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Online Filing

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i tried to use turbotax the other day to file my US taxes, but after 2 hours, i got to the end to check out and they won't accept credit cards with foreign billing addresses. (rrrrg, would be nice if they posted that up front). i don't have any cards with US billing addresses as i have been in thailand for most of the past decade. but i do prefer to use an online tool to do my taxes. does anyone know of one that accepts foreign addresses for payment?

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i tried to use turbotax the other day to file my US taxes, but after 2 hours, i got to the end to check out and they won't accept credit cards with foreign billing addresses. (rrrrg, would be nice if they posted that up front). i don't have any cards with US billing addresses as i have been in thailand for most of the past decade. but i do prefer to use an online tool to do my taxes. does anyone know of one that accepts foreign addresses for payment?

don't know about the payment for turbotax but i'm pretty sure you can't file on line if outside the US anyhow. in the 5 years here i havn't been able to, had to mail it Austin TX. i havn't done this years yet, waiting 'til the last minute as usual.

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well no you can't do the actual filing online, but i like the fact that they guide me through and help me find deductions etc. that's the part i wanted to pay for (and then print and mail the results).

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i tried to use turbotax the other day to file my US taxes, but after 2 hours, i got to the end to check out and they won't accept credit cards with foreign billing addresses. (rrrrg, would be nice if they posted that up front). i don't have any cards with US billing addresses as i have been in thailand for most of the past decade. but i do prefer to use an online tool to do my taxes. does anyone know of one that accepts foreign addresses for payment?

don't know about the payment for turbotax but i'm pretty sure you can't file on line if outside the US anyhow. in the 5 years here i havn't been able to, had to mail it Austin TX. i havn't done this years yet, waiting 'til the last minute as usual.

What stops e filing for those of us living and working outside the US is not the lack of a US address, but instead working for companies that don't issue w-2's.

I sent mine via DHL today to Austin.

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That is not exactly true. Most of the online services will not let you efile if you state a foreign address.


I have to file a form 2555. I don't know if the law has been changed or not but previously they would not let me file on-line claiming an exemption from a form 2555.

So I still mail it in.


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OK. I will spell it out. Most of the online services won't let you efile with a foreign address NO MATTER WHAT. You are citing other reasons (needed forms) of why you can't efile. Thanks for the tip that some of us can efile using taxact. Happy Geithner day.

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