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One Million Baht Prize Money To Get Thaksin


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Is this part of the previous quazi-political movement with semi-official backing or a new organization - are we going to have a new coloured shirt???

I hope not.

The GF tells me that I cannot go out wearing either red or yellow as it is at present. I just hope that the next faction won't choose "white, black or any shade of blue" :o

Dude! They already have a new white movement! I am not sure of the details but my Thai friend told me about it tonight! lol

There goes half your wardrobe:)

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I used hate Thaksin a lot. But now looking at the grand scheme of things, they're all just as bad as each other. Yellows or reds, these people at the top pulling all the strings have absolutely no interest in helping anyone. They're in it for the power and the money.

I aspire to be finacially comfortable in life. So many people in this country aspire to be stinking rich.

Knowledge most definitely is not as powerful as money here.

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Notice the STRONG PROPAGANDA element here? The protagonists have changed the focus in this article, from anti-GOVERNMENT - non elected government that is, to anti-MONARCHY! This is rather a leap of faith, don't you think? And clandestinely inciting civil war too! That's amazing stuff. There's clearly some very important & powerful people at work here, that may just be starting to get a little worried?

Thaksin is anti monarchy. That is not even propoganda. It is fact. He just can't overtly state that he is anti-monarchy. Thaksin started the thing that won't become the civil war. It is the "very important people at work" here against the "very clever person at work".

Like it or not, for better or worse, the "very important people at work" make Thailand what it is for the average farang here. Ideologically, there's a lot of unfairness going on in Thailand for sure, but you really think Thaksin is one bit bothered about the plight of your average Issan farmer? I reckon he is as bothered as a Burmese general is about the plight of your average Burmese farmer. Thaksin has "democracy" to play with and play with it he does for his own benefit.

I really wish Thaksin would just bow out now and stop this tragic yellow/red thing from going any further. I believe the Thai nation is strong enough to see this thing through, but I do at times worry.

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Notice the STRONG PROPAGANDA element here? The protagonists have changed the focus in this article, from anti-GOVERNMENT - non elected government that is, to anti-MONARCHY! This is rather a leap of faith, don't you think? And clandestinely inciting civil war too! That's amazing stuff. There's clearly some very important & powerful people at work here, that may just be starting to get a little worried?

The Junta alway's fall's back on the anti-monarchy theme, after all it's backed by the 20 year LM law. Get Thaksin on the 2 year rap & then lock him up for another 20. Then if he's still alive (presumably after serving only 10 for a guilty plea) hit him with treason!

Job done!

Let's see what the red shirt's say on wednesday.

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Why don't they just block his nightly video links. If he can't reach his followers they will soon lose interest !!!

new2thai says "let's suppress freedom of speech" by blocking the broadcasts. What part of "freedom of speech" or "democracy" eludes you?

Try googling the word 'proxy' somtime. (Not from Thailand though of course, I heard it's illegal to use a proxy)

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Notice the STRONG PROPAGANDA element here? The protagonists have changed the focus in this article, from anti-GOVERNMENT - non elected government that is, to anti-MONARCHY! This is rather a leap of faith, don't you think? And clandestinely inciting civil war too! That's amazing stuff. There's clearly some very important & powerful people at work here, that may just be starting to get a little worried?

Thaksin is anti monarchy. That is not even propoganda. It is fact. He just can't overtly state that he is anti-monarchy. Thaksin started the thing that won't become the civil war. It is the "very important people at work" here against the "very clever person at work".

Like it or not, for better or worse, the "very important people at work" make Thailand what it is for the average farang here. Ideologically, there's a lot of unfairness going on in Thailand for sure, but you really think Thaksin is one bit bothered about the plight of your average Issan farmer? I reckon he is as bothered as a Burmese general is about the plight of your average Burmese farmer. Thaksin has "democracy" to play with and play with it he does for his own benefit.

I really wish Thaksin would just bow out now and stop this tragic yellow/red thing from going any further. I believe the Thai nation is strong enough to see this thing through, but I do at times worry.

I have always been against Thaksin and followed his coming and goings since 2006, never once have I ever heard him say anything derogatory about royalty and if as YOU say it's fact why has this unelected government not made it public to the vast majority of truly loyal thai subjects, if they did or more to the point could they would and Thaksin would be dead in the water overnight, so unless you can prove your facts lets hear them please, theres enough unfactual evidence swilling around this post already.

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An idiotic, undignified, 'look at me' publicity stunt from banana-land people who should be sophisticated enough to know better

unfortunately the people they have to impress upon are morons and they can gain their full understanding and attention when money is put in front of the bs ideals.

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whomever posted that silly reward idea are shooting themselves in their collective feet.

