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Songkran Alcohol Ban Canned, Crackdown On Alcohol Postponed To April 16


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Close down the bars on weekends?!

I really find this irresposible reporting - and from a Thaivisa Administrator?!


Nothing (outside of an all out war in Thailand) will curb tourism more than the proposals reported.

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Massage chicks 40, WOW won't go to them anymore then... What about all of the ones working there, sack them? Ohh well they probably have to since nobody will go to the soapys anymore...

Good deal economcal downturn, try to ban alcohol and get old hags for massage... Way to go Thailand, let's see how much more damage we can do shall we...

I travel through Suvarna every month for work and there is not much people there, Pattaya is quiet, Thai labour is expensive for investors, looking good...

Cheers Bard

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On April 16, another controversial law is being enforced. After that date, massage parlors can no longer employ anyone under the age of 40, and are required to register all employees as such. This will minimize the request by customers for "extra services" which can cause problems with marriages and minor wives.

Does'nt it look like they really getting insane at the top ? All sense of logic was already gone but it's even getting worse, can you believe that !

Why not start with a permanent ban of that poisoning Lao Kao, enforced by the misintery of health and education ?

Ah... that would hurt 'family values' and 'tradition' !!! Tsssssssss..... what a peeps, they really wanna go forward in evolution don't they ! :D:o

(after all, hope this is a 1 april joke, but I have my doubts HAHAHA)

Edited by spaceshipcrew
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Massage parlour minimum age

On April 16, another controversial law is being enforced. After that date, massage parlors can no longer employ anyone under the age of 40, and are required to register all employees as such. This will minimize the request by customers for "extra services" which can cause problems with marriages and minor wives.

Great idea, get rid of all the inexperienced young chicks who don't know what they are doing and then can't keep theirs mouths shut.

Anyone looked at the DATE yet? :o:D:D:D:D

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Massage parlour minimum age

On April 16, another controversial law is being enforced. After that date, massage parlors can no longer employ anyone under the age of 40, and are required to register all employees as such. This will minimize the request by customers for "extra services" which can cause problems with marriages and minor wives. ??

....whats that all about? I dont think i've ever seen anyone over forty (apart from 'Mama-sang') and minor wives?? is that legal? 2 wives? I mean why would you want to have a nagging wife, a nagging minor wife and everyone at the local 'massage' is over forty? ...ha ha

I go to a real 'proper' massage service (sports and therapy massage) in a nice hotel in Sriracha with my Mrs, The ladies are all under forty. what about them? They are educated, trained and qualified, i would think you'd get arrested if you asked them for 'extras'.

Surely this will lead to many of the girls going down beach road or dodgy bars putting themselves in all sorts of danger instead of a half decent place with showers, clean massage tables, hygienic staff etc??

Hello all Farangs and Thais out there, now the government has a common Sense law intact. Wow?? Shocked me at this point. Message parlors are no longer hire younger ladies. Thank Heaven, may be these women can go back to school and do something else that productiove to society. Get real real jobs?? Finally, these women can earn their trust and status in society. No more little wives around or no more misstress. Good great?? May be families will have Peace and sanity. A message Parlor should be like health palace not a place for sexes that distribute Aids, and STD...etc...

I agree with you about your comment but, how many will as such be proper services for health and well being?? Well thank for posting and thanks for reading my opinion. I stand tall.

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On April 16, another controversial law is being enforced. After that date, massage parlors can no longer employ anyone under the age of 40, and are required to register all employees as such. This will minimize the request by customers for "extra services" which can cause problems with marriages and minor wives.

Great idea, get rid of all the inexperienced young chicks who don't know what they are doing and then can't keep theirs mouths shut.

Anyone looked at the DATE yet? :o:D:D:D:D

As mentioned above, check the date - so cool it guys!

But that said, the sad part is, that we all belived it - because it could be true. A law of this kind would not affect the BKK "elite" with their gigs in condos and police friends, it would only hurt the poor (and farangs), so actually a very plausible law!

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