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A Terrifying Experience With Ladyboys


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That's why this post should be in the gay bisexual forum because in the expat community is packed full of homophobic nutters who absolutely hate ladyboys and all the camp Thai men that force them to think about their own sexuality. I see them all the time bristling with hate and feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed around flirty gays and ladyboys. Really my post should have remained in the gay forum.

People like me are just beyond the pale to hate mongers like that, gay people might not want me to call myself gay or bisexual but at least they don't think that having a different sexuality makes you lowlife scum who is the cause of HIV and should probably be wiped out in some kind of death camp.

PeaceBlondie, you moved my post here and I think it was the wrong move but as a moderator can't you get the hate posts removed or toned down?

PS: I never said I lived in a town with NO girlybars, your assertion that I did and it proves I'm lying is just absurd. Anyone can read back and see that it's you who is telling the porky pies.

Edited by mrbp
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Sorry, Mrbp, this thread should be closed because it is against forum rules.

It is also the silliest thread I have seen in my long tenure on TV.

If you don't have the answers you are looking for after five pages of posts, it is unlikely anybody will be able to answer you.

This thing needs to get a decent burial.

Oh, by the way, this is the first time I have ever advocated closing a thread since 11/26/02, when I joined this illustrious society. It is not something I do lightly.

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"A nice songkran story"

Don't remind me, Ive got a big day tomorrow waterfighting with my friends from home and my girlfriend in the area where these nutters ply their trade.

Also avoiding that area is tough as it's a town not a city. What a fuc_k up. Before you all chastise me...I know, I know. I'm an idiot who should know better.

Maybe grow some facial hair and bleach your hair.Tell your girl some bullshit about a new style :o

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Sorry, Mrbp, this thread should be closed because it is against forum rules.

It is also the silliest thread I have seen in my long tenure on TV.

If you don't have the answers you are looking for after five pages of posts, it is unlikely anybody will be able to answer you.

This thing needs to get a decent burial.

Oh, by the way, this is the first time I have ever advocated closing a thread since 11/26/02, when I joined this illustrious society. It is not something I do lightly.

Why is it silly?

If it didn't involve ladyboys would you be so anti this thread. Or is it that it has something to do with sex and crime. Do you object to threads concerning crime and the sex industry because of some puritanical impulse or is it just a bad reaction to the ladyboy element.

I'm struggling to understand the impulse on these forums to poo poo any thread that involves farangs getting in to trouble in Thailand.

Things like this are a reality in Thailand and It's silly to pretend that they are not. I have seen threads on this and other Thai forums about straight guys getting into to scary situations with the police and scammers and apart from the homophobic abuse I have recieved the trend is almost identical to this thread.

First the OP is accused of lying and pompous know it all expats try to pick away at the story to discredit the poster. Then someone always says that the thread is just a silly thread and that it should be closed or removed.

Is there a consensus on these forums that any post regarding sex, crime or scary police is to be culled because it takes away the mirage that life as an expat is all sweetness and light?

Is it just bad form and I have broken the unwritten rule that we just don't talk about such matters. It's just not cricket dear boy.

Keep the darker side of Thailand safely tucked away.

We all know it exists but we mustn't talk about it. Keep up apearances and deny that things like these happen. If someone has the indescretion to start jabbering about such sordid things then deny and denounce or just say that it's silly and it will go away.

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Same experences? You ask.

Not refering to your paying problems. I check that out before.

But, I also want sometime a katoy, for a shorttime, very ladylike, small frame, feminine, nothing maskuline.

Tried pre and post operated and prefer to have something different, so pre is my choice.

And usualy I have relationships with females.

Good luck

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Very sorry to hear about your situation.

I have a colleague who is attracted to LB's as well. He absolutely refuses to talk about it, or admit it, but has been seen on numerous occasions rather late at night seeking out the company of these ladies. His 'girlfriend' certainly appears to be one--no idea if pre or post op.

A lot of people will moralize and preach about things, but you will have to find your identity and your way. Be very careful about who you hurt on that journey.

Best of luck to you.

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Very sorry to hear about your situation.

I have a colleague who is attracted to LB's as well. He absolutely refuses to talk about it, or admit it, but has been seen on numerous occasions rather late at night seeking out the company of these ladies. His 'girlfriend' certainly appears to be one--no idea if pre or post op.

