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Trouble Sleeping Sometimes, Anything To Take?


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I have trouble sleeping sometimes. I never sleep 7-8 hours in a row but rather wake up around somewhere in the middle to take a piss and then sometimes I have trouble falling asleep again as my mind gets active really fast. I need that solid 7-8 hours. Can I take anything to assure I am knocked out good? I have never tried anything for sleeping purposes before because alot of people tell me I can get hooked and dependent on them to fall asleep in the future. That's a scary thought. Perhaps there is something mild & OTC to consider?

Edited by dudeyone
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I have trouble sleeping sometimes. I never sleep 7-8 hours in a row but rather wake up around somewhere in the middle to take a piss and then sometimes I have trouble falling asleep again as my mind gets active really fast. I need that solid 7-8 hours. Can I take anything to assure I am knocked out good? I have never tried anything for sleeping purposes before because alot of people tell me I can get hooked and dependent on them to fall asleep in the future. That's a scary thought. Perhaps there is something mild & OTC to consider?

Personally I have avoided medical solutions as I don't like the effect I see it having on those who use them. I do have a similar problem. Almost gone now, drinking less coffee, exercising more and drinking lots of water in the morning and less later on.

Every sympathy - It nearly ruined my enjoyment of life!

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I did not want to go down this path but my joints are aching and i had not slept in forever. The doc just gave me some amitriptyline 25mg, you probaly know it as elavil. Going to take one and see how it goes. Anybody have experience on this?

Edited by dudeyone
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So many reasons for sleepless nights,and often its the inability to switch off the mind,other causes can be tense muscles(taking a magnesium supplement can help)

Depending on your age(it can be age related)those that enter their 50's and older need less sleep too,and the pituary gland produces less seratonin(sleep hormone)

How about trying natural solutions first,things like not going to bed having drunk lots of alcohol or water.do not drink tea(black) or coffee after 6pm.try meditation to relax before going to sleep,read a book in bed,then when going to sleep try and empty the mind of thought,count numbers in your head and breath deeply,all good things to make you relax.

going down the path of sleep medication and finding the right sleeping pill for you can be trial and error.am not sure if sleeping pills become addictive but it can be easy to rely on them,if you do end up finding a good sleeping pill and take them regularly make sure to take a regular detox which will help maintain a healthy liver and kidney.

Valium(anti depressant) i would not use.xanax is prescribed for nervous tension and anxiety,and while giving you a good feeling of calmness(and it will give you a good nights sleep)can be addictive,and you will realise this when trying to ween yourself off it.hope this helps and good luck.Am no medic but have had and still do have similar problems and am currently trying a herbal remedy course.

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A regular walk in the evening, or a light work out, no tea or drinks containing caffeine, no action movies, no "heavy heart rendering" literature before bed - only going to bed when tired - don't stay in bed if you can't sleep!

Reading is good, breathing helps too...

stay away from chem.medication!

Maybe some Valeriana, Hops natural relaxants, sleepenhancers... as some one else wrote "6 Chang Beer' well, may be a glass or 2 of red will do the job.

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I have the same problem sometimes. Wake up after 5-6 hrs with a racing mind and no hope of falling asleep again. It can be a vicious, exhausting cycle.

If you think you are in bad shape now, wait until you try stopping valium or xanax after a month or two...100X worse for sure.

The lifestyle changes suggested here are all excellent ideas. No caffeine, no booze, no cigs, start exercising if possible, eat less processed foods, these are all things that will do you much more good than an addiction to pills.

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Valium and Xanax are controlled substances in Thailand and their OTC purchase is illegal.

There are some good reasons for that, many of them mentioned above.

The best OTC preparation for sleep is Atarax in the 25 mg stren gth, taking 50-75 mg (2-3 tabs). HOWEVER, although it has a giood dafety marguin for short term use its long term use has not been studied and is not a good dies. Plus it will \likely leave you groggy and dry-mouthe4d, so while it may be useful as a means of catching up on your sleep once in a while it is not a solkution to the underlying problem.