Here's what it effectively does:

>>> it gives T added impetus for his "poor persecuted me" syndrome

>>> it gives him yet another blip to stay on the front news pages, which is what he wants.

T is fading, let him fade. Why do his enemies even want him to come back to Thailand? He'd be a greater thorn in the side of all those who are sick of him, if he was incarcerated or under house arrest here in Thailand. And it would garner more sympathy - which is about all he's got going for him now, as he's played out most of his other cards. His followers are down to seeds and stems.

The smartest thing his enemies can do is let the last echos of T's self-pitying speeches die away.

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Notice the STRONG PROPAGANDA element here? The protagonists have changed the focus in this article, from anti-GOVERNMENT - non elected government that is, to anti-MONARCHY! This is rather a leap of faith, don't you think? And clandestinely inciting civil war too! That's amazing stuff. There's clearly some very important & powerful people at work here, that may just be starting to get a little worried?



Edited by seri thai
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Assuming this "United Siam" is a private organisation, the issued statement and reward are also a slap in the face of the government en the juristic institutions. It clearly says this government is useless and we should do something ourselves. The risk of dodgy "entrepreneurship" is real. No matter what happens to Thaksin and whether he should be brought to trial or not, the government should quickly condemn initiatives like these and start acting responsibly and swiftly.

I agree wholeheartedly, and am more than a little disturbed at the way people seem to be missing the point that:

what this amounts to is a call to the public to kidnap a man from another country for a monetary reward offered and sanctioned by not the state of Thailand itself, but by a group of people at the highest levels of its government, military and business community acting on their own behalf, without the authority or the jurisdiction to do so.

If this strategy succeeds, it will have been wrong in every way and will only succeed in showing up the government for what it really is: a puppet for a long-established cabal of Thailand's elite.


Keep watching, you ain't seen nothing yet.

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Take a look at Newin's comments next time the Thai TV news is on.

Newins comments are breathtaking in their hypocrisy but not in the least surprising. He has rock-hopped from supporting Chart Thai to Thak Rak Thai and now to the Democrats. He holds no political ideals whatsoever unless they bring wealth and power.

Although most Thais are well aware of his ambitions and strategies I strongly suspect his star will shine brightly in the future. It's the nature of things here. Power garners face. Good face or bad face doesn't matter as long as it's a big face.

Therein lies the problem.

"Forget it Jake, It's Chinatown" :o

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I am going to Dubai this coming weekend. I'll have a look around the fancy hotels for Thaksin and see if he fancies cutting a deal to stop me carrying him home as extra baggage.

One million baht seems a bit stingy to me.

Might in fact come in handy for anyone managing to bag the b****rd and get the dosh into their bank account at least 3 months before they need to apply for a 1-year extension of stay. No need for a proof of income letter from their embassy + a magnificent profit of 200,000 THB as well!

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Notice the STRONG PROPAGANDA element here? The protagonists have changed the focus in this article, from anti-GOVERNMENT - non elected government that is, to anti-MONARCHY! This is rather a leap of faith, don't you think? And clandestinely inciting civil war too! That's amazing stuff. There's clearly some very important & powerful people at work here, that may just be starting to get a little worried?

What are you talking about "non-elected" government? As far as I know, this government is made up of a majority of the elected members of parliament. The government coalition has more MPs than the opposition. Therefore, they form the government. That's how a parliamentary system works. In what sense is this government unelected?

You think Thaksin calling for the people to "rise up" might not just be close to inciting a civil war? As for the anti-monarchy accusations, I think the red-shirt rabble may simply be a bit confused. General Prem, after all, is appointed by the King and seems to enjoy his full confidence. As head of the privy council, he represents the King. Perhaps the red-shirts (and Thaksin) need to be reminded of this?

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They, the PAD instigated a meeting, a happening at suvannabhum!

NO "seizure", NO closure!

that was done by the AOT - Airport Authority of Thailand!



You like that one... well at least it made you smile - proof that it was any other way?


but by a group of people at the highest levels of its government, military and business community acting on their own behalf, without the authority or the jurisdiction to do so.

If this strategy succeeds, it will have been wrong in every way and will only succeed in showing up the government for what it really is: a puppet for a long-established cabal of Thailand's elite.


How come YOU Do know that?

Isn't it just bland, Assumption?

Assumption is the Mother of all Errors!

Edited by Samuian
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? ............ As head of the privy council, he represents the King. Perhaps the red-shirts (and Thaksin) need to be reminded of this?

Agreed, Thaksins exposure of Prem as being implicated in the 2006 coup was a veiled comment regarding his (Prem's) boss, Thaksin hasn't the ba!!s to come out and state what's really playing on his little egotistical mind.