A lot of people will moralize and preach about things, but you will have to find your identity and your way. Be very careful about who you hurt on that journey.

Best of luck to you.

A guy down my local Pattaya bar went with a couple of ladyboys, but they used that 'date-rape' drug on him and left him in his room with his valuables missing.

The worrying thing was his anus/rectum area was sore when he woke up, so he got it checked out at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, where a proctologist confirmed that he had been violated and internal swabs were taken. The Doctor was French and described his colo-rectal internal state as resembling a 'Chicken Kiev'.

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Once I witnessed a very tough fight between LB and the BiB. Some kind of Predator vs. Alien style.

Lot of these LB can be quite dangerous. Ask some Thai people about that...

Man, you had good luck!

Edited by webfact
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Cheers Colino. That's what I need to hear. I'm just off to the shops and I'm wearing a big hat. A big hat pulled low is the way forward. :D

Mate well done!

That kind of experience would be awefull.

I think you did well. Just lay low for a while, I don't think they will follow it up.

BTW...was it worth it? :o

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That`s pretty disturbing info there god bless those who want to take a walk on the "wild side" not for me.

A guy down my local Pattaya bar went with a couple of ladyboys, but they used that 'date-rape' drug on him and left him in his room with his valuables missing.

The worrying thing was his anus/rectum area was sore when he woke up, so he got it checked out at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, where a proctologist confirmed that he had been violated and internal swabs were taken. The Doctor was French and described his colo-rectal internal state as resembling a 'Chicken Kiev'.

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Now our beloved OP has posted ALMOST SIMILAR story to Stickmans website. Except that this time he comes from SMALL Thai town. Maybe more credible?

Any doubts that he is a liar guys? :o


A year ago I moved to Thailand and set up a new life in a Thai town away from all the tourists and seedy bars. I teach in a school and have a lovely girlfriend.

He also changed the original claim that there were seedy places available. Again to gain more credibility. Nice touch!

Edited by onni4me
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Now our beloved OP has posted ALMOST SIMILAR story to Stickmans website. Except that this time he comes from SMALL Thai town. Maybe more credible?

Any doubts that he is a liar guys? :o


A year ago I moved to Thailand and set up a new life in a Thai town away from all the tourists and seedy bars. I teach in a school and have a lovely girlfriend.

He also changed the original claim that there were seedy places available. Again to gain more credibility. Nice touch!

Many people contribute to more than just one forum.

Your "SMALL" Thai town is as much of a lie as anything the op may have posted - he never uses the adjective "SMALL", just "A" Thai town. Again "away from... [the] seedy bars" fits in with his statement in this thread that they are a 20 min drive away, he sure isn't living slap bang in the middle of the red light district.

Nothing you have posted justifies your claims that this man is a liar, you just seem to have some personal dislike of him IMHO. You do yourself no favours by your endless vendetta against someone who may, or may not, be telling the truth.

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you would have to be gay to go with a lady boy ...its ok to see them in a dress but when that gstring comes off and out comes a cock bigger than your own ...your fuc_ked ........did you ever see the movie the crying game -ha ha ...... :o

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you would have to be gay to go with a lady boy ...its ok to see them in a dress but when that gstring comes off and out comes a cock bigger than your own ...your fuc_ked ........did you ever see the movie the crying game -ha ha ...... :o

No problem with me dominating until now. But could happen and than, I am f....d? No better not, that hurts, sure! :D

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PS: Why on all of the Thailand forums is it so common for people to be accused of lying?

I was not accusing but made clear that there were too many aspects that did not simply make sense. So, if you like to impress me, ypou could concentrate making points clear, like what LARGE city you live in where are NO red light district etc. I think a large city is enough spacious to remain anonymous.

And what comes to attitudes etc. I have fought with my own sexuality enough long to detest lies and deception and pretending to be something that one is not. It is a common mistake that criticism is seen as not approving ones views. I have seen very few that are that narrow-minded.

So, if one is fragile and just accepts positive views, one should not post on this forum. After all, you have a GF and you look quite strange liaisons outside that. Not something that fully makes me feel that you are someone to trust 100%. We all are accountable for our actions. Unfortunately so.

In his defence I'll say in most provincial cities (most would be considered large towns back home) the gossip machine moves very well at circulating things. This, I think, is to do with that not many are large enough to be fully concealed in. It also could be to do with the farming/rural community is at the city's edge in most cases and this seems to engender a communal mentality further.