You do not mention your age but I gather the problem is not so much falling asleep as staying asleeop, which is a very common occurrence as people age and related to falling levels of melatonin. Simply taking melatonin may help reso,lve this, works for me. I take it in a sub-lingual (hence quick acting) form when I awaken too early. I do not find that taking iot at bedtime helps much as levels will still drop by early morning, but taken sub-lingually as soon as I awaken -- before even fully awake -- works pretty rapidly, and I then finish off a solid sleep.

Melatonin can be hard to find in Thailand though (google prior threads on the subject). I get the sub-lingual prep in the US.

Meditation also very helpful and once learned, meditation techniques camn be used to help you fall back asleep.

The other issue is that it is need to pee that is awakening you. Do you have prostate problems? If so, treating it may help. If not then simply drinking less fluids late in the day/evening may be enough for your bladder to leave you in peace till a decent hour of the morning.

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Another thought about the need for mid-night urination: If you cannot eliminate the need (see Shery's post above), then do you REALLY want to sleep through the night? If you drug yourself to sleep and need to urinate, will you wet the bed? (This is NOT a troll post. I'm serious.)

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Okay, I just woke up from 6-7 hours of sleep using the Amitriptyline I was talking about. I feel down, moody, don't feel like talking and semi-depressed. I think these meds are screwed. Needless to say, I flushed the rest down the toilet. I ain't touching these again.

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This is a timely thread for me. Normally, I take Ambien, but today I went for a refill from Bamrungrad and they were out so they gave me Rohypnol 1 mg instead. I haven't taken this yet, and after looking on the internet I see it is known as the date rape drug and has a horrible history to it.

Is Rhoypnol as dangerous as it looks to be?

Edited by Old Man River
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Okay, I just woke up from 6-7 hours of sleep using the Amitriptyline I was talking about. I feel down, moody, don't feel like talking and semi-depressed. I think these meds are screwed. Needless to say, I flushed the rest down the toilet. I ain't touching these again.

Strange, I thought it was an ANTI-depressant.

I use Trazedone 50 mg ifI need a good sleep - once or twice a month.

Xanax works well for me. Also valium or the best thing I have found is 6 large Chang. Works every time biggrin.gif
Nothing funny about all three of these drugs. IMO, heroin would be a safer option. The withdrawal is certainly easier.
Normally, I take Ambien,
Another dangerous drug, especially if you drive car in the morning.

As said before, natural remedies are the best in the longrun.

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Okay, I just woke up from 6-7 hours of sleep using the Amitriptyline I was talking about. I feel down, moody, don't feel like talking and semi-depressed. I think these meds are screwed. Needless to say, I flushed the rest down the toilet. I ain't touching these again.

Strange, I thought it was an ANTI-depressant.

I use Trazedone 50 mg ifI need a good sleep - once or twice a month.

Xanax works well for me. Also valium or the best thing I have found is 6 large Chang. Works every time biggrin.gif
Nothing funny about all three of these drugs. IMO, heroin would be a safer option. The withdrawal is certainly easier.
Normally, I take Ambien,
Another dangerous drug, especially if you drive car in the morning.

As said before, natural remedies are the best in the longrun.

I don't have to do the driving in the morning.

I know natural remedies are the best, but oh, so hard to do.

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Both zolpidem and rohypnol are category P2 drugs in Thailand, very strictly controlled and posession without prescription can land you in serioius trouble.

Neither is suitable for long-term use and both have their dangers but between them, zolpidem is far safer. Rohypnol is especially dangerous if combined at all with alcohol.

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Both zolpidem and rohypnol are category P2 drugs in Thailand, very strictly controlled and posession without prescription can land you in serioius trouble.

Neither is suitable for long-term use and both have their dangers but between them, zolpidem is far safer. Rohypnol is especially dangerous if combined at all with alcohol.

