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Sick Of Thai Music On The Radio

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many people complain about Thai TV stations, but radio is even worse. So for all music lovers who like music from before 1980 with all the great voices like Sinatra, Dinah Washington, Sarah Vaughn, Perry Como, and the old juke box songs from the 40's till the early 70's, and the big band music from the 30's and 40's there is something new on the net, just plug in some speakers or make a connection with your Hi-Fi set and you have 24/7 all this music available.

Its a free radio station from my home town Antwerp, who's targeting the older generation who can't find their music anymore on the radio.

They speak Dutch (or Flemish if you like), and they play some Dutch speaking music also, but there is almost no advertising and chitchat.


enjoy yourself

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I found Radio Minerva a few months ago via a link on the homepage of a Dutch jazz band. Been listening to it from time to time, and I like it. Thai pop music is just sweet nothing, and you hear it everywhere, not only on your own radio, but EVERYWHERE!

Being sick of the poor quality of most of the music around, I opened my own bar and play only the music I like myself! :o

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