for the legality of the present Govt It is my understanding they are all elected MP's who got together and formed a coalition to run the country. Same as is done in any other democratic country.

Wasn't it the opposition who were offering big money (taxins money?) for anyone to go over to their side?

Whether you personaly believe the elections were free and fair has no bearing whatsoever, it was done in the Thai way this time without Taxin giving direct money for people to vote for his party as I understand was done in the past.

The present Govt should be left alone to run the country and lets see how well they do in these difficult times.

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I guess some people just never grow up.

Which explains your avatar. :D


Good one ;-) Glad you guys haven't lost your sense of humor. Thought you might be going through withdrawals after an hour without D-Station. And yes, you are right...I am 50 and I refuse to grow up, because grown ups are mean and secondy, I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up :-)

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paying also worked for the yellow side...

My wife and I were at Government House with the PAD and we didn't get paid. A whole group of people from Mae Taeng, whom we know went and didn't get paid. They went on their own expense, even though they didn't have much money. Although, I don't know for sure, that some people didn't get paid, I didn't meet anyone who did get paid, aside from some of the Guards.

When we where there, people were emotional and I'd seen many of them in tears, at times, when PAD leaders, such as Chamlong came to the stage.

I know for a fact, that a lot of people on the red side get paid. I wish I could mention names, but I am afraid of reprocussions against them.

That's why the red protest won't work, because there aren't enough people in it who really care enough to bring Thaksin back. A lot of people are happy with the democrats now, in the North, because they see the same, or more benefits, that they had under Thaksin.

Yes, I do agree, that there are some people in Thaksin's crowd, who genuinly care, but I doubt that even half of the protesters are there for any other reason than money or protecting/regaining their political or social standings.

Poor misguided pawns, in a chess game that cannot be one, because one side of the board is missing some important pieces ;-)

Pot calling cattle black. Very amusing.

I have to wonder very much about the mental condition of especially foreigners who identify themselves with any of these two movements, most of them who speak very little Thai, and have done no research whatsoever of the political background (beyond what is printed in the Nation), or on the background of the individual leaders of these groups (the Buddhist pretender Chamlong, for example, was personally involved in the right wing movements of the 70's, and also in the 1976 massacre).

These constant belittling comments of opponents as being "paid", "uneducated", and whatever else shows how uneducated such comments are, and completely ignore the fact that Thailand is moving rapidly into a conflict scenario over which social and political course Thailand will take in the future, the potentially most volatile confrontation between opposing political philosophies since the communist insurgency or even since the abolition of absolute monarchy.

And this, my farang friends who seem to imagine themselves to be more Thai than Thais, is a conflict for Thais themselves to solve. You are meddling in affairs that are way over your head.

I don't mind personal attacks against myself, as I leave myself open to them, but please educate yourself about Mr. Chamong, before you make any more slanderous statements. He is probably one of the most upstanding citizens that Thailand has seen. If you enjoy reading and learning new things, you might want to check out the following link...


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paying also worked for the yellow side...

My wife and I were at Government House with the PAD and we didn't get paid. A whole group of people from Mae Taeng, whom we know went and didn't get paid. They went on their own expense, even though they didn't have much money. Although, I don't know for sure, that some people didn't get paid, I didn't meet anyone who did get paid, aside from some of the Guards.

When we where there, people were emotional and I'd seen many of them in tears, at times, when PAD leaders, such as Chamlong came to the stage.

I know for a fact, that a lot of people on the red side get paid. I wish I could mention names, but I am afraid of reprocussions against them.

That's why the red protest won't work, because there aren't enough people in it who really care enough to bring Thaksin back. A lot of people are happy with the democrats now, in the North, because they see the same, or more benefits, that they had under Thaksin.

Yes, I do agree, that there are some people in Thaksin's crowd, who genuinly care, but I doubt that even half of the protesters are there for any other reason than money or protecting/regaining their political or social standings.

Poor misguided pawns, in a chess game that cannot be one, because one side of the board is missing some important pieces ;-)

Pot calling cattle black. Very amusing.

I have to wonder very much about the mental condition of especially foreigners who identify themselves with any of these two movements, most of them who speak very little Thai, and have done no research whatsoever of the political background (beyond what is printed in the Nation), or on the background of the individual leaders of these groups (the Buddhist pretender Chamlong, for example, was personally involved in the right wing movements of the 70's, and also in the 1976 massacre).

These constant belittling comments of opponents as being "paid", "uneducated", and whatever else shows how uneducated such comments are, and completely ignore the fact that Thailand is moving rapidly into a conflict scenario over which social and political course Thailand will take in the future, the potentially most volatile confrontation between opposing political philosophies since the communist insurgency or even since the abolition of absolute monarchy.

And this, my farang friends who seem to imagine themselves to be more Thai than Thais, is a conflict for Thais themselves to solve. You are meddling in affairs that are way over your head.

I don't mind personal attacks against myself, as I leave myself open to them, but please educate yourself about Mr. Chamong, before you make any more slanderous statements. He is probably one of the most upstanding citizens that Thailand has seen. If you enjoy reading and learning new things, you might want to check out the following link...


It is a well known method. Lie, don't mind the facts, and some doubts will keep sticking on the people. Chuan is corrupt, Chamlong is a murder, Prem is gay....whatever.

Automatic the brain makes a kind of average when reading something, so even if you don't believe it, the clean image is grey....

Well known.....Maybe they learned it on the second day of their training.

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