Edited by Artisi
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An idiotic, undignified, 'look at me' publicity stunt from banana-land people who should be sophisticated enough to know better

oh well here we go chew'n this ole rag again,,what fun

hey did i post this correctly etc?

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the only people that would really catch him and bring him back are people who are doing this not for the money but for the sake of the country.

Thaksin needs to stop this and accept he'll never get his money back, and Thais (red shirts) need to be made aware for what they are actually fighting.

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1 Million baht surely would not even cover the costs of such an operation. Plane tickets, transportation, intel. just in order locate him, and that's assuming you show up at his door and he's already packed and ready to go.

Not to mention those costs would all need to come out of the pocket of the bounty hunter (in the hope of being paid on successful completion)... they may as well have offered 10baht.

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Need some kind of urban Rambo for this .. Perhaps with some funding by the United Wa State Army we could team up John Rambo with Mick 'Crocodile' Dundee.. And possibly even that guy from Ong Bak could lend a hand or handle any tranlslation work.

just an idea..

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whomever posted that silly reward idea are shooting themselves in their collective feet.

Here's what it effectively does:

>>> it gives T added impetus for his "poor persecuted me" syndrome

>>> it gives him yet another blip to stay on the front news pages, which is what he wants.

T is fading, let him fade. Why do his enemies even want him to come back to Thailand? He'd be a greater thorn in the side of all those who are sick of him, if he was incarcerated or under house arrest here in Thailand. And it would garner more sympathy - which is about all he's got going for him now, as he's played out most of his other cards. His followers are down to seeds and stems.

The smartest thing his enemies can do is let the last echos of T's self-pitying speeches die away.

The best thought out post on this thread. Just two things get me puzzled and I don't pretend to know the answer.

1. The Thais are not stupid. So why do this. It appears like shooting in the feet but I don't think it can be. There is something else in this. Why are they not doing the obvious thing of letting his speeches die away? seems some people are very worried

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Notice the STRONG PROPAGANDA element here? The protagonists have changed the focus in this article, from anti-GOVERNMENT - non elected government that is, to anti-MONARCHY! This is rather a leap of faith, don't you think? And clandestinely inciting civil war too! That's amazing stuff. There's clearly some very important & powerful people at work here, that may just be starting to get a little worried?

What are you talking about "non-elected" government? As far as I know, this government is made up of a majority of the elected members of parliament. The government coalition has more MPs than the opposition. Therefore, they form the government. That's how a parliamentary system works. In what sense is this government unelected?

You think Thaksin calling for the people to "rise up" might not just be close to inciting a civil war? As for the anti-monarchy accusations, I think the red-shirt rabble may simply be a bit confused.

Of course your right in your statement that the present government was put in place by a coalition of other parties, the problem a lot of expats have is the way it was done, MPs changing sides, Generals pushing said MPs to go along with nominating Mark as PM, my own belief is that certain Generals have more say in running the country than some people realise.

Their coup in 2006 was hardly successful in running the country, simply as they didn't know how and they also knew that the country due to their inapt ways was about to go down the toilet, so they step back and allow the state of affairs that we now have, MPs changing parties is nothing new in politics it's the reasons behind it that matter and I would bet that there is more discussion on this site than in the rest of the Kingdom,

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Posts refering to the Royal Family have been edited or deleted. Please read the rules, especially the most important one.

No disrespect of the King of Thailand or The Thai Royal Family! Discussion of topics concerning the King or other current or deceased members of the Thai Royal Family is forbidden.

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They, the PAD instigated a meeting, a happening at suvannabhum!

NO "seizure", NO closure!

that was done by the AOT - Airport Authority of Thailand!



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Lite-Beer I have no problems with my posts being either edited or deleted if even no disrespect was shown to any person/persons but surely it would be fair to delete ANY post alluding to the taboo subject, please refer to my answer to the post in question, regular mentions of said topic. Thank you.

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i agree to yogi.

the one million baht is nothing compared to Taskin money. He can give the hunter 5 million to not get him.

my friend said she want to add 5,000 baht if it can end this situation.

I'm not supporting both red or yellow T-shirts.

but if he think he are not wrong, why doesn't he come back to face the court.

Because he's a COWARD !! :o "i'm afraid to come to Thai court because i'm sure they're not gonna treat me in a correct way.." -- Aaaaah ! What a joke !!! :D Was he the "fair" person during his ruling period ? He didn't have mercy with anybody... And now he's crying like a baby, pretending that he is an "angel" that never did and/or will do something wrong... Jeezes.... Give him the bullet and Thailand can continue breathing ! :D

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