Given what has been happening in Bangkok, I am just now seeing this. Thanks for the heads up on Rohypnol. I was given it at Bamrungrad because they ran out of Zolpidem. However, given your comments, I will get rid of it.

Thanks again.

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You really should read Sheryl's posts carefully as they are 100% correct. I also am a big fan of Melatonin and have been using it for many many years and it works almost all the time. I can tell you that when I first started to take it it didnt work immediately. So stay on it for a week and you should be fine. Melatonin comes in many strengths...starting at 1 mg and going up to 6mg....I am on the 3mg and it works well for me. I was turned on to it years ago by a flight attendant and she told me the pilots also use it for sleep as they are always in different time zones and need their rest to be able to work.

All the other things mentioned on this thread will give you hangovers,are highly addictive and not recommended. I find them useful for long plane flights but nothing else. Good Luck!

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All the other things mentioned on this thread will give you hangovers,are highly addictive and not recommended. I find them useful for long plane flights but nothing else. Good Luck!

I doubt very much if you have tried everything suggested by others. If you have I'd be interested as to which category my suggestion fell into, how long you took it and whether you would agree that just because something didn't work for you, does not mean there is anything wrong with the suggestion. It could simply be that YOU reacted in a particular way.


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Stuff works great, no side effects, no hangover...just makes you sleepy.

The best way I've found to describe it's effects is to compare it to the feeling you get after a big meal....you just want to find someplace to take a nap.

The effects are subtle, which I believe is why some think it doesn't work.

Give it a try for a week or two, you'll be happy.

I take the 3mg tablets, and let them soften and dissolve under my tongue...they don't taste bad at all.....and work quickly....I start to feel sleepy in about 45 minutes.

Good luck

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I thought Ambien/zolpidem was the new. safe, non addictive sleeping drug.

A (off duty)doctor told me Rohypnol was best

My mother used Rohypnol since her 30ties.

When she was in her 70ties, the new docter refused to give it anymore.

She insisted however and finally he gave in. She is now 97 and tired of living.

But indeed, it is used in hospitals as a tranquilizer.

but maybe everyones body is not the same..

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I had difficulty sleeping in the Uk and went to the Chemist and was given a liquid form of Oats (Avena Sativa). It worked really well and I didn't get any ill effects.

I've never seen it here (not that I've really looked) but you may find it in Health food stores.

I had trouble sleeping here a few years back and went to a chemists and was given tranquilizers! Never took them but amazed they didn't have anything else.

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Have you tried lavender and Chamomile?

If you can get the aromatherapy oils and sprinkle a couple of drops under the pillow it can be very relaxing and helps you sleep.

Both were given to me as relaxants from a major hospital in the UK that has its own Aromatherapy dept.

Works very well. Is natural. No side effects. Not a 'quack' medicine either.


Chamomile tea drunk before going to bed adds to the effect too. Try it if you are at all wary of 'chemical' drugs.

Edited by G54
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Valium and Xanax are controlled substances in Thailand and their OTC purchase is illegal.

There are some good reasons for that, many of them mentioned above.

The best OTC preparation for sleep is Atarax in the 25 mg stren gth, taking 50-75 mg (2-3 tabs). HOWEVER, although it has a giood dafety marguin for short term use its long term use has not been studied and is not a good dies. Plus it will \likely leave you groggy and dry-mouthe4d, so while it may be useful as a means of catching up on your sleep once in a while it is not a solkution to the underlying problem.

You do not mention your age but I gather the problem is not so much falling asleep as staying asleeop, which is a very common occurrence as people age and related to falling levels of melatonin. Simply taking melatonin may help reso,lve this, works for me. I take it in a sub-lingual (hence quick acting) form when I awaken too early. I do not find that taking iot at bedtime helps much as levels will still drop by early morning, but taken sub-lingually as soon as I awaken -- before even fully awake -- works pretty rapidly, and I then finish off a solid sleep.

Melatonin can be hard to find in Thailand though (google prior threads on the subject). I get the sub-lingual prep in the US.

Meditation also very helpful and once learned, meditation techniques camn be used to help you fall back asleep.

The other issue is that it is need to pee that is awakening you. Do you have prostate problems? If so, treating it may help. If not then simply drinking less fluids late in the day/evening may be enough for your bladder to leave you in peace till a decent hour of the morning.

I agree with atarax, or piriton which is an antihistimine and mild tranquilizer which normally makes one drowsy short term. But beware, I know of one person that took antihistamines for a long period of time and developed allergies which he did not have before.

I've used Tryptanol, which is a non benzodiazipine anti-depreasent, again only for short term to help to get back in the swing of sleeping at the right times. I found that to be the best drug to use for sleeping.

Alcohol will get you off to sleep but the body will not rest well enough as it is working hard to deal with breaking down all the bad stuff. Also, obviously don't mix alcohol with any prescription narcotic drugs as it increases thier potency to about 30%.

Don't get into vallium diazepam, xanex or any drugs of the benzo family as they can be tricky to withdraw from and eventually create the symtoms that they are prescribed for - anxiety, panic attacks etc...As someone mentioned earlier barbituates are often harder to kick than Alcohol or Heroin if used heavily.

I find reading a book the best way to get off to sleep. If you do wake up in the night, sometimes it's better to get up and drink some warm milk or have a cigarette (if you smoke), read a little, rather than trying to fight getting back to sleep.

Good luck.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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Okay, I just woke up from 6-7 hours of sleep using the Amitriptyline I was talking about. I feel down, moody, don't feel like talking and semi-depressed. I think these meds are screwed. Needless to say, I flushed the rest down the toilet. I ain't touching these again.

Amitriptyline is an old-fashioned tricyclic anti-depressant. I don't ever remember it being used for sleep. If anything, if you are clinically depressed, chances are you will want to sleep a lot just on your own, though if you're refractory you may have difficulty in sleeping. Did your doc talk with you about your symptoms and the reason for prescribing it? I've found that the docs here don't treat patients the same as in the west - here it's doctor knows best, don't question. I've learned to flat out say that I'm a falang and am used to hearing everything - Everything - about my diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Some will respond, others won't. The other thing that bugs me here, as it did in the US and NZ, is that GPs should not be prescribing psychotropic meds. Psychopharmacology is an area best left to the specialists.

Best of luck with your sleep. I find that 3 mg of melatonin 1/2 hour before bed works a treat. I double that on longer flights, stops jet lag. But no, it won't make you more handsome, younger, richer, or increase your libido. :o

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Since the problem is inability to fall back asleep after awakening middle of the night/early AM, melatonin at bedtome may not help. But melatonin taken sublingually as soon as you awaken probably will.

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  • 3 months later...

I have the same problem, GABA seems to work best for me. At bed time I take a product for growth hormone release which has GABA in it, I will also take 1,000 to 2,000mg magnesium and a smal dose of melatonia. This will enduce a very deep sleep on occasion I will wake up to urinate but back to sleep.

The GABA seems to be the key. I have taken the melatonia and magnesium alone with some good result but the addition of GABA did the trick. You wake up alert, and rested.

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Stilnox is my drug of choice for this problem.

It comes in either 10mg or a slow release 12.5mg.

When I first use to take it I would get up in the middle of the nite and have a little cook up in & make a hel_l of a mess in the kitchen, in the morning I would up the gf for being such a sloath....& didnt believe her that it was me doing it until she got video footage :) ....blooooody camera.

I don't seem to do that anymore. I have read about guys taking the car for a drive in the middle of the nite on that stuff........but I havent tried that one yet.

I can normally get about 6 hours sleep on it & you don't feel groggy in the morning.

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  • 3 months later...

I use drammamine. Works great and when I wake up early, as I almost always do, I can go back to sleep easily. I have used Atavan in the past, but NO more. Ambien CR is pretty good, but I can still wake up early. I get up a little groggy with Drammamine, but it wears off quickly.

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