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Don't know how many of you were effected (or affected??? not sure which is proper here)

A Thai man wrapped himself and his car around a telephone pole the other night cutting (or burning thru) all the lines.

We were without power for 5 hours and internet finally came back on a little while ago.

I learned something: I am addicted to the internet. It is like a drug.

Without it, i got a lot done. Created user logins for everyone in the house, organized my bookmarks and files, created song lists and worked on music, started a video of my kid, as well as non internet things: organized my gear, cleaned my truck, tuned my motorbike, etc etc etc.

Had a jungle walk planned for tomorrow but might just have to cancel now.

I am going to attempt to not go online at least one day a week just to clear up things (including my mind)

And i guess i pretty much missed April fools day although there are a few hours left, but i think the surprise factor is gone. Oh well.

Anyone else go off cause of this accident and have comments?



I had no power or internet either, I saw the car as well.

Whoever it was died a horrible painful death.

I am pleased you found it liberating you could do something besides trawl the web.

Personally I would have prefered the the guy to live.

Quite possible that that was the most insensitive crass posting I have ever read, shame on you.


>>I am pleased you found it liberating you could do something besides trawl the web.

Personally I would have prefered the the guy to live.

Quite possible that that was the most insensitive crass posting I have ever read, shame on you.

<deleted> are you spouting about?  There has already been a few threads mentioning this crash and power outage.  OP is merely explaining that the down time away from the internet has done him/her well and will now see things in a different light.


Yeah, thanks Steelpulse.

The Flamers are out on every subject anymore.

I've written some posts where i fully expected to get harrassed, but it didn't happen.

This is one i never expected it.................but i understand how forum's work. I think some folks think "whoever flames the most wins"

Don't know how many of you were effected (or affected??? not sure which is proper here)

Affected is correct here. I know you all could't sleep. lol

Affected and Effected are both verb forms.

When used as a verb, effect means to execute, produce, or accomplish something. For example, The dictatorial regime quickly effected changes to the constitution that restricted the freedom of the people.

On the other hand, affect in its verb form means to impact. For example, Carbon di-oxide emissions affect the environment.

So we can say that The dictatorial regime quickly effected changes to the constitution that affected the freedom of the people.

Didn't the other post say it was a farang in the crash?

Don't know how many of you were effected (or affected??? not sure which is proper here)

A Thai man wrapped himself and his car around a telephone pole the other night cutting (or burning thru) all the lines.

We were without power for 5 hours and internet finally came back on a little while ago.

I learned something: I am addicted to the internet. It is like a drug.

Without it, i got a lot done. Created user logins for everyone in the house, organized my bookmarks and files, created song lists and worked on music, started a video of my kid, as well as non internet things: organized my gear, cleaned my truck, tuned my motorbike, etc etc etc.

Had a jungle walk planned for tomorrow but might just have to cancel now.

I am going to attempt to not go online at least one day a week just to clear up things (including my mind)

And i guess i pretty much missed April fools day although there are a few hours left, but i think the surprise factor is gone. Oh well.

Anyone else go off cause of this accident and have comments?

he wasn't thai he was korean and died a horrible death.

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