When a white man is in town cause every chick who is eligible starts talking to each other. You stand out.

I was in kareoke with the jaded booze expats shooting the breeze. One of them turned to me and said.

"Jim, you're alright at the moment, you've not committed to sleeping with a night lady in this city. You're an unknown entity and can move about freely But as soon as you do you'll find it hard to move unnoticed with other women as they all get talking with each other."

The jungle drums are ringing out from the moment you ride in to the moment you ride out. :o

Edited by JimsKnight
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I think this was a disturbing story on so many levels!

But I would like to say to all you bi ladyboy lovers or what ever you like to call yourself:


It is because of guys like you that heterosexual HIV even exists. And I am not saying that to flame it is just a fact.

Don't go giving your girlfriends diseases that they can pass on to others!


Or someone was consuming a monkey raw (or not properly cooked) and the monkey blood entered the body.

Blood is the big killer-transfer. And Ass banging is the key it uses to buzz back and forth.

OP if your missus hasn't found out within a month I'd quit worrying.

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I think this was a disturbing story on so many levels!

But I would like to say to all you bi ladyboy lovers or what ever you like to call yourself:


It is because of guys like you that heterosexual HIV even exists. And I am not saying that to flame it is just a fact.

Don't go giving your girlfriends diseases that they can pass on to others!


Or someone was consuming a monkey raw (or not properly cooked) and the monkey blood entered the body.

Blood is the big killer-transfer. And Ass banging is the key it uses to buzz back and forth.

OP if your missus hasn't found out within a month I'd quit worrying.

:o fuc_kin sounds gross..........sickos

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Now our beloved OP has posted ALMOST SIMILAR story to Stickmans website.

I don't know what's more embarassing, admitting you read sticky's columns or the OP's story :D:D


Well, as one of you said I am the Vendetta Man and now one with lost reputation. I find Stick's website (particularly reader's submissions) quite hilarious, actually.

How do you know that website exists? :o

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I'm a closeted bisexual man with a serious secret attraction to transsexuals and transvestites. I have a girlfriend but sometimes my bisexual urges are too much and I go to find a ladyboy. I live away from the girly bars and red light districts in a large Thai town.

Recently I was walking the back streets near my house and found a mansion block with lots of ladyboys sitting outside. Today my urges got the better of me and I went up there but it was deserted so I sat down on a bench hoping for one of them to appear from a door.

Sure enough a door opened and two ladyboys invited me in. I asked them how much and they said "up to you"

I said I wanted a pre op. Only one of them was pre op so I got it on with her and her friend joined in.

When we had finished I was getting dressed and they started telling me to hurry up because her dad was a policeman and was on his way around. I realised that this was a bad turn as they were obviously trying to intimidate me.

So I paid them 1000baht each and they hit the roof.

They said 5000 each, ten thousand or they would get her dad to put me in the monkeyhouse. I told them I didn't have any more and tried to open the door but they had locked me in and started making phone calls. I said I would go to the bank and they only unlocked the door when I gave them my driving licence.

They grabbed me like a they were making a citizens arrest and marched me to their car. I broke free and they chased me and started to punch me so I got in the car. They drove me through town threatening me and telling me not to fuc_k with them. I knew I only had 2000baht in the bank and I called their bluff and said take me to the police and they went mental and started beating me.

Punching me and hitting me with an umbrella. I almost retaliated but I knew it would land me in deeper shit if I hurt a Thai person so I jumped out of the moving car and ran into a restaurant and asked them to call the police.

The police were very good and said just give them what you can, so I gave them 1000baht and they left me alone but my fear is that they will see me with my girlfriend or friends and 'out' me. I have a relationship, a teaching job and a life here but I'm seriously thinking about moving.

Has anyone else had an experience like this? I know I was stupid, I just wasn't thinking. Any advice?

'loong' has some good advice. I'd like to add a little to that. If you can't speak Thai very well,get someone who can and you can trust. Go and see the policeman and thank him with a bottle of Balck Label, the tell him to sort the problem out for you and if he does, you'll give him 3,000....done deal. You can stay and not have to hide. Hopefully.

Or, as another poster said. COme to bangers and get all the cock you need but, not on your own doorstep